10.1 The Physical Oceans

Discern the major physical features of the oceans.

Physical geography explores all of Earth’s physical systems. The oceans are a particularly important realm of physical geography. Consider these facts:

Question 10.1

How deep are the oceans?

The oceans are 4 km (2.5 mi) deep on average and nearly 11 km (7 mi) at their deepest.

  1. The oceans are large and deep. They cover 71% of Earth’s surface, and they are 4 km (2.5 mi) deep, on average. If Earth’s surface were a smooth sphere without valleys or mountains, seawater would cover the planet to a depth of 2,500 m (8,200 ft). Table 10.1 provides some key statistics on the oceans.

    Table : TABLE 10.1 Physical Characteristics of the Oceans




    Total area

    331,441,932 km2

    127,970,392 mi2

    Total volume

    1,303,155,354 km3

    312,643,596 mi3

    Average depth

    4 km

    2.5 mi

    Greatest depth

    10,916 m

    35,814 ft

    Longest mountain range

    16,000 km

    9,920 mi

  2. Because of their size, the oceans regulate the atmosphere’s chemical composition and modify Earth’s climate and weather systems.

  3. Seventy percent of the oxygen in the atmosphere comes from photosynthesis in the oceans.

  4. There would be no life on Earth without the oceans.

  5. Nearly half the world’s population depends directly on the oceans as a main source of food.

The Five Oceans

The terms sea, gulf, bay, sound, and strait are used in reference to large bodies of salt water. Figure 10.2 provides an example of each of these water bodies using the Gulf of Mexico region.

Names for large bodies of water. The most commonly used geographic names for ocean features are applied here to the Gulf of Mexico region.
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The term ocean is used to refer to the five major water-filled basins on Earth’s surface, shown in Figure 10.3. Throughout the remainder of this chapter, sea and ocean will be used interchangeably to refer to the world’s five oceans.

The five ocean basins and their major characteristics.

Layers of the Ocean

Only the ocean’s surface layers absorb light and are heated directly by sunlight. The depth to which light can penetrate seawater depends on the time of day, the weather above the sea surface, and water clarity. In murky water containing suspended sediments, light barely penetrates 10 m (33 ft). Different wavelengths of light penetrate seawater to different depths. As Figure 10.4 shows, blue wavelengths of light penetrate deepest.

Depth of penetration of solar radiation. In the open ocean, in clear water, relatively long wavelengths of insolation, such as infrared, red, orange, and yellow, are absorbed in the first 50 m (160 ft) of water. Shortwave UV radiation is also absorbed near the water surface. Green and violet light penetrate just over 100 m (330 ft), and blue light penetrates as much as 250 m (820 ft).

The ocean’s surface temperatures vary considerably with latitude. Because of the direct sunlight in the tropics and the largely cloud-free skies of the subtropical high, tropical and subtropical waters receive strong solar heating. Higher-latitude waters receive far less solar heating and are much colder, as shown in Figure 10.5.

Average annual sea surface temperatures. Latitudinal differences in sea surface temperature, like differences in air temperature, are a result of latitudinal differences in solar heating. The Arctic Ocean’s surface is largely frozen throughout most of the year, but in the tropics, water temperatures can reach 30°C (86°F) or more. The three inset graphs show how water temperature changes with depth at different latitudes.

In the tropics, starting at a depth of about 100 m (330 ft), the water temperature quickly declines with depth until about 500 to 1,000 m (1,640 to 3,300 ft). This transitional zone of temperature decline is called the thermocline. The depth of the thermocline varies by latitude and by ocean (see Figure 10.5). Below 2,500 m at all latitudes, seawater temperatures stabilize to a uniform 2°C (35.6°F).


The transitional zone between warm surface waterand cold water at depth.

The oceans can be divided into five vertical layers or zones (Figure 10.6). These layers are distinguished by light penetration, water temperature, and seafloor features. The topmost layer, called the epipelagic zone, is the sunlit surface of the ocean. It extends down to 200 m (650 ft).

GEO-GRAPHIC: Vertical zones of the oceans.

epipelagic zone

The sunlit surface of the ocean down to 200 m (650 ft).

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Water Pressure

At the ocean’s surface, there is no water pressure. Yet if you were to dive down to 10 m (33 ft), you would experience 1 kg/cm2 (14.7 psi) of pressure. For every 10 m in depth, water pressure increases approximately one bar (or one atmosphere), which is 1 kg/cm2 (see Section 1.2). The enormous pressures in the deep ocean create a formidable barrier to scientists attempting to explore life there. Crunch the Numbers shows how water pressure is calculated.

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Water Pressure in the Deep Ocean

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Water Pressure in the Deep Ocean

Calculate water pressure in the deep ocean in kilograms per square centimeter or pounds per square inch.

  • Step 1: Calculate the number of bars by dividing the depth by 10 m (or 33 ft if you are working in U.S. customary units).

  • Step 2: Calculate kg/cm2 by multiplying the number of bars by 1 (or by 14.7 to get psi).

Problem 1

Question 10.2

Sperm whales dive to 2,000 m (6,580 ft) as they hunt giant squid. They have collapsible rib cages and lungs that allow them to withstand the great pressure at that depth. What is that pressure?

Problem 2

Question 10.3

The Challenger Deep, in the Mariana Trench, is the deepest point in the ocean at 10,916 m (35,814 ft). What is the pressure at that depth?

Seawater Chemistry


Leonardo da Vinci thought that the oceans were salty because rivers ran past salt mines and deposited the salt in the oceans. His hypothesis was not too far off the mark. Rivers do deposit salt and many other minerals in the oceans, but not because they run past salt mines.

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Salinity is the concentration of dissolved minerals in seawater. As rivers flow over the continents, they dissolve minerals from the rocks and transport those dissolved minerals to the ocean. Each year, rivers deposit about 2.5 billion tons of dissolved minerals, including salt, in the oceans. The salinity of the oceans remains constant, however, because shell-building organisms, chemical reactions with rocks, chemical precipitation, and the recycling of Earth’s crust deep into its interior through plate tectonics (see Section 12.2) remove salt from the oceans at the same rate that it is deposited by rivers.


The concentration of dissolved minerals in seawater.

Question 10.4

Why are the oceans salty?

The oceans are salty because rivers carrying dissolved minerals, including salt, empty into them.

The average ocean salinity is 3.5% by volume (35 g/L or 4.6 oz/gal). Ocean salinity varies geographically from about 1% to 4.1% (Figure 10.7). There are two main reasons for this geographic variation: (1) salinity increases where evaporation is high, and (2) salinity decreases where rivers discharge their freshwater or where there are persistent heavy rains.

Variation in ocean salinity. The map shows global variation in salinity at the ocean surface. PSU is a measure of salinity based on the electrical conductivity of seawater. The graphs show variation in salinity with depth. The halocline is the transitional zone of salinity change between the ocean surface and the deep sea. At a depth of about 3,500 m (11,500 ft), salinity is about 3.5% at all latitudes.

By volume, most of the material dissolved in ocean water is chlorine and sodium, but every element on Earth is found dissolved in ocean water in trace amounts (Figure 10.8). When sodium is combined with chloride, the result is sodium chloride (NaCl), or salt.

Materials dissolved in seawater. Ocean water contains many dissolved materials. (The abbreviation “ppt” stands for “parts per thousand.”)

Ocean Acidity

The oceans play an important part in the short-term carbon cycle. About one-third of all anthropogenic carbon emissions since the late 1800s have been absorbed by the oceans (see Section 6.3). As atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed by seawater, the carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid (H2CO3), which makes seawater more acidic. Figure 10.9 shows recent decreases in the pH of seawater.

Changes in ocean acidity. This map shows estimated changes in the pH of ocean surface water from the 1700s to the 1990s. Seawater pH has decreased in all ocean basins. Ocean surface pH varies geographically because of differences in the activities of organisms, the concentrations of atmospheric CO2, and the effects of ocean currents, stream runoff, and precipitation amounts.

The chemistry of this ocean acidification is well understood. However, scientists are less certain how it will affect marine organisms in the coming decades. They are concerned that shell-building organisms, such as corals, mollusks, and microscopic plantlike organisms called foraminifera, will be affected by the increasing acidity of seawater. There are fewer available calcium ions in acidic water, and a decrease in calcium ions could inhibit the ability of these animals to build their calcium carbonate shells.

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Many scientists are concerned that the current rate of ocean acidification is faster than what has occurred naturally at any time during the last 300 million years. Past ocean acidification has been linked to global mass extinctions of shell-building organisms.

Surface Ocean Currents

The atmosphere and the oceans are both fluids. Therefore, they flow, as wind in the atmosphere and as currents in the oceans. There are two kinds of ocean currents: (1) surface ocean currents driven by wind and (2) deep ocean currents driven by differences in water density (see Section 6.2). Surface ocean currents and deep ocean currents both redistribute heat energy across Earth’s surface.

If you have ever blown air over a hot cup of coffee or tea, you may have noticed that the force of moving air pushes the surface to the far side of the cup. On a hemispheric scale, the wind blows across the surface of the oceans, and the friction between the air and the water’s surface sets the water in motion, forming surface ocean currents. As we saw in Section 4.2, Coriolis force deflects wind to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere, creating anticyclonic systems. It deflects moving water in the same way, creating large circular ocean currents called gyres (Figure 10.10).

Surface ocean currents. Warm currents are shown with red arrows and cold currents with blue arrows. The five gyres and other major surface ocean currents are labeled.


Perpetual ocean


A large, circular ocean current.

One notable result of ocean gyres is that they corral plastic and other trash in the oceans, concentrating it into vast garbage patches. The Geographic Perspectives at the end of this chapter explores this problem further.

Seafloor Topography

Imagine completely drying up the oceans. What would the exposed seafloor look like? The features of the seafloor include major mountain ranges, extensive plains, and deep trench systems (Figure 10.11). The measurement of depth and topographic features beneath the surface of a body of water is called bathymetry (see also Figure 10.6).

Bathymetry of the North Atlantic. The bathymetric features of the oceans include the shallow and sloping continental shelves, the continental slopes, the flat abyssal plains, mid-ocean ridges, and deep-sea trenches. The vertical scale of the ocean depths is greatly exaggerated here.
(NOAA National Environmental Satellite and Information Service)


Measurement of depth and topography beneath the surface of a body of water.

If the oceans were dried up, you would see continental shelves (the shallow, gently sloping areas of seafloor near continental margins). You would see steeper continental slopes forming the transition between the continental shelves and the endless flat stretches of the deep seafloor. The abyssal plains are large flat areas on the ocean floor at depths between 4,000 and 6,000 m (13,000 and 20,000 ft).

continental shelf

The shallow, sloping seafloor near continental margins.

abyssal plain

A flat plain on the ocean floor at depths between 4,000 and 6,000 m (13,000 and 20,000 ft).

From these plains rise the world’s longest mountain ranges, called mid-ocean ridges, which are submarine mountain systems stretching from pole to pole. Isolated seamounts rise from the seafloor. Many of these are flat-topped inactive volcanoes that once protruded above sea level. For example, islands like Hawai‘i are enormous mountains protruding from the seafloor, with only their tops above the surface of the ocean. Deep-sea trenches: long narrow valleys on the seafloor that are the deepest parts of the oceans. Some of these trenches drop more than 6 vertical km (4 mi).

mid-ocean ridge

A submarine mountain range.


A mountain rising from the seafloor, often a flat-topped inactive volcano.

deep-sea trench

A long narrow valley on the seafloor; deep-sea trenches are the deepest parts of the oceans.

deep-sea trenches

Long narrow valleys on the seafloor; deep-sea trenches are the deepest parts of the oceans.

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