18-1 Understanding how stars evolve requires observation as well as ideas from physics

Stars consume the material of which they are made, and so cannot last forever

Over the past several decades, astronomers have labored to develop an understanding of stellar evolution, that is, how stars are born, live their lives, and finally die. Our own Sun provides evidence that stars are not permanent. The energy radiated by the Sun comes from thermonuclear reactions in its core, which consume 6 × 1011 kg of hydrogen each second and convert it into helium (see Section 16-1). While the amount of hydrogen in the Sun’s core is vast, it is not infinite; therefore, the Sun cannot always have been shining, nor can it continue to shine forever. The same is true for all other main-sequence stars, which are fundamentally the same kinds of objects as the Sun but with different masses (see Section 17-9). Thus, stars must have a beginning as well as an end.

Stars last very much longer than the lifetime of any astronomer—indeed, far longer than the entire history of human civilization. Thus, it is impossible to watch a single star go through its formation, evolution, and eventual demise. Rather, astronomers have to piece together the evolutionary history of stars by studying different stars at different stages in their life cycles.


To see the magnitude of this task, imagine that you are a biologist from another planet who sets out to understand the life cycles of human beings. You send a spacecraft to fly above Earth and photograph humans in action. Unfortunately, the spacecraft fails after collecting only 20 seconds of data, but during that time its sophisticated equipment sends back observations of thousands of different humans. From this brief snapshot of life on Earth—only 10−8 (a hundred-millionth) of a typical human lifetime—how would you decide which were the young humans and which were the older ones? Without a look inside our bodies to see the biological processes that shape our lives, could you tell how humans are born and how they die? And how could you deduce the various biological changes that humans undergo as they age?

Astronomers, too, have data spanning only a tiny fraction of any star’s lifetime. A star like the Sun can last for about 1010 years, whereas astronomers have been observing stars in detail for only about a century—as in our analogy, roughly 10–8 of the life span of a typical star. Astronomers are also frustrated by being unable to see the interiors of stars. For example, we cannot see the thermonuclear reactions that convert hydrogen into helium. But astronomers have an advantage over the biologist in our story. Unlike humans, stars are made of relatively simple substances, primarily hydrogen and helium, that are found almost exclusively in the form of gases. Of the three phases of matter—gas, liquid, and solid—gases are by far the simplest to understand.

Astronomers use our understanding of gases to build theoretical models of the interiors of stars, like the model of the Sun we saw in Section 16-2. Models help to complete the story of stellar evolution. In fact, like all great dramas, the story of stellar evolution can be regarded as a struggle between two opposing and unyielding forces: Gravity continually tries to make a star shrink, while the star’s internal pressure tends to make the star expand. When these two opposing forces are in balance, the star is in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium (see Figure 16-2).

But what happens when changes within the star cause either pressure or gravity to predominate? The star must then either expand or contract until it reaches a new equilibrium. In the process, it will change not only in size but also in luminosity and color.

In the following chapters, we will find that giant and supergiant stars are the result of pressure gaining the upper hand over gravity. Both giants and supergiants turn out to be aging stars that have become tremendously luminous and ballooned to hundreds or thousands of times their previous size. White dwarfs, by contrast, are the result of the balance tipping in gravity’s favor. These dwarfs are even older stars that have collapsed to a fraction of the size they had while on the main sequence. In this chapter, however, we will see how the opposing influences of gravity and pressure explain the birth of stars. We start our journey within the diffuse clouds of gas and dust that permeate our Galaxy.