a. See articles (a, an, the)
in academic writing, H-79
common uses of, H-79–81
incorrect use, H-80–81
numerals in, H-78
periods in, H-70
plurals, H-67
ABC test, for logic of argument, 539–41
absolute phrases
commas, setting off with, H-52
functions of, H-111
database search results, 679
social sciences reports, 689
academic degrees, abbreviations for, H-80
Academic Search Premier, 678
accept/except, H-112
acronyms, parentheses to enclose, H-68
action in writing
action sequences, creating, 20
narrative action, 566–67
and prepositional phrases, 20, 62
time transitions, 38, 50–51
AD (anno Domini), H-80
adapt/adopt, H-112
adaptations, of literary works, 471
Ad Council, “$9 Lunch, The,” 329,
Ad Council/U.S. Department of Transportation, “‘It’s Only Another Beer’ Black and Tan, The,” 273,
commas in, H-54
numerals in, H-78
adjective (relative) clauses
commas with, 168
defined, 168
functions of, H-108
relative pronouns to introduce, H-100
adjectives, H-25–26, H-101
adverbs as modifiers of, H-101
versus adverbs in sentences, H-25–26
comparisons, H-26, H-101
as complements, H-97
compound, hyphen in, H-72
coordinate, H-54
cumulative, H-54, H-56
demonstrative, H-108
indefinite, H-34
nouns and pronouns used as, H-101
predicate, H-97
adopt/adapt, H-112
adverbial clauses, H-109
trailing, and commas, H-56
adverbials, as modifiers, H-97
adverbs, H-25–26, H-101–2
versus adjectives in sentences, H-25–26
adverbs as modifiers of, H-101
comparisons, H-26, H-101
in formal writing, H-25
as modifiers, H-26, H-101
advertisements, MLA style documentation, 725
advice/advise, H-112
advise/advice, H-112
affect/effect, H-112
APA style documentation, 744
MLA style documentation, 719
agentless sentences, use of, 346
missing in sentences, correcting, 346
airplanes, names, italics for, H-79
Akana, William
Writer at Work, 399–400
all right, H-112
allusions, comparing with, 30
a lot, H-112
Alt-Press Watch, 678
ambiguity, avoiding, and hyphens, H-73
among/between, H-112
amount/number, H-112
a.m./p.m. H-80
an. See articles (a, an, the)
false analogy, 621
and testing for appropriateness, 540
uses of, 605–6
analysis of stories. See stories, analysis of analytical approach
for field research observations, 683
survey results, 689
believability, testing for, 540
in explanations of concepts, 157
from interviewees, 94
in position arguments, 258–59
in profiles, 78, 94
in speculation about cause, 419–20
supporting position with, 615–16
annotations and annotating, 521–28
Annotations Chart (opposing position analysis), 200–201, 213–15
bibliographies, 672
common ground essays, 200–201, 213–15
“‘Letter from Birmingham Jail,’ An Annotated Sample from” (King), 522–27
Writer at Work (Melissa Mae), 213–15
forms of, 522
functions of, 521
taking inventory of, 528
pronoun agreement, H-12–13
pronoun reference, H-10–11
anthology, work in
APA style documentation, 741
anxious/eager, H-112
APA style, 739–49
author listings, order of, 742
in-text citations, 740–41
author indicated in signal phrase, 740
book by one author, 740
book with more than one author, 740
corporate or government author, 741
later edition of book, 744
multiple authors with same last name, 741
required information in, 739–40
secondary source, quotations from, 741
several books by same author/same year, 741
several works in same parentheses, 741
unknown author, 740–41
list of references (print, electronic), 741–49
articles (print, electronic), 745–47
blogs, 747
book by agency or corporation, 743
book by more than one author, 743
book by single author, 742
book by unknown author, 743
book with author and editor, 744
computer software, 748
dictionary entry, 744
directory, 741–42
discussion lists, 747
doctoral dissertation, unpublished, 745
edited works, 744
editorial, 746
e-mail message, 748
film or video recording, 746
government documents, 744
interview, 747
introduction, preface, foreword, or afterword, 744
magazine articles, 746
multimedia sources, 746–48
music recording, 746
newsgroup posting, 747
newspaper articles, 745
reference book article, 744
review, 746
sample list, 748–49
scholarly journal article, 745
several books by same author, 743
television programs, 746
translations, 741
unknown author, 743
Web site, 747
Wiki entry, 748
work in anthology or collection, 744
verb tense, using, H-19
apostrophes, H-66–68
in contractions, H-67
incorrect use, H-68
plural of numbers, letters, abbreviations, H-67
to show possession, H-66–67
appeals, in position arguments, 247–48
appositive phrases
for combining sentences, 398–99
functions in sentence, H-110
in sentence definitions, 587
colons to emphasize, H-59
commas to set off, 159, H-59
dashes to set off, 159
defined, 159
in explanations of concepts, 159
appropriateness, testing for, 539–40
appropriate qualification, 610
“Araby” (Joyce), 497–01
archives, catalogs, online, 677
argument essays
cause, speculating about. See speculation about cause
evaluations, assertion of. See evaluations
opposing positions, presenting. See common ground essays
positions, stating. See position arguments
solution to problem, proposing. See proposals for solutions
stories, analysis of. See stories, analysis of
arguments and arguing, 608–25
acknowledging readers’ concerns, 618
comparing and contrasting for, 607
concessions, 618–19
logical fallacies, 620–21
logic of. See logic of arguments
reasons and support, presenting, 611–17
refutation, 619–20
sentence strategies for, 621–25
thesis, asserting, 608–11
articles (a, an, the)
missing in sentences, H-28
multilingual writers, troublespots, H-86–88
uses of, H-108
articles in periodicals. See periodicals and periodical articles
art works
library collections, 677
MLA style documentation, 725
titles, italics for, H-78
and pronoun case, H-17
for time transitions, 38
assertions, arguable, 609–10
assessment methods
essay examinations, 752–65
writing portfolios, 766–70
“Attachment: Someone to Watch over You” (Lyu), 119–28, 133, 139–40, 146, 169–70
Aucoin, Don, “For Some, Helicopter Parenting Delivers Benefits,” 225–27
audience. See also readers
for common ground essays, 175, 201–2
and document design, 641–42
for explanations of concepts, 119
for oral presentations, 773
for profiles, 61
for stories, analysis of, 459
audio recordings
of interviews, 94
as library source, 677
authority or expert information. See also sources; supporting evidence
appositives, use with, 159
believability, testing for, 541
overreliance fallacy, 621
in proposals for solutions, 300, 320, 335–36
sources, checking for credibility, 680, 692–96
in sources, criteria for, 692–94
supporting position with, 614–15
and testing for appropriateness, 540
authors, citing. See APA style; MLA style
and remembered events. See remembered event essays
showing and telling in, 21–22
and thesis statement, 547
auxiliary (helping) verbs
functions in sentence, H-102
modals, H-91–92
verb forms following, H-90–91