Chapter Review



9.1 Parametric Equations

9.2 Tangent Lines; Arc Length

9.3 Surface Area of a Solid of Revolution

The surface area \(S\) of the solid of revolution generated by revolving a smooth curve \(C\) represented by the parametric equations \(x=x(t) ,\;y=y(t),\;a\leq t\leq b\)

9.4 Polar Coordinates

9.5 Polar Equations; Parametric Equations of Polar Equations; Arc Length of Polar Equations

9.6 Area in Polar Coordinates

9.7 The Polar Equation of a Conic



Section You should be able to ... Examples Review Exercises
9.1 1 Graph parametric equations (p. 637) 1 1(b)–6(b)
2 Find a rectangular equation for a curve represented parametrically (p. 638) 2–4 1(a)–6(a), 1(c)–6(c)
3 Use time as the parameter in parametric equations (p. 640) 5 13, 48, 49
4 Convert a rectangular equation to parametric equations (p. 641) 6, 7 11, 12
9.2 1 Find an equation of the tangent line at a point on a plane curve (p. 648) 1–4 7–10, 50, 51
2 Find arc length of a plane curve (p. 651) 5, 6 52–55
9.3 1 Find the surface area of a solid of revolution obtained from parametric equations (p. 658) 1 63, 64
2 Find the surface area of a solid of revolution obtained from a rectangular equation (p. 659) 2 65, 66
9.4 1 Plot points using polar coordinates (p. 661) 1, 2 14–17
2 Convert between rectangular coordinates and polar coordinates (pp. 664) 3, 4 14–31
3 Identify and graph polar equations (pp. 666) 5, 6 32–35
9.5 1 Graph a polar equation; find parametric equations (pp. 671) 1–5 36–45
2 Find the arc length of a curve represented by a polar equation (p. 675) 6 56–59
9.6 1 Find the area of a region enclosed by the graph of a polar equation (p. 678) 1–4 60
2 Find the area of a region enclosed by the graphs of two polar equations (p. 681) 5 61, 62
3 Find the surface area of a solid of revolution obtained from the graph of a polar equation (p. 682) 6 67
9.7 1 Express a conic as a polar equation (p. 686) 1, 2 46, 47