[Open index in supp window]
a, an
quick help: articles
choosing articles for common nouns
a vs. an, usage note
with common nouns
omission of
in APA reference list
common terms
ending with periods
for eras
in MLA works cited list
scientific terms
for time
titles of people
for units of measurement
abide by (not with) a decision
absolute concepts (unique, round, etc.)
absolute phrases
commas with
abstract nouns
in APA papers
sample abstract, business (Spencer; APA)
sample abstract, psychology (Charat; APA)
in business
citing (MLA)
in CSE papers
in databases
tips for smart searching
vs. excerpts
of journal article, citing (APA)
keywords and
of paper, citing (APA)
academic English
strategies for improving
using in online course
Academic Word List
for improving academic English
most commonly used academic words
academic writing
analyzing an image or a multimodal text
analyzing a written text
writing guide: analysis essay
APA papers
argument papers
writing guide: argument essay
audience for speech or presentation
audience for written work
case study, research process
conducting research
Chicago papers
evaluating sources
for research process
sample annotated source
field research
finding sources
genres. See genres
tips for assessing genre in a writing assignment
writing guide: analysis essay
writing guide: annotated bibliography
writing guide: argument essays
writing guide: literacy narrative
writing guide: reflective letter for a portfolio
and writing situation
writing specific genres
manuscript formats
APA format, guidelines
Chicago format, guidelines
CSE format
MLA format, guidelines
sample APA format
sample MLA format
MLA papers
questions asked in the disciplines (history, sociology, film, etc.)
reading images and multimodal texts
reading written texts
research process, highlights
research questions
speech or presentation
strategies for research
writing in the disciplines
accept, except
accessibility and multimodal projects
composing projects that are accessible and usable
activity: considering accessibility and usability in your own project
activity: understanding accessibility and usability
according to (not with)
listening actively to speakers
active reading
guidelines for actively reading an image or a multimodal text
guidelines for actively reading a written text
for analysis essays
analyzing an image or a multimodal text
analyzing a written text
annotating an image or a multimodal text
annotated multimodal text (Equal Exchange ad)
annotated multimodal text (McDonald’s ad)
annotated web page
annotating a written text
annotated poem
annotated written text
notes on a literary work
of arguments
evaluating sources
evaluating sources for bias
evaluating sources found on the web
for research process
annotated multimodal text (Equal Exchange ad)
annotated multimodal text (McDonald’s ad)
annotated written text
exploring a subject
for literature paper
and online learning
qualities, skills, and tools of successful online learners
outlining an image or a multimodal text
outline of a multimodal text (Equal Exchange advertisement)
outline of a multimodal text (McDonald’s advertisement)
outlining a written text
sample outline of a written text
previewing sources
images and multimodal texts
written texts
of research sources
summarizing an image or a multimodal text
annotated multimodal text (Equal Exchange advertisement)
annotated multimodal text (McDonald’s advertisement)
summarizing a written text
summary of a written text (big-box stores)
and thinking like a researcher
writing prompt: reading actively
writing prompt: reading images and multimodal texts actively
active voice
vs. be verbs
changing to passive
vs. passive
shifts with passive
wordy sentences
activities for multimodal projects
directory to activities for multimodal projects
adapt, adopt
address (speech, lecture)
APA style
MLA style
public speaking
commas with
e-mail and Internet, dividing
numbers in
ad hominem fallacy
adjective clauses
avoiding repetition in
commas with
words introducing
adjective phrases
commas with
infinitive (to sing)
introductory, with commas
participial (speaking softly)
prepositional (of wood)
restrictive (essential) vs. nonrestrictive (nonessential)
quick help: adjectives and adverbs
absolute concepts (unique, round, etc.)
commas with
comparative forms (with -er or more)
cumulative (no commas)
order of cumulative adjectives
double comparatives and superlatives, avoiding
double negatives
following an object (object complement)
with hyphen (well-known)
order of
participles (-ing and -ed forms)
with prepositions
adjective + preposition combinations
multilingual tip: learning idioms
superlative forms (with -est or most)
multilingual tip: adjectives and plural nouns
administrative report, in criminal justice and criminology
sample administrative report, criminal justice (Thompson; APA)
adopt, adapt
adverb clauses
comma with introductory
no comma with concluding
words introducing
adverb phrases
infinitive (to register)
prepositional (on the street)
quick help: adjectives and adverbs
comparative forms (with -er or more)
conjunctive adverbs (therefore, however, etc.). See Conjunctive adverbs
not repeating
multilingual tip: repeated objects or adverbs
placement of
multilingual tip: no adverb between verb and object
multilingual tip: placement of adverbs
relative (where, why, etc.)
superlative forms (with -est or most)
adverse, averse
annotated multimodal text (Equal Exchange ad)
annotated multimodal text (McDonald’s ad)
guidelines for analyzing an image or a multimodal text
ethical appeal in an advertisement
outline of a multimodal text (Equal Exchange advertisement)
outline of a multimodal text (McDonald’s advertisement)
print advertisement, as multimodal composition
common genres of multimodal compositions
sample analysis of an ad (Yoshida; MLA)
sample analysis of an ad (Lee; MLA)
guidelines for writing a summary of an image or a multimodal text
summary of a multimodal text (Equal Exchange advertisement)
summary of a multimodal text (McDonald’s advertisement)
writing prompt: evaluating ads for logic and fairness
advice, advise
affect, effect
agreement of pronoun and antecedent
quick help: pronouns
antecedents joined by and
antecedents joined by or or nor
collective nouns (committee, family, etc.)
generic nouns (student, farmer)
indefinite pronouns (anyone)
sexist language
avoiding sexist language
agreement of subject and verb. See subject-verb agreement
agree to, agree with
ain’t (nonstandard)
italics for aircraft
alignment of text (left, right, centered, justified)
APA style
Chicago style
CSE style
document design
MLA style
all (singular or plural)
all-, hyphen with
all ready, already
all right (not alright)
all together, altogether
allusion, illusion
almost, placement of
a lot (not alot)
already, all ready
alright (nonstandard)
all right
adverb clauses
avoiding with but or however
no comma after
subordinating conjunction
altogether, all together
American Psychological Association. See APA papers
among, between
amoral, immoral
amount, number
a.m., p.m.
am vs. is or are
quick help: subject-verb agreement
subject-verb agreement at a glance
an, a
quick help: articles
choosing articles for common nouns
a vs. an, usage note
with common nouns
not omitting
argument strategy
pattern of organization (paragraphs)
critical analysis
guidelines for actively reading an image or a multimodal text
guidelines for actively reading a written text
guidelines for analyzing an image or a multimodal text
guidelines for analyzing a written text
of an image or a multimodal text
sample analysis of an ad (Yoshida; MLA)
sample analysis of an ad (Lee; MLA)
writing prompt: analyzing an image or a multimodal text
of moving images
analyzing moving images
sample analysis of a movie
of multimodal texts
analyzing multimodal texts
common genres of multimodal compositions
sample analysis of a PSA
sample analysis of a video game
sample PSA (World Wildlife Fund)
of sound
analyzing sound
sample analysis of sound in a podcast
sample notes on an audio podcast
podcast for student analysis
of static images
analyzing static images
sample analysis of two photos
sample analysis of a set of instructions
what kind of image is it?
toppling of Saddam Hussein statue: two views for analysis
instructions: sketch with generic features
photograph showing an unusual perspective
Migrant Mother by Dorothea Lange, for analysis
of written texts
sample analysis of an article (Sanchez; MLA)
writing prompt: analyzing a written text
of written words (monomodal text)
analyzing written words
sample analysis of a public letter
everyday multimodal texts, for analysis
purpose and audience in a public letter
analysis paper
for an image or a multimodal text
guidelines for analyzing an image or a multimodal text
sample analysis of an ad (Yoshida; MLA)
sample analysis of an ad (Lee; MLA)
summary vs. analysis
writing prompt: drafting and revising an analytical thesis for an image or a multimodal text
writing prompt: developing an analysis of a written text
genre in criminal justice and criminology
for a written text
guidelines for analyzing a written text
sample analysis of an article (Sanchez; MLA)
summary vs. analysis
writing prompt: drafting and revising an analytical thesis for a written text
writing guide
antecedents joined by
comma with
coordinating conjunction
excessive use of
no comma with
no semicolon with
subjects joined by
quick help: subject-verb agreement
and etc. (nonstandard)
angry with (not at)
animation, as moving image
common genres of multimodal compositions
annotated bibliography
sample annotated bibliography entry
sample annotated bibliography (Niemeyer; APA)
sample annotated bibliography (Orlov; MLA)
writing guide
annotating a text
guidelines for actively reading an image or a multimodal text
guidelines for actively reading a written text
annotated written text
annotated multimodal text (Equal Exchange ad)
annotated multimodal text (McDonald’s ad)
annotating an image or a multimodal text
annotating a written text
commenting in an electronic image or multimodal text
commenting in an electronic written text
evaluating sources
annotated written text
exploring ideas
for literature paper
annotating a literary work
annotated poem
taking notes on a literary work
notes on a literary work
announcements in online course platform
ante-, anti-
quick help: pronouns
agreement of pronoun
clear reference
singular vs. plural
of who, which, that
anthology or collection
citation at a glance
Chicago style
MLA style
APA style
Chicago style
MLA style
anti-, ante-
antonyms (opposites), dictionary label
a number, the number
singular vs. plural
any (singular or plural)
anybody (singular)
pronoun-antecedent agreement
subject-verb agreement
anyone (singular)
pronoun-antecedent agreement
subject-verb agreement
anyone, any one
anything (singular)
pronoun-antecedent agreement
subject-verb agreement
APA papers
directory to APA in-text citation models
directory to APA reference list models
directory to sample student writing in APA style
sample abstract, psychology (Mirano; APA)
author note
in business
capitalization in
citation at a glance
article from a database (APA)
article in a periodical (APA)
book (APA)
section in a web document (APA)
in criminal justice and criminology
DOI (digital object identifier)
breaking in reference list
general guidelines for the APA reference list
model citation with DOI (APA)
in education
sample footnote (Mirano; APA)
body of paper (APA)
reference list (APA)
sample abstract (APA)
sample APA format
sample footnote (Mirano; APA)
sample headings (Mirano; APA)
sample long quotation (Mirano; APA)
sample reference list (APA)
sample title page (APA)
in-text citations
directory to APA in-text citation models
guidelines (APA)
long quotation
sample long quotation (Mirano; APA)
in nursing
page numbers
sample running head (Mirano; APA)
plagiarism, avoiding
in psychology
reference list
directory to APA reference list models
citing articles and other short works (APA)
citing audio, visual, and multimedia sources (APA)
citing authors (APA)
citing books and other long works (APA)
citing personal communication and social media (APA)
citing websites and parts of websites (APA)
general guidelines for the APA reference list
sample reference list, business (Spencer; APA)
sample reference list, education (Gibson; APA)
sample reference list, nursing (Riss; APA)
sample reference list, psychology (Mirano; APA)
sample reference list, psychology (Charat; APA)
running head
on title page
sample running head (Mirano; APA)
signal phrases
using signal phrases in APA papers
supporting arguments
synthesizing sources
sample synthesis (APA)
sample table (Mirano; APA)
title page
sample title page (Mirano; APA)
breaking in reference list
model citation with URL (APA)
verb tense in signal phrases
point of view and verb tense in academic writing
using signal phrases in APA papers
quick help: apostrophes
adding -’s
special uses
appeals in arguments (ethos, logos, pathos)
evaluating as a reader
using in writing
ethical appeal in an advertisement
in APA paper
sample appendix (Zopf; APA)
in CSE papers
apposition, faulty
case of pronouns (I, me, she, her, etc.)
colon to introduce
commas with
dashes with
no commas when restrictive
as sentence fragments
quick help: sentence fragments
test for fragments
appropriate language
euphemisms and plain English alternatives
choosing alternatives to jargon
offensive language
pretentious language
sexist language
avoiding sexist language
archetypes in literary works
questions to ask about literature
digital archives
specialized online search tools
are vs. is
quick help: subject-verb agreement
basic verb forms
subject-verb agreement at a glance
argument papers
academic English: avoiding stereotyping in writing
academic English: giving voice to an argument
academic English: using statistics in an argument paper
appeals in (ethos, logos, pathos)
common ground
in criminal justice and criminology
fairness to opposing views
lines of argument
opposing arguments
countering opposing arguments
oral presentation
reasonable positions
writing guide
writing prompt: drafting your central claim and supporting claims
writing prompt: practicing counterargument
writing prompt: appealing to your readers
evaluating arguments
appeals (ethos, logos, pathos)
deductive reasoning
faulty generalizations
inductive reasoning
testing inductive reasoning
logical fallacies. See fallacies, logical
opposing views
writing prompt: evaluating an argument
writing prompt: identifying appeals
articles (a, an, the)
quick help: articles
choosing articles for common nouns
using the with geographical names
a vs. an, usage note
with common nouns
omission of
with proper nouns
articles from a database
citation at a glance: article from a database (APA)
citation at a glance: article from a database (Chicago)
citation at a glance: article from a database (MLA)
articles in periodicals
capitalizing titles
APA style
Chicago style
general guidelines
MLA style
citation at a glance: article in a periodical (APA)
citation at a glance: article in a periodical (Chicago)
citation at a glance: article in a periodical (MLA)
APA style
Chicago style
CSE style
MLA style
databases, selecting from
in research process
keeping records of
articles in databases
web sources
quotation marks for titles
APA style
Chicago style
general guidelines
MLA style
artwork, italics for titles
ambiguous use
needed word
pronoun after
asking questions
questions to ask about literature
for analysis paper
for annotated bibliography
for argument paper
for assignments in the disciplines
in biological sciences
in business
in criminal justice and criminology
in education
in engineering
to generate ideas
in history
journalist’s questions
for literacy narrative
in music
in nursing
in psychology
questions in the disciplines (history, sociology, film, etc.)
for reflective letter
for research process
for research project
“so what?” question
for thesis
as, like
aspect (perfect tenses, progressive forms)
quick help: verbs
survey of tenses
self-assessment, for online learning
qualities, skills, and tools of successful online learners
traditional vs. online
typical activities in traditional and online courses
understanding an assignment
approaching assignments in the disciplines
assignment: biology lab report
assignment: business proposal
assignment: nursing practice paper
assignment: psychology literature review
getting help in writing center
for multimodal projects
asking questions about
traditional vs. online
typical activities in traditional and online courses
understanding in US classrooms
assumptions in arguments
asynchronous communication
tips for participating in asynchronous discussions
discussion forums
in online course
purposes of
as to
with adjectives
adjective + preposition combinations
to show time and place
at, on, in to show time and place
with verbs
verb + preposition combinations
athletics (singular)
attending classes
importance of
in online course
assessing the writing situation
appeals to
for argument paper
in biological sciences
in business
in criminal justice and criminology
document design
in engineering
global revision
tips for peer reviewers
checklist for global revision (for writers)
in history
level of formality
for multimodal projects
creating profile of
for moving images
for multimodal texts
for multimodal projects
questions about, for analyzing multimodal texts
questions about, for composing multimodal projects
for video essay (student sample)
for sound
for static images
for written words
in music
in nursing
for oral presentation
public audiences
purpose and audience in a public letter
in psychology
thesis and
audience (collective noun)
pronoun agreement
subject-verb agreement
audio. See listening; sound
audio and visual sources
APA style
Chicago style
CSE style
MLA style
author note, APA style
establishing credibility
finding reliable sources
vs. narrators or speakers
referring to in literature paper
authors of sources
in APA reference list
in Chicago notes and bibliography
APA style
MLA style
Chicago style
determining author in reposted files
identifying author in web sources
in MLA works cited list
autoformatting, software tool
auxiliary verbs (helping verbs)
quick help: verbs
forming verb tenses (survey of tenses)
perfect tenses
modals as
averse, adverse
awhile, a while
awkward sentences