

a, an. See also the a vs. an, W: 159, M: 263

choosing, with common nouns, M: 265, 265

defined, M: 260

multilingual/ESL challenges with, M: 260, 265

needed, S: 134

omission of, S: 134, M: 265

Abbreviations, P: 325

acronyms, P: 326

in APA reference list, APA: 522

common, P: 325

inappropriate, P: 327

Latin, P: 327

in MLA works cited list, MLA: 423

periods with, P: 312, 325

plurals of, P: 306, 327

for titles with proper names, P: 325

for units of measurement, P: 326

abide by (not with) a decision, W: 187

Absolute concepts (such as unique), G: 233

Absolute phrases

commas with, P: 294

defined, B: 347

Abstract nouns, W: 186


in APA papers, C: 62, APA: 522, 527

citing, MLA: 423, APA: 498

in databases, R: 364, 378

keywords and, APA: 522, 527

Academic degrees, abbreviations for, P: 325

Academic writing, A: 71. See also Sample student writing

analysis papers, A: 71

APA papers, APA: 466

argument papers, A: 89

audience for, C: 3, 5

CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 527

e-mail, C: 68

genre (type of writing) and, C: 4, 5

manuscript formats, C: 58, 59, MLA: 462, APA: 498, CMS: 567

MLA papers, MLA: 388

presentations, A: 112

purpose of, C: 3, 5

questions asked in the disciplines, A: 117

reading for, A: 71

research papers, R: 353

speeches, A: 112

writing in the disciplines, A: 117

accept, except, W: 159

according to (not with), W: 187

Acronyms, P: 326

Active listening, A: 117

Active reading. See Reading

Active verbs, W: 174. See also Active voice

Active voice

vs. be verbs, W: 177

changing to passive, B: 344

vs. passive, W: 174, M: 250

shifts between passive and, avoiding, S: 142

verb tenses in, M: 250

and wordy sentences, W: 174

adapt, adopt, W: 159

AD, BC (CE, BCE), P: 326

Addresses. See also URLs

commas with, P: 294

e-mail, P: 320

numbers in, P: 328

ad hominem fallacy, A: 95

Adjective clauses

avoiding repetition in, M: 272

defined, B: 347

punctuation of, P: 290

words introducing, B: 350

Adjective phrases

infinitive, B: 347

introductory, with comma, P: 288

Adjective phrases (continued)

participial, B: 347

prepositional, B: 344

punctuation of, P: 290

restrictive (essential) vs. nonrestrictive (nonessential), P: 290


and absolute concepts, G: 233

and adverbs, G: 230, B: 338

commas with coordinate, P: 289

comparative forms (with -er or more), G: 233

defined, B: 336

after direct objects (object complements), G: 231, B: 344

hyphens with, P: 320

after linking verbs (subject complements), G: 230, B: 342

no commas with cumulative, P: 297

order of, M: 275

with prepositions (idioms), M: 279

superlative forms (with -est or most), G: 233

adopt. See adapt, adopt, W: 159

Adverb clauses

comma with, P: 288

defined, B: 350

no comma with, P: 298

punctuation of, P: 288, 298

words introducing, B: 350, 350

Adverb phrases

infinitive, B: 347

prepositional, B: 344

Adverbs. See also Conjunctive adverbs

and adjectives, G: 230

comparative forms (with-er or more), G: 233

defined, B: 338

introducing clauses, M: 272, B: 350

placement of, M: 274

relative, M: 272, B: 350

repetition of, avoiding, M: 272

superlative forms (with -est or most), G: 233

adverse, averse, W: 159

Advertisements, writing about. See Visual texts

advice, advise, W: 159

affect, effect, W: 159

aggravate, W: 159

Agreement of pronoun and antecedent, G: 217

with antecedents joined by and, G: 219

with antecedents joined by or or nor, G: 219

with collective nouns (audience, family, team, etc.), G: 219

with generic nouns, G: 219

with indefinite pronouns, G: 219

and sexist language, avoiding, G: 217

Agreement of subject and verb, G: 197

with collective nouns (audience, family, team, etc.), G: 201

with company names, G: 204

with gerund phrases, G: 204

with indefinite pronouns, G: 200

with intervening words, G: 197

with nouns of plural form, singular meaning (athletics, economics, etc.), G: 204

standard subject-verb combinations, G: 197, 198

with subject, not subject complement, G: 202

with subject after verb, G: 202

with subjects joined with and, G: 198

with subjects joined with or or nor, G: 200

with the number, a number, G: 202

with there is, there are, G: 202

with titles of works, G: 204

with units of measurement, G: 202

with who, which, that, G: 202

with words between subject and verb, G: 197

with words used as words, G: 204

agree to, agree with, W: 159, 187

ain't (nonstandard), W: 159

Aircraft, italics for names of, P: 330

Alignment of text (left, right, centered, justified), C: 59, MLA: 462, APA: 522, CMS: 567

all (singular or plural), G: 200

all-, as prefix, with hyphen, P: 320

all ready, already, W: 159

all right (not alright), W: 159

all together, altogether, W: 159

allude, W: 159

allusion, illusion, W: 159

almost, placement of, S: 134

a lot (not alot), W: 159

already. See all ready, already, W: 159

alright (nonstandard). See all right, W: 159


avoiding with but or however, M: 272

introducing subordinate clause, B: 340

no comma after, P: 299

altogether. See all together, altogether, W: 159

American Psychological Association. See APA papers

among, between. See between, among, W: 159

amongst, W: 159

amoral, immoral, W: 159

amount, number, W: 159

a.m., p.m., AM, PM, P: 326

am vs. is or are. See Agreement of subject and verb

an, a. See a, an


as argument strategy, A: 90

false, A: 90

as paragraph pattern, C: 46

Analysis. See also Analysis papers

critical thinking, A: 71, 82

evaluating sources, R: 364, 364, 372

synthesizing sources, MLA: 407, APA: 485

of visual and multimodal texts, A: 82

of written texts, A: 71, M: 283, R: 370

Analysis papers, A: 71. See also Analysis

and critical thinking, A: 71, 82

drafting, A: 78, 82

evidence for, A: 78

interpretation in, A: 78, 82

judgment in, A: 78, 82, 86

revising, C: 24

sample paper, A: 80

summaries in

balancing with analysis, A: 78, 82, 86

revising, C: 24

writing, A: 75, 75, 86

thesis in, A: 78, 82, 86

writing guide for, A: 82


antecedents joined by, G: 219

comma with, P: 287

as coordinating conjunction, S: 131, B: 339

excessive use of, S: 149

no comma with, P: 296, 299

no semicolon with, P: 302

parallelism and, S: 131

subjects joined by, G: 198

and etc. (nonstandard), W: 159


avoiding, W: 159

slash with, P: 316

angry with (not at), W: 159, 187

Annotated bibliography, R: 386

sample entry (MLA style), R: 387

writing guide for, R: 388

Annotating texts

electronic texts, A: 72, 77

to generate ideas, C: 6, A: 72, R: 372

guidelines for, A: 75

visual or multimodal texts, A: 84

sample annotated visual text, A: 86

written texts, A: 72, 75

sample annotated written texts, A: 72, M: 283, R: 372, MLA: 410

ante-, anti-, W: 159


agreement of pronoun and, G: 217

defined, G: 217, 219, B: 333

pronoun reference, G: 219

singular vs. plural, G: 217

unclear or unstated, G: 219

of who, which, that, G: 202

Anthology or collection

citation at a glance, MLA: 423, CMS: 550

citing, MLA: 414, 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550, 550

anti-, ante-. See ante-, anti-, W: 159

Antonyms (opposites), W: 190

a number (plural), the number (singular), G: 202

anxious, W: 159

any, G: 200

anybody (singular), W: 159, G: 200, 219

anymore, W: 159

anyone (singular), W: 159, G: 200, 219

anyone, any one, W: 159

anyplace, W: 159

anything (singular), G: 200, 219

anyways, anywheres (nonstandard), W: 159

APA papers, APA: 466

abstracts in, C: 62, APA: 522, 527

authority in, R: 364, APA: 477

author note in (optional), C: 61

citation at a glance

article from a database, APA: 498

article in a journal or magazine, APA: 498

book, APA: 498

section in a Web document, APA: 498

citations, in-text

directory to models for, APA: 466

models for, APA: 489

DOIs (digital object identifiers) in, APA: 490, 498, 522

evidence for, APA: 476

footnotes in

formatting, APA: 522

sample, APA: 527

keywords in, C: 62, APA: 522, 527

manuscript format, C: 61, APA: 498

numbers in, C: 62, P: 328

organizing, APA: 476

plagiarism in, avoiding, APA: 477

reference list

authors and dates in, APA: 490

directory to models for, APA: 466

DOIs (digital object identifiers) in, APA: 490

formatting, C: 63, APA: 522

general guidelines for, APA: 490

models for, APA: 490

place of publication in, APA: 490

publisher names in, APA: 490

sample, C: 63, APA: 527

titles in, APA; 490

URLs in, APA: 490

volume, issue, and page numbers in, APA: 490

sample paper, APA: 522

signal phrases in, APA: 483


citing, APA: 477, 489

integrating, APA: 481

synthesizing, APA: 485

uses of, APA: 476

supporting arguments in, APA: 476, 485

tables in

formatting, APA: 522

sample, APA: 527

tenses in, APA: 485, 489

thesis in, APA: 466

title page

formatting, C: 61, APA: 522

samples, C: 61, APA: 522

URLs in, APA: 490, 498, 522

Apostrophes, P: 304

in contractions, P: 304

misuse of, P: 306

in plurals, P: 304

in possessives, P: 304

Appeals, in arguments

ethos (ethical), A: 95, 95, 98, 115

logos (logical), A: 89, 95, 98, 115

pathos (emotional), A: 90, 98, 115

Apposition, faulty, S: 146

Appositive phrases, S: 149, B: 347

Appositives (nouns that rename other nouns)

case of pronouns with, G: 224

colon with, P: 302

commas with, P: 290

dashes with, P: 312

defined, P: 290

no commas with, P: 298

as sentence fragments, G: 238

Appropriate language (avoiding jargon, slang, etc.), W: 178

Apps, citing, MLA: 423, APA: 498

are vs. is. See Agreement of subject and verb

Argument papers, A: 89. See also Arguments, evaluating

appeals in, A: 98

audience for, A: 98

common ground in, A: 98, 101, 106, 112

context in, A: 98, 112

counterarguments in, C: 24, A: 95, 104, 112

credibility in, A: 98, 101

drafting, A: 98, 112

evidence in, A: 98, 102, 112

introduction to, A: 101

lines of argument in, A: 102

oral presentations of, A: 112

purpose in, A: 98

researching, A: 98

sample paper, A: 107

support for, A: 102

thesis in, A: 101, 112

writing guide for, A: 112

Arguments, evaluating, A: 89. See also Argument papers

argumentative tactics, A: 89, 98

assumptions, A: 90

bias, R: 381

claims, A: 90

deductive reasoning, A: 90

ethos (ethical appeals), A: 95, 95, 98

fairness, A: 90

Arguments, evaluating (continued)

generalizations, faulty, A: 89

inductive reasoning, A: 89, 90

logical fallacies, A: 89

logos (logical appeals), A: 89, 95, 115

pathos (emotional appeals), A: 90, 98

Article from a database. See also Articles in periodicals

citation at a glance, MLA: 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550

citing, MLA: 423, 423, APA: 498, 498, CMS: 550, 550

keeping records of, R: 370

Articles (a, an, the), M: 260. See also a, an; the

Articles in periodicals. See also Article from a database

abstracts of, R: 364, 378

capitalizing titles of, P: 323, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 567

citation at a glance, MLA: 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550

citing, MLA: 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550

finding, R: 364, 364, 364

keeping records of, R: 370

previewing, R: 378

quotation marks for titles of, P: 308, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 548, 567

Artwork, italics for title of, P: 329


ambiguous use of, W: 159

needed word, S: 134

parallelism and, S: 131

pronoun after, G: 224

as, like. See like, as, W: 159


samples of, A: 123

understanding, C: 7, A: 122

Assumptions, in arguments, A: 90

as to, W: 159

at, in idioms (common expressions)

with adjectives, M: 279

vs. in, on, to show time and place, M: 277, 277

with verbs, M: 279, 279

audience. See Collective nouns


for argument paper, A: 98

assessing, C: 3, 5

and document design, C: 57

for e-mail, C: 4

and genre (type of writing), C: 4

and global (big-picture) revision, C: 28

and level of formality, W: 181

for speech or presentation, A: 114, 117

thesis and, C: 8

Authority, establishing in research papers, R: 364, MLA: 398, 407, APA: 477, CMS: 538

Author note, in APA papers, C: 61

Authors, of sources

in APA reference list, APA: 490

in CMS (Chicago) notes and bibliography, CMS: 550

identifying, R: 381, MLA: 423

in MLA works cited list, MLA: 414, 423

in reposted files, MLA: 423

Auxiliary verbs. See Helping verbs

averse. See adverse, averse, W: 159

awful, W: 159

awhile, a while, W: 159

Awkward sentences, S: 144


back up, backup, W: 159

bad, badly, W: 159, G: 232

Bandwagon appeal fallacy, A: 95

Base form of verb, G: 204, B: 336

modal (can, might, should, etc.) with, G: 212, M: 253

in negatives with do, M: 257

BC, AD (BCE, CE), P: 326

be, as irregular verb, G: 204, M: 249

be, forms of, G: 198, M: 249, B: 336

vs. active verbs, W: 177

and agreement with subject, G: 197

in conditional sentences, M: 258

as helping verbs, W: 177, M: 250, B: 336

as linking verbs, W: 177, G: 211, M: 270, B: 342

in passive voice, W: 174, M: 250

in progressive forms, G: 213, M: 250

and subjunctive mood, G: 213

in tenses, G: 206, 213

as weak verbs, W: 177


avoiding after reason is, S: 146, W: 159

avoiding with so or therefore, M: 272

introducing subordinate clause, B: 340

not omitting, S: 131

Beginning of essays. See Introduction

Beginning of sentences

capitalizing words at, P: 324

numbers at, P: 328

varying, S: 154

being as, being that (nonstandard), W: 159

beside, besides, W: 159

better, best, G: 233

between, among, W: 159

Bias, signs of, R: 381

Biased language, A: 95, W: 185. See also Sexist language, avoiding

Bible. See Sacred texts (Bible, Qur'an)

Bibliography. See also Reference list (APA); Works cited list (MLA)

annotated, R: 386

CMS (Chicago) style

directory to models for, CMS: 527

formatting, CMS: 567

models for, CMS: 549

sample, CMS: 567

for finding sources, R: 364, 364, 364

working, R: 357, 369

information for, C: 21, R: 370

Block quotation. See Quotations, long


citing, MLA: 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550

to explore ideas, C: 8


of essay, C: 17

of speech or presentation, A: 114


capitalizing titles of, P: 323, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 567

citation at a glance, MLA: 423, 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550, 550

citing, MLA: 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550

italics for titles of, P: 329, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 548, 567

library catalog for finding, R: 364, 378

previewing, R: 364, 378

Borrowed language and ideas. See Citing sources; Plagiarism, avoiding

bothand, B: 339

parallelism and, S: 131

Brackets, P: 314, MLA: 404, APA: 483, CMS: 543

Brainstorming, to generate ideas, C: 7

bring, take, W: 159

Broad reference of this, that, which, it, G: 219

burst, bursted; bust, busted, W: 159

Business writing, C: 58, 64

e-mail, C: 4

letters, C: 65

memos, C: 67

reports, C: 64

résumés, C: 66


avoiding with although or however, M: 272

comma with, P: 287

as coordinating conjunction, S: 131, B: 339

excessive use of, S: 149

no comma with, P: 296, 299

no semicolon with, P: 302

parallelism and, S: 131

as preposition, B: 339

by, not omitting, S: 131


can, as modal verb, M: 253, 258, B: 336

can, may, W: 159

capable of (not to), W: 187

capital, capitol, W: 159

Capitalization, P: 322

after colon, P: 303, 324, MLA: 463, APA: 522, CMS: 567

of first word of sentence, P: 324

of Internet terms, P: 323, APA: 498

misuse of, P: 322

of proper nouns, P: 322

in quotations, P: 324

of titles of persons, P: 323

of titles of works, P: 323, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 567

capitol. See capital, capitol, W: 159

Captions, C: 64, MLA: 463, 466, APA: 522, CMS: 567

Case. See Pronoun case

Catalog, library, R: 364, 378

Causative verbs, M: 260

Cause and effect

as paragraph pattern, C: 46

reasoning, A: 90

CE, BCE (AD, BC), P: 326

censor, censure, W: 159

Central idea. See Focus; Thesis

cf. (“compare”), P: 327

Charts, C: 17, 18. See also Visuals, in documents

Chicago Manual of Style, The, CMS: 536, 548, 549. See also CMS (Chicago) papers

Choppy sentences, S: 149

Citation at a glance

APA style

article from a database, APA: 498

article in a journal or magazine, APA: 498

book, APA: 498

section in a Web document, APA: 498

CMS (Chicago) style

article from a database, CMS: 550

article in a journal, CMS: 550

book, CMS: 550

letter in a published collection, CMS: 550

primary source from a Web site, CMS: 550

MLA style

article from a database, MLA: 423

article in a journal, MLA: 423

book, MLA: 423

selection from an anthology or a collection, MLA: 423

short work from a Web site, MLA: 423

Citations. See Citation at a glance; Citing sources

cited in, for a source in another source, APA: 490. See also quoted in

cite, site, W: 159

Citing sources. See also Integrating sources; Plagiarism, avoiding; Quotations

APA style, APA: 477, 489

choosing a citation style, A: 121

CMS (Chicago) style, CMS: 538, 548

common knowledge, MLA: 398, APA: 479, CMS: 538

in the disciplines, A: 121

MLA style, MLA: 398, 410

multilingual/ESL challenges with, M: 281, 284

reviewer comments about, C: 24

software for, R: 370

in speeches or presentations, A: 115

Claims. See Arguments, evaluating; Thesis

class. See Collective nouns

Classification, as paragraph pattern, C: 46

Clauses. See Independent clauses; Subordinate clauses

Clichés, W: 188

climactic, climatic, W: 159

Clustering, of ideas, C: 8

CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 527

authority in, R: 364, CMS: 538

authors in, CMS: 550

bibliography, CMS: 548

directory to models for, CMS: 527

formatting, CMS: 567

models for, CMS: 548

sample, CMS: 567

citation at a glance

article from a database, CMS: 550

article in a journal, CMS: 550

book, CMS: 550

letter in a published collection, CMS: 550

primary source from a Web site, CMS: 550

DOIs (digital object identifiers) in, CMS: 549, 550, 567

evidence for, CMS: 537

footnotes or endnotes, CMS: 548

directory to models for, CMS: 527

formatting, CMS: 567

ibid. in, CMS: 549

models for, CMS: 548

sample, CMS: 567

manuscript format, CMS: 567

organizing, CMS: 537

plagiarism in, avoiding, CMS: 538

sample pages, CMS: 567

signal phrases in, CMS: 545

sources in

citing, CMS: 538, 548

integrating, CMS: 542

uses of, CMS: 537

supporting arguments in, CMS: 537

tenses in, CMS: 545

thesis in, CMS: 536

URLs (Web addresses) in, CMS: 549, 550, 567

coarse, course, W: 159

Coherence, C: 46

Collaborative writing. See Reviewers, peer

Collection. See Anthology or collection

Collective nouns (audience, family, team, etc.)

agreement of pronouns with, G: 219

agreement of verbs with, G: 201

College writing. See Academic writing

Colloquial words, W: 181, 190

Colon, P: 302

with appositives (nouns that rename other nouns), P: 302

capitalization after, P: 303, 324, MLA: 463, APA: 522, CMS: 567

for emphasis, S: 154

to fix run-on sentences, G: 241

with greetings and salutations, C: 65, P: 303

between hours and minutes, P: 303

introducing quotations, P: 302, 310

with lists, P: 302

misuse of, P: 303

outside quotation marks, P: 310

with ratios, P: 303

between titles and subtitles of works, P: 303

Combining sentences (coordination and subordination), S: 147

Commands. See Imperative mood; Imperative sentences

Commas, P: 287. See also Commas, unnecessary

with absolute phrases, P: 294

in addresses, P: 294

with and, but, etc., P: 287

between coordinate adjectives, P: 289

before coordinating

conjunctions, S: 149, P: 287

in dates, P: 294

with interrogative tags, P: 294

with interruptions (he writes etc.), P: 290

after introductory elements, P: 288, 310

with items in a series, P: 288

with mild interjections, P: 294

with modifiers, P: 289

with nonrestrictive (nonessential) elements, P: 290

with nouns of direct address, P: 294

in numbers, P: 296

with parenthetical expressions, P: 294

with quotation marks, P: 294, 309

with semicolons, P: 301

to set off words or phrases, P: 290

with titles following names, P: 294

with transitional expressions, P: 290

before which or who, P: 290

with word groups expressing contrast, P: 294

with yes and no, P: 294

Commas, unnecessary, P: 296

between adjective and noun, P: 297

after although, P: 299

after and, but, etc., P: 299

between compound elements, P: 296

before concluding adverb clauses, P: 298

after a coordinating conjunction, P: 299

between cumulative adjectives, P: 297

with indirect quotations, P: 299

in an inverted sentence (verb before subject), P: 299

before a parenthesis, P: 299

with a question mark or an exclamation point, P: 299

with restrictive (essential) elements, P: 298

before or after a series, P: 297

between subject and verb, P: 296

after such as or like, P: 299

between verb and object, P: 296

Comma splices. See Run-on sentences

Comments, on a draft, understanding. See Revising with comments

Comments, on online articles, citing, MLA: 481, APA: 498

committee. See Collective nouns

Common ground, establishing, A: 98, 101, 106, 112, 115, MLA: 398

Common knowledge, MLA: 398, APA: 479, CMS: 538

Common nouns, M: 263, P: 322

Company names

abbreviations in, P: 325, 327

agreement of verb with, G: 204

Comparative form of adjectives and adverbs (with -er or more), G: 233. See also Superlative form of adjectives and adverbs (with -est or most)

compare to, compare with, W: 159


with adjectives and adverbs, G: 233

needed words in, S: 134

as paragraph pattern, C: 46

parallel elements in, S: 131

with pronoun following than or as, G: 224

complement, compliment, W: 159

Complements, object, B: 344

Complements, subject

adjectives as, G: 230, B: 342

case of pronouns as, G: 224

defined, B: 342

and subject-verb agreement, G: 202

Complete subject, B: 341

Complex sentences, B: 353

compliment. See complement, compliment, W: 159

comply with (not to), W: 188

Compound antecedents, G: 219

Compound-complex sentences, B: 353

Compound elements

case of pronoun in, G: 224

comma with, P: 287

needed words in, S: 133

no comma with, P: 296

parallelism and, S: 129

Compound nouns (father-in-law etc.)

plural of, P: 317

possessive of, P: 304

Compound numbers, hyphens with, P: 320

Compound predicate

fragmented, G: 239

no comma in, P: 287, 296

Compound sentences

comma in, P: 287

defined, B: 352

excessive use of, S: 149

semicolon in, P: 300

Compound subjects

agreement of pronoun with, G: 219

agreement of verb with, G: 198

defined, B: 342

Compound verb. See Compound predicate

Compound words

in dictionary entry, W: 190

hyphens with, P: 320

plural of, P: 317

Conciseness, W: 159


in deductive reasoning, A: 90

of essay, C: 20

in inductive reasoning, A: 89, 90

of speech or presentation, A: 114, 117

strategies for drafting, C: 20

Concrete nouns, W: 186

Conditional sentences, M: 257. See also Subjunctive mood

Confused words, W: 187. See also Glossary of usage

Conjunctions, B: 339. See also Conjunctive adverbs

in coordination and subordination, S: 147, 149

to fix run-on sentences, G: 241

Conjunctive adverbs

comma after, P: 290, B: 340

and coordination, S: 147, 149

defined, B: 340

and run-on sentences, G: 241

semicolon with, P: 300; B: 340

Connotation (implied meaning of word), W: 186

conscience, conscious, W: 159


in headings, S: 129

in lists, S: 129

in mood and voice, S: 142

in paragraphs, C: 52

in point of view, S: 139

in questions and quotations, S: 143

in verb tense, S: 142

Context, establishing

in APA papers, APA: 485

in argument papers, A: 98, 112

in CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 545

in MLA papers, MLA: 407

when researching, R: 358, 364

in speech or presentation, A: 114

continual, continuous, W: 159


apostrophe in, P: 304

in informal language, W: 181

needed verbs and, G: 211

Contrary-to-fact clauses, G: 217, M: 258

Contrast, as paragraph pattern, C: 46

Contrasted elements, comma with, P: 294

Conventions (standard practices)

of capitalizing titles of works, P: 323

for colons, P: 303

in the disciplines, A: 121

of genres (types of writing), W: 178

for italics, P: 330

for numbers (spelled out vs. numerals), P: 328

in nursing practice papers, A: 123

in science writing, A: 123

in writing about psychology, A: 123

Conversations, academic and research. See also Synthesizing sources; Talking and listening

active reading and, A: 72

arguments and, A: 98

in the disciplines, A: 117

joining, R: 357, 360, 368

in research proposals, R: 368

synthesizing, MLA: 410

and thinking like a researcher, R: 360

Conversing with a text, A: 72, 84

Coordinate adjectives, comma with, P: 289

Coordinating conjunctions

comma before, S: 149, P: 287

coordination and, S: 147, 149

defined, B: 339

to fix run-on sentences, G: 241

no comma with, P: 296, 299

no semicolon with, P: 302

parallelism and, S: 131


for combining ideas of equal importance, S: 147, 149

comma and coordinating conjunction for, P: 287

excessive use of, S: 149

to fix choppy sentences, S: 149

to fix run-on sentences, G: 241

and subordination, S: 149

Copies, of drafts, saving, C: 21

Correlative conjunctions

defined, B: 339

parallelism with, S: 131

could, as modal verb, M: 253, 258, B: 336

could care less (nonstandard), W: 159

could of (nonstandard), W: 159

council, counsel, W: 159


addressing, A: 104, 112

in APA papers, APA: 477

in CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 538

evaluating, A: 75, 95, R: 381

in MLA papers, MLA: 398

revising for, C: 24

Count nouns, articles (a, an, the) with, M: 263

Country names, abbreviations for, P: 325

couple. See Collective nouns

course. See coarse, course, W: 159

Course materials, citing, MLA: 423, APA: 490, 498

Cover letters, for portfolios, C: 39

Credibility, establishing in research papers, A: 98, 101. See also Authority

criteria, W: 159

Critical listening, A: 117

Critical reading. See Reading

Critical thinking

for analysis, A: 71, 82

about arguments, A: 89

evaluating sources, R: 364, 364, 372

crowd. See Collective nouns

Cumulative adjectives

no comma with, P: 297

order of, M: 275


-d, -ed, verb ending, G: 206, 210, M: 250

Dangling modifiers, S: 138

Dashes, P: 312

for emphasis, S: 154

to fix run-on sentences, G: 241

data, W: 159

Database, article from. See Article from a database

Databases, for finding sources, R: 363, 364, 364, 377


abbreviations in, P: 326, 327

in APA reference list, APA: 490

capitalization of, P: 322

commas with, P: 294

in MLA works cited list, MLA: 423

numbers in, P: 328

Days of the week

abbreviations of, P: 327

capitalization of, P: 322

Deadlines, planning and, C: 5, R: 357, 358

Debates. See Argument papers; Arguments, evaluating

Declarative sentences, B: 353

Deductive reasoning, A: 90

Definite article. See the


of key terms or concepts, providing, MLA: 398

as paragraph pattern, C: 46

of words, W: 186, 190

Degree (of adjectives and adverbs). See Comparative form of adjectives and adverbs; Superlative form of adjectives and adverbs

Degrees, academic, abbreviations for, P: 325

Demonstrative pronouns, B: 334

Denotation (dictionary definition), W: 186

Dependent clauses. See Subordinate clauses

Description, as paragraph pattern, C: 46

Descriptive word groups. See Adjective phrases; Adverb phrases

Design. See Document design; Visuals, in documents

Detail, adequate, C: 24, 45. See also Development, of ideas; Evidence

Determiners, M: 260

Development, of ideas, C: 17, 24, 28, 45. See also Organization, patterns of

Diagrams, C: 17, 18. See also Visuals, in documents

Dialects, W: 180


paragraphing of, P: 306

quotation marks in, P: 306

Diction. See Words


guide to use of, W: 190

sample online entry, W: 190

sample print entry, W: 190

different from, different than, W: 159, 188

differ from, differ with, W: 159

Digital file, citing, MLA: 423

Digital object identifier. See DOI (digital object identifier)

Digital sources. See Electronic documents; Web sources

Direct address, commas with, P: 294

Direct language, W: 173

Direct objects

case of pronouns as, G: 224

defined, B: 344

followed by adjective or noun (object complement), B: 344

placement of adverbs and, M: 274

transitive verbs and, B: 344

Directories, to documentation models, MLA: 388, APA: 466, CMS: 527

Direct questions. See Questions, direct and indirect

Direct quotations. See Quotations, direct and indirect

disinterested, uninterested, W: 159

Division, as paragraph pattern, C: 46

Division of words

in dictionary entry, W: 190

hyphen and, P: 320

do, as irregular verb, G: 206

do, forms of

in forming negatives, M: 257

as helping verbs, B: 336

and subject-verb agreement, G: 198

do vs. does. See Agreement of subject and verb

Document design, C: 57

academic manuscripts, C: 58, 59

APA format, C: 61, APA: 498

CMS (Chicago) format, CMS: 567

MLA format, C: 59, MLA: 462

business letters, C: 65

and critical reading, A: 82

e-mail, C: 68

format options, C: 5

genre (type of writing) and, C: 5

headings, C: 60, 62, 67

lists, displayed, C: 67

memos, C: 67

model documents, C: 57

reports, C: 64

résumés, C: 66

visuals, C: 17, 64

Documenting sources. See also Integrating sources; Plagiarism, avoiding; Quotations

APA style, APA: 477, 489

choosing a citation style, A: 121

CMS (Chicago) style, CMS: 538, 548

common knowledge, MLA: 398, APA: 479, CMS: 538

in the disciplines, A: 121

MLA style, MLA: 398, 410

multilingual/ESL challenges with, M: 281, 284

reviewer comments about, C: 24

software for, R: 370

in speeches or presentations, A: 115

does vs. do. See Agreement of subject and verb

DOI (digital object identifier), APA: 490, 498, 522, CMS: 549, 550, 567

don't vs. doesn't, W: 159. See also Agreement of subject and verb

Dots, ellipsis. See Ellipsis mark

Double comparatives and superlatives, avoiding, G: 233

Double-entry notebook, A: 72, 84

Double negatives, avoiding, G: 233, M: 257

Doublespeak, avoiding, W: 179

Double subjects, avoiding, M: 272

Draft, comments on. See Revising with comments


analysis papers, A: 78, 82

annotated bibliographies, R: 388

argument papers, A: 112

body, C: 17

conclusion, C: 20

introduction, C: 14

literacy narratives, C: 38

portfolio cover letters, C: 43

and saving files, C: 21, 39

thesis, C: 8, 14

Drawing conclusions (deductive reasoning), A: 90

Dropped quotation, avoiding, MLA: 407, APA: 485, CMS: 545

due to, W: 159


each (singular), W: 159, G: 200, 219

E-books, citing, MLA: 423, 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550

economics (singular), G: 204

-ed, verb ending, G: 206, 210, M: 250

Editing log, C: 24, 30

Editing sentences, C: 30

effect. See affect, effect, W: 159

Effect. See Cause and effect

e.g. (“for example”), W: 159, P: 327

either (singular), W: 159, G: 200, 219

either . . . or

and parallelism, S: 131

and pronoun-antecedent agreement, G: 219

and subject-verb agreement, G: 200

either . . . or fallacy, A: 90

-elect, hyphen with, P: 320

Electronic documents. See also Web sources

annotated bibliographies, R: 388

annotating, A: 72, 77

avoiding plagiarism from, R: 372

double-entry notebooks, A: 72

e-mail messages, C: 4, 68

managing, C: 21

portfolios, C: 42

reading, A: 77

elicit, illicit, W: 159

Ellipsis mark

in arguments, A: 98

for deleted lines of poetry, P: 314

for omissions in sources, P: 314, MLA: 404, APA: 483, CMS: 543

Elliptical clause, dangling, S: 139


addresses, division of, P: 320

audience for, C: 4

effective, C: 4, 68

formatting, C: 68

italics in, P: 329

emigrate from, immigrate to, W: 159

eminent, imminent, W: 159

Emotional appeals (pathos), in argument, A: 90, 98, 115

Emphasis, S: 147

active verbs for, W: 174

choppy sentences and, S: 149

colon for, S: 154, P: 302

dash for, S: 154, P: 312

exclamation point for, S: 154, P: 312

parallel structure and, S: 153

sentence endings for, S: 153

subordinating minor ideas for, S: 152

Enc. (“enclosure”), in business writing, C: 65

Ending. See Conclusion

Endnotes. See Footnotes or endnotes

End punctuation, P: 312

English as a second language (ESL). See Multilingual writers

enough, with infinitive, M: 260

enthused, W: 159

-er ending (faster, stronger), G: 233


identifying, C: 30

sic for, MLA: 404, APA: 483, CMS: 543

ESL (English as a second language). See Multilingual writers

especially, and sentence fragments, G: 239

-es, -s

spelling rules, for plurals, P: 317, 327

as verb ending, G: 197, 198, 209

Essays. See also Sample student writing

adapting for a speech or presentation, A: 117

drafting, C: 14

editing, C: 30

planning, C: 3

researching, R: 353

reviewing, C: 22

revising, C: 28

saving drafts of, C: 21

-est ending (fastest, strongest), G: 233

et al., P: 327, MLA: 414, 423, APA: 490, CMS: 550

etc., W: 159, P: 327

Ethos (ethical appeals), in arguments, A: 95, 95, 98, 115

Etymology, W: 190

Euphemisms, avoiding, W: 179

Evaluating arguments. See Arguments, evaluating

Evaluating sources, R: 364, 364, 372

even, placement of, S: 134

eventually, ultimately, W: 159

everybody, everyone, everything (singular), W: 159, G: 200, 219

everyone, every one, W: 159


adding for support, C: 24

in analysis papers, A: 78

in APA papers, APA: 476

in argument papers, A: 98, 102, 112, 121

in CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 537

in MLA papers, MLA: 397

for papers in the disciplines, C: 7, A: 121

in speeches or presentations, A: 114

ex-, hyphen with, P: 320

Exact language, W: 185


as evidence, C: 24, A: 104

as paragraph pattern, C: 46

as sentence fragments, G: 239

except. See accept, except, W: 159

Excerpts, of articles and books, online, R: 378

Exclamation points, P: 312

with in-text citations, P: 310, MLA: 414

no comma with, P: 299

with quotation marks, P: 310

Exclamations (interjections), P: 294, 312, B: 340

Exclamatory sentence, B: 353

expect, W: 159

Expert opinion, using as support, A: 104

Explaining a point, C: 24

Expletives there, it

and subject following verb, M: 270, B: 342

and subject-verb agreement, G: 202

and wordy sentences, W: 174

explicit, implicit, W: 159


idiomatic (common), W: 187, M: 277

parenthetical, P: 294

regional, W: 180

transitional, P: 290, 300

trite or worn-out (clichés), W: 188


Facebook. See Social media, citing


in APA papers, APA: 477, 485

in argument papers, A: 102

in CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 537, 545

in MLA papers, MLA: 397, 407, 410

scientific, and verb tense, G: 213

Fairness, in arguments, A: 90, 104

Fallacies, logical

ad hominem, A: 95

bandwagon appeal, A: 95

biased language, A: 95

either . . . or fallacy, A: 90

false analogy, A: 90

hasty generalization, A: 90

non sequitur, A: 90

post hoc fallacy, A: 90

red herring, A: 95

stereotype, A: 90

straw man, A: 95

transfer, A: 95

False analogy, A: 90

family. See Collective nouns

farther, further, W: 159

Faulty apposition, S: 146

Faulty predication, S: 146

Feedback, giving and using, C: 22. See also Reviewers, peer; Revising with comments

fewer, less, W: 159

Field research, R: 364

Figures. See Numbers; Visuals, in documents

Figures of speech, W: 188

Files, managing, C: 21, 39

finalize, W: 159

firstly, W: 159

First-person point of view

consistency with, S: 139

in literacy narratives, C: 37

in reflective letters for portfolios, C: 42

revising for, C: 29

Flow (coherence), C: 46

Flowcharts, C: 17, 18. See also Visuals, in documents

Focus. See also Thesis

of argument paper, A: 101

of essay, C: 8, 14, 28, 29

of paragraph, C: 43

of research paper, R: 358

Footnotes or endnotes

APA style, APA: 522, 527

CMS (Chicago) style, CMS: 548

directory to models for, CMS: 527

models for, CMS: 548

sample, CMS: 567

MLA style, MLA: 423


comma before, P: 287

as coordinating conjunction, S: 131, B: 339

parallelism and, S: 131

as preposition, B: 339

Foreign words, italics for, P: 330

for example

no colon after, P: 303

and sentence fragments, G: 239

Formality, level of, W: 181

Formal outline, C: 13, A: 72, 75. See also Informal outline

Format. See Document design; Manuscript formats


hyphens with, P: 320

numerals for, P: 328

Fragments, sentence

acceptable, G: 239

clauses as, G: 235

for emphasis or effect, G: 239

examples as, G: 239

finding and recognizing, G: 235

fixing, G: 235

lists as, G: 239

phrases as, G: 238

predicates as, G: 239

testing for, G: 235

Freewriting, C: 8

further. See farther, further, W: 159

Fused sentences. See Run-on sentences

Future perfect tense, G: 213

Future progressive forms, G: 213

Future tense, G: 213, M: 250, 253


Gender, and pronoun agreement, G: 217

Gender-neutral language, W: 183, G: 217

Generalization, hasty, A: 90

Generic he, W: 159, 183, G: 219

Generic nouns, G: 219

Genre (type of writing)

and document design, C: 5

and language, W: 178

of multimodal texts, A: 84

purpose and, C: 4, 5

Geographic names, the with, M: 269


defined, B: 347

following prepositions, M: 277

following verbs, M: 258

phrases, agreement of verb with, G: 204

possessives as modifiers of, G: 224

get, W: 159

Global (big-picture) revisions, C: 28. See also Revising with comments

Glossary of usage, W: 159

good, well, W: 159, G: 232

Government documents

citing, MLA: 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550

as evidence, A: 122

graduate, W: 159

Grammar, mixed. See Mixed constructions

Graphic narrative, citing, MLA: 423

Graphs, C: 17, 18, MLA: 466. See also Visuals, in documents

Greetings and salutations, colon with, C: 65, P: 303

grow, W: 159

Guides to writing. See Writing guides


Handouts (course materials), citing, MLA: 423

hanged, hung, W: 159

hardly, W: 159

avoiding double negative with, G: 233

placement of, S: 134

has got, have got, avoiding, W: 159

Hasty generalization, A: 90

has vs. have, G: 198. See also Agreement of subject and verb

have, as irregular verb, G: 206

have, forms of

as helping verbs, M: 250, 250, B: 336

and passive voice, M: 250

and perfect tenses, M: 250, 253

and subject-verb agreement, G: 198

have got, has got, avoiding, W: 159

have vs. has, G: 198. See also Agreement of subject and verb


in APA papers, APA: 476, 522

in CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 537, 567

in document design, C: 60, 62, 67

in MLA papers, MLA: 463

to organize ideas, APA: 476, CMS: 537

parallel phrasing of, S: 129

planning with, APA: 476, CMS: 537

he, him, his, sexist use of, W: 159, 183, G: 219

Helping verbs

contractions with, G: 211

defined, G: 212, B: 336

and forming passive voice, G: 206, M: 250

and forming perfect tenses, G: 206, 213, 213, M: 250, 253

and forming verb tenses, G: 206, M: 250, 253

modals (can, might, should, etc.), G: 212, M: 253, B: 336

needed, G: 211

and progressive forms, M: 250, 253

here, not used as subject, M: 270

her vs. she, G: 223

he/she, his/her, W: 159, P: 316

he vs. him, G: 223

he writes, she writes, comma with, P: 294, 310

hisself (nonstandard), W: 159

Homophones (words that sound alike), P: 318

Hook, in introduction, C: 16, 23, A: 114

hopefully, W: 159


avoiding with but or although, M: 272

however (continued)

at beginning of sentence, W: 159

comma with, P: 290

semicolon with, P: 300

“How to” boxes

citing a source reposted from another source, MLA: 423

citing course materials, MLA: 423

identifying authors, MLA: 423

HTML documents, as sources, R: 378

Humanities, writing in, A: 117. See also CMS (Chicago) papers; MLA papers

hung. See hanged, hung, W: 159

Hyphens, P: 320

with adjectives, P: 320

to avoid confusion, P: 320

in compound words, P: 320

and division of words, P: 320

in e-mail addresses, P: 320

to form dash, P: 312

in fractions, P: 320

in numbers, P: 320

with prefixes and suffixes, P: 320

in URLs, P: 320, MLA: 463, 463, APA: 490, 522, CMS: 549, 550, 567



vs. me, G: 223

point of view, C: 29, 37, 39

shifts with you, he, or she, avoiding, S: 139

ibid. (“in the same place”), CMS: 549

Idioms (common expressions)

adjective + preposition combinations, M: 279

with prepositions showing time and place (at, on, in, etc.), M: 277, 277

standard, W: 187

verb + preposition combinations, M: 279, 279

i.e. (“that is”), W: 159, P: 327

-ie, -ei, spelling rule, P: 316

if clauses

conditional sentences, M: 257

contrary to fact (subjunctive), G: 217

if, whether, W: 159

illicit. See elicit, illicit, W: 159

illusion. See allusion, illusion, W: 159

Illustrated work, citing, MLA: 423

Illustrations (examples). See also Visuals, in documents

as evidence, A: 104

as paragraph pattern, C: 46

Images. See Visuals, in documents; Visual texts

immigrate. See emigrate from, immigrate to, W: 159

imminent. See eminent, imminent, W: 159

immoral. See amoral, immoral, W: 159

Imperative mood, G: 213

Imperative sentences

defined, B: 342, 353

you understood in, M: 270, B: 342

implement, W: 159

implicit. See explicit, implicit, W: 159

Implied meaning of word (connotation), W: 186

imply, infer, W: 159

in, in idioms (common expressions)

with adjectives, M: 279

vs. at, on, to show time and place, M: 277, 277

with verbs, M: 279, 279

including, no colon after, P: 303

Inclusive language, W: 183, G: 217

Incomplete comparison, S: 134

Incomplete construction, S: 131

Incomplete sentences. See Fragments, sentence

Indefinite articles. See a, an

Indefinite pronouns

agreement of verb with, G: 200

as antecedents, G: 219

apostrophe with, P: 304

defined, B: 334


in APA reference list, C: 63, APA: 522

in CMS (Chicago) bibliography, CMS: 567

in CMS (Chicago) notes, CMS: 567

of long quotations, P: 308

APA style, APA: 483, 522, 527

CMS (Chicago) style, CMS: 541, 543, 567, 567

MLA style, C: 59, MLA: 404, 463, 466

no quotation marks with, P: 308

in MLA works cited list, C: 60, MLA: 463

in outlines, C: 14

Independent clauses

colon between, P: 303

combined with subordinate clauses, B: 353

and comma with coordinating conjunction, P: 287

defined, B: 352

and run-on sentences, G: 241

semicolon between, P: 300

Indexes to periodical articles. See Databases, for finding sources

Indicative mood, G: 213

Indirect objects

case of pronouns as, G: 224

defined, B: 344

Indirect questions

no question mark after, P: 312

shifts to direct questions, avoiding, S: 143

Indirect quotations

no comma with, P: 299

shifts to direct quotations, avoiding, S: 143

Inductive reasoning, A: 89, 90

infer. See imply, infer, W: 159

Infinitive phrases, B: 347


case of pronouns with, G: 224

dangling, S: 139

following verbs, M: 258

marked (with to), M: 258, 277

and sequence of tenses, G: 213

split, S: 138

subject of, objective case for, G: 224

to, infinitive marker vs. preposition, M: 277

with too and enough, M: 260

unmarked (without to), M: 260

Inflated phrases, W: 173

Infographics, C: 18. See also Visuals, in documents; Visual texts

Informal language, W: 181

Informal outline, C: 13, A: 84. See also Formal outline

Information, for essay

finding, R: 353

managing, R: 369

sources of, C: 5

working bibliography, R: 369

Information notes (MLA), MLA: 423

-ing verb ending. See Gerunds; Present participles

in, into, W: 159

in regards to, W: 159

Inserted material, in quotations. See Brackets

Institutional review board (IRB), for research subjects, R: 364

Instructor's comments, revising with. See Revising with comments

Integrating sources

in APA papers, APA: 481

in CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 542

in MLA papers, MLA: 402

in speeches and presentations, A: 115

intend to do (not on doing), W: 188

Intensive pronouns, B: 334

Interjections (exclamations), P: 294, 312, B: 340

Internet. See also URLs; Web sources

avoiding plagiarism from, R: 372, 372

capitalization of terms for, P: 323, APA: 498

reading on, A: 77

searching, R: 364, 364, 364


in analysis papers, A: 78

different perspectives and, A: 75

of visual and multimodal texts, A: 82

of written texts, A: 71

Interrogative pronouns

defined, B: 334

who, whom, G: 224

Interrogative sentences, B: 353

Interrogative tags (questions), commas with, P: 294

Interruptions, commas with, P: 290

Interviews, as information source, R: 364

In-text citations. See also Integrating sources

APA style

directory to models for, APA: 466

models for, APA: 489

CMS (Chicago) style

directory to models for, CMS: 527

models for, CMS: 548

MLA style

directory to models for, MLA: 388

models for, MLA: 413

periods with, P: 309

into. See in, into, W: 159

Intransitive verbs

defined, B: 344

not used in passive voice, M: 253

Introduction. See also Thesis

of argument paper, A: 101

of essay, C: 14

hook in, C: 16, 23

to portfolio, C: 38

revising, C: 23

of speech or presentation, A: 114, 117

strategies for drafting, C: 16

Introductory word groups, comma with, P: 288

Invented words, avoiding, W: 180

Inverted sentence order

for emphasis, S: 153

with expletives there, it, G: 202, M: 270, B: 342

no comma with, P: 299

and position of subject, B: 342

in questions, B: 342

and subject-verb agreement, G: 202

for variety, S: 156

IRB (institutional review board), for research subjects, R: 364

irregardless (nonstandard), W: 159

Irregular verbs, G: 206

be, am, is, are, was, were, G: 206

do, does, G: 206

have, has, G: 206

lie, lay, W: 159, G: 209

list of, G: 206

Issue and volume numbers, in APA reference list, APA: 490

is vs. are. See Agreement of subject and verb

is when, is where, avoiding, S: 146, W: 159


broad reference of, G: 219

as expletive (placeholder), M: 270

indefinite use of, G: 223

as subject of sentence, M: 270

Italics, P: 329

in e-mail, P: 329

for foreign words, P: 330

for names of ships, spacecraft, and aircraft, P: 330

for titles of works, P: 329, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 548, 567

for words as words, P: 330

its, it's, W: 159, P: 304, 306, 318


Jargon, avoiding, W: 178

Journal, keeping a, C: 8

Journalist's questions, C: 6

Journals. See Periodicals

Judgment, in analysis papers, A: 78, 82, 86

jury. See Collective nouns

just, placement of, S: 134


Key words

and APA abstracts, C: 62, APA: 522, 527

defining for readers, MLA: 398

repeating for coherence, C: 52, A: 115

kind(s), W: 159

kind of, sort of, W: 159


Labels for visuals. See Captions

Lab report, sample assignment and excerpt, A: 123

Language. See also Tone; Words

appropriate, W: 178

biased, avoiding, A: 95, W: 185

borrowed. See Citing sources; Plagiarism, avoiding

clichés, avoiding, W: 188

colloquial, W: 181, 190

direct, W: 173

doublespeak, avoiding, W: 179

euphemisms, avoiding, W: 179

exact, W: 185

formality of, W: 181

idioms (common expressions), W: 187

invented, avoiding, W: 180

jargon, A: 121, W: 178

nonstandard English, avoiding, W: 180

obsolete, avoiding, W: 180

offensive, avoiding, W: 185

plain, W: 178

pretentious, avoiding, W: 179

regionalisms, avoiding, W: 180

sexist, avoiding, W: 183

slang, avoiding, W: 180

specialized, A: 121

wordy, W: 159

Latin abbreviations, P: 327

lay, lie; laying, lying, W: 159, G: 209

Layout of documents. See Document design

lead, led, W: 159

learn, teach, W: 159

leave, let, W: 159


of paper, C: 5

of paragraph, C: 52

less. See fewer, less, W: 159

let. See leave, let, W: 159

Letter in a published collection, CMS: 550

citation at a glance, CMS: 550

Letters, writing

for business, C: 65

for a portfolio, C: 42

Letters of the alphabet

capitalizing, P: 322

italics for, P: 330

plural of, P: 306

liable, W: 159

Library resources. See also Internet; Web sources

articles in periodicals, R: 364, 364

bibliographies, R: 364, 364

books, R: 364, 364, 378

reference librarians, R: 360, 363

scholarly citations, R: 364, 364, 364

Web page, library, R: 363

lie, lay; lying, laying, W: 159, G: 209


no comma after, P: 299

and sentence fragments, G: 239

like, as, W: 159

Limiting modifiers (only, almost, etc.), S: 134

Line spacing, MLA: 462, APA: 522, CMS: 567, 567

and document design, C: 69, 63, 65

Linking verbs

adjective after, G: 230, B: 342

defined, B: 342

omission of, G: 211, M: 270

pronoun after, G: 224

Listening, A: 115, 117. See also Talking and listening

Listing ideas, C: 7

List of sources. See Bibliography, CMS (Chicago) style; Reference list (APA); Works cited list (MLA)

Lists. See also Series

with colon, P: 302

with dash, P: 314

and document design, C: 67

as fragments, G: 239

parallelism and, S: 129

Literacy narrative, C: 31

sample student writing, C: 35

writing guide for, C: 37

Literary present tense, A: 123, S: 142, G: 213

Literature review, sample paper, APA: 522


analogies, A: 90

cause-and-effect reasoning, A: 90

deductive reasoning, A: 90

fallacies, A: 89

ad hominem, A: 95

bandwagon appeal, A: 95

biased language, A: 95

either . . . or fallacy, A: 90

false analogy, A: 90

hasty generalization, A: 90

non sequitur, A: 90

post hoc fallacy, A: 90

red herring, A: 95

stereotype, A: 90

straw man, A: 95

transfer, A: 95

inductive reasoning, A: 89, 90

logos (rational appeals), A: 89, 95, 98, 115

of sentences, S: 146

Logos (logical appeals), in arguments. See Logic


editing, C: 24, 30

reading, A: 72

research, R: 357, 360, 363

loose, lose, W: 159

lots, lots of, W: 159

-ly ending on adverbs, G: 230, P: 320

lying vs. laying, G: 209


Magazines. See Periodicals

Main clauses. See Independent clauses

Main point. See Focus; Thesis; Topic sentence

Main verbs, M: 249, B: 336

with modals (can, might, should, etc.), G: 212, M: 253

man, sexist use of, W: 183

mankind, sexist use of, W: 159, 183

Manuscript formats. See also Document design

academic formats, C: 58, 59

APA style, C: 61, APA: 498

CMS (Chicago) style, CMS: 567

MLA style, C: 59, MLA: 462

business and professional formats, C: 58, 64

Mapping. See Clustering, of ideas; Outlines

Maps, C: 17, 18. See also Visuals, in documents

Margins, C: 59, 63, MLA: 462, APA: 522, CMS: 567

Mass (noncount) nouns, M: 263

mathematics (singular), G: 204

may. See can, may, W: 159

may, as modal verb, M: 253, 258, B: 336

maybe, may be, W: 159

may of, might of (nonstandard), W: 159

Meaning, finding in a text, A: 78, 82, M: 283, R: 370

measles (singular), G: 204

Measurement, units of

abbreviations for, P: 326

and agreement of subject and verb, G: 202

media, medium, W: 159

Medium of publication, in works cited list, MLA: 423

Memos, C: 67

Metaphor, W: 188

me vs. I, G: 223

might, as modal verb, M: 253, 258, B: 336

might of. See may of, might of, W: 159

Minor ideas. See Subordination

Misplaced modifiers, S: 134. See also Modifiers

Missing claims, in arguments, A: 90

Missing words. See Needed words

Misspelled words, common, P: 318

Misuse of words, W: 187, 190

Mixed constructions

illogical connections, S: 146

is when, is where, S: 146, W: 159

mixed grammar, S: 144

reason . . . is because, S: 146

Mixed metaphors, W: 188

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, MLA: 410, 462

MLA papers, MLA: 388

authority in, R: 364, MLA: 398, 407

citation at a glance

article from a database, MLA: 423

article in a journal, MLA: 423

book, MLA: 423

MLA papers (continued)

citation at a glance (continued)

selection from an anthology or a collection, MLA: 423

short work from a Web site, MLA: 423

citations, in-text

directory to models for, MLA: 388

models for, MLA: 413

evidence for, MLA: 397

information notes (optional), MLA: 423

manuscript format, C: 59, MLA: 462

organizing, MLA: 397

plagiarism, avoiding, MLA: 398

sample papers

analysis, A: 80

argument, A: 107

research, MLA: 463

signal phrases in, MLA: 404

sources in

citing, MLA: 398, 410

integrating, MLA: 402

synthesizing, MLA: 407

uses of, MLA: 397

supporting arguments in, MLA: 397, 407

tenses in, MLA: 404

thesis in, MLA: 388

visuals in

formatting, MLA: 463

sample figure, MLA: 466

works cited list

authors and titles in, MLA: 414, 423

dates in, MLA: 423

directory to models for, MLA: 388

formatting, C: 60, MLA: 463

general guidelines for, MLA: 423

medium of publication in, MLA: 423

models for, MLA: 414

page numbers in, MLA: 423

place of publication in, MLA: 423

publishers in, MLA: 423

sample, A: 107, MLA: 466

URLs in, MLA: 423, 423, 463

Modal verbs (can, might, should, etc.), G: 212, M: 253, B: 336. See also Helping verbs

Model documents, gallery of, C: 57

Modern Language Association. See MLA papers

Modes. See Multimodal texts; Organization, patterns of


adjectives as, G: 230, B: 336

adverbs as, G: 230, B: 338

commas with, P: 289

dangling, S: 138

essential and nonessential, P: 290

of gerunds, G: 224

limiting, S: 134

misplaced, S: 134

redundant, W: 159

split infinitives: S: 138

squinting, S: 136


abbreviations for, P: 326

numerals for, P: 329

Mood of verbs, G: 213. See also Conditional sentences

shifts in, avoiding, S: 142

more, most (comparative, superlative), G: 233


comma with, P: 290

semicolon with, P: 300

most, W: 159

Motive. See Purpose in writing; Writing situation

Multilingual writers, M: 241

adjectives, M: 275

adjectives and adverbs, placement of, M: 275

articles (a, an, the), M: 260

idioms (common expressions), M: 277

omitted subjects or expletives, M: 270

omitted verbs, M: 270

nouns, types of, M: 263, 263

paraphrasing sources, M: 279

participles, present vs. past, M: 275


with adjectives, M: 279

with nouns and -ing forms, M: 277

to show time and place (at, in, on, etc.), M: 277, 277

with verbs, M: 279, 279

repeated objects or adverbs, S: 149, M: 272

repeated subjects, S: 143, M: 272

sentence structure, M: 270, 281


active voice, M: 250

conditional, M: 257

forms of, M: 249

with gerunds or infinitives, M: 258

modals (can, might, should, etc.), M: 253

negative forms, M: 257

passive voice, M: 250

tenses, M: 250, 257

Multimedia sources, citing, MLA: 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550. See also Web sources

Multimodal texts. See also Genre

analyzing, A: 82

annotating, C: 6, A: 77, 84

conversing with, A: 84

defined, A: 82

evaluating, R: 386

planning, C: 37, 42, A: 82, 112, R: 388

purpose and, C: 4, A: 115

reading, C: 6, A: 77, R: 386

writing about, A: 86

Multitasking, avoiding, A: 77

must, as modal verb, M: 253, B: 336

must of. See may of, might of, W: 159

myself, W: 159, G: 224


namely, and sentence fragments, G: 239

Narration, as paragraph pattern, C: 46

Narrative writing. See Literacy narrative

Narrowing a subject. See Topic

N.B. (“note well”), P: 327

n.d. (“no date”), MLA: 423, APA: 490

nearly, placement of, S: 134

Needed words, S: 131

articles (a, an, the), S: 134, M: 260

in comparisons, S: 134

in compound structures, S: 133

it, M: 270

in parallel structures, S: 131

subjects, M: 270

that, S: 131, 133

there, M: 270

verbs, G: 211, M: 270


double, avoiding, G: 233, M: 257

forming, M: 257

not and never, B: 338

neither (singular), W: 159, G: 200, 219

neither . . . nor

and parallel structure, S: 131

and pronoun-antecedent agreement, G: 219

and subject-verb agreement, G: 200

Neologisms (invented words), avoiding, W: 180


as adverb, B: 338

in double negatives, avoiding, G: 233


comma with, P: 290

semicolon with, P: 300

news (singular), G: 204

Newspapers. See Periodicals


comma with, P: 294

in double negatives, avoiding, G: 233, M: 257

nobody (singular), G: 200, 219

Noncount nouns, M: 263

none, W: 159, G: 200

Nonrestrictive (nonessential) elements, commas with, P: 290

Non sequitur, A: 90

Nonsexist language, W: 183, G: 217

Nonstandard English, avoiding, W: 180

no one (singular), G: 200, 219


comma with, P: 287

as coordinating conjunction, S: 131, B: 339

parallelism and, S: 131

and pronoun-antecedent agreement, G: 219

and subject-verb agreement, G: 200


as adverb, M: 257, B: 338

in double negatives, avoiding, G: 233, M: 257

in forming negatives, M: 257

placement of, S: 134

Notes. See Footnotes or endnotes; Information notes (MLA)

Note taking

for analysis, A: 72, 84

and avoiding plagiarism, M: 281, R: 370

double-entry notebook for, A: 72, 84

on drafts, C: 21

on electronic documents, A: 77

to generate ideas, C: 6

research log for, R: 357, 360, 363

sample notes, A: 72, 72, 86

for speeches or presentations, A: 117

nothing (singular), G: 200, 219

not only . . . but also, B: 339

and parallel structure, S: 131

and pronoun-antecedent agreement, G: 219

and subject-verb agreement, G: 200

Noun/adjectives, B: 333, 336

Noun clauses, B: 350

words introducing, B: 350, 350

Noun markers, M: 260

Nouns. See also Nouns, types of

adjectives with, B: 336

articles with, M: 260

capitalizing, P: 322

defined, B: 333

of direct address, comma with, P: 294

plural form, singular meaning (athletics, economics, etc.), G: 204

plural of, P: 317

after prepositions, M: 277

renaming other nouns. See Appositives

shifts between singular and plural, avoiding, S: 139

Nouns, types of. See also Nouns

abstract, W: 186

collective (audience, family, team, etc.), G: 201, 219

common, M: 263, P: 322

concrete, W: 186

count, M: 263, 265

defined, B: 333

general vs. specific, W: 186, M: 265

generic, G: 219

noncount, M: 263

possessive, P: 304

proper, M: 263, 269, P: 322

singular and plural, M: 263

specific, concrete, W: 186

specific vs. general, W: 186, M: 265

Novels, titles of

capitalization of, P: 323

italics for, P: 329

nowheres (nonstandard), W: 159

N.p. (“no publisher”), MLA: 423

n. pag. (“no pagination”), MLA: 423

number. See amount, number, W: 159

number, agreement of verb with, G: 202

Number and person

shifts in, avoiding, S: 139

and subject-verb agreement, G: 197


commas in, P: 296

consistency of, P: 328

hyphens with, P: 320

italics for, P: 330

plural of, P: 304

spelled out vs. numerals, P: 328

APA style, C: 62, P: 328

MLA style, P: 328

Nursing practice paper, sample pages, A: 123


Object complements, B: 344

adjectives as, following direct object, G: 231

Objections, to arguments. See Counterarguments

Objective case, of pronouns

for objects, G: 224

for subjects and objects of infinitives, G: 224

whom, G: 224


assessing in sources, A: 95, R: 381

in writing a summary, A: 75


direct, B: 344

indirect, B: 344

of infinitives, G: 224

no comma between verb and, P: 296

objective case for, G: 224, 224

of prepositions, B: 344

pronouns as, G: 224

repetition of, avoiding, M: 272

Observation, as information source, R: 368

Obsolete words, avoiding, W: 180

of, after could, would, may, etc. (nonstandard), W: 159

Offensive language, avoiding, W: 185

off of (nonstandard), W: 159, 188

OK, O.K., okay, W: 159

Omission of needed words. See Needed words

Omissions of letters and words, indicated by

apostrophe, P: 304

ellipsis mark, P: 314


with adjectives, M: 279

vs. at, in, to show time and place, M: 277, 277

with verbs, M: 279, 279

one of the, agreement of verb with, G: 204

Online sources. See Web sources

only, placement of, S: 134

only one of the, agreement of verb with, G: 204

Opening. See Introduction

Opinion, expert, using as support, A: 104

Opposing arguments. See Counterarguments


comma with, P: 287

as coordinating conjunction, S: 131, B: 339

excessive use of, S: 149

parallelism and, S: 131

and pronoun-antecedent agreement, G: 219

and subject-verb agreement, G: 200

Oral presentations. See Speaking

Organization. See also Outlines

of APA papers, APA: 476

of CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 537

improving, C: 28, 29

of literacy narratives, C: 37

of MLA papers, MLA: 397

patterns of, for paragraphs

analogy, C: 46

cause and effect, C: 46

classification, C: 46

comparison and contrast, C: 46

definition, C: 46

description, C: 46

division, C: 46

examples and illustrations, C: 46

narration, C: 46

process, C: 46

of speeches or presentations, A: 114

Organizations, abbreviations for, P: 325

ought to, as modal verb, M: 253, B: 336


for essay, C: 13

formal, C: 13, A: 72, 75

informal, C: 13, A: 84

for MLA paper, MLA: 397

for summary or analysis, A: 72, 75, 84

Ownership. See Possessive case


Page numbers, in papers, C: 59, 61, MLA: 423, 462, APA: 490, 522, CMS: 567

Page setup. See Document design; Manuscript formats

Paired ideas, parallelism and, S: 129

Paragraph patterns. See also Paragraphs

analogy, C: 46

cause and effect, C: 46

classification, C: 46

comparison and contrast, C: 46

definition, C: 46

description, C: 46

division, C: 46

examples and illustrations, C: 46

narration, C: 46

process, C: 46

Paragraphs, C: 43. See also Paragraph patterns

coherence in, C: 46

concluding, C: 20

details in, C: 24, 45

development of, C: 24, 45

drafting, C: 17

focus of, C: 43

introductory, C: 14

length of, C: 52

main point in, C: 43

revising, C: 24, 28

too many points in, C: 24

topic sentences in, C: 44, M: 283

transitions in, C: 44, 52

unity of, C: 24, 44


for emphasis, S: 153

in headings, S: 129

in lists, S: 129

in paragraphs, C: 52

in sentences, S: 129

parameters, W: 159


in APA papers, APA: 477, 481, 485

in CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 541, 545

in MLA papers, MLA: 401, 404, 410

multilingual/ESL challenges with, M: 279

no quotation marks for, P: 308

and note taking, R: 370

quotations within, R: 372

Parentheses, P: 314

capitalizing sentence in, P: 324

no comma before, P: 299

Parenthetical citations. See In-text citations

Parenthetical elements

commas with, P: 294

dashes with, P: 312

Participial phrases. See also Past participles;

Present participles

for combining sentences, S: 149

dangling, S: 138

defined, B: 347

Participles. See Past participles;

Present participles

Particles, with verbs, B: 336

Parts of speech, B: 333

adjectives, B: 336

adverbs, B: 338

conjunctions, B: 339

in dictionary entry, W: 190

interjections (exclamations), B: 340

nouns, B: 333

prepositions, B: 338

pronouns, B: 333

verbs, B: 334

passed, past, W: 159

Passive voice

vs. active voice, W: 174

appropriate uses of, W: 177

forming, M: 250

shifts between active and, avoiding, S: 142

and wordy sentences, W: 174

past. See passed, past, W: 159

Past participles

as adjectives, M: 275

defined, G: 206

of irregular verbs, G: 206

in participial phrases, B: 347

and passive voice, M: 250

and perfect tenses, G: 213, 213, M: 250, 253

vs. present participles, M: 275

of regular verbs, G: 210

as verbals, B: 347

Past perfect tense, G: 213, 213, M: 250, 253

Past progressive form, G: 213, M: 250, 253

Past tense

in APA papers, APA: 485, 489

and -d, -ed endings, G: 206, 210

defined, G: 213, M: 250, 253

of irregular verbs, G: 206

vs. past perfect, G: 213

of regular verbs, G: 204, 210

Patchwriting, avoiding, R: 360, MLA: 401, APA: 481, CMS: 541

Pathos (emotional appeals), in arguments, A: 90, 98, 115

Patterns of organization. See Paragraph patterns

PDF documents

annotating, A: 77

citing, MLA: 423

as sources, R: 370, 378

Peer reviewers. See Reviewers, peer; Revising with comments

Percentages, numerals for, P: 328. See also Statistics

percent, per cent, percentage, W: 159

Perfect progressive forms, G: 213, M: 250

Perfect tenses, G: 213, 213, M: 250, 253

Periodicals. See also Articles in periodicals

capitalizing titles of, P: 323, APA: 490, 522, 522

italics for titles of, P: 329, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 567

Periods, P: 312

with abbreviations, P: 312, 325

and ellipsis mark, P: 314

to end a sentence, P: 312

with in-text citations, P: 309

with quotation marks, P: 309

Personal pronouns

case of, G: 223

defined, B: 334

Personal titles. See Titles of persons

Person and number

shifts in, avoiding, S: 139

and subject-verb agreement, G: 197

Persons, names of. See Nouns

Persuasive writing. See Argument papers

phenomena, W: 159

Photographs, C: 17, 18. See also Visuals, in documents; Visual texts

Phrasal verbs. See Particles, with verbs

Phrases. See also Phrases, types of

dangling, S: 138

empty or inflated, W: 173

fragmented, G: 238

introductory, comma after, P: 288

misplaced, S: 136

as modifiers, B: 347

nonrestrictive (nonessential), with commas, P: 290

restrictive (essential), with no commas, P: 290, 298

separating subject and verb, S: 137

Phrases, types of. See also Phrases

absolute, B: 347

appositive, B: 347

gerund, B: 347

infinitive, B: 347

participial, B: 347

prepositional, B: 344

verbal, B: 347

physics (singular), G: 204

Pictures, C: 17, 18. See also Visuals, in documents; Visual texts

Place of publication

in APA reference list, APA: 490

in MLA works cited list, MLA: 423

Places, names of. See Nouns

Plagiarism, avoiding

in APA papers, APA: 477

in CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 538

and drafting, C: 17

in MLA papers, MLA: 398

multilingual/ESL challenges with, M: 281, 284

and note taking, R: 370

reviewer comments about, C: 24

and Web sources, R: 372, 372

working bibliography and, R: 369

Planning an essay. See also Outlines

assessing the writing situation, C: 3, 5

exploring ideas, C: 4, 6

working thesis, C: 8

plan to do (not on doing), W: 188

Plays, titles of

capitalizing, P: 323

italics for, P: 329

Plurals. See also Agreement of pronoun and antecedent; Agreement of subject and verb; Singular vs. plural

of abbreviations, P: 306, 327

of compound nouns, P: 317

of letters, P: 306

of numbers, P: 304

spelling of, P: 317

of words used as words, P: 306

plus, W: 159

PM, AM, p.m., a.m., P: 326

Podcast, citing, MLA: 423, 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550

Poems, titles of

capitalizing, P: 323

quotation marks with, P: 308

Point of view

consistency in, C: 29, 52, S: 139

in humanities papers, A: 123

in literacy narratives, C: 37

opposing, in arguments. See Counterarguments

in portfolio cover letters, C: 42

revising for, C: 29

in science and social science papers, A: 123

in writing for different disciplines, A: 123

politics (singular), G: 204


cover letter for, C: 39

organizing, C: 21

preparing, C: 38

sample cover letter for, C: 39

Position, stating. See Thesis

Possessive case

apostrophe for, P: 304

with gerund, G: 224

Possessive pronouns

defined, B: 334

no apostrophe in, P: 306

Post hoc fallacy, A: 90

precede, proceed, W: 159


compound, G: 239

defined, G: 239, B: 341

fragmented, G: 239

Predicate adjective. See Subject complements

Predicate noun. See Subject complements

Predication, faulty, S: 146

preferable to (not than), W: 188

Prefixes, hyphen after, P: 320

Premises, in deductive reasoning, A: 90

Prepositional phrases

defined, B: 344

fragmented, G: 238

restrictive (essential) vs. nonrestrictive (nonessential), P: 290

between subject and verb, G: 198


after adjectives, M: 279

at, in, on to show time and place, M: 277, 277

defined, B: 338

followed by nouns or -ing forms, not verbs, M: 277

in idioms (common expressions), W: 187, M: 277, 277

list of, B: 339

objects of, B: 344

repeating, for parallel structure, S: 131

after verbs, M: 279, 279, B: 336

Presentations. See Multimodal texts; Speaking

Present participles

as adjectives, M: 275

in gerund phrases, B: 347

in participial phrases, B: 347

vs. past participles, M: 275

and progressive forms, G: 213, M: 250

and sequence of tenses, G: 213

Present perfect tense, G: 213, 213, M: 250, 253, APA: 485, 489

Present progressive form, G: 213, M: 250

Present tense, G: 213, M: 250

subject-verb agreement in, G: 197

and tense shifts, avoiding, S: 142

in writing about literature, A: 123, S: 142, G: 213

in writing about science, G: 213

Pretentious language, avoiding, W: 179


sources, R: 377

visual and multimodal texts, A: 84

written texts, A: 71, 75

Prewriting strategies

annotating texts, C: 6

asking questions, C: 6

blogging, C: 8

brainstorming, C: 7

clustering, C: 8

freewriting, C: 8

keeping a journal, C: 8

mapping, C: 8

talking and listening, C: 4, 6

Primary sources

for authenticity, R: 364

citation at a glance, CMS: 550

as evidence, A: 122

vs. secondary sources, R: 381

on the Web, MLA: 423, CMS: 550

principal, principle, W: 159

prior to (not than), W: 188

Problem/strategy approach, for revising a thesis, C: 10

proceed. See precede, proceed, W: 159

Process as paragraph pattern, C: 46 of writing an essay

drafting, C: 14

editing, C: 30

planning, C: 3

reviewing, C: 22

revising, C: 22

Professional documents. See Business writing

Progressive forms, G: 213, M: 250

Pronoun/adjectives, B: 334

Pronoun-antecedent agreement, G: 217

with collective nouns (jury, class, etc.), G: 219

with compounds with and, G: 219

with compounds with either . . . or or neither . . . nor, G: 219

with compounds with or, G: 219

with indefinite pronouns (anyone, each, etc.), G: 219

sexist language with, avoiding, G: 217

Pronoun case

I vs. me etc., G: 223

who vs. whom, G: 224

you vs. your, G: 224

Pronoun reference, G: 219

ambiguous, G: 219

broad this, that, which, it, G: 219

implied, G: 219

indefinite they, it, you, G: 223

remote, G: 219

unstated antecedent, G: 219

who (not that, which) for persons, W: 159

Pronouns. See also Pronouns, types of

adjectives with, B: 336

agreement of verbs with, G: 197

agreement with antecedent, G: 217

as appositives, G: 224

case (I vs. me etc.), G: 223

defined, B: 333

lists of, B: 334

as objects, G: 224

pronoun/adjectives, B: 334

reference of, G: 219

shifts in person and number, avoiding, S: 139

singular vs. plural, G: 217

as subjects, G: 224

who, whom, G: 224

Pronouns, types of, B: 333. See also Pronouns

demonstrative (those, that, etc.), B: 334

indefinite (some, any, etc.), B: 334

intensive (herself, themselves, etc.), B: 334

interrogative (who, which, etc.), B: 334

personal (you, they, etc.), B: 334

possessive (your, his, etc.), G: 224, B: 334

reciprocal (each other etc.), B: 334

reflexive (myself, yourselves, etc.), B: 334

relative (that, which, etc.), B: 334

Pronunciation, in dictionary entry, W: 190

Proof. See Evidence

Proofreading, C: 31

Proper nouns, M: 263

capitalizing, P: 322

the with, M: 269

Proposal, research, R: 368

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, APA: 489, 498

Punctuation, P: 287

apostrophe. See Apostrophes

brackets. See Brackets

colon. See Colon

comma. See Commas; Commas, unnecessary

dash. See Dashes

ellipsis mark. See Ellipsis mark

for emphasis, S: 154

exclamation point. See Exclamation points

parentheses. See Parentheses

period. See Periods

question mark. See Question mark

quotation marks. See Quotation marks

with quotation marks, P: 309

semicolon. See Semicolon

Purpose in writing

for argument papers, A: 98

assignments and, C: 7

and document design, C: 57

and finding sources, R: 358

and genre (type of writing), C: 4, 5

for lab reports, A: 123

for nursing practice papers, A: 123

for psychology papers, A: 123

for research papers, R: 358

for speeches or presentations, A: 114

and writing situation, C: 3, 5


Quantifiers with noncount nouns, M: 265

Question mark, P: 312

with in-text citations, P: 310, MLA: 414

no comma with, P: 299

with quotation marks, P: 310

Questionnaire, as information source, R: 368


adding for variety, S: 156

commas with, P: 294

direct and indirect, S: 143, P: 312

pronouns for, B: 334

Questions (continued)

punctuation of, P: 312

recognizing, in assignments, C: 7

subject in, B: 342

Questions to ask

for an analysis paper, C: 24, A: 78, 82

for an annotated bibliography, R: 388

about arguments, A: 95, 95, 112

for assignments in the disciplines, A: 117

to generate ideas, C: 6

for a literacy narrative, C: 37

about reading, A: 75

for a reflective letter, C: 42

about a research subject, R: 358, 369, MLA: 388, 410, APA: 466, CMS: 536

to shape a thesis, C: 8

Quotation marks, P: 306. See also Quotations

to avoid plagiarism, C: 24, R: 372

with direct quotations (exact language), P: 306, R: 372

misuses of, P: 310

not used with indented (long) quotations, P: 308

other punctuation with, P: 309

single, P: 308

with titles of works, P: 308, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 548, 567

with words used as words, P: 309

quotation, quote. See quote, quotation, W: 159

Quotations. See also Quotation marks

adding for variety, S: 156

in APA papers

accuracy of, APA: 483

appropriate use of, APA: 481

avoiding plagiarism in, APA: 477

brackets with, APA: 483

citing, APA: 477, 489

context for, APA: 485

dropped, avoiding, APA: 485

ellipsis mark with, APA: 483

embedding, APA: 485

indenting, APA: 483, 522, 527

integrating, APA: 481

long (indented), APA: 483, 522, 527

quotation marks for, APA: 480

sic for errors in, APA: 483

with signal phrase, APA: 483

synthesizing, APA: 485

in argument papers, A: 95

capitalization in, P: 324

in CMS (Chicago) papers

accuracy of, CMS: 543 appropriate use of, CMS: 542

avoiding plagiarism in, CMS: 538

brackets with, CMS: 543

citing, CMS: 538, 548

context for, CMS: 545

dropped, avoiding, CMS: 545

ellipsis mark with, CMS: 543

embedding, CMS: 545

indenting, CMS: 541, 543, 567, 567

integrating, CMS: 542

long (indented), CMS: 541, 543, 567, 567

quotation marks for, CMS: 540

sic for errors in, CMS: 543

with signal phrase, CMS: 545

direct and indirect, S: 143, P: 299

ellipsis marks to indicate cuts in, P: 314

from interviews, R: 364

long (indented), P: 308

in MLA papers

accuracy of, MLA: 404

appropriate use of, MLA: 402, 410

avoiding plagiarism in, MLA: 400

brackets with, MLA: 404

citing, MLA: 400, 410

context for, MLA: 407

dropped, avoiding, MLA: 407

ellipsis mark with, MLA: 404

embedding, MLA: 407

indenting, C: 59, MLA: 404, 463, 466

integrating, MLA: 402

long (indented), C: 59, MLA: 404, 463, 466

quotation marks for, MLA: 401

“sic” for errors in, MLA: 404

with signal phrase, MLA: 404

synthesizing, MLA: 407

within paraphrases, R: 372

punctuation of, P: 306

within quotations, P: 308

quoted in (qtd. in), for a source in another source, MLA: 414, CMS: 550. See also cited in

quote, quotation, W: 159

quotes. See Quotations


raise, rise, W: 159

Ratios, colon with, P: 303

Readability, document design for, C: 57

Readers, engaging, C: 16, 23


active and critical

for analysis, A: 82

of arguments, A: 89

of research sources, R: 381

of visual and multimedia texts, A: 82, R: 386

of written texts, A: 71

annotating. See Annotating texts

conversing with a text, A: 72, 84

evaluating arguments, A: 89

evaluating sources, R: 364, 364, 372

exploring a subject, C: 6

previewing sources, R: 377

previewing texts, A: 71, 75, 84

and thinking like a researcher, R: 360

visual and multimodal texts, A: 82

on the Web, A: 77

real, really, W: 159, G: 232

Reasoning. See also Argument papers

deductive, A: 90

inductive, A: 89, 90

logical fallacies, A: 89

reason . . . is because (nonstandard), S: 146, W: 159

reason why (nonstandard), W: 159

Reciprocal pronouns, B: 334

Red herring fallacy, A: 95

Redundancies, W: 159

Reference list (APA). See also

Bibliography, CMS (Chicago)

style; Works cited list (MLA)

directory to models for, APA: 466

formatting, C: 63, APA: 522

Reference list (APA) (continued)

general guidelines for, APA: 490

models for, APA: 490

sample, C: 63, APA: 527

Reference of pronouns. See Pronoun reference

Reflective writing

literacy narrative, C: 31

for portfolio, C: 38

Reflexive pronouns, B: 334

Regional expressions, W: 180

Regular verbs

-d, -ed endings on, G: 206, 210

defined, G: 204, B: 336

-s forms of, G: 209

relation, relationship, W: 159

Relative adverbs

defined, B: 350

introducing adjective clauses, M: 272, B: 350

Relative pronouns

agreement with verb, G: 202

defined, B: 334, 347

introducing adjective clauses, M: 272, B: 350

in noun clauses, B: 350

who, whom, G: 224


of function words, for parallel structure, S: 131

of key words, C: 52

in speeches or presentations, A: 115


ideas, W: 159

nouns and pronouns, M: 272

objects or adverbs, M: 272

words, W: 173

Reposted source, citing, MLA: 423

Requests, subjunctive mood for, G: 217

Researched writing. See also Researching a topic

APA papers, APA: 466

CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 527

MLA papers, MLA: 388

sample student writing, MLA: 463, APA: 522, CMS: 567

Researching a topic, R: 353.

See also Conversations, academic and research;

Researched writing

for argument papers, A: 98


annotated, R: 386

scholarly, R: 364, 364, 364

working, R: 369

catalog, library, R: 364, 378

databases, R: 364, 364, 364

evaluating sources, R: 364, 364, 372

field research, R: 364

getting started, R: 353

keeping a research log, R: 357, 360, 363

keeping track of sources, R: 357, 369

keyword searches, R: 364

library resources, R: 363, 364, 364

managing information, R: 357, 369

narrowing the focus, R: 358

note taking, R: 357, 370

planning, R: 357, 376

purpose and, R: 358

reading critically, R: 376, 381

reading selectively, R: 377

reference librarians, R: 363

research proposals, R: 368

research questions, R: 358, 368

schedule for, R: 357, 358

search strategy, R: 360, 369, 376

shortcuts to good sources, R: 363

thinking like a researcher, R: 360

tips for smart searching, R: 364

Web resources, R: 364, 364, 364

respectfully, respectively, W: 159

Response papers. See Analysis papers

Responsibility. See Sources, responsibility and

Restrictive (essential) elements, no commas with, P: 290, 298

Résumés, C: 66

Reviewers, peer. See also Revising with comments

for an analytical essay, A: 82

for an annotated bibliography, R: 388

for an argument paper, A: 112

guidelines for, C: 24

for a literacy narrative, C: 38

for a portfolio cover letter, C: 43

sample comments by, C: 31

seeking help from, C: 22

writing situation and, C: 5

Review of the literature

sample assignment and excerpt, A: 123

sample paper, APA: 522

Revising with comments, C: 22

“Be specific,” C: 24

“Cite your sources,” C: 24

“Consider opposing viewpoints,” C: 24

“Develop more,” C: 24

“More than one point in this paragraph,” C: 24

“Narrow your introduction,” C: 23

“Summarize less, analyze more,” C: 24

“Unclear thesis,” C: 23

Revision, C: 22. See also Revising with comments

cycles of, C: 28

global (big-picture), C: 28

sample of, C: 31

sentence-level, C: 30

software tools for, C: 21

strategies for, C: 22

of thesis, C: 10

rise. See raise, rise, W: 159

Running heads, C: 61, MLA: 462, APA: 490, 522. See also Page numbers, in papers

Run-on sentences

finding and recognizing, G: 241, 241

fixing, G: 241

with colon or dash, G: 241

with comma and coordinating conjunction, G: 241

by making two sentences, G: 241

by restructuring, G: 241

with semicolon, G: 241



and apostrophe, P: 304

and plurals of abbreviations, P: 327

and spelling, P: 317

as verb ending, G: 197, 198, 209

Sacred texts (Bible, Qur'an)

citing, MLA: 414, 423, APA: 490, 498, CMS: 550

no italics for, P: 330

punctuation between chapter and verse, P: 303

Salutations and greetings, colon with, C: 65, P: 303

Sample student writing

analysis, A: 80

argument, A: 107

Sample student writing (continued)

in the disciplines, excerpts

lab report, A: 123

nursing practice paper, A: 123

psychology literature review, A: 123

literacy narrative, C: 35

portfolio letter, C: 39


APA style, APA: 522

CMS (Chicago) style (excerpt), CMS: 567

MLA style, MLA: 463

speech (excerpt), A: 117

Scholarly sources, identifying, R: 364, 378

Sciences, writing in the, A: 117

Scientific facts, and verb tense, G: 213

Scores, numerals for, P: 328

Search engines, R: 364

Search strategy, R: 360, 369

Secondary sources, A: 122, R: 381

Second-person point of view, C: 29, S: 139

self-, hyphen with, P: 320

Self-assessment, in portfolio, C: 38

Semicolon, P: 300

for combining sentences, S: 149

with commas, P: 301

to fix run-on sentences, G: 241

and independent clauses, P: 300

misuse of, P: 301

with quotation marks, P: 310

with series, P: 301

transitional expressions with, P: 300

sensual, sensuous, W: 159

Sentence fragments. See Fragments, sentence

Sentence patterns, B: 340

Sentence purposes, B: 353

Sentences. See also Sentence types

awkward, S: 144

choppy, combining, S: 149

conditional, M: 257

fragments. See Fragments, sentence

fused. See Run-on sentences

incomplete. See Fragments, sentence

inverted (verb before subject), S: 153, 156, G: 202, M: 270, B: 342

logical, S: 146

parts of, B: 340

revising and editing, C: 30

run-on. See Run-on sentences

thesis. See Thesis

topic, C: 44, M: 283

transitional, C: 52

variety in, S: 154

wordy, W: 159

Sentence structure

mixed constructions, S: 144

multilingual/ESL challenges with, M: 270

adjectives, placement of, M: 275

adverbs, placement of, M: 274

although, because, M: 272

linking verb between subject and subject complement, M: 270

paraphrasing, M: 281

present participle vs. past participle, M: 275

repetition of object or adverb, avoiding, M: 272

repetition of subject, avoiding, M: 272

subject, needed, M: 270

there, it, M: 270

paraphrases and, M: 281, R: 372

simplifying, W: 174

variety in, S: 154

Sentence types, B: 352

complex, B: 353

compound, B: 352

compound-complex, B: 353

declarative, B: 353

exclamatory, B: 353

imperative, B: 353

interrogative, B: 353

simple, B: 352

Series. See also Lists

commas with, P: 288

parallelism and, S: 129

parentheses with, P: 314

semicolons with, P: 301

set, sit, W: 159

Setup, page. See Document design; Manuscript formats

Sexist language, avoiding, W: 183, G: 217

shall, as modal verb, M: 253, B: 336

shall, will, W: 159

she, her, hers, sexist use of, W: 183, G: 219

she vs. her, G: 223

she writes, he writes, comma with, P: 294, 310

Shifts, avoiding

from indirect to direct questions or quotations, S: 143

in mood or voice, S: 142

in point of view (person and number), S: 139

in verb tense, S: 142

Ships, italics for names of, P: 330

Short stories, titles of

capitalizing, P: 323, APA: 522

quotation marks for, P: 308, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 522, CMS: 567

should, as modal verb, M: 253, 258, B: 336

should of (nonstandard), W: 159

Showing, not telling, C: 24

sic, P: 314, MLA: 404, APA: 483, CMS: 543

Signal phrases, A: 115, MLA: 404, APA: 483, CMS: 545

Signposts, in speeches or presentations, A: 115, 115

Simile, W: 188

Simple sentences, B: 352

Simple subjects, B: 341

Simple tenses, G: 213, M: 250, 253

since, W: 159

Singular vs. plural

antecedents, G: 217

nouns, G: 197, 209

pronouns, G: 217

subjects, G: 197, 209

sit. See set, sit, W: 159

site. See cite, site, W: 159

Skimming. See Previewing

Slang, avoiding, W: 180

Slash, P: 316

Slides, presentation, A: 115, 117


comma with, P: 287

as coordinating conjunction, B: 339

Social media, citing, MLA: 414, 423, APA: 490, 498, CMS: 550

Social sciences, writing in, A: 117. See also APA papers

Software. See Word processing programs

some, G: 200

somebody, someone, something (singular), W: 159, G: 200, 219

something (singular), W: 159

sometime, some time, sometimes, W: 159

Songs, titles of, quotation marks for, P: 308

sort of. See kind of, sort of, W: 159

Sound-alike words (homophones), P: 318

Sources. See also Web sources

citing. See Citing sources

documenting. See APA papers; Citing sources; CMS (Chicago) papers; MLA papers

evaluating, R: 364, 364, 372

finding, R: 360

Sources (continued)

integrating, A: 115, MLA: 402, APA: 481, CMS: 542

introducing. See Signal phrases

keeping records of, R: 357, 369

list of. See Bibliography, CMS (Chicago) style; Reference list (APA); Works cited list (MLA)

primary, A: 122, R: 364, 381

and purpose of research project, R: 358, 376

quoted in another source, MLA: 414, APA: 490, CMS: 550

responsible use of, R: 360

altering quotations, R: 364, MLA: 404, APA: 483, CMS: 543

citing paraphrases, R: 372

copying from electronic files, R: 372

documenting evidence, A: 102

establishing credibility, MLA: 407

keeping notes and records, C: 17, A: 72, R: 363, 370

reading critically, R: 381

thinking like a researcher, R: 360

scholarly, R: 364, 378

secondary, A: 122, R: 381

selecting, R: 377

synthesizing, MLA: 407, APA: 485

uses of, R: 376, MLA: 397, APA: 476, CMS: 537

of visuals, crediting, C: 17, MLA: 414, 423, 466, APA: 498, 522, CMS: 550

“So what?” test, C: 10, 28, 29, A: 72, 75

Spacecraft, italics for names of, P: 330

Spacing. See Line spacing

Speaking, A: 112. See also Talking and listening

adapting essays for presentations, A: 117

argumentative appeals (ethos, logos, pathos) and, A: 115

audience for, A: 114, 117

conclusions for, A: 117

context for, A: 114

introductions for, A: 117

notes for, A: 117

preparing for, A: 114

purpose of, A: 114

sample student speech (excerpt), A: 117

slides for, A: 115, 117

Specific nouns, W: 186

the with, M: 263, 265

Speeches. See Speaking

Spelling, P: 316

Split infinitives, S: 138

Sponsor, of Web sources, R: 364, 364, 381, MLA: 423, CMS: 550

Squinting modifiers, S: 136. See also Misplaced modifiers

Standard English, W: 180

Standard (US) units, abbreviations for, P: 326

Statements contrary to fact, G: 217, M: 258

statistics (singular), G: 204


in APA papers, APA: 485

in argument papers, A: 102

in CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 545

in MLA papers, MLA: 407, 410

numerals for, P: 329

Stereotypes, avoiding, A: 90, W: 185

Strategies for revising. See Revising with comments; Revision

Straw man fallacy, A: 95

Student essays. See Sample student writing

Subject, of paper or presentation. See Topic

Subject, of sentence

and agreement with verb, G: 197

case of, G: 224

complete, B: 341

compound, B: 342

following verb, S: 156, G: 202, M: 270, B: 342

identifying, G: 202

of infinitive, G: 224

naming the actor (active voice), W: 174

naming the receiver (passive voice), W: 174

pronoun as, G: 224

in questions, B: 342

repeated, M: 272

required in sentences, M: 270

separated from verb, S: 137

simple, B: 341

singular vs. plural, G: 209

understood (you), M: 270, B: 342

Subject complements

adjectives as, G: 230, B: 342

case of pronouns as, G: 224

defined, B: 342

with linking verbs, B: 342

and subject-verb agreement, G: 202

Subjective case, of pronouns, G: 224

who, whom, G: 224

Subjects, of field research, R: 364

Subject-verb agreement. See Agreement of subject and verb

Subjunctive mood, G: 213. See also Conditional sentences

Subordinate clauses, B: 347

adjective (beginning with who, that, etc.), B: 347

adverb (beginning with if, when, where, etc.), B: 350

avoiding repeated elements in, M: 272

combined with independent clauses, B: 353

defined, B: 347, 352

fragmented, G: 235

minor ideas in, S: 152

misplaced, S: 136

noun, B: 350

and sentence types, B: 352

words introducing, B: 347

Subordinate word groups, B: 344

Subordinating conjunctions, B: 340, 350


for combining ideas of unequal importance, S: 148, 149, 149

and coordination, S: 149

to fix run-on sentences, G: 241

to fix sentence fragments, G: 235

of major ideas, avoiding, S: 152

overuse of, S: 152

Subtitles of works

capitalizing, P: 323, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 567

colon between title and, P: 303

such as

no colon after, P: 303

no comma after, P: 299

and sentence fragments, G: 239


hyphen before, P: 320

spelling rules for, P: 316


vs. analysis, C: 24, A: 78, 82, 86

in annotated bibliographies, R: 386, 388

in APA papers, APA: 477, 481, 485

in CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 541, 545

in MLA papers, MLA: 401, 404, 410

no quotation marks for, P: 308

and note taking, R: 372

writing, A: 75, 75, 86

Superlative form of adjectives and adverbs (with -est or most), G: 233

Support. See Evidence

suppose to (nonstandard), W: 159

sure and (nonstandard), W: 159, 188

Surveys, as information source, R: 368

Syllables, division of words into

in dictionary, W: 190

hyphen for, P: 320

Synonyms, W: 186, 190, M: 281

Synthesizing sources, MLA: 407, APA: 485


Tables, C: 17, 18, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 498, 522, 527, CMS: 567

take. See bring, take, W: 159

Taking notes. See Note taking

Talking and listening

in class discussions, A: 117

to generate ideas, C: 4, 6

in speeches or presentations, A: 115, 117

Talking back to a text, A: 72, 84

teach. See learn, teach, W: 159

Teacher's comments, responding to. See Revising with comments

team. See Collective nouns

Teamwork. See Reviewers, peer

Tenses, verb, G: 212

in active voice, M: 250

and agreement with subject, G: 197

conditional, M: 257

in the disciplines, A: 123, MLA: 404, APA: 485, 489, CMS: 545

multilingual/ESL challenges with, M: 250, 257

in passive voice, M: 253


in writing about literature, S: 142, G: 213

in writing about science, G: 213

sequence of, G: 213

shifts in, avoiding, S: 142

Text messages, citing, MLA: 423

Texts. See Multimodal texts; Visual texts; Written texts


in comparisons, S: 134

parallelism with, S: 131

pronoun after, G: 224

than, then, W: 159


agreement of verb with, G: 202

broad reference of, G: 219

needed word, S: 131, 133

vs. which, W: 159, P: 290

vs. who. See who, which, that, W: 159

the. See also a, an

with geographic names, M: 269

multilingual/ESL challenges with, M: 260

omission of, S: 134, M: 269

with proper nouns, M: 269


misuse of, with singular antecedent, S: 139, G: 217

vs. there, they're, W: 159

vs. they, W: 159

theirselves (nonstandard), W: 159

them vs. they, G: 223

them vs. those, W: 159

then, than. See than, then, W: 159

the number, a number, G: 202

there, as expletive (placeholder)

not used as subject, M: 270

and sentence order (verb before subject), M: 270, B: 342

and subject-verb agreement, G: 202

with verb, M: 270

and wordy sentences, W: 174


comma with, P: 290

semicolon with, P: 300

there, their, they're, W: 159

Thesaurus, W: 190


active reading for, A: 72, 75

in analysis papers, A: 78, 82, 86

in APA papers, APA: 466

in argument papers, A: 101, 112

audience and, C: 8

in CMS (Chicago) papers, CMS: 536

developing, C: 17

drafting, C: 8

effective, C: 8, A: 78, 82, 86

in essays, C: 8, 14, 28, 29

evaluating, C: 10

in MLA papers, MLA: 388

of paragraph, C: 44, M: 283

of research paper, R: 358

revising, C: 10, 23, 28, 29

testing, C: 10

working, C: 8, MLA: 388, APA: 466, CMS: 536


indefinite reference of, G: 223

vs. I or you, S: 139

misuse of, with singular antecedent, G: 217

nonstandard for their, W: 159

vs. them, G: 223

they're. See there, their, they're, W: 159

Third-person point of view, C: 29, S: 139

this, broad reference of, G: 219

this kind. See kind(s), W: 159


abbreviations for, P: 326

colon with, P: 303

managing, R: 357

numerals for, P: 329

Title page

for APA paper

formatting, C: 61, APA: 522

samples, C: 61, APA: 522

for CMS (Chicago) paper

formatting, CMS: 567

sample, CMS: 567

for MLA paper (optional)

formatting, MLA: 462

Titles of persons

abbreviations with names, P: 325

capitalizing, P: 323

comma with, P: 294

Titles of works

capitalizing, P: 323, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 567

italics for, P: 329, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 567

quotation marks for, P: 308, MLA: 423, 463, APA: 490, 522, 522, CMS: 567

treated as singular, G: 204


needed word, S: 131

as preposition vs. infinitive marker, M: 277

Tone (voice). See also Language

in argument paper, A: 98

in e-mail, C: 4, 68

in portfolio cover letter, C: 42

too, with infinitive, M: 260


big picture for, C: 28, R: 358

exploring, C: 4, 6, A: 114

narrowing, R: 358

of research paper, R: 358

working thesis and, C: 8

writing situation and, C: 5

Topic sentence, C: 44, M: 283

to, too, two, W: 159

toward, towards, W: 159

Transfer (fallacy), A: 95

Transitional expressions

commas with, P: 290

list of, P: 300

semicolon with, P: 300

Transitions, for coherence, C: 44, 52, A: 115, 115

Transitive verbs, M: 253, B: 344

Trite expressions (clichés), W: 188

troop. See Collective nouns

try and (nonstandard), W: 159, 188

Tutorials. See Writing guides

Tutors, working with. See Reviewers, peer; Revising with comments

Twitter. See Social media, citing

two. See to, too, two, W: 159

type of (not of a), W: 188

Typing. See Document design


ultimately. See eventually, ultimately, W: 159

Unclear thesis, revising, C: 23

Underlining. See Italics

Understood subject (you), M: 270, B: 342

uninterested. See disinterested, uninterested, W: 159

unique, W: 159, G: 233

Unity. See Focus

Unmarked infinitives, M: 260

Uploaded materials, MLA citation of, MLA: 423, 423, 423


in citations, MLA: 423, 423, APA: 490, 498, CMS: 549, 550

dividing, P: 320, MLA: 463, 463, APA: 522, CMS: 549, 567

evaluating, R: 364, 364


glossary of, W: 159

labels in dictionary, W: 190

usage, W: 159

use to (nonstandard), W: 159

Using sources responsibly. See Sources, responsible use of

us vs. we, G: 223

utilize, W: 159


Vague thesis, revising, C: 23


in sentences, S: 154

in signal phrases, MLA: 404, APA: 485, CMS: 545

in speeches or presentations, A: 115

Verbal phrases, B: 347

fragmented, G: 238

gerund, B: 347

infinitive, B: 347

participial, B: 347

Verbs. See also Verbs, types of

active, W: 174, M: 250

adverbs with, B: 338

agreement with subjects, G: 197

be, forms of, vs. active, W: 177

compound predicates, G: 239

in conditional sentences, M: 257

-d, -ed ending on, G: 206, 210

defined, B: 334

followed by gerunds or infinitives, M: 258

forms of, M: 249

mood of, G: 213

multilingual/ESL challenges with. See Multilingual writers, verbs

needed, G: 211

negative forms of, M: 257

without objects, B: 344

passive, W: 174, M: 250

with prepositions (idioms), M: 279, 279

separated from subjects, S: 137

-s form of, G: 197, 198, 209

shifts in tense, mood, voice, avoiding, S: 142

in signal phrases, MLA: 404, APA: 483, 485, CMS: 545, 545

with singular vs. plural subjects, G: 209

standard forms of, G: 206

strong, vs. be and passive verbs, W: 174, 174

before subjects (inverted sentences), S: 156, G: 202, M: 270, B: 342

tenses of. See Tenses, verb

two-word, B: 336

voice of (active, passive), W: 174, M: 250

Verbs, types of. See also Verbs

helping. See Helping verbs

intransitive (no direct object), B: 344

irregular, G: 206, M: 249, B: 336

linking, G: 230, M: 270, B: 342

main, G: 212, M: 253, B: 336

modal (can, might, should, etc.). See Modal verbs

phrasal. See Particles, with verbs

regular, G: 204, 210, M: 249, B: 336

transitive (with direct object), B: 344

Video, online, citing, MLA: 423, 423, 423, APA: 498, CMS: 550

Video game, citing, MLA: 423, APA: 498

Viewpoints, differing, in arguments. See Counterarguments

Visuals, in documents. See also Visual texts

choosing, C: 17

citing, C: 17, MLA: 414, 423, 466, APA: 498, 522, CMS: 550

in document design, C: 64

as evidence, A: 104, 107

labeling, C: 64, MLA: 463, 466, APA: 522, CMS: 567

purposes for, C: 17, 18, A: 104, 115

types of

bar graph, C: 18

diagram, C: 18

flowchart, C: 18

infographic, C: 18

line graph, C: 18

map, C: 18

photograph, C: 18

pie chart, C: 18

table, C: 18

Visual sources. See Visuals, in documents; Visual texts

Visual texts (photograph, advertisement, etc.). See also Visuals, in documents

analyzing, A: 82

annotating, A: 84

conversing with, A: 84

writing about, A: 86


multilingual/ESL challenges with, M: 279

specialized, A: 121


active (preferred), W: 174, M: 250, B: 344

passive, W: 174, 176, M: 250, B: 344

shifts between active and passive, avoiding, S: 142

Volume and issue numbers, in reference list, APA: 490


wait for, wait on, W: 159

was vs. were, G: 198

in conditional sentences, M: 257

and subject-verb agreement, G: 197

and subjunctive mood, G: 213

ways, W: 159


vs. us, G: 223

vs. you or they, S: 139

weather, whether, W: 159

Weblog. See Blog

Web sources. See also Internet

abstracts of, R: 364, 378

authors of, identifying, R: 372, MLA: 423, 423

avoiding plagiarism from, R: 372, 372

citation at a glance, MLA: 423, 423, APA: 498, 498, CMS: 550, 550

citing, MLA: 423, 423, APA: 498, 498, CMS: 548

course materials, MLA: 423, APA: 490, 498

databases for, R: 364, 364, 364

evaluating, R: 364, 364, 378, 378, 381

finding, R: 364, 364, 364

keeping records of, R: 370

library catalog for, R: 364, 378

previewing, R: 358, 378

reading, A: 77

reposted sources, MLA: 423

search engines for, R: 364

selecting appropriate versions of, R: 378

well, good, G: 159. See also good, well, W: 232

were, in conditional sentences, G: 213, M: 257

were vs. was. See was vs. were

when clauses, G: 213, M: 257

where vs. that, W: 159

whether. See if, whether, W: 159; weather, whether, W: 159

whether . . . or, S: 131, B: 339


agreement of verb with, G: 202

broad reference of, G: 219

vs. that, W: 159, P: 290

vs. who. See who, which, that, W: 159

while, W: 159


agreement of verb with, G: 202

omission of, S: 133

vs. which or that. See who, which, that, W: 159

vs. whom, W: 159, G: 224

who's, whose, W: 159, P: 306

who, which, that, W: 159

will, as modal verb, M: 253, 253, 258, B: 336

will, shall. See shall, will, W: 159

Wishes, subjunctive mood for, G: 217

Word groups. See Independent clauses; Phrases; Subordinate clauses

Wordiness, W: 159

Word processing programs

and automatic division of words, P: 320

and citing sources, R: 370

and double-entry notebooks, A: 72

and keeping track of files, C: 21, R: 372

Words. See also Language; Spelling

abstract vs. concrete, W: 186

antonyms (opposites), W: 190

colloquial, W: 181, 190

compound, W: 190, P: 320

confused, W: 187. See also Glossary of usage

connotation and denotation of, W: 186

division of, W: 190, P: 320

foreign, italics for, P: 330

general vs. specific, W: 186, M: 265

homophones (sound-alike), P: 318

invented, W: 180

meaning of, W: 186, 190, M: 281

misuse of, W: 187, 190

needed. See Needed words

obsolete, W: 180

origin of (etymology), W: 190

prefixes (beginnings of), P: 320

sound-alike. See Homophones

spelling of, P: 316

suffixes (endings of), P: 316, 320

synonyms (words with similar meanings), W: 186, 190, M: 281

unnecessary repetition of, W: 173

using your own. See Paraphrases; Summary

Words used as words

italics for, P: 330

plural of, P: 306

quotation marks for, P: 309

treated as singular, G: 204

Work in an anthology. See Anthology or collection

Working bibliography. See also Annotated bibliography

information for, C: 21

maintaining, R: 369

research log for, R: 357

Working thesis. See Thesis, working

Works cited list (MLA)

directory to models for, MLA: 388

formatting, C: 60, MLA: 463

general guidelines for, MLA: 423

models for, MLA: 414

sample, A: 107, MLA: 466

World Wide Web. See Internet; Web sources

Worn-out expressions (clichés), W: 188)

would, as modal verb, M: 253, 253, 258, B: 336

would of (nonstandard), W: 159

Writing guides

for analytical essay, A: 82

for annotated bibliography, R: 388

for argument paper, A: 112

for literacy narrative, C: 37

for reflective letter for a portfolio, C: 42

Writing in the disciplines, A: 117. See also Academic writing; Genre

asking questions, A: 117


lab report, A: 123

nursing practice paper, A: 123

psychology literature review, A: 123

understanding, C: 7, A: 122

choosing a citation style, A: 121

language conventions, A: 121, W: 178

using evidence, A: 121

Writing process

in the disciplines, A: 117

drafting, C: 14

editing, C: 30

planning, C: 3

reviewing, C: 22

revising, C: 22

Writing situation, C: 3, 5

Writing tutors, working with. See Revising with comments

Written texts. See also Reading

analyzing, A: 71

annotating, A: 72, 75, M: 283, R: 372

conversing with, A: 72

sample paper analyzing, A: 80

writing about, A: 75, 75


yes, no, commas with, P: 294


comma before, P: 287

as coordinating conjunction, B: 339


appropriate use of, S: 139, G: 223

inappropriate use of, W: 159, G: 223

vs. I or they, S: 139

and shifts in point of view, avoiding, S: 139

understood, M: 270, B: 342

your, you're, W: 159

YouTube. See Video, online, citing