key concept 19.1 The Four Major Processes of Development Are Determination, Differentiation, Morphogenesis, and Growth
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Development involves four distinct but overlapping processes
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As development proceeds, cell fates become restricted
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Cell differentiation is sometimes reversible
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Multipotent stem cells differentiate in response to environmental signals
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Pluripotent stem cells can be obtained in two ways
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key concept 19.2 Gene Expression Differences Determine Cell Fate and Cell Differentiation
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Cytoplasmic segregation can determine cell fate
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Inducers passing from one cell to another can determine cell fate
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Differential gene transcription is a hallmark of cell differentiation
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key concept 19.3 Gene Expression Determines Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation
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Morphogen gradients provide positional information
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Expression of transcription factor genes determines organ differentiation in plants
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A cascade of transcription factors establishes body segmentation in the fruit fly
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key concept 19.4 Changes in Gene Expression Underlie the Evolution of Development
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Developmental genes in distantly related organisms are similar
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Genetic switches govern how the genetic toolkit is used
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Modularity allows for differences in the patterns of gene expression
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key concept 19.5 Developmental Gene Changes Can Shape Evolution
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Mutations in developmental genes can cause major morphological changes
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Conserved developmental genes can lead to parallel evolution
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Apply What Youâve Learned
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