
The main rule to follow regarding women and font is to keep it skinny. In other words, use fonts that reinforce the work women should be doing to their bodies and the sorts of non-physical labor they perform in general. NEVER emphasize shape or curves as these suggest differences in body types.

The figure below shows appropriate font choices. Notice how the font mimics her body. The widest and most delicate font you should ever use is Arial Narrow.

Arial Narrow Font
Slim Woman
Abadi Condensed Font
Futura Font


The main rule to follow regarding men and font is to keep it thick. In other words, use fonts that reinforce the work men should be doing with their bodies and the sorts of physical labor they are capable of handling in general. CHOOSE fonts with width and weight that look like they can endure heavy lifting and that emphasize men can be lithe or athletic or muscular. NEVER use fonts that suggest fragility.

The figure below shows appropriate font choices. Notice how the font mimics his body. The slimmest and least robust font you should use is Poplar Std.

    Gill Sans Ultra Bold Font
Robust Man
Impact Font
Poplar Std. Font