Chapter 28 Preparing Online Presentations
Apply Your Knowledge of Face-to-Face Speaking
Plan for the Unique Demands of Online Delivery
Real-Time or Recorded? Plan for the Delivery Mode
Choose an Online Presentation Format
CHECKLIST Creating a Podcast
CHECKLIST Online Presentation Planning
Chapter 29 Collaborating and Presenting in Groups
Becoming an Effective Group Participant
Adopting an Effective Leadership Style
CHECKLIST Guidelines for Setting Group Goals
Making Presentations in Teams
CHECKLIST Team Presentation Tips
Chapter 30 Business and Professional Presentations
Presentational versus Public Speaking
Case Study Presentations
Sales Presentations
ESL SPEAKER’S NOTES Steps to Counteract Problems in Being Understood
CHECKLIST Applying Monroe’s Motivated Sequence in a Sales Presentation
Staff Reports
CHECKLIST Preparing a Proposal
Progress Reports
Crisis-Response Presentations
ETHICALLY SPEAKING Code of Ethics for Professional Communicators
Chapter 31 Speaking in Other College Courses
Typical Speaking Assignments across the Curriculum
CHECKLIST Tips for Winning a Debate
Presenting to Different Audiences
CHECKLIST Tips on Presenting to a Mixed Audience
Speaking in Science and Mathematics Courses
CHECKLIST Evaluating Your Original Research Presentation
CHECKLIST Tips for Preparing Successful Scientific Presentations
Speaking in Technical Courses
Speaking in Social Science Courses
Speaking in Arts and Humanities Courses
Speaking in Education Courses
Speaking in Nursing and Allied Health Courses
Sheryl Sandberg speaks in Beijing, China, to promote her book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead in the photo that opens this section. She speaks about equality in business and at home, at an event co-sponsored by the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) and China CITIC Press on September 13, 2013. The response to Sandberg’s TED talk, entitled “Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders,” inspired her to write her book. As a speaker and businessperson, Sandberg speaks to large audiences like this one in Bejing, as well as smaller groups of employees and colleagues, in her role as Chief Operating Officer at Facebook.