[Open index in supp window]

Obama, Barack, poster transformed

understanding of static images

object complements

objections to arguments. See counterarguments

objective case

for objects

for subjects and objects of infinitives



assessing in sources

evaluating all sources

evaluating sources found on the Web

in criminal justice and criminology

in nursing

in psychology

in writing a summary

guidelines for writing a summary of an image or a multimodal text

guidelines for writing a summary of a written text




of infinitives

no comma between verb and object

objective case (me, him, her, them, etc.)

of prepositions

repetition of, avoiding

multilingual tip: repeated objects or adverbs

who, whom

observation, as information source

of, nonstandard after could, would, may, etc.

offensive language, avoiding

in all writing

in business

in criminal justice and criminology

office hours

for online course

for traditional course

off of (nonstandard)

OK, O.K., okay

omission of needed words. See needed words

omissions, indicated by



ellipsis mark

on, in idioms

with adjectives

adjective + preposition combinations

to show time and place

at, on, in to show time and place

with verbs

verb + preposition combination

one of the, verb agreement

online learning

assumptions vs. realities of online learning

qualities, skills, and tools of successful online learners

tips for increasing motivation

typical activities in traditional and online courses

communicating in online class

course content

course platform

getting help

glossary of online terminology

organization of

readiness for

vs. traditional learning

online sources

avoiding Internet plagiarism

refining keyword searches in databases and search engines

abstracts, in databases

authors, identifying

how to identify the author of Web sources

bias in

library catalog


directory to APA in-text citation models

directory to APA reference list models

directory to Chicago notes and bibliography entries

directory to CSE reference list entries

directory to MLA in-text citation models

directory to MLA works cited models

databases, for periodicals

discussion forums

list of, for online course

as asynchronous communication

communicating appropriately in


evaluating all sources

evaluating Web sources

for research process

annotated multimodal text (Equal Exchange ad)

annotated multimodal text (McDonald’s ad)

annotated Web page


finding Web sources

full-text sources vs. abstracts

keeping records of


PDF vs. HTML sources


reading critically

reposted sources

how to determine the author of reposted files

search engines (like Google, Yahoo!)

selecting appropriate versions

online writing lab (OWL)

only, placement of

only one of the, agreement of verb with

opinion, expert

opinions, expressing in class

opposing arguments. See counterarguments


antecedents joined by

comma with

coordinating conjunction

overuse of


pronoun agreement

subjects joined by

quick help: subject-verb agreement

subject-verb agreement at a glance

oral presentations. See speaking

organization. See also outline

APA papers

Chicago papers

CSE reference list


of literacy narratives

MLA papers

of multimodal projects

first two slides from a slide show presentation

storyboard for a multimodal project

wireframe for a Web site


slide show presentations



patterns of writing. See patterns of organization

of speeches or presentations

ought to, as modal


of draft


guidelines for constructing a formal outline

after rough draft

getting help with, in writing center

of image or multimodal text

outline of a multimodal text (Equal Exchange advertisement)

outline of a multimodal text (McDonald’s advertisement)


for literature paper

to put main ideas first

for MLA paper

sample outline (Orlov; MLA)

for multimodal projects

for planning

of written text

outline of a written text (Sanchez)

OWL (online writing lab)

ownership. See possessive case