Gale Virtual Reference Library, 153
“Gazing into the Darkness” (Crane)
gender, pronoun agreement, H-13–14
Gender and Discourse (Tannen), 8
gender-free forms
pronoun agreement, H-13
revising writing for, H-49–50
general encyclopedias, 669
in funnel paragraphs, 483–84
hasty, 621
general periodical databases, 678
General Science Full Text, 678
genres. See also specific genres
common ground essays, 175–78, 196, 216–17
defined, 2
evaluations, 353–57, 382
explanations of concepts, 119–22, 149, 159, 171
and headings, use of, 559
position arguments, 245–49, 273, 295
profiles, 60, 61–63, 78–80, 106–7, 115
proposals for solutions, 299–304, 349
remembered events, 10, 11–13, 20–22, 25–27, 29–31, 57
speculation about cause, 405–9, 433, 455–56
stories, analysis of, 459–63, 471, 494–95
geographic names, full name, using, H-80
George, Natalie, “‘Story of an Hour’ by Kate Chopin, ‘The,’” 471,
gerund phrases, H-110
parallel form with, H-41
and pronoun case, H-17
verbs followed with, H-91–92
“Gig Alert: Bright Eyes” (Bishop)
“Girl” (Kincaid), 504–5,
Gladwell, Malcolm, “What College Rankings Really Tell Us,” 355, 368–74
“Global Warming Skeptics vs. the Scientific Consensus, The” (McCandless)
Goode, Erica, “Gorge-Yourself Environment, The,” 408, 426–31, 441–42
Google, 202, 389
advanced search, 680
Google Book Search, 681
Google Scholar, 681
pay walls, 678
“Gorge-Yourself Environment, The” (Goode), 408, 426–31, 441–42
government information
APA style documentation, 741, 744
on Internet, 281, 336, 440, 679
in libraries, 679
MLA style documentation, 712, 720
on state governments, 440
grammar checkers, problems of, 212, 346, 451
graphic narrative, MLA style documentation, 717–18
bar graphs, 193, 322, 433, 450–51, 648
line graphs, 322, 345, 433, 648
pie charts, 289–90, 345, 433, 648
in position arguments, 289–90
in proposals for solutions, 304, 322, 345
in speculation about cause, 431, 433, 450–51
types/uses of, 648
“Gringo in the Lettuce Fields, A” (Thompson), 62–63, 81–86
guides to subjects, 670