Index Q

qualification of thesis, 610

question marks

with quotation marks, 107, 703, H-64

use of, H-71

questionnaires. See surveys


added to end of sentence, comma with, H-54

closed, 685

colons to introduce, H-60–61

in essay exams. See essay examinations

forced-choice, 685

indirect, H-70

integrating into sentences, H-38–40

for interviews, 685

as invention and inquiry strategy, 519–20

leading, 685

open, 685

simple sentences, H-98

for surveys, 687, 688

quotation marks, H-63–66

closing at end of paragraph, H-64–65

commas with, 50, 107–8, H-53–54, H-63–64

for dialogue, 39

double, H-65

exclamation points with, 107, 703, H-64

incorrect use, H-65–66

periods with, 107, H-63–64

question marks with, 107, 703, H-64

with quotations, 50, 107, H-39–40, H-63–64

single, for quotation within quotation, 703, H-65

for titles of short works, H-65, H-78


quotations, 701–6. See also indirect quotations

block style. See block quotations

brackets, for insertions or changes, 702–4, H-69

brief, use of, 481–82

capitalizing first word of, H-75

commenting on, in essay exams, 756–57

in common ground essays, 176–77, 202, 204–5, 211

correct punctuation, checking for, 96, 107–8

in dialogue, 12, 25, 39, 567–68

dialogue, commas to set off, H-53–54

ellipsis marks, marking omissions with, 489–90, 702, H-69–70

emphasis of words, italics for, 701

in evaluations, 355, 379

in explanations of concepts, 121, 141, 157

hypothetical, 271

identifying speaker, methods for, 39, 50


block quotations, 705–6

in common ground essays, 204–5, 211

grammatical consistency, maintaining, 703–4

from interviewees, 95–96

in-text quotations, 704–5

in position arguments, 281–82

profiles, 95–96

quotes from poetry, 705

in sentences, H-38–40

short phrases/words, 205

interjections in, H-53–54


with colon, 205, 706, H-60–61

with comma, 706, H-53, H-64

with complete sentence, 704

with that, 205, 706

with introductory phrases, H-39, H-64

key terms, repetition in, 482

in profiles, 62, 84–85

punctuation, adjusting, 703

quotation marks with. See quotation marks

within quotations, 703, H-65

quoted words/phrases, integrating, 205

referring to with this, these, they, 482

in remembered event essays, 12, 25, 36, 38–39

sentence fragment in introduction of, 704

shifts to indirect, H-32–33

[sic] “so” in, H-69

speaker tags, use of, 95–96, 108

in stories, analysis of, 461–62, 470, 481–82

using, criteria for, 701