Section 1.1 Exercises


Refer to Example 1 for Exercises 1 and 2.

Question 1.1

1. Between which two years was there the largest drop in the murder rate?


1994 and 1995

Question 1.2

2. Does the murder rate always go down year by year?

Refer to Example 2 for Exercises 3–6.

Question 1.3

3. Estimate the following for the state of California.

  1. State population
  2. UFO sightings


(a) About 36,000,000 (b) About 7600

Question 1.4

4. Estimate the following for the state of Texas.

  1. State population
  2. UFO sightings

Question 1.5

5. For a given population size, the expected number of UFO sightings falls on the regression line. For the state of California, what is the expected number of UFO sightings? (Hint: It's at the point on the line directly below the dot for California.)


About 5400

Question 1.6

6. For the state of Texas, what is the expected number of UFO sightings?

Refer to Example 3 for Exercises 7 and 8.

Question 1.7

7. Which wildfire is the largest? The smallest?


Eiler, Junction

Question 1.8

8. Which wildfire is the most contained? The least contained?