Index M

Mae, Melissa, “Laying Claim to a Higher Morality,” 189–95

magazine articles

APA style documentation, 746

MLA style documentation, 724

periodicals database search, 677–79


versus scholarly journals, 693–94

titles, italics for, H-78

“Mandarin Accent” (Tomine) image

Manjoo, Farhad, “Troll, Reveal Thyself” image

mapping, 508–13

clustering, 509

defined, 508

listing, 510

outlining, 510–14

“Mapping Memory” (National Geographic Online), 149, image


MLA style documentation, 725

uses as visual, 650

margins, 647

masculine pronouns

nonsexist language. See gender-free forms

pronoun agreement, H-13–14

McCandless, David, “Global Warming Skeptics vs. the Scientific Consensus, The” image

McClain, Sheila

“Fitness Culture, The,” 406–14, 441–42, 450–51, 453–54

Writer at Work, 453–54

mechanics, H-72–85

abbreviations, H-79–81

capitalization, H-74–76

hyphens, H-72–74

numbers, H-77–78

spacing, H-76–77

spelling, H-81–85

underlining (italics), H-78–79


for profiles, 87, 106–7

for remembered events, 31, 48


memorabilia, exploring, and remembered event essays, 40

memos, 652–54

document design, 653–54


comparing with, 30–31, 72, 536, 577–78

defined, 536

examples, “‘Letter from Birmingham Jail,’ An Annotated Sample from” (King), 536

mixed, avoiding, H-48

in profiles, 72

in remembered event essays, 30–31

use in writing, H-48

methods section, social sciences reports, 689

misplaced modifiers, correcting, H-35

“Missing the Fun” (Coleman) image

missing words in sentences. See omitted words

mixed constructions, correcting, 167–68, H-36–38

mixed metaphors, avoiding, H-48

MLA International Bibliography, 483, 678

MLA style, 709–38

block quotations

format for, 705–6, 711

indenting, 705, H-63

for ellipsis marks, 490

in-text citations, 709–14

corporate or government author, 712

directory, 710

entire work, 713

Internet material, 713–14

literary works, 712

multivolume work, 713

quotation from secondary source, 713

religious works, 713

required information in, 709–10

two or more authors with same last name, 712

two or more works by same author, 711

two or more works in same parentheses, 714

work in anthology, 713

work with more than one author, 711

work with one author, 710–11

work without page number, 713–14

work with unknown author, 711

list of works cited (print, electronic, database), 715–30

advertisements, 725

article from magazine, 724

article from newspaper, 722

article from reference book, 719–20

article from scholarly journal, 721–23

articles (print, online, database), 721–24

art works, 725

blogs, 729

book by agency or corporation, 716

book by multiple authors, 716

book by single author, 716

book by unknown author, 716

book of series, 719

book with title in its title, 719

cartoons or comic strips, 725

CD-ROM nonperiodical publication, 729

computer software, 730

conference proceedings, published, 720

dictionary entry, 719–20

directory, 714–15

discussion groups, 729

doctoral dissertation, published, 721

doctoral dissertation, unpublished, 721

edited collection, 717

editoral, 724

e-mail message, 730

film, 726

government documents, 720

graphic narrative, 717–18

hanging indent, 715

interview, 727

introduction, preface, foreword, or afterword, 719

later edition of book, 719

lectures or public addresses, 724

letters, 724–25

letter to the editor, 724

maps or charts, 725

multiple works by same author, 711

multivolume works, 719

musical compositions, 725

music recording, 727

newsgroup posting, 729

online book or short work within scholarly project, 729

online periodical database, material from, 715, 723

online scholarly project, 728–29

pamphlets or brochures, 720

performance, 726

podcast, 726

publisher names, shortened, 715

radio programs, 726

republished book, 719

required information in, 715, 717

review, 724

television programs, 726

translations, 717

unsigned article, 724

video, online, 727

Web site, 727–28

wiki article, 729

work or works in anthology or collection, 717

research paper, example of, 731–38

title page, format for, 731

modals, H-91–92

modifiers, H-34–36. See also adjectives; adverbs

adjective and adverb clauses as, H-108–9

adjectives and adverbs, H-25–26, H-101–2

adverbials as, H-97

dangling, 108, H-35–36

for detailing, 576

limiting, H-36

misplaced, H-35

of nouns, H-99

phrases as. See modifying phrases

modifying phrases

absolute, H-52, H-111

as dependent clauses, H-36, H-109

independent clause, forming from, H-6, H-8

modifiers with, H-35–36

participial, H-110


shifts in, H-32

verb forms, H-18, H-21, H-106–7

“More Testing, More Learning” (O’Malley), 299–300, 302–10, 314–15, 327, 345–48

“Mother Inferior?” (Rosin), 188–89, 222–25

multilingual writers, troublespots, H-86–95

adjective order, 109, H-94–95

American versus Canadian/British English, H-83

articles, H-86–88

conjunctive adverbs, meaning, 292


idiomatic two- and three-word verbs, H-47, H-90

omitted or repeated words, H-93–94

omitted words, H-27

participles, H-26, H-95

past participles, 51

past perfect tense, 51

phrasal verbs, H-46

prepositions, H-27, H-47, H-93

progressive tense, H-19

verb form, choosing, H-20

verbs, H-88–92

verb tenses, 51, H-19, H-89

multimedia sources

APA style documentation, 746–48

MLA style documentation, 724–30

multiple-choice questions, 687, 688

multivolume works, MLA style documentation, 713, 719

musical compositions

italics for, H-78

MLA style documentation, 725

titles, italics for, H-78

music recordings

APA style documentation, 746

library collections, 677

MLA style documentation, 727

“My Father’s Chinese Wives” (Loh) image