radio programs, italics for, H-78
Rana, Ammar, “Jihad: The Struggle in the Way of God”
ranking scale question, 687, 688
Ratinov, David, “From Innocence to Insight: ‘Araby’ as an Initiation Story”
combining sentences for, 398–99
and sentences. See sentences and sentence structure; sentence strategies
considering and writing. See audience
critical comments from. See Critical Reading Guide
cues while reading. See cueing strategies
objections, acknowledging, 618
objections, anticipating
critically. See Critical Reading Guide
and learning to write, 4
reading strategies, 576–97
annotating, 521–28
beliefs and values, reflecting on, 521, 538–39
contextualizing, 521, 534–35
emotional manipulation, recognizing, 521, 541–42
figurative language, exploring significance of, 521, 536–37
logic of argument, evaluating, 521, 539–41
outlining, 521, 529–31
paraphrasing, 521, 531–32
patterns of opposition, finding, 521, 537–38
summarizing, 521, 532–33
synthesizing, 521, 697–98
taking inventory, 521, 528
writer’s credibility, assessing, 521, 542–43
reasons (supporting thesis)
as categories, 599
in proposals for solutions, 301
support for. See supporting evidence
Record of Errors, H-3–4
red herring, 621
redundant words and phrases, eliminating, H-43–44
“Reel Sounds of Violence, The” (On the Media)
reference book article
APA style documentation, 744
MLA style documentation, 719–20
references, list of, 122. See also APA style
on challenges to beliefs and values, 521, 539
on genre. See individual types of essays
on interviews, 95, 685–86
on learning. See individual types of essays
on observations, 95, 584
on work and learning, in writing portfolios, 768–69
reflexive pronouns
defined, H-100
and pronoun case, H-17
in evaluations, 378–80
in proposals for solutions, 336–37, 340
sentence strategies, 406
refutation (argues against), 619–20
sentence strategies for, 302, 339–40, 623–24
in speculation about cause, 408, 420–21, 444
RefWorks, 671
relative clauses. See adjective (relative) clauses
relative pronouns
adjective clauses, introducing, H-108
and nonrestrictive clauses, H-14
with noun clauses, H-109
personal and nonpersonal, H-15, H-100
pronoun agreement, H-14–16
religious works, MLA style documentation, 713
remembered event essays, 8–57
design elements
and individual medium, 48–49
visuals, using, 31
drafting, 33–45
autobiographical significance, conveying, 42–43
conflict, exploring, 42
descriptions, 39–42
descriptive details, incorporating, 41–42
dialogue, 38–39
dominant impression, conveying, 43
drafting essay, 44
dramatic arc, 36–37
emotions, exploring, 43
ideas into words, Ways In, 35–36
main point, considering, 42
memorabilia/photos, exploring, 40
opening sentence, 43–44
outline, 36–37
present perspective, exploring, 43
purpose for writing, revisiting, 42
quick sketch/outline, 35–36
shaping story, 35–36
testing story with others, 37
time sequence and verb tenses, 38, 50–51
topics (events), choosing, 34–35
evaluating draft, Critical Thinking Guide, 44–45
basic features, 11–13
media alternatives for, 31, 48
practicing with group, 10
reflecting on, 57
Guide to Reading, 11–31
“Treasure” (cartoon) (Beaton), 31
Guide to Writing, 32–33
learning, reflecting on, 56–57
research, Internet research, 34
revising draft, 45–51
for dialogue issues, 50
for right words/expressions, 49–50
Troubleshooting Guide, 46–47
for verb tense, 50–51
by writer, 55–56
Thinking Critically about, 56–57
Writer at Work (Jean Brandt), 51–56
writing situation for
about service experience, 783
college courses, 8
community, 9
workplace, 9
writing strategies
action sequences, 20
coming full circle, 30
figures of speech, use of, 29–30
humor, using, 28–29
naming and detailing, 20–21
showing and telling, 21–22
stream of consciousness, 21–22
repeated words, multilingual writers, troublespots, H-93–94
eliminating in sentences, H-43–44
of words. See word repetition
republished book, MLA style documentation, 719
“Requiem for a Dream: Fantasy versus Reality” (Lemus)
research. See also field research; Internet research; library research
for common ground essays, 195–96, 202
for evaluations, 389
for explanations of concepts, 153, 155
for position arguments, 280–81
for profiles, 91–98
for proposals for solutions, 338–39
for speculation about cause, 437, 440, 443
stories, analysis of, 482–83
research papers
documentation styles for. See APA style; MLA style
keywords, listing, 670–71
research log, 670
rhetorical situation, analyzing, 667–68
schedule for, 668–69
topic, choosing, 669–70
working bibliography for, 671–73
in dramatic arc, 12, 37
restrictive clauses
adjective (relative) clauses as, H-108
pronoun agreement, H-14–16
restrictive word groups
commas, unnecessary, H-55
examples of, H-52
results section, social sciences reports, 689
résumés, 657–59
cover letters, 659
design elements, 658
APA style documentation, 746
essay as. See evaluations
MLA style documentation, 724
revising. See also specific types of essays, for example, remembered event essays
common ground essays, 209–13
evaluations, 394–99
explanations of concepts, 161–68
position arguments, 286–92
profiles, 103–9
proposals for solutions, 341–46
speculation about cause, 448–52
stories, analysis of, 486–90
rhetorical questions
categories, establishing with, 599
common ground essays, 202
explanations of concepts, 120, 156
framing with, 341
proposals for solutions, 314
sentence strategies, 201
speculation about cause, 421
as topic sentences, 120
rhetorical situation. See also audience; context; genres; purpose for writing
defined, 2, 132
for research project, analyzing, 667–68
Rowe, Mike, Dirty Jobs, “Skull Cleaner,” 87,
RSS (Really Simple Syndication), 681
run-on sentences, correcting, H-7–8