Photosynthetic Organisms Use Chemical Energy to Convert CO₂ to Carbohydrates

The energy in ATP and NADPH is used in the carbon-fixation reactions to “fix” CO2 into a reduced form and convert it to carbohydrates. Most CO2 fixation occurs only in the light, when ATP and NADPH are being generated. The metabolic pathway occurs in the stroma, or central region, of the chloroplast (see Figure 6.15) and is called the Calvin cycle after one of its discoverers, Melvin Calvin.

Like all biochemical pathways, each reaction in the Calvin cycle is catalyzed by a specific enzyme. The cycle is composed of three distinct processes (FIGURE 6.22):

Figure 6.22: The Calvin Cycle The Calvin cycle uses the ATP and NADPH generated in the light reactions to produce G3P from CO2. The G3P is used as a starting material for the production of glucose and other carbohydrates. Six turns of the cycle are needed to produce one molecule of the hexose glucose.
Figure 6.23: RuBP Is the Carbon Dioxide Acceptor The enzyme rubisco adds CO2 to the five-carbon compound RuBP. The resulting six-carbon compound immediately splits into two molecules of 3PG.

What happens to the extra G3P made by the Calvin cycle (see Figure 6.22)? It has two fates, depending on the time of day and the needs of different parts of the plant:

The products of the Calvin cycle are of crucial importance to Earth’s entire biosphere. The C—H covalent bonds generated by this cycle store almost all of the energy for life on Earth. Photosynthetic organisms, which are also called autotrophs (“self-feeders”), release most of this energy in cellular respiration, and use it to support their own growth, development, and reproduction. But plants are also the source of energy for other organisms. Much plant matter ends up being consumed by heterotrophs (“other-feeders”), including humans and other animals, which cannot photosynthesize. Heterotrophs depend on autotrophs for chemical energy, which they harvest via cellular respiration. In addition, many heterotrophs rely on plants to produce other molecules (such as vitamins) that the heterotrophs cannot synthesize for themselves.


Concept 44.3 describes how the energy captured by autotrophs flows through ecological communities




  • What are the three processes of the Calvin cycle?
  • If green plant cells are incubated in the presence of CO2 molecules containing radioactive carbon atoms, the fate of the carbon atoms can be followed. In an experiment, radioactive CO2 was given for 1 minute to plant cells, and then the cells were examined after 1, 5, 10, 20, and 30 minutes. The following molecules were labeled with radioactive carbon at some point(s): glucose, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, glycine (an amino acid), 3-phospho-glycerate, ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, and sucrose. List these molecules in the order in which they first become labeled.


Why does fresh air inhibit the formation of alcohol by yeast cells?

ANSWER Armed with our knowledge of metabolism, we can now explain Pasteur’s observations of beet sugar and alcohol:

  1. Nothing happened to beet mash unless microscopic yeast cells were present. Beet sugar is a product of photosynthetic CO2 fixation (Concept 6.6). Catabolism of carbohydrates is a cellular activity, characteristic of virtually all living things (Concepts 6.2 and 6.3).
  2. In the presence of fresh air, yeast cells grew vigorously on the mash, and bubbles of CO2 were formed. Carbohydrate catabolism under aerobic conditions yields a large amount of ATP (Concepts 6.1 and 6.2), which can be used to fuel anabolic pathways for growth (Concept 6.4). Under aerobic conditions, glucose is fully oxidized to CO2 (Concept 6.2).
  3. Without fresh air, the yeast grew slowly, less CO2 was produced, and alcohol was formed. Alcoholic fermentation occurs in anaerobic conditions, and yields far less ATP (for growth) than aerobic metabolism; a small amount of CO2 is produced (Concept 6.3).

As we noted in the opening story, the use by humans of yeasts for fermentation has a long history (FIGURE 6.24).

Figure 6.24: Products of Glucose Metabolism Beer, wine, and bread are all made using fermentation reactions in yeast cells.

Beer comes from the fermentation of barley seeds. These are soaked to begin the process of germination, which includes the induction of an enzyme that hydrolyzes the starch stored in the seed. The resulting disaccharide, maltose, is what the yeast cells use for energy—they first break the maltose down to its glucose monomers. At a cool temperature and under anaerobic conditions, yeast produces alcohol. An herb called hops is added to impart a distinctive bitter flavor.

Wine grapes are crushed, and the resulting juice contains sugars that are used by yeast for fermentation. There are yeasts growing on the skins of grapes naturally, so the original winemakers did not add yeast. More recently, special yeast strains have been used to control the fermentation process. The longer this process is allowed to proceed, the less sugar remains (resulting in a less sweet taste) and the higher the alcohol content. After fermentation the wine is stored in wooden casks, typically at cool temperatures. During this time hundreds of molecular transformations occur, giving different wines distinctive properties.

Bread is made from ground-up plant seeds (flour), which contain abundant starch. Moisture activates enzymes inside the seed that catabolize the starch to monosaccharides. These monosaccharides are used by bread yeast in fermentation reactions that result in CO2 production, and the resulting gas bubbles cause the complex flour mixture to rise.