object complements, H-97
objective pronoun case, H-17, H-99, H-107
object of sentence
commas, unnecessary, H-55
complements. See object complements
compound. See compound objects
defined, H-97
direct, H-97
indirect, H-97
noun clause as, H-109
of prepositions, H-16, H-107
whom as, H-15–16
observations, 682–84
notetaking, 683
planning, 682–83
preparing for, 92–93
for profiles, 91–98
reflecting on, 95, 584
schedule for, 92
write-up, 95, 683–84
writing strategies for, 683
O’Leary, Briana, “Fatty’s Custom Tattooz and Body Piercing”
Olsen, Camille, “Internships Are Valuable If They Follow the Law”
O’Malley, Patrick
Writer at Work, 347–48
omitted letters, apostrophe for, H-68
omitted words
in compound structures, H-30
ellipsis marks for, 489–90, 702, H-69
in sentences, H-27–30
one of the, subject-verb agreement, H-24
online research. See Internet research
On the Media, “Reel Sounds of Violence, The”
opening strategies. See also topic sentences
common ground essays, 202, 206–7
evaluations, 392
explanations of concepts, 161
position arguments, 285–86
profiles, 101
proposals for solutions, 341
remembered event essays, 43–44
speculation about cause, 446
stories, analysis of, 483–84
opposing positions
anticipating. See readers, objections, anticipating
exploring. See position arguments
patterns of opposition, 537–38
responding to. See concessions; refutation
oral presentations, 772–76
audience and purpose, 773
delivery, guidelines for, 776
ending, 776
orienting listeners, cues for, 773–74
rehearsing, 775
types of, 772–73
visuals for, 774–75
organization. See also outlining
chronological order, 79, 85
by classifying. See classification and classifying
explanations of concepts, 120, 156, 164
narrative plan. See narrative organizational plan, profiles
topical. See topical organizational plan, profiles
orienting statements, 546–48
forecasting statements as, 547–48
thesis statements as, 546–47
“Ounces of Prevention—The Public Policy Case for Taxes on Sugared Beverages” (Brownell and Frieden), 300–301, 316–22
outlining, 510–14
chunking, 512
common ground essays, 205–6
defined, 529
evaluations, 391–92
example, “‘Letter from Birmingham Jail,’ An Annotated Sample from” (King), 528–30
explanations of concepts, 156
position arguments, 284
profiles, 96–97
proposals for solutions, 340
quick sketch as, 35–36
as reading strategy, 529–31
remembered event essays, 36–37
scratch outlines, 156, 510–11, 530
sentence outlines, 512–13
speculation about cause, 445
stories, analysis of, 483
for summaries, 532