Chapter Review


  1. image Watch the videos on linear communication model, noise, and transactional communication model. Then, write a short paper (no more than 500 words) analyzing how communication models work online based on the videos and the following questions:
    • Why is the linear model often associated with online communication?
    • What experiences have you had with noise, feedback, and jointly creating meaning online?
    • Do you consider these transactional interactions? Why or why not?


    Write your answer here.

  2. To illustrate Buber’s concept of I-It, go to YouTube and find clips from the TV show 30 Rock that feature the character Jack Donaghy and his assistant, Jonathan. Over the course of the show, Jack has fired Jonathan “for practice” and has refused to engage in an interpersonal relationship with him. Choose one such scene and discuss Jack’s specific communication choices that demonstrate I-It language.


    Write your answer here.

  3. Consider a time when you thought “I wish I could take that back” after communicating something you regretted. Discuss with your peers the power of irreversibility. Can apologies help? What makes an apology more, or less, effective?


    Write your answer here.

  4. image Watch the video on self-monitoring and then find another example of self-monitoring in the media (from an online video, article, etc.). Analyze both examples based on these questions:
    • Do the examples represent high self-monitors or low self-monitors? Why?
    • How competent is the communication in the examples?
    • What could be improved in each?


    Write your answer here.

  5. Locate three job descriptions that include “strong communication skills” as a major requirement. What are communication skills? Generate a list of your thoughts in response to this question and write a brief essay on how these skills might impact the career you are currently working toward.


    Write your answer here.

  6. Visit the site, which compiles real, incompetent comments, statuses, and pictures that people have posted on Facebook. Choose three examples that are appropriate for class discussion in a college setting and answer the following questions to share with your classmates:
    • Why, specifically, is this status, comment, or photo an example of incompetent communication?
    • Keeping in mind that Facebook posts are permanent, what consequences might this status, comment, or photo have for the individual who shared it? Why?


    Write your answer here.