The Writing Assignment


Profile an intriguing person, group, place, or activity in your community. Observe your subject closely, and then present what you have learned in a way that both informs and engages readers.

This Guide to Writing is designed to help you compose your own profile and apply what you have learned from reading other profiles. This Starting Points chart will help you find the guidance you need, when you need it.


Click the Starting Points chart to download.

Specific Information about the Subject How do I come up with an appropriate subject to profile?
  • Consider possible topics: Profiling a sport or a sports figure.

  • Consider possible topics: Profiling one instance of a recurring event.

  • Consider possible topics: Immersing yourself.

  • Choose a subject to profile.

  • Test Your Choice: Considering Your Purpose and Audience

How can I gather information on my subject?
  • Conduct your field research.

  • Chapter 21, Finding Sources and Conducting Field Research

How can I make my subject come to life?
  • Assess the genre’s basic features: Specific information about the subject.

  • Specific Information about the Subject: Describing People through Naming, Detailing, and Comparing

  • Specific Information about the Subject: Using Anecdotes

  • Specific Information about the Subject: Using Quotation, Paraphrase, and Summary

  • Use quotations that provide information and reveal character.

  • Consider adding visual or audio elements.

  • A Troubleshooting Guide: Specific Information about the Subject

A Clear, Logical Organization How should I organize my profile?
  • Assess the genre’s basic features: A clear, logical organization.


  • A Clear, Logical Organization: Using Flashbacks

  • A Clear, Logical Organization: Narrating a Day in the Life

  • A Clear, Logical Organization: Narrating an Extended Period

  • Create an outline that will organize your profile effectively for your readers.

  • A Troubleshooting Guide: A Clear, Logical Organization

The Writer’s Role What role should I adopt in researching and presenting my subject?
  • Assess the genre’s basic features: The writer’s role.

  • The Writer’s Role: Acting as a Spectator

  • The Writer’s Role: Acting as a Participant-Observer

  • The Writer’s Role: Going Undercover

  • Determine your role in the profile.

  • A Troubleshooting Guide: The Writer’s Role

A Perspective on the Subject How do I develop and express a clear perspective on the subject?
  • Determine the writer’s purpose and audience.

  • Assess the genre’s basic features: A perspective on the subject.

  • A Perspective on the Subject: Showing and Telling

  • A Perspective on the Subject: Using Contrast

  • A Perspective on the Subject: Profiling a Controversial Issue

  • Develop your perspective on the subject.

  • Clarify the dominant impression.

  • A Troubleshooting Guide: A Perspective on the Subject