17.1 Frozen Ground: Periglacial Environments

Identify features unique to areas with permanently frozen soils and explain environmental changes taking place in those areas.

Periglacial means “around glaciers,” but the term refers to all unglaciated areas at high latitudes and high elevations subject to persistent and intense freezing. As a result of climate change, periglacial environments are one of the most rapidly changing physical systems on Earth. As they change, they are also capable of creating significant climate feedbacks that could further change the global climate system.


Of or referring to unglaciated areas at high latitudes and high elevations subject to persistent and intense freezing.


In many regions of Alaska, northern Canada, and Siberia, the ground just beneath the surface veneer of plants and seasonally thawed gelisol soils (see Section 9.1) is perpetually frozen, forming permafrost. Permafrost is ground that remains below freezing continuously for two years or more (Figure 17.2). Not all permafrost is composed of ice. If there is no water in the soil, there will be no ice, only unconsolidated rock fragments at a temperature below freezing. Loose frozen sand, for example, is also permafrost.


Ground that remains below freezing continuously for two years or more.

Permafrost. This exposure of permafrost is near Cherskii, Russia, in eastern Siberia. Note the person in the foreground for scale.
(© Katey M. Walter Anthony, University of Alaska Fairbanks (under NSF #0099113))

Although permafrost, by definition, remains frozen year-round, in most regions the topmost portion of the ground, called the active layer, thaws each summer and refreezes in fall. The depth of the active layer decreases farther north and at higher elevations in mountainous areas. When the active layer thaws, ice turns to liquid water, forming lakes and wetlands called bogs (Figure 17.3A). The boreal forest and northern tundra biomes (see Section 8.3) are found in areas with permafrost.

active layer

The top layer of permafrost that thaws each summer and refreezes in fall.

Periglacial features. (A) Continuous permafrost occurs where the permafrost is 100 m (330 ft) thick or more. Permafrost that is thinner and interrupted by unfrozen ground, called talik, is discontinuous permafrost. (B) Permafrost is widely distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. This map shows discontinuous and continuous permafrost areas as well as areas with sporadic and isolated permafrost.

About 25% of the soils in the Northern Hemisphere have permafrost. At high latitudes, permafrost is typically unbroken, or continuous. Farther south, permafrost may become isolated, sporadic, or discontinuous (Figure 17.3B).

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Picture This

(University of Alaska Fairbanks photo by Todd Paris)

Methane from Permafrost

This photo shows researcher Katey Walter Anthony lighting methane gas emerging from a frozen lake on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus. As the permafrost beneath the lake thaws, anaerobic microorganisms (called methanogens) digest the organic carbon in the soils, producing methane gas as a by-product. The methane bubbles up from the lake bottom and is trapped beneath the frozen lake’s cover of ice. If the ice is drilled through and the gas ignited, it forms a fireball. This process of permafrost thawing and methanogenesis (methane generation) is happening throughout the Northern Hemisphere’s permafrost soils.

Question 17.2

Why are explosive gases seeping from Arctic lakes?

As the permafrost beneath Arctic lakes thaws, microorganisms are digesting carbon in the soils and emitting methane, a flammable and potent greenhouse gas.

Two observations are becoming an increasing cause of concern for climate scientists. First, there are some 1.7 trillion metric tons of carbon stored in northern permafrost, twice as much as is currently in the atmosphere. Second, the Arctic is warming about twice as fast as the global average. This warming has the potential to thaw the permafrost and release the stored carbon in the form of methane and carbon dioxide.

A study published in 2012 in Nature finds that permafrost soils could release between 68 billion and 508 billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere by 2100. Because methane is such a potent greenhouse gas, scientists are concerned that permafrost thawing could create a positive feedback (see Section 3.6) that could accelerate the warming trend already under way.

Consider This

  1. Question 17.3

    How are Arctic lakes becoming sources of methane?

  2. Question 17.4

    Outline the positive feedback cycle that could result from permafrost methane production.

Most permafrost is found at 60 degrees north latitude and higher, but it can be found at all latitudes at high elevations. Near the equator permafrost is found at elevations higher than 5,000 m (16,400 ft). Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya, for example, located at 3 degrees south latitude, has permafrost soil. The thickest permafrost, 1,650 m (5,445 ft) thick, is found in northeastern Russia. The permafrost there is over a half million years old.

The Southern Hemisphere has relatively little permafrost due to its lack of land at high latitudes. Only 0.3% of Antarctica’s land is not covered by the Antarctic ice sheet, and all of that exposed land is permafrost. The Patagonian ice fields in South America and the highlands of the Southern Alps in New Zealand have discontinuous permafrost.

As we saw in Section 6.4, the cryosphere is changing rapidly in response to warming of the atmosphere. Rapid changes are occurring in periglacial environments, particularly in the active layer, as ground temperatures increase (Picture This).

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Periglacial Features

Several landforms and phenomena are found only in periglacial environments. Two periglacial landforms are pingos and patterned ground. A pingo is a hill with a core of ice (Figure 17.4A). Pingos form as liquid water from below is forced up through a layer of permafrost. As the water pushes through the permafrost, it forms a mound. Pingos grow at a rate of a few centimeters per year. Patterned ground is formed as freeze-thaw cycles slowly wedge soil apart. Over time, polygon shapes develop (Figure 17.4B).

Pingo and patterned ground. (A) Pingos can reach 50 m (160 ft) in height and range from the size of a car to the size of a large hill, like the one shown here. This pingo is in the McKenzie River delta in Canada. (B) This patterned ground is in the Farnell Valley, Antarctica.
(A. Jason Pineau/All Canada Photos/Getty Images; B. © Maria Stenzel/National Geographic/Getty Images)

Trees growing on the active layer above permafrost are shallow-rooted and unstable because their roots cannot penetrate the permafrost just below. When the active layer deepens during particularly warm summers, the trees may become tilted, resulting in a drunken forest (Figure 17.5).

Drunken forest. This drunken forest is near Fairbanks, Alaska.
(Tingjun Zhang, College of Earth and Environmental Science, Lanzhou University, China)

Structures that radiate heat, such as railways and pipelines, thaw the permafrost beneath them. When permafrost thaws, it becomes unstable, and structures built on it sink into the ground. Such structures may therefore be elevated above the ground to avoid these problems.

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The 1,300 km (800 mi) Trans-Alaska Pipeline moves heated oil from the North Slope of Alaska all the way to the Pacific coast. Where it passes over permafrost, it has been elevated about 2 m (6.5 ft) above the ground to prevent melting of the permafrost, which would cause the pipe to rupture. China’s Qinghai–Tibet railway is also engineered for permafrost conditions (Figure 17.6).

Engineering for permafrost. The Qinghai–Tibet railway, completed in 2006, has the highest elevation of any railway in the world. It is 1,956 km (1,215 mi) long and connects Xining, Qinghai Province, to Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, China. Much of it is built on permafrost. If ice thaws beneath the tracks, the tracks will move, and such movements could derail a high-speed train. As a precaution, the tracks are raised above the permafrost, and in places vertical pipes circulate liquid nitrogen beneath the pilings to keep the soils around them frozen.
(© View Stock/Getty Images)