In Chapter 8 we described mutations as stable and inherited changes in the genetic material. A mutation may result in a new allele of a gene, and different alleles may produce different phenotypes (for example, pea plants with wrinkled seeds versus round seeds). With reference to the chemical nature of genes, we can state that mutations are changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA that are passed on from one cell or organism to another.
Mutations occur by a variety of processes. For example, in Concept 9.2 we described how DNA polymerases can make errors. Repair systems such as proofreading are in place to correct them, but some errors escape being corrected and are passed on to daughter cells.
Mutations in multicellular organisms can be divided into two types:
In either case, the mutations may or may not affect the phenotype.
An organism’s genome is the total DNA sequence present in all of its chromosomes (or in its single chromosome, in the case of prokaryotes). Depending on the organism, it can consist of millions or billions of base pairs of DNA. Most genomes include both genes and regions of DNA that are not expressed.
As we discussed briefly in Concept 3.1, gene expression involves the transcription of DNA into RNA, followed by the translation of the RNA into a polypeptide. (Some RNAs are not translated but have catalytic or other roles in the cell.) We will discuss gene expression in much more detail in Chapter 10. For now we will look at some of the ways that mutations can affect gene expression and phenotypes. It is also the case that many mutations have no effects on phenotypes.
Mutations are often discussed in terms of their effects on protein-coding genes and their functions (FIGURE 9.16):
Silent mutations are a source of neutral alleles that can be acted upon by the mechanisms of evolution, as described in Concept 15.2
All mutations are alterations in the nucleotide sequence of DNA. They can be small-scale mutations that alter only one or a few nucleotides, or they can be large-scale mutations in which entire segments of DNA are rearranged, duplicated, or irretrievably lost. Next we will consider small-scale mutations, in particular, point mutations.
A point mutation is the addition or subtraction of a single nucleotide base, or the substitution of one base for another. Point mutations can arise because of errors in DNA replication that are not corrected during proofreading, or they may be caused by environmental mutagens: substances that cause mutations, such as radiation or certain chemicals.
Some point mutations that occur within genes are loss-of-function mutations because they prevent the gene from being properly transcribed. In other cases the gene is transcribed normally. A point mutation in the coding region of a gene may result in changes in the RNA, but changes in the RNA may or may not result in a change in the amino acid sequence of the protein. If the protein is not changed, the mutation is silent.
Other mutations result in altered amino acid sequences, and in some cases these changes can have drastic phenotypic effects. An example is the mutation that causes sickle-cell disease, a heritable blood disorder. The disease occurs in people who carry two copies of the sickle allele of the gene for human β-globin (a subunit of hemoglobin, the protein in human blood that carries oxygen). The sickle allele differs from the normal allele by one base pair, resulting in a polypeptide that differs by one amino acid from the normal protein. Individuals who are homozygous for this recessive allele have defective, sickle-shaped red blood cells:
The deformed cells tend to block narrow capillaries, which results in tissue damage.
Not all changes in the amino acid sequence of a protein affect its function. For example, a hydrophilic amino acid may be substituted for another hydrophilic amino acid, so that the shape of the protein is unchanged. Or a mutation might result in a protein that has reduced efficiency but is not completely inactivated. Individuals homozygous for a point mutation of this type may show no change in phenotype if enough of the protein’s function is retained.
Review Concept 3.2 to better understand how a mutation affecting amino acid sequence (the primary protein structure) can affect higher levels of protein structure and thus the protein phenotype
In some cases, gain-of-function point mutations occur. An example is a class of mutations in the human gene TP53, which encodes the tumor suppressor protein p53. The p53 protein normally functions to inhibit the cell cycle, but certain mutations cause the protein to promote the cell cycle and prevent programmed cell death. So a p53 protein mutated in this way has a gain of oncogenic (cancer-causing) function.
In addition to point mutations there are other kinds of mutations that affect longer sequences of DNA. The most dramatic changes that can occur in the genetic material are chromosomal mutations. Whole chromosomes can break and rejoin, grossly disrupting the sequences of genes. There are four types of chromosomal mutations: deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations. This kind of severe damage to chromosomes can result from mutagens or from drastic errors in chromosome replication. Like point mutations, chromosome mutations provide new combinations of genes and genetic diversity important to evolution by natural selection.
Nitrosamines (R–N–NO2) are potent mutagens. They can be formed from the reaction of nitrites (R–NO2) with amino groups in proteins. So there are concerns about using nitrites to preserve meats, which contain amino groups. An experiment was performed to test the effect of vitamin C (ascorbate) on mutagenesis (induction of mutations) caused by meats cured with nitrites. Bacterial cells were incubated with cured meat extracts in the presence or absence of ascorbate. The rates of mutation (number of mutant bacteria per total bacteria) are shown in the table.
Mobile DNA elements called transposons are another source of mutation; see Figure 12.7
When thinking about the causes of mutations, it is useful to distinguish between mutations that are spontaneous and those that are induced.
Spontaneous mutations are permanent changes in the genetic material that occur without any outside influence. In other words, they occur simply because cellular processes are imperfect. Spontaneous mutations may occur by several mechanisms:
Induced mutations occur when some agent from outside the cell—a mutagen—causes a permanent change in the DNA sequence:
DNA sequencing has revealed that mutations occur most often at certain base pairs. These “hotspots” are often located where cytosine has been methylated to 5-methylcytosine. (Methylation of DNA is a normal process in the regulation of chromatin structure and gene expression; see Concept 11.3.)
As we discussed above, unmethylated cytosine can lose its amino group to form uracil (see Figure 9.18B). This error is usually repaired because uracil (which normally occurs in RNA) is recognized by the repair mechanism as an inappropriate component of DNA. When 5-methylcytosine loses its amino group, however, the product is thymine, a natural base in DNA. The DNA repair mechanism ignores the thymine, and in this case, half of the new DNA molecules contain A-T base pairs instead of the original G-C pair (FIGURE 9.19). Thus the frequency of mutation is much greater in regions containing 5-methylcytosine.
Many people associate mutagens with materials made by humans, but there are also many naturally occurring mutagens. Plants (and to a lesser extent animals) make thousands of small molecules that serve a range of purposes, including defense against pathogens (see Concept 28.1). Some of these are mutagenic and potentially carcinogenic. An example of a naturally occurring mutagen is aflatoxin, which is made by many species of the mold Aspergillus. When mammals ingest the mold, the aflatoxin is converted into a product that binds to guanine and causes mutations, just as benzopyrene from cigarette smoke does.
Radiation can be human-made or natural. Some of the isotopes made in nuclear reactors and nuclear bomb explosions are certainly harmful—as was shown by the increased mutation rates in survivors of the atom bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. A certain amount of radiation comes from space in the form of cosmic radiation, and as mentioned above, natural ultraviolet radiation in sunlight also causes mutations. There is a well-established link between excessive exposure to the sun in light-skinned people and skin cancer.
Biochemists have estimated how much DNA damage occurs in the human genome under normal circumstances: among the haploid genome’s 3.2 billion base pairs, there are about 16,000 DNA-damaging events per cell per day, of which 80 percent are repaired.
What is the overall effect of mutation? For a species as a whole, the evolutionary benefits are clear. But there are costs as well as benefits for individual organisms.
Benefits Of Mutations
Mutations are the raw material of evolution. As you will see in Part 3 of this book, mutation alone does not drive evolution, but it provides the genetic diversity that makes natural selection possible. A mutation in a germline cell may have no immediate selective advantage to the organism, but it may cause a phenotypic change in the offspring. If the environment changes in a later generation, that mutation may be advantageous, enabling the species as a whole to adapt to changing conditions. A mutation in a somatic cell can sometimes benefit the individual organism, particularly if it occurs in a stem cell that produces a large number of offspring cells.
Costs Of Mutations
Mutations can be harmful if they result in the loss of function of genes (and their protein products) or other DNA sequences that are needed for survival. A harmful mutation in a germline cell may be inherited in heterozygous form by the organism’s descendants. If two individuals carrying the mutation mate, some of the offspring may be homozygous for the mutation. In their extreme form, such mutations produce phenotypes that are lethal. Lethal mutations can kill an organism during early development, or the organism may die before it matures and reproduces.
In Chapter 7 we described how mutations in somatic cells can lead to cancer. Typically these are mutations in oncogenes that result in the stimulation of cell division, or mutations in tumor suppressor genes that result in a lack of inhibition of cell division. These mutations can occur spontaneously or they can be induced.
Spontaneous mutagenesis is not in our control, but we can certainly try to avoid mutagenic substances and radiation. Not surprisingly, many things that cause cancer (carcinogens) are also mutagens. A good example is benzopyrene (discussed above), which is found in coal tar, car exhaust fumes, and char-broiled foods, as well as in cigarette smoke.
A major public policy goal is to minimize the effects of both human-made (anthropogenic) and natural mutagens on human health. For example, the Montreal Protocol (the only international environmental agreement signed and adhered to by all nations) bans chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other substances that deplete the ozone layer in Earth’s upper atmosphere. The ozone layer screens out ultraviolet radiation from the sun—radiation that can cause somatic mutations that lead to skin cancer. Similarly, bans on cigarette smoking have rapidly spread throughout the world. Cigarette smoking causes cancer because of the increased exposure of lung and other cells to benzopyrene and other carcinogens.
What can we learn from ancient DNA?
ANSWER As we described in the opening story of this chapter, studying the DNA of fossils is a challenge. DNA is a large polymer that is rather stable (Concept 9.1). However, during the formation of fossils, most of the soft tissues and cells are broken down and their contents consumed by organisms in the environment. So it is not surprising that research on ancient DNA has been focused on places where DNA is likely to be preserved intact, such as frozen specimens and the interior of bones.
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR; Concept 9.2) has been invaluable in amplifying tiny amounts of ancient DNA to be sequenced. However, even a single molecule of contaminating DNA can ruin the experiment, because it too will be amplified. This has been a major challenge in studies of ancient DNA related to humans.
The Neandertal Genome Project involves an international team of scientists who are extracting DNA from the bones of skeletons of Neanderthals who lived in Europe more than 50,000 years ago, amplifying it by PCR, and then examining the genes. The entire DNA sequence has been completed. It is more than 99 percent identical to our human DNA, justifying the classification of Neanderthals as part of the same genus, Homo.
Comparisons of humans and Neanderthals with regard to specific genes and mutations (Concept 9.3) is ongoing and has already shown several interesting facts. For example:
While the two genome sequences are very similar, there are differences in many point mutations and larger chromosomal arrangements (Concept 9.3). There are distinctive “human” DNA sequences and also distinctive “Neanderthal” sequences. Some Neanderthal sequences have been found in modern humans, indicating that ancient humans and Neanderthals may have interbred. Such reconstructions of ancient DNAs and their phenotypic expression are being repeated for many other species. These studies underline the universality of DNA as the genetic material.