8.2 Low-Latitude Biomes

Describe the major characteristics of low-latitude biomes and human impacts in each.

Low-latitude biomes are found almost entirely between 30 degrees north and south latitude. Excluding mountainous regions, low-latitude biomes lack any significant cold period. There are three low-latitude biomes: tropical rainforest, tropical seasonal forest, and tropical savanna.

Tropical Rainforest

The tropical rainforest biome, found in the humid lowland tropics, has the highest primary productivity, the highest biomass, and the highest bio-diversity of any biome (Figure 8.4). It occupies some 13% of Earth’s land surface and accounts for about 40% of the world’s biodiversity. A great variety of organisms in many different groups, including insects, birds, mammals, and amphibians, live in this biome. Worldwide, for example, there are about 250 species of primates, such as humans, gorillas, lemurs, and monkeys. All primates are mammals, and all have nails instead of claws, flexible hands and feet, good eyesight, and high intelligence. With the exception of humans, all primates live in tropical or subtropical areas. Most of them live in the tropical rainforests.

tropical rainforest

A forest biome in the humid lowland tropics; characterized by a multilayered forest structure and high biodiversity.

Tropical rainforest. (A) Tropical rainforest near Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia. Lianas are seen here growing up the trunks of tall trees to reach the light above. (B) Climate diagram for Sandakan. Tropical rainforests are found where the average annual temperature does not drop below 18°C (64°F) and an average of at least 250 cm (98 in) of precipitation falls each year. (C) Although tropical rainforest can occur within about 25 degrees north and south of the equator, this biome is found mainly within 10 degrees of the equator. About half of all tropical rainforest is found in the Amazon Basin in South America.
(A. © Mattias Klum/National Geographic/Getty Images)

In the tropical rainforest biome, water is available in every month, and competition for light is a major limiting factor. As a result, the tropical rainforest biome develops a complex vertical structure. Its vegetation consists of multiple layers of broad-leaved evergreen plants (Figure 8.5). The topmost layer, called the emergent layer, consists of trees that protrude above the canopy. The shaded forest floor may receive as little as 1% of the sunlight that the canopy and emergent layers do. As a result, the forest floor is dark and damp. Fungi (mushrooms and molds) are common, and they rapidly decompose and recycle fallen plant material and dead organisms.

Tropical rainforest structure. Four layers of vegetation can be identified in many tropical rainforests: the emergent layer, the canopy, the understory, and the forest floor.

The strong vertical structure of the rainforest biome is driven by competition among the plants to reach sunlight. Many tropical rainforest trees have buttress roots to support tall growth to reach the light (Figure 8.6A). Lianas, which are woody climbing vines, are well adapted to tropical rainforest habitat. They grow quickly up trees to reach light in the canopy (see Figure 8.4A). Lianas also provide routes of travel for arboreal (tree-dwelling) animals such as monkeys. Epiphytes are plants that grow on the surfaces of other plants for access to light but do not take nutrients from those plants (Figure 8.6B).

Plant adaptations to reach light. (A) Buttress roots in Gunung Mulu National Park, Borneo, Sarawak, Malaysia. These roots keep tall and top-heavy tropical rainforest trees from falling over. (B) Epiphytes growing on trees in Rio Frio, Cano Negro Nature Reserve, Costa Rica. Epiphytes have no contact with the ground. They derive all their nutrients and water from rainwater that collects in their leaves and in the crooks of the tree limbs.
(A. Anders Blomqvist/Lonely Planet Images/Getty Images; B. © Oliver Gerhard/Imagebroker RF Getty Images)


A woody climbing vine.


A plant that grows on the surface of another plant but does not take nutrients from that plant.

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The “crowded jungle” perception of the tropical rainforest is misleading. A walk through the shaded floor of a healthy tropical rainforest would be clear and unobstructed by plants in many places. Crowded plant growth occurs only where there are high light levels, such as in the canopy above, in light gaps created where large trees have fallen, or along stream banks.

Mutualism (see Section 7.2) between plants and animals is common in the tropical rainforest biome. At midlatitudes, many plants rely on the persistent westerlies (see Section 4.3) to disperse their pollen, seeds, and fruits. In contrast, equatorial tropical rainforests are dominated by the windless doldrums. Instead of the wind, bats, birds, fish, and mammals pollinate flowers and disperse seeds and fruit. Many tropical plants produce nutritious and brightly colored fruits and seeds to attract animal dispersers. In some tropical rainforests, up to 90% of plant species are pollinated by animals.

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Picture This

(© Sanna Saunaluoma)

Lost Cities of the Amazon

More than 200 mysterious trench systems in the ground, called geoglyphs, have been found in recent years throughout the Amazon rainforest as trees have been cleared away. Many more are likely to be discovered as deforestation continues. The geoglyphs were built some 2,000 years ago, but it is not clear why they were built. They indicate that large permanent settlements, or “lost cities,” may have once existed in the rainforest.

Question 8.1

What are the “lost cities” of the Amazon?

The remains of trench systems and modified soils indicate that portions of the Amazon rainforest may have supported large human populations about 2,000 years ago.

Amazon rainforest soils are typically nutrient-poor and reddish in color (see Section 9.1). In the lost cities, the soil, called terra preta, or “black earth,” is uncharacteristically rich with organic matter and dark in color. The inhabitants of these ancient settlements built up the soil with charcoal, their own waste, animal bones, and food scraps. These modifications would have made the soil more suitable for growing crops to feed large populations. Most scientists in the past had assumed that there were few permanent human settlements in the Amazon. Based on these archaeological sites, some scientists now estimate that populations in the Amazon could have been as high as 10 million.

Consider This

  1. Question 8.2

    Is terra preta an anthropogenic soil? Explain.

  2. Question 8.3

    Do people modify soils today? If so, how?

Where there is volcanic activity, such as throughout Indonesia, tropical rainforest soils are young and nutrient-rich because they are continually replenished by volcanic ash. However, most tropical rainforest soils (called oxisols, see Section 9.1) are poor in nutrients. Soil weathering (chemical disintegration) in the warm, humid climate and leaching by heavy rainfall move nutrients deep into the soil out of the reach of plant roots. Decaying organic material is quickly taken up by the shallow root systems of the forest vegetation, rather than entering the soils.

Soils in the Amazon rainforest are particularly nutrient-poor due to leaching. People living in the Amazon long ago modified the soils to support farming. Those modified soils are still being discovered today, as Picture This above discusses.

Human Footprint

Natural resources are like large bank accounts: Spend all the money in one shopping spree, and it disappears. Carefully manage it, live off the interest, and it can last generations. The same is true of rainforests and other natural resources. Currently, undisturbed tropical rainforest is quickly being lost through deforestation. Figure 8.7 shows the typical sequence of events that cause deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. The important issue of habitat loss and fragmentation is further explored in the Geographic Perspectives at the end of this chapter.

GEO-GRAPHIC: Economic development of the Amazon. Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest often follows the sequence outlined here. Increasingly, the slash-and-burn step is being skipped, as commercial logging is followed directly by commercial-scale cattle ranching and agriculture. Between 2000 and 2006, an average of approximately 21,000 km2 (8,100 mi2) of Brazilian rainforest was lost each year.
(1. © Stuart Wilson/Photo Researchers RM/Getty Images; 2. © Colin Jones/Impact/HIP/The Image Works; 3. © Guido van der Werf, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam)

Each geographic region has unique factors that drive rainforest loss. While hardwood logging, cattle ranching, and soybean and sugarcane cultivation are driving rainforest loss in the Amazon, Indonesia is losing its rainforests to the production of palm oil. Picture This explores the Indonesian palm oil industry as a force of deforestation.

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Orangutans and Palm Oil

Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus and Pongo abelii) are among the most intelligent land animals, and they are one of the closest living relatives of humans. Their name comes from the Malay words orang hutan, which mean “man of the forest.” They live only in the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo. They have lost over 80% of their original habitat, and their populations have been halved in the last few decades, dropping to about 60,000 individuals. If the current rates of deforestation continue, most scientists believe orangutans will be extinct in the wild within two decades.

Question 8.4

How can using biofuels harm Indonesia’s orangutans?

Orangutan rainforest habitat is cleared to make way for palm-oil plantations used to make biofuels.

A new and powerful driver of deforestation and habitat loss has been the international demand for palm oil. About 85% of the world’s palm oil comes from Malaysia and Indonesia. Palm oil is made from the seeds of the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), which is grown on large plantations, often on cleared rainforest land (center photo). The tree is native to western Africa. Palm oil has a wide range of uses, from cosmetics to foods to lubricants and, increasingly, biofuels for cars and trucks. Palm oil is used in about 50% of the packaged products in a typical grocery store. It can be difficult to detect because it is often processed into palm-oil derivatives or labeled as “vegetable oil.” (Top, © Guenter Guni/E+/Getty Images; center, © Michael Thirnbeck/FlickrVision/Getty Images)

Consider This

  1. Question 8.5

    How does the biodiversity of the original orangutan habitat compare with biodiversity of a palm-oil plantation?

  2. Question 8.6

    Trace the connection between the future of orangutans in the wild and a box of cookies in the grocery store.

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The tropical rainforest biome is home to approximately 40% of all species on Earth. So this biome is central to efforts to estimate the global extinction rate. The global extinction rate is in large part a reflection of the rate of deforestation in this biome. A recent assessment published in Science in 2013 states that there are anywhere from 5 million to 8 million species worldwide. About 1% to 5% of those species are lost each decade, mostly because of habitat loss, and mostly in tropical rainforests. Crunch the Numbers asks you to use these figures to estimate about how many species are being lost each year.

Consumers of many of the products that are driving rainforest loss—such as palm oil, soybeans, beef, and hardwood lumber—are becoming increasingly aware of the connection between these products and the forests from which they come. For example, a growing number of governments and companies require that imports of palm oil are sourced from growers that meet stringent sustainability requirements, including the use of farming methods that do not cause deforestation. Roughly 45 million metric tons of palm oil are produced each year, and about 13% (6 million metric tons) is certified as sustainable. This percentage, though small, is growing.

Tropical Seasonal Forest

The tropical seasonal forest biome is less well known than the tropical rainforest. In the summer wet season, it is often mistaken for tropical rainforest, but it is distinguished from that biome by its winter dry season. The tropical seasonal forest biome is found in the warm lowland tropics, where it borders tropical rainforest (Figure 8.8). The tropical seasonal forest is sometimes considered an ecotone (a transition between two biomes) for the tropical rainforest and the tropical savanna. Many trees in this biome are broad-leaved and deciduous. A deciduous tree or shrub sheds its leaves, leaving bare branches. In the tropical seasonal forest biome, many trees shed their leaves in response to winter drought.

Tropical seasonal forest. (A) Tropical seasonal forest near Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (B) Climate diagram for Ho Chi Minh City. Average annual temperatures in this biome are similar to those of the tropical rainforest biome, never dropping below 18°C (64°F). Precipitation averages 150 to 250 cm (60 to 98 in) per year. (C) Most of the tropical seasonal forest lies within the tropics. In India, however, it was once found as far north as 30 degrees latitude (but has been converted to agriculture).
(A. mathess/iStock/360/Getty Images)

tropical seasonal forest

A biome in the warm lowland tropics, characterized by high biodiversity and trees that are deciduous in response to winter drought.

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Estimating the Global Rate of Species Extinction

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Estimating the Global Rate of Species Extinction

Assuming the global extinction rate is 3% of species per decade, calculate the range of annual species loss worldwide. First, assume that there are 5 million species. Then do the same calculation, but with the assumption there are 8 million species.

  1. Question 8.7

    Calculate species loss per decade by multiplying 3% by the estimated number of species.

  2. Question 8.8

    Divide your answer by 10 to get the annual rate of species loss.

The most distinctive characteristic that separates the tropical seasonal forest from the tropical rainforest is a dry season in the winter that lasts weeks to months. Throughout South Asia, summer precipitation in the tropical seasonal forest comes from the summer monsoon. There are only three dominant layers in most tropical seasonal forests: canopy, shrubs, and forest floor. The canopy is lower and more open than that of the tropical rainforest, so more light reaches the forest floor. The diversity of insects, birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians is, in many cases, nearly as high as that of the tropical rainforest.

Human Footprint

As a result of the dry season, the tropical seasonal forest is extremely vulnerable to fire. It is easy to burn the forest during the dry season. Increasing pressure from growing human populations, coupled with poverty, force people into the forest for subsistence farming. The soils of the tropical seasonal dry forest are better suited for crops and grazing than the soils of tropical rainforests.

Tropical Savanna

Tropical seasonal forest grades into tropical savanna, which is centered at about 25 degrees north and south latitude (Figure 8.9). Tropical savanna is characterized by wet summers and dry winters. Tropical savanna is a woodland biome, characterized by widely spaced trees with a continuous cover of grass. The winter dry period lasts much longer in tropical savanna than in tropical seasonal forest, as long as seven months in some locations. In the drier portions of tropical savanna, where the winter dry season lasts for six months or more, a type of tropical savanna called thorn woodland is found. In thorn woodland, the vegetation is dominated by shrubs and small trees that are tough and thorny. This growth form is a response to frequent fires, grazing by animals, and prolonged drought.

Tropical savanna. (A) An African bull elephant (Loxodonta africana) in tropical savanna near the Okavango Delta, Botswana. (B) Climate diagram for Gaborone, Botswana. (Note that Gaborone is in the Southern Hemisphere, so the summer rainy season occurs mainly in November through March.) In tropical savanna, average annual temperatures range from 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F). Winters are warm. Annual average rainfall ranges from 40 to 175 cm (16 to 68 in). Thorn woodland may receive as little as 30 cm (12 in) of rainfall per year. (C) Tropical savanna has many local names, as labeled here. Half of all tropical savanna is found in Africa, where the biome covers about 65% of the continent.
(A. © AfriPics.com/Alamy)

tropical savanna

A woodland biome with a wet summer and dry winter climate pattern, characterized by widely spaced trees with a grass understory.

The tropical savanna has low biomass and low biodiversity. Three factors strongly influence its vegetation structure:

  1. Seasonally intense rainfall: The rainfall arrives with the ITCZ in summer, all within a few months, and often as intense thunderstorms. Deciduous plants grow during the rainy season and go dormant during the dry season.

  2. Fire: During the warm winter dry season, abundant fuel and dry conditions favor frequent fires. Many savanna plants are adapted to survive fires.

  3. Grazing pressure: More than 90 species of grazing ungulates (hoofed mammals) roam the African tropical savanna. Although the tropical savanna has low overall biomass, it is able to support the world’s largest and densest grazing animal community because the animals do not all graze at the same time (Figure 8.10).

GEO-GRAPHIC: African savanna grazing sequence. Different herbivorous mammals eat different parts of plants at different times. This variation allows large populations of many species to coexist in the same region without exhausting the resources. As the monsoon rains diminish and the vegetation dries, the animals migrate to a different area with new growth. This diagram shows a common progression of animals that takes places over weeks and months on the savanna.
(1. © James Hager/Robert Harding World Imagery/Getty Images; 2. © Jim Richardson/National Geographic/Getty Images; 3. © Vadim Petrakov/Shutterstock.com; 4. © Martin Harvey/ Photolibrary/Getty Images)

Human Footprint

One prevalent threat to the tropical savanna biome is overgrazing by livestock, particularly cattle, sheep, and goats. Increased burning by people to stimulate grass growth for livestock is also degrading savanna woodlands and threatening the habitat of native grazing ungulates. In addition, populations of these large animals have declined greatly because of hunting for trophies, elephant ivory, and rhinoceros horn (Figure 8.11). An international boycott of ivory has helped to protect elephants from illegal poaching. Many large game preserves and parks have been established throughout Africa to protect its large animals. These parks are also generating significant revenue from travelers called ecotourists, who seek to visit natural places (see Section 10.2).

Saving large animals. (A) Hunting pressures have reduced the once-widespread populations of the black rhino (Diceros bicornis) in Kenya. In 2011, a subspecies of the black rhino, called the western black rhino, was officially declared extinct. The remaining black rhino populations are critically endangered. (B) Wildlife wardens are armed to protect the animals from poachers.
(A. Martin Harvey/Gallo Images/Getty Images; B. © Raffaele Meucci/age fotostock)
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Increasingly, conflicts between African elephants and people have arisen in parts of Africa. In some cases, wildlife conservation measures have allowed elephant populations to increase. More often, however, as a result of human population growth, people have expanded their farms and villages into elephant habitat, escalating the conflicts. As a result, it is sometimes necessary to manage the elephant populations and control their numbers, as detailed in Figure 8.12.

SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: Managing elephant populations. To reduce conflicts between elephants and people, scientists have used two main means of managing elephants within national parks: translocation and contraception.
(Left, © AfriPics.com/Alamy; right, © Carl de Souza/AFP/Getty Images)