key concept 55.1 Species Interactions Vary in Direction and Strength across a Continuum
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Species interactions are not always clear-cut
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Some interactions result in evolutionary change in the species involved
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key concept 55.2 Predation Is a Trophic Interaction in which Predators Benefit and Prey Are Harmed
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Carnivory results in a range of capture and avoidance mechanisms
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Herbivory is a widespread but specialized interaction
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Most parasites specialize on hosts, and most hosts house many species of parasites
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Predator populations can cycle with their prey populations
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Predators can have dramatic effects on communities
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key concept 55.3 Competition Is a Negative Interaction in which Species Overlap in the Use of Some Limiting Resource
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Resource partitioning allows species to coexist despite overlapping use of limiting resources
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The physical environment, disturbance, and predation can each alter the outcome of competition
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Competition can affect species’ distributions
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key concept 55.4 Positive Interactions Occur When at Least One Species Benefits and None Are Harmed
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Positive interactions are more common in stressful environments
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Positive interactions can have dramatic effects on populations and communities
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Apply What You've Learned
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