Introduction to Chapter 9 | speakup4e_ch9_1.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Selecting Your Main Points
| speakup4e_ch9_2.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Take Your Audience Into Account
| speakup4e_ch9_4.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Select an Appropriate Number of Main Points
| speakup4e_ch9_5.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Organizing Your Supporting Materials
| speakup4e_ch9_6.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Subordination and Coordination
| speakup4e_ch9_7.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
When a Subpoint Doesn’t Fit
| speakup4e_ch9_8.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Arranging Your Main Points
| speakup4e_ch9_9.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_10_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Chronological (Temporal) Pattern
| speakup4e_ch9_11.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_11_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_12_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_13_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Categorical (Topical) Pattern
| speakup4e_ch9_14.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_14_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Persuasive Speech Patterns
| speakup4e_ch9_15.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_15_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Using Organizing Words and Sentences
| speakup4e_ch9_16.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_16_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_17_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_18_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Speech Choices: Chapter 9
| speakup4e_ch9_19.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_19_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
Internal Previews and Internal Summaries
| speakup4e_ch9_20.html | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_20_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_21_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |
DLAP questions | speakup4e_ch9_22_dlap.xml | 57a01999757a2e8421000002 |