lab reports, 662–64
design elements, 663–64
Lam, Andrew, “Waterloo”
Lat, David, “Why Mess with a Win-Win Situation?”
Latin terms, abbreviations for, H-80
“Laying Claim to a Higher Morality” (Mae), 189–95
lay/lie, H-114
leading questions, 685
learning to write, and St. Martin’s Guide, 4–5
lectures, MLA style documentation, 724
Lemus, Brittany, “Requiem for a Dream: Fantasy versus Reality”
“Let’s Abolish This Modern-Day Coalmine” (Pope-Sussman)
“‘Letter from Birmingham Jail,’ An Annotated Sample from” (King), 522–27
business letters, 654–56
document design, 654–55
job-application/cover, 659–60
MLA style documentation, 724–25
letters as letters
italics for, H-79
plurals, H-67
letter to the editor
APA style documentation, 746
MLA style documentation, 724
Lewis, Shannon, “We Were Here”
Library of Congress
state government information, 440
subject headings, 676
Web site for, 679
library research, 674–82
articles, finding, 677–79
audio/video/art collections, 677
bibliographies, 678
books, finding, 674, 676–77
call numbers, 677
catalogs, online, 675–77
encyclopedias, 669–70
for evaluations, 389
for explanations of concepts, 153
government information in, 679
guides to subjects, 670
home page of library, information in, 674
indexes, online, 678
interlibrary loan, 677
notetaking, 673
periodical databases, 677–79
periodicals, locating, 677–79
proposals for solutions, 339
resources, types of, 674
search terms, choosing, 675
sources, choosing most relevant, 690–91
sources, evaluating, 692–96
special collections, 677
for speculation about cause, 440
statistical information in, 679
stories, analysis of, 483
U.S./worldwide libraries search, 677
limiting modifiers
placement in sentences, H-36
splitting infinitive with, H-36
line graphs
speculation about cause, 433
uses of, 648
linking verbs
in context, H-26
categories, 600
as mapping method, 510
list of references. See APA style
list of works cited, 122. See also MLA style
bulleted lists, 645, 654
colon to introduce, H-59–60
dash for emphasis, H-62
dash to introduce, H-62
numbered, commas to separate items, H-68
numbered lists, 645
literacy narrative, 1
literally, H-114
literary analysis. See stories, analysis of
literary motif. See theme of stories
literary works
MLA style documentation, 712
present tense reference to, 704
logical fallacies, 620–21
defined, 620
in position arguments, 249, 283
in speculation about cause, 407
“with this, therefore because of this,” 407
logical relationships
understanding by writing, 3
logic of argument
ABC test, 539–41
appropriateness, testing for, 539–40
believability, testing for, 540–41
consistency and completeness, testing for, 541
evaluating, as reading strategy, 521, 539–41
example, “‘Letter from Birmingham Jail,’ An Annotated Sample from” (King), 540–41
logos, defined, 247
logs, research, 670
Loh, Sandra Tsing, “My Father’s Chinese Wives”
looping, 518
loose/lose, H-114
“Lost Innocence” (Bernard), 176–81
“Love: The Right Chemistry” (Toufexis), 120–21, 128–34, 141, 155–56
Lyu, Patricia
“Attachment: Someone to Watch over You,” 119–28, 133, 139–40, 146, 169–70
Writer at Work, 169–70