13.2 13.1 The Adjusted Winner Procedure
| fapp10e_ch13_2.html | 564a5119757a2e6f46000000 |
13.3 13.2 The Knaster Inheritance Procedure
| fapp10e_ch13_3.html | 564a5119757a2e6f46000000 |
13.4 13.3 Fair Division and Organ Transplant Policies
| fapp10e_ch13_4.html | 564a5119757a2e6f46000000 |
13.6 13.5 Divide-and-Choose
| fapp10e_ch13_6.html | 564a5119757a2e6f46000000 |
13.7 13.6 Cake-Division Procedures: Proportionality
| fapp10e_ch13_7.html | 564a5119757a2e6f46000000 |
13.8 13.7 Cake-Division Procedures: The Problem of Envy
| fapp10e_ch13_8.html | 564a5119757a2e6f46000000 |
13.9 13.8 Vickrey Auctions
| fapp10e_ch13_9.html | 564a5119757a2e6f46000000 |