a, an (articles), 751

as adjectives, 540

capitalization of, in titles, 733

for multilingual writers, 563–66, 657

with nouns, 535

abbreviations, 736–39

acronyms, 737–38

in APA references, 464

in Chicago notes and bibliography, 500

of company names, 738

in CSE references, 520, 528

in the disciplines, 740

of geographic terms, 738–39

in informal writing, 21, 22

initial, 737–38

Latin, 738

in MLA works cited, 416

of months, 738

periods with, 704–5

Quick Help, 736

for reference information, 738

symbols, 739

Talking the Talk, 378, 740

texting and, 378

for time of day, 737

for titles of persons, 704, 736–37

for units of measurement, 739

with years, 737

abridged dictionaries, 388

absolute concepts, 615–16

absolute phrases, 555, 674–75

abstract words, 85, 380–81


APA style, 307, 311, 453

CSE style, 316, 518

of periodical articles, 204, 220–21

academic writing. See also writing projects

assignments for, 25–27

audience for, 25–37, 354–59

authority in, 17–18, 356

clarity and directness in, 18, 357–58

collaborating on, 118–22

in the disciplines, 292–330

ethics and integrity, 245–48, 298

expectations for, 14–22

genres of, 16–17, 297–98

for global communication, 298–99

media for, 20–22

portfolios of, 337–43

purpose for, 28

reading and, 19

research for, 20, 190–260

rhetorical situation for, 16–20, 302

social writing versus, 14–17

stance in, 28–30

standard English for, 368

style for, 16–17

accept, except, 397, 751


of media texts, 270

of presentations, 275

of Web sites, 202

accuracy, of sources, 216

acknowledging sources, 179, 241–44. See also plagiarism

acronyms, 737–38

active listening, 19–20

active reading, 19, 124–32, 293. See also critical thinking and reading

active voice, 585–86 The form of a verb when the subject performs the action: Lata sang the chorus.

for conciseness, 663

revising for, 85

shifts to passive, 585, 627

AD, CE, 737

addresses. See also URLs

commas in, 695

numbers in, 741

ad hominem fallacy, 150

adjective, 540, 611–19 A word that modifies, quantifies, identifies, or describes a noun or words acting as a noun.

absolute concepts, 615–16

adverb versus, 540–41, 611

capitalization of, 5, 540, 731–32

comparative (-er forms), 540, 614–16

compound, 10, 747–48, 749

coordinate, 692–93

hyphen with, 10, 747–48, 749

after linking verb, 540, 550, 612

for multilingual writers, 614

noun as, 616

object complement as, 551

participial, 553, 617

with plural noun, 614

positive, 614–15

prepositional phrase as, 552

pronoun as, 600–601

proper, 5, 540, 731–32

Quick Help, 611–12

in sentence map, 536

superlative (-est forms), 540, 614–16

verbal phrase as, 552

word order with, 617–18

adjective clauses

commas with, 690–91

for multilingual writers, 557–58

advanced searches, 203–4, 207

adverb, 540–41, 611–19 A word that qualifies, modifies, limits, or defines a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a clause, frequently answering the question where? when? how? why? to what extent? or under what conditions?

absolute concepts, 615–16

adjective versus, 540–41, 611

comparative (-er forms), 541, 614–16

conjunctive, 544, 639, 693, 700–701

hyphen with, 748

positive, 614–15

prepositional phrase as, 552

Quick Help, 611–12

in sentence map, 537

superlative (-est forms), 541, 614–16

verbal phrase as, 552

adverb clauses, 558

commas with, 690–91

subordinating conjunctions before, 543–44

adverbial particle, 622

advertisements. See visuals and media

advice, advise, 751

affect, effect, 397, 751

African American, 363

African American vernacular, 384, 591, 616

aggravate, 751

agreement The correspondence between a pronoun and its antecedent in person, number, and gender (Mr. Fox and his sister) or between a verb and its subject in person and number (She and Moe are friends).

of pronoun and antecedent, 9, 604–6

of subject and verb, 590–97

alignment, 264


in digital texts, 21

in headings, 268

in running heads (APA style), 453

all ready, already, 397, 751

all right, alright, 751

all together, altogether, 751

allude, elude, 751

allusion, illusion, 751

allusions, 384

a lot, 751

almanacs, 202

already, all ready, 397, 751

alright, all right, 751

alternating comparisons, 52

altogether, all together, 751

am. See be, forms of

AM, a.m., 737

ambiguous pronoun reference, 607–8

America, American, 365

Americans with Disabilities Act, 202

American Sign Language, 372

among, between, 751–52

amount, number, 752

an, a. See a, an


in emotional appeals, 176

as evidence, 357

false, 151

as figures of speech, 383

organizing with, 52

for paragraph development, 105

analysis. See also assignments; critical thinking and reading

of arguments, 140–59

of examination questions, 332

of field research, 211

of literature, 302–3

of rhetorical situations, 23–39

sample student writing, 134–39, 155–57, 303–5

of sources, 211–24

of texts, 133–39

of visuals and media, 135–39, 145–46, 149, 270–71

and. See coordinating conjunctions

AND, in advanced searches, 203

and/or, 752

anecdotes, 81, 113–14

annotated bibliographies, 214–15

annotating texts, 128–32, 225–26, 230. See also note-taking

antecedent, 538, 598 The noun or noun phrase that a pronoun replaces.

agreement with pronoun, 9, 604–6

ambiguous, 607–8

implied, 609

vague, 4, 608

antithesis, 681–82

any, 594. See also indefinite pronoun

any body, anybody, 752

any one, anyone, 752

anyplace, 752

anything. See indefinite pronoun

anyway, anyways, 752

APA style, 451–92 The citation style guidelines issued by the American Psychological Association.

abstracts, 307, 311, 453

basics of, 451–52

citing sources without models, 459

content notes, 452

integrating sources, 234, 454

in-text citations

directory to, 454

models for, 455–58

long quotations in, 234, 453

manuscript format, 452–54


directory to, 459–61

formatting, 458

models for, 461–82

sample research project, 482–92

signal phrases in, 454

source maps

articles from databases, 472–73

articles from print periodicals, 468–69

books, 464–65

reports and long works from Web sites, 476–77

student writing using, 309–13, 482–92

verb tense in, 308, 454, 580

visuals, labeling, 454, 457–58

apostrophes, 708–12

with possessive forms, 535

Quick Help, 709

Top Twenty, 7–8

appeals, in arguments

analyzing, 143–46

audience and, 176–77

bandwagon, 150

emotional (pathos), 143, 175–78

ethical (ethos), 143–44, 165–68

in-crowd, 150

logical (logos), 144–46, 168–75

making, 165–78

for multilingual writers, 144


analyzing, 145–46, 149, 152–53

applications for employment, 325–29, 337–43

applied sciences. See sciences, natural and applied

appositive A noun or noun phrase that adds identifying information to a preceding noun or noun phrase: Zimbardo, an innovative researcher, designed the experiment.

commas with, 691

in phrases, 555

pronouns in, 599, 603

apt, liable, likely, 752

Arab, 365

archives, for research, 206

are. See be, forms of

argument, 140–88 A text that makes and supports a claim.

analyzing, 140–59, 217

appeals in (ethos, logos, pathos)

analyzing, 143–46

making, 165–78

arguable statements

acknowledging sources of, 243

analyzing, 147

making, 163

Aristotle’s framework, 143–46, 165, 173


analyzing, 148

organizing, 173–74, 181

in working thesis, 164

audience for, 176–77

bias in, 142

circular, 151

classical system, 179–80

common ground, establishing, 166–67

context for, 140, 142–43, 160


addressing, 167, 179–82

synthesizing, 222


analyzing, 143–44

establishing, 165–68

cultural expectations for, 357

deductive reasoning

analyzing, 146–47

using, 173–74

delivery, 182–83

design for, 167–68, 182–83

elements of, 146–49


analyzing, 144–48

using, 168–75, 179

fallacies, 149–53

genres for, 182–83

in the humanities, 300–301

inductive reasoning, 173

invitational, 161–62, 181–82

for multilingual writers, 144, 171, 172

in the natural and applied sciences, 316

opposing viewpoints

addressing, 167, 179–82

synthesizing, 222

organizing, 179–82

purpose, 142, 161–63

Quick Help, 141, 161

reading critically, 141–59, 217

reasons, 164, 165, 174, 180

researching, 160, 179

reviewing, 161

Rogerian framework, 161–62, 181–82

sample student essays, 155–57, 183–88

in the social sciences, 308

Talking the Talk, 162

thesis, 164–65

Toulmin’s framework, 146–49, 164–65 , 180–81

visuals in

analyzing, 149, 152–53

writing, 160–88

Aristotelian argument, 143–46, 165, 173

art, works of

in library collections, 206

as primary sources, 199

articles (a, an, the)

as adjectives, 540

capitalization of, 733

for multilingual writers, 563–66, 657

with nouns, 535

articles from databases. See databases, periodical

articles in periodicals. See periodical articles

as, as if, as though, 382

as, as if, like, 752

as, vague use of, 752

ASL (American Sign Language), 372


analyzing, 25–27, 191–94

for essay examinations, 332

genres for, 34–36

in the humanities, 302

in the natural and applied sciences, 317–18

in portfolios, 339

for presentations, 272–74

Quick Help, 25–26, 293–94

for research projects, 191–94

Talking the Talk, 26

assistive technologies, 81


guilt by, 150

organizing by, 53


active reading and, 19, 128

in arguments, 148, 164, 173–74, 181

audience and, 30–33, 33

cultural, 142–43, 354–59

about gender, 361–63

stereotypes and, 360–66

in working thesis, 164

assure, ensure, insure, 752

as to, 752

at, in, on, 620–22

at, where, 759

attitude. See stance


for academic writing, 25–27, 293

analyzing, 14–16, 23–24, 30–33

appealing to, 32–33, 345–46

for arguments, 176–77, 182–83

critical reading and, 128

disabilities and, 33, 366

in the disciplines, 293

for formal writing, 21, 32

global, 354–59

for informal writing, 14–16, 22, 31

for memos, 323

for multimodal texts, 286

for online texts, 14–16, 31, 118–19

for portfolios, 338

for presentations, 272–74

previewing, 125

for public writing, 31, 177, 345–46

reflecting on, 65

for research projects, 192, 250–51

Talking the Talk, 194

tone and, 86

audio. See multimodal text

authority. See also credibility

in arguments, 171–72

cultural expectations about, 356

in the disciplines, 296

establishing, 17–18

false, 150, 171

author listings

APA style, 455–56, 461–63

Chicago style, 496, 498–99, 502

CSE style, 520–21, 524

auxiliary verbs, 534, 569–73

missing, 583

for multilingual writers, 570

awhile, a while, 752