3.2 Atmospheric Humidity

Distinguish between the different ways of expressing atmospheric humidity and explain how each works.

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. Only water vapor contributes to humidity. Condensation and precipitation lower humidity because they remove water vapor from the atmosphere.


The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.

As we have seen, evaporation from the oceans accounts for most of the water vapor in the atmosphere. The most humid air is found in the tropics near warm oceans, where evaporation rates are high (Figure 3.8). In tropical rainforests, however, most of the humidity comes from transpiration by plants, not evaporation. Together, evaporation and transpiration create a single process of moving water to the atmosphere, called evapotranspiration.

Global pattern of humidity. This map shows the average water vapor content of the atmosphere for 2009, in weight of water (in kg) for a 1 m2 column of air extending from Earth’s surface to the top of the atmosphere. The tropics are most humid. Polar regions and deserts, such as the Sahara, have the lowest humidity.
(ESA DUE GlobVapour)


The combined processes of evaporation and transpiration.

Hygrometers of several types are used to measure humidity. Sling psychrometers, for example, are large, hand-held instruments that measure humidity using thermometers. Human hair is also used to measure humidity. Humidity changes the length of a hair, and its length can be calibrated to give a precise humidity value. Electronic sensors measure humidity by measuring electrical conductivity across a metal plate. They are used in radiosondes (weather balloons) because they are small, light, and can track rapid changes in humidity. Radiosondes transmit these data in real time to a ground-based receiving station. Finally, satellites remotely sense humidity in the atmosphere from high above Earth. They have the advantage of providing continuous and hemispheric coverage.


An instrument used to measure humidity.

The Heat-Index Temperature

As the saying goes, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” Heat waves are usually associated only with high temperatures, but high humidity also plays an important role in the effects of heat waves on people. As we saw in Section 2.2, the heat-index temperature is the temperature perceived by people as a result of atmospheric humidity coupled with air temperature (see also Appendix 5). When sweat evaporates from our bodies, it carries body heat away and provides cooling relief. High atmospheric humidity slows evaporation, sometimes causing our bodies to overheat.

Heat waves are the number one meteorological killer in the United States: Each year, about 400 people lose their lives because of heat waves. When a heat wave gripped the Chicago and Milwaukee areas in 1995, over 750 people died. In August 2003, as many as 70,000 people died in Europe as a result of exceptionally high heat-index temperatures there. In France nearly 15,000 people died as heat-index temperatures reached as high as 41°C (104°F). Again in 2010 and 2012, record-setting heat gripped the United States and Europe. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, heat waves caused by high temperatures and high humidity may become more frequent as the average temperature of the atmosphere continues to rise (see Section 6.4).

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The Many Names for Humidity

Many different units of measure are used to express humidity. All measures of humidity gauge how much water vapor is in the air. Here we will examine four of these measures: vapor pressure, specific humidity, relative humidity, and the dew point.

Vapor Pressure

Vapor pressure expresses the water vapor content of air by the amount of pressure it creates. Vapor pressure is the portion of air pressure exerted exclusively by molecules of water vapor.

vapor pressure

The portion of air pressure exerted exclusively by molecules of water vapor.

In Section 1.2, we learned that the weight of the atmosphere exerts 1 kg of pressure on every square centimeter (1 kg/cm2 or 14.7 lb/in2) of all objects at sea level. A millibar (mb) is a measure of atmospheric pressure that is conceptually identical to kilograms per square centimeter. Both units refer to the force exerted by air molecules as they push against a surface. Millibars are commonly used by meteorologists and other scientists because they are finer units that can express small changes in atmospheric pressure. (A hectopascal or hPa is the metric equivalent of a millibar.)

millibar (mb)

A measure of atmospheric pressure; average sea level pressure is 1013.25 mb.

The average weight of the atmosphere at sea level exerts 1013.25 mb of pressure, and a portion of this pressure is caused by molecules of water vapor. Imagine stuffing a water bottle into a backpack already filled with books. The extra “pressure” exerted by the water bottle in addition to the pressure exerted by the books and other items in the backpack would be equivalent to vapor pressure.

Evaporation and condensation occur continuously throughout the atmosphere, but net condensation occurs only when air is saturated. The vapor pressure at which saturation occurs, called the saturation vapor pressure, varies with air temperature. As shown in Figure 3.9, for every 10°C increase in air temperature, saturation vapor pressure approximately doubles. In other words, as air temperature increases, more water vapor must be added for saturation to occur.

Saturation vapor pressure varies with air temperature. The blue line shows how much water vapor must be in the air at a given temperature for saturation to occur. As the temperature increases, more water vapor must be added for saturation to occur. For example, at 10°C, the saturation vapor pressure is about 12 mb (point A), and at 20°C, the saturation vapor pressure is 24 mb (point B).

saturation vapor pressure

The vapor pressure at which saturation occurs.

Specific Humidity

Another measure of humidity evaluates the water vapor content of an air sample by mass. Specific humidity is the water vapor content of the atmosphere, expressed in grams of water per kilogram of air (g/kg):

specific humidity

The water vapor content of the atmosphere, expressed in grams of water per kilogram of air (g/kg).

If, for example, there are 10 g of water vapor in a kilogram of air, then the specific humidity is 10 g/kg. Specific humidity changes only when water vapor is added to or removed from the atmosphere. Condensation lowers specific humidity, and evaporation raises it.

Relative Humidity

Relative humidity is a common way of expressing humidity that you may already be familiar with. Relative humidity (RH) is defined as the ratio of water vapor content to water vapor capacity, expressed as a percentage.

relative humidity (RH)

The ratio of water vapor content to water vapor capacity, expressed as a percentage.

Temperature and relative humidity are inversely related (they change in opposite directions). Warm air has a greater water vapor capacity than cold air. Therefore, if the air temperature rises, the water vapor capacity of the air also rises. In terms of its water vapor capacity, the air will have proportionally less water vapor as the temperature increases (as long as no water vapor is evaporated into the air so the level of water vapor remains constant). It may sound right to say that warm air can “hold” more water vapor than cold air—but the air is not “holding” water vapor because water vapor is the air. Instead, it is more accurate to say that warm air has a higher water vapor capacity.

If the temperature of air is lowered, the water vapor capacity of the air decreases. As cooling continues, the air will eventually become saturated. When air is saturated, the relative humidity is 100%. When the relative humidity is 100%, clouds and precipitation may form. Figure 3.10 summarizes the general relationship between temperature and relative humidity graphically.

Relative humidity and temperature. (A) Changes in relative humidity are caused mostly by temperature changes in the atmosphere. This example illustrates how relative humidity changes from late afternoon to early morning. (B) Relative humidity is highest just as the Sun rises in the morning, when the air temperature is lowest. Note that in this example the water vapor content of the air is not changing. Only the air’s capacity for water vapor is changing.
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The following examples use water vapor content (expressed as vapor pressure) to illustrate quantitatively how relative humidity changes. First, we can express relative humidity using this formula:

We will apply this relative humidity formula to an air parcel, defined as a body of air with uniform humidity and temperature.

air parcel

A body of air of uniform humidity and temperature.

Imagine a parcel of air at 30°C with a vapor pressure of 22 mb. At this temperature, the saturation vapor pressure is 42 mb (refer back to Figure 3.9). With these numbers, we can calculate the relative humidity (RH) of the air parcel:

If we lower the temperature of the air parcel to 25°C, the relative humidity will increase:

Notice that the 22 mb vapor pressure in the air parcel did not change because we did not add or remove water vapor from the atmosphere. Only the air temperature changed. Crunch the Numbers further explores how temperature changes the relative humidity of air.

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Calculating Humidity

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Calculating Humidity

Read the description of relative humidity above and use it as a guide as you work through these problems. Assume that vapor pressure does not change.

  1. Calculate the relative humidity for a 20°C air parcel with a vapor pressure of 10 mb. (Hint: First use Figure 3.9 to find the saturation vapor pressure for 20°C air.)

  2. Calculate the new relative humidity for that same parcel of air when the temperature rises to 30°C.

  3. If the air temperature were lowered to 9°C, what would the new relative humidity be?

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Polar air often has high relative humidity because it is cold. Warm tropical air also has high relative humidity because immense amounts of water are evaporated from warm tropical oceans. The high vapor pressure of tropical air creates high relative humidity even when the temperature is high, as shown in Figure 3.11.

Relative humidity and latitude. High relative humidity does not necessarily indicate humid air. It indicates, instead, how close to saturation the air is. Even very dry but very cold air can have high relative humidity.

Changes in vapor pressure also affect relative humidity. Increases in evaporation resulting in increases in relative humidity happen in many different atmospheric situations outside of the tropics as well. The two examples in Picture This show how air can become saturated by raising the vapor pressure.

Picture This

Saturation by Raising Vapor Pressure

Relative humidity can be increased to 100% by a rise in the vapor pressure so that it equals the saturation vapor pressure. This happens more readily when the air is cold and has a low saturation vapor pressure. Remember, water vapor is invisible. The “steam” (condensation) seen in the photos above is a cloud composed of liquid cloud droplets.

Consider This

  1. Question 3.2

    Would evaporation fog continue to form if the water temperature of the stream decreased? Explain.

  2. Question 3.3

    Could the cloud over the athlete’s head have formed if the air were warm? Explain.

Question 3.4

Why does water form on the outside of a glass containing a cold drink?

The cold drink has lowered the air temperature near the container’s surface to the dew point, resulting in condensation.

The Dew Point

Have you ever wondered why the outside of a container of an ice-cold beverage becomes wet? The water on the outside of the container is condensate (or dew), which forms because the cold liquid lowers the temperature of the air surrounding the container to the dew point (or dew-point temperature): the temperature at which air becomes saturated (Figure 3.12).

Condensation and frost. (A) The cold water in this glass lowered the air temperature around the glass to the dew point. Consequently, liquid water condensed out of the air as a thin film of saturated air formed on the surface of the glass. (B) When the dew point is at or below freezing, deposition forms crystals of ice called hoarfrost or frost. These needles of frost accumulated on hawthorn berries in Bearsden, Scotland. They are about 1 cm (0.5 in) in length and formed in temperatures of about5°C (23°F).
(A. Bruce Gervais; B. © By Ian Miles-Flashpoint Pictures/Alamy)

dew point

(or dew-point temperature) The temperature at which air becomes saturated.

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The air parcel we considered became saturated when its temperature was lowered to 19°C. For that parcel of air, therefore, the dew point was 19°C. The dew point is a reliable indicator of humidity because in unsaturated air, the dew point does not change as air temperature changes.

Dry air has a low dew point, and humid air has a high dew point. Once dew points are above about 20°C (70°F), the humidity becomes uncomfortable for people. Figure 3.13 shows the geographic pattern of humidity in the United States using dew points.

North American dew points. This map shows lines of equal dew point in degrees Fahrenheit for May 1, 2013. It represents a common pattern of dew points for the United States and southern Canada for much of the year. The highest dew points are usually in the southeastern United States. The western interior states and provinces have lower dew points because the air is much drier.