Book (basic format)
Online book
E-book (electronic book)
Book with author and editor
Book with author and translator
Book with editor
Book with a title in its title
Chapter in a book
Graphic narrative or illustrated book
Foreword, introduction, preface, or afterword
Selection in an anthology
Edition other than the first
Multivolume work
Republished book
Book in a series
Publisher’s imprint
Encyclopedia or dictionary entry
Sacred text
Dissertation (unpublished)
Dissertation (published)
Dissertation (abstract)
Proceedings of a conference
Directory to MLA works cited models
Citation at a glance: Book (MLA)
Exercise: MLA documentation: identifying elements of sources
Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 1
Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 2
Exercise: MLA documentation: Works cited 3
Exercise: MLA documentation