vehicles, names, italics for, H-79
verbal phrases
for combining sentences, 398–99
forming, H-102
prepositions in, H-46
verbals, H-110
verbs, H-101–6
and adverbials, H-97
auxiliary (helping) verbs, H-90–91
defined, H-102
endings, rules for, H-19–20
to introduce information from sources, 160
multilingual writers, troublespots, H-20, H-47, H-88–92
neutral/unbiased, 188
participles, forming, H-103
principal parts of, H-102–4
in quotations, checking for compatibility, 704
regular, forms of, H-19–20
subject-verb agreement, H-22–25
verb tenses. See also specific tenses
action, expressing, 566–67
forming, H-105–6
in profiles, 62
shifts in, H-30–31
style guide recommendations, H-19
time, expressing, 564–66
video recordings
APA style documentation, 746
as library source, 677
of literary works, 471
MLA style documentation, 727
“Virtual Reality” (Sexton)
classification and classifying with, 597
computer-generated, tips for, 651
diagrams, 649
downloading from Internet, 647
drawings and cartoons, 649
in essays, using. See specific types of visuals
flowcharts, 133, 433, 649
graphs as. See graphs
infographics, 149
labeling, 647
maps, 650
for oral presentations, 774–75
organization charts, 649
photos as. See photographs
sources, citing, 650
tables, 650
textual references to, 650–51
timelines, 488
titles for, 647
visuals, analyzing, 626–39
criteria for, 628–29, 632–33
Documenting America sample analysis, 629–38
public service announcement example, 627
visual texts, types of, 626
voice of verbs, H-106. See also active voice; passive voice
shifts in, H-32