Haidt, Jonathan, Bloggingheads.tv, 196,
hasty generalization, 621
headings, 558–59
document design with, 644
font style and size, 644
frequency and placement, 559
and genres, 559
levels of, 559
in memos, 653–54
in proposals for solutions, 304
versus subheadings, 644
hearing and sound, auditory impressions, describing, 579
hedges, eliminating in sentences, H-46
helping verbs. See auxiliary (helping) verbs
heuristics. See invention and inquiry strategies
hisself/theirselves, H-113
historical context
contextualizing, 534–35
historical definitions, 590–91
hopefully, H-113–14
“How I Survived a Plane Crash” (Koepcke)
HTML Web pages, 661
humanities, documentation style. See MLA style
humor, in remembered event essays, 28–29
Hurley, Dan, “Can You Make Yourself Smarter?,” 121–22, 134–38, 140–41
hyperbole, defined, 30
hypertext links, 661
ambiguity, avoiding with, H-73
in compound words, H-72–73
end of line word division, H-74
incorrect use, H-73
hypothesis, for field research, 682–83
hypothetical quotations
defined, 271
in position arguments, 271