Part 1 Genres
1 Narratives
Deciding to write a narrative
LITERACY NARRATIVE: Allegra Goodman, O.K., You’re Not Shakespeare. Now Get Back to Work
Exploring purpose and topic
Brainstorm, freewrite, build lists, and use memory prompts
Choose a manageable subject
Understanding your audience
Focus on people
Select events that will keep readers engaged
Pace the story
Adjust your writing to appeal to the intended readers
Finding and developing materials
Consult documents
Consult images
Talk to the people involved
Trust your experiences
Creating a structure
Consider a simple sequence
Build toward a climax
Choosing a style and design
Don’t hesitate to use first person — I
Use figures of speech such as similes, metaphors, and analogies to make memorable comparisons
In choosing verbs, favor active rather than passive voice
Keep the language simple
Develop major characters through action and dialogue
Develop the setting to set the context and mood
Use images to tell a story
Examining models
GRAPHIC NARRATIVE (EXCERPT): Marjane Satrapi, From Persepolis
E-readings > Katerina Cizek, Out My Window[MULTIMEDIA DOCUMENTARY]
2 Reports
Deciding to write a report
Present information
Find reliable sources
Aim for objectivity
Present information clearly
RESEARCH REPORT: Susan Wilcox, Marathons for Women
Exploring purpose and topic
Answer questions
Review what is already known about a subject
Report new knowledge
Understanding your audience
Suppose you are the expert
Suppose you are the novice
Suppose you are the peer
Finding and developing materials
Base reports on the best available sources
Base reports on multiple sources
Fact-check your report
Creating a structure
Organize by date, time, or sequence
Organize by magnitude or order of importance
Organize by division
Organize by classification
Organize by position, location, or space
Organize by definition
Organize by comparison/
Organize by thesis statement
Choosing a style and design
Present the facts cleanly
Keep out of it
Avoid connotative language
Pay attention to elements of design
Examining models
FEATURE STORY: Lev Grossman, From Scroll to Screen
INFOGRAPHIC: The White House, Wind Technologies Market Report 2012
E-readings > UNICEF, Innovations for Child Health in Uganda [VIDEO REPORT]
3 Arguments
Deciding to write an argument
Offer levelheaded and disputable claims
Offer good reasons to support a claim
Understand opposing claims and points of view
Frame arguments powerfully — and not in words only
ARGUMENT TO ADVANCE A THESIS: Stefan Casso, Worth the Lie
Exploring purpose and topic
Learn much more about your subject
State a preliminary claim, if only for yourself
Qualify your claim to make it reasonable
Examine your core assumptions
Understanding your audience
Consider and control your ethos
Consider self-imposed limits
Consider the worlds of your readers
Finding and developing materials
List your reasons
Assemble your hard evidence
Cull the best quotations
Find counterarguments
Consider emotional appeals
Creating a structure
Make a point or build toward one
Spell out what’s at stake
Address counterpoints when necessary, not in a separate section
Save your best arguments for the end
Choosing a style and design
Invite readers with a strong opening
Write vibrant sentences
Ask rhetorical questions
Use images and design to make a point
Examining models
REFUTATION ARGUMENT: Bjørn Lomborg,The Limits to Panic
VISUAL ARGUMENT: Matt Bors, Can We Stop Worrying about Millennials Yet?
E-readings > 5 Gyres, Understanding Plastic Pollution through Exploration, Education, and Action [INTERACTIVEWEB SITE]
4 Evaluations
Deciding to write an evaluation
Explain your mission
Establish and defend criteria
Offer convincing evidence
Offer worthwhile advice
ARTS REVIEW: Lisa Schwarzbaum, The Hunger Games
Exploring purpose and topic
Evaluate a subject you know well
Evaluate a subject you need to investigate
Evaluate a subject you’d like to know more about
Evaluate a subject that’s been on your mind
Understanding your audience
Write for experts
Write for a general audience
Write for novices
Finding and developing materials
Decide on your criteria
Look for hard criteria
Argue for criteria that can’t be measured
Stand by your values
Gather your evidence
Creating a structure
Choose a simple structure when your criteria and categories are predictable
Choose a focal point
Compare and contrast
Choosing a style and design
Use a high or formal style
Use a middle style
Use a low style
Present evaluations visually
Examining models
SOCIAL SATIRE: Jordyn Brown, A Word from My Anti-Phone Soapbox
PRODUCT REVIEW: Eric Hoover,Monsters U.’s Site Just Might Give You “Web-Site Envy”
VISUAL COMPARISON:Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Crash Test
E-readings > Ivan Penn and the Tampa Bay Times, Mandarin Chinese, Rosetta Stone Style [PRODUCT TEST]
5 Causal Analyses
Deciding to write a causal analysis
Don’t jump to conclusions
Appreciate your limits
Offer sufficient evidence for claims
CAUSAL ANALYSIS: Jonah Goldberg, Global Warming and the Sun
Exploring purpose and topic
Look again at a subject you know well
Look for an issue new to you
Examine a local issue
Choose a challenging subject
Tackle an issue that seems settled
Understanding your audience
Create an audience
Write to an existing audience
Finding and developing materials
Understand necessary causes
Understand sufficient causes
Understand precipitating causes
Understand proximate causes
Understand remote causes
Understand reciprocal causes
Creating a structure
Explain why something happened
Explain the consequences of a phenomenon
Suggest an alternative view of cause and effect
Explain a chain of causes
Choosing a style and design
Consider a middle style
Adapt the style to the subject matter
Use appropriate supporting media
Examining models
RESEARCH STUDY: Alysha Behn, Where Have All the Women Gone?
CULTURAL ANALYSIS: Lance Hosey, Why We Love Beautiful Things
E-readings =, Think Again [MULTIMODAL PROJECT]
6 Proposals
Deciding to write a proposal
Define a problem
Make specific recommendations
Target the proposal
Consider reasonable alternatives
Make realistic recommendations
TRIAL BALLOON: Barrett Seaman, How Bingeing Became the New College Sport
Exploring purpose and topic
Look for a genuine issue
Look for a challenging problem
Look for a soluble problem
Look for a local issue
Understanding your audience
Appeal to people who can make a difference
Rally people who represent public opinion
Finding and developing materials
Define the problem
Examine prior solutions
Outline a proposal
Defend the proposal
Figure out how to implement the proposal
Creating a structure
Choosing a style and design
Use a formal style
Use a middle style, when appropriate
Pay attention to elements of design
Examining models
MANIFESTO: Katelyn Vincent, Technology Time-Out
VISUAL PROPOSAL: Jen Sorensen, Loan Bone
E-readings >
Michael Pollan, Celebrate School Lunch [VIDEO]
7 Literary Analyses
Deciding to write a literary analysis
Begin with a close reading
Make a claim or an observation
Use texts for evidence
Present works in context
Draw on previous research
THEMATIC INTERPRETATION: William Deresiewicz,Great Expectations: What Gatsby’s Really Looking For
Exploring purpose and topic
Choose a text you connect with
Choose a text you want to learn more about
Choose a text you don’t understand
Understanding your audience
Clearly identify the author and works you are analyzing
Define key terms
Don’t aim to please professional critics
Finding and developing materials
Examine the text closely
Focus on the text itself
Focus on meanings, themes, and interpretations
Focus on authorship and history
Focus on genre
Focus on influences
Focus on social connections
Find good sources
Creating a structure
Imagine a structure
Work on your opening
Choosing a style and design
Use a formal style for most assignments
Use a middle style for informal or personal papers
Follow the conventions of literary analysis
Cite plays correctly
Explore alternative media
Examining models
CLOSE READING: Emily Dickinson, I felt a Funeral, in my Brain
Kanaka Sathasivan, Insanity: Two Women
PHOTOGRAPHS AS LITERARY TEXTS: Dorothea Lange, Jobless on Edge of Pea Field, Imperial Valley, California
Walker Evans, Burroughs Family Cabin, Hale County, Alabama
Gordon Parks, American Gothic
E-readings > Erik Didriksen, Pop Sonnet: Royals [PARODY]
8 Rhetorical Analyses
Deciding to write a rhetorical analysis
Take words and images seriously
Spend time with texts
Pay attention to audience
Mine texts for evidence
RHETORICAL ANALYSIS: Paula Marantz Cohen, Too Much Information: The Pleasure of Figuring Things Out for Yourself
Exploring purpose and topic
Make a difference
Choose a text you can work with
Choose a text you can learn more about
Choose a text with handles
Choose a text you know how to analyze
Understanding your audience
Finding and developing materials
Consider the ethos of the author
Consider how a writer plays to emotions
Consider how well reasoned a piece is
Creating a structure
Choosing a style and design
Consider a high style
Consider a middle style
Make the text accessible to readers
Examining models
ANALYSIS OF AN ARGUMENT: Matthew James Nance, A Mockery of Justice
CULTURAL ANALYSIS: J. Reagan Tankersley, Humankind’s Ouroboros
E-readings > Nickolay Lamm, The History of Music [INFOGRAPHIC]
Part 2 Special Assignments
9 Essay Examinations
Understanding essay exams
Anticipate the types of questions to be asked
Read exam questions carefully
Sketch out a plan for your essay(s)
Organize your answers strategically
Offer strong evidence for your claims
Come to a conclusion
Keep the tone serious
Keep your eye on the clock
Getting the details right
Use transitional words and phrases
Do a quick check of grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Write legibly or print
Examining a model
Wade Lamb, Plato’s Phaedrus
10 Position Papers
Understanding position papers
Read the assignment carefully
Review the assigned material
Mine the texts for evidence
Organize the paper sensibly
Getting the details right
Identify key terms and concepts and use them correctly and often
Treat your sources appropriately
Spell names and concepts correctly
Respond to your classmates’ work
Examining a model
Heidi Rogers, Triumph of the Lens
11 Annotated Bibliographies
Understanding annotated bibliographies
Begin with an accurate record of research materials
Describe or summarize the content of each item in the bibliography
Assess the significance or quality of the work
Explain the role the work plays in your research
Getting the details right
Record the information on your sources accurately
Follow a single documentation style
Keep summaries and assessments brief
Follow directions carefully
Examining a model
Annotated Bibliography from a Topic Proposal (Excerpt)
12 Synthesis Papers
Understanding synthesis papers
Identify reputable sources on your subject
Summarize and paraphrase the works you have identified
Look for connections between your sources
Acknowledge disagreements and rebuttals
Don’t rush to judgment
Cite materials that both support and challenge your own thesis
Getting the details right
Provide a context for your topic
Tell a story
Pay attention to language
Be sure to document your sources
Examining a model
Lauren Chiu, Time to Adapt?
13 E-mails
Understanding e-mail
Explain your purpose clearly and logically
Tell readers what you want them to do
Write for intended and unintended audiences
Keep your messages brief
Distribute your messages sensibly
Getting the details right
Choose a sensible subject line
Arrange your text sensibly
Check the recipient list before you hit send
Include an appropriate signature
Use standard grammar
Have a sensible e-mail address
Don’t be a pain
Examining a model
Kori Strickland, Writing Center Course Eligibility
14 Business Letters
Understanding business letters
Explain your purpose clearly and logically
Tell readers what you want them to do
Write for your audience
Keep the letter focused and brief
Follow a conventional form
Getting the details right
Use consistent margins and spacing
Finesse the greeting
Distribute copies of your letter sensibly
Spell everything right
Photocopy the letter as a record
Don’t forget the promised enclosures
Fold the letter correctly and send it in a suitable envelope
Examining models
John Humbert, Complaint Letter 293
Nancy Linn, Cover Letter
15 Résumés 296
Understanding résumés
Gather the necessary information
Decide on appropriate categories
Arrange the information within categories in reverse chronological order
Design pages that are easy to read
Getting the details right
Proofread every line in the résumé several times
Don’t leave unexplained gaps in your education or work career
Be consistent
Protect your personal data
Look for help
Examining a model
Andrea Palladino, Résumé
16 Personal Statements
Understanding personal statements
Read the essay prompt carefully
Decide on a focus or theme
Be realistic about your audience
Organize the piece strategically
Try a high or middle style
Getting the details right
Don’t get too artsy
Use common sense
Compose the statement yourself
Examining a model
Michael Villaverde, Application Essay for Academic Service Partnership Foundation Internship
17 Writing Portfolios
Understanding writing portfolios
Take charge of the portfolio assignment
Appreciate the audiences for a portfolio
Present authentic materials
Take reflections seriously
Getting the details right
Polish your portfolio
Understand the portfolio activities
Give honest feedback to classmates
Take advantage of multimedia
Examining a model
Desiree Lopez, Midterm Reflection on an Internship Course
18 Oral Reports
Understanding oral reports
Know your stuff
Organize your presentation
Keep your audience on track
Stay connected to your listeners
Use your voice and body
Adapt your material to the time available
Practice your talk
Prepare for the occasion
Getting the details right
Be certain you need presentation software
Use slides to introduce points, not cover them
Use a simple and consistent design
Consider alternatives to slide-based presentations
Examining a model
Terri Sagastume, Presentation on Edenlawn Estates
Part 3 Ideas
19 Brainstorming
Find routines that support thinking
Build from lists
Map your ideas
Try freewriting
Use memory prompts
Search online for your ideas
VISUAL TUTORIAL:How to Browse for Ideas
20 Smart Reading
Read to deepen what you already know
Read above your level of knowledge
Read what makes you uncomfortable
Read against the grain
Read slowly
Annotate what you read
21 Critical Thinking
Think in terms of claims and reasons
Think in terms of premises and assumptions
Think in terms of evidence
Anticipate objections
Avoid logical fallacies
22 Experts
Talk with your instructor
Take your ideas to the writing center
Find local experts
Check with librarians
Chat with peers
VISUAL TUTORIAL:How to Use the Writing Center
23 Writer’s Block
Break the project into parts
Set manageable goals
Create a calendar
Limit distractions
Do the parts you like first
Write a zero draft
Reward yourself
Part 4 Shaping & Drafting
24 Thesis
Compose a complete sentence
Make a significant claim or assertion
Write a declarative sentence, not a question
Expect your thesis to mature
Introduce a thesis early in a project
Or state a thesis late in a project
Write a thesis to fit your audience and purpose
25 Strategies
Use description to set a scene
Use division to divide a subject
Use classification to sort objects or ideas by consistent principles
Use definition to clarify meaning
Use comparison and contrast to show similarity and difference
26 Organization
Examine model documents
Sketch out a plan or sequence
Provide cues or signals for readers
Deliver on your commitments
27 Outlines
Start with scratch outlines
List key ideas
Look for relationships
Subordinate ideas
Decide on a sequence
Move up to a formal outline
28 Paragraphs
Make sure paragraphs lead somewhere
Develop ideas adequately
Organize paragraphs logically
Use paragraphs to manage transitions
Design paragraphs for readability
29 Transitions
Use appropriate transitional words and phrases
Use the right word or phrase to show time or sequence
Use sentence structure to connect ideas
Pay attention to nouns and pronouns
Use synonyms
Use physical devices for transitions
Read a draft aloud to locate weak transitions
30 Introductions and Conclusions
Shape an introduction
Draw a conclusion
31 Titles
Use titles to focus documents
Create searchable titles
Avoid whimsical or suggestive titles
Capitalize and punctuate titles carefully
Part 5 Style
32 High, Middle, and Low Style
Use high style for formal, scientific, and scholarly writing
Use middle style for personal, argumentative, and some academic writing
Use a low style for personal, informal, and even playful writing
33 Inclusive and Culturally Sensitive Style
Avoid expressions that stereotype genders or sexual orientation
Avoid expressions that stereotype races, ethnic groups, or religious groups
Treat all people with respect
Avoid sensational language
34 Vigorous, Clear, Economical Style
Build sentences around specific and tangible subjects and objects
Look for opportunities to use specific nouns and noun phrases rather than general ones
Avoid sprawling phrases
Avoid sentences with long windups
Favor simple, active verbs
Avoid strings of prepositional phrases
Don’t repeat key words close together
Avoid doublings
Turn clauses into more direct modifiers
Cut introductory expressions such as it is and there is/
Vary your sentence lengths and structures
Read what you have written aloud
Cut a first draft by 25 percent—or more
Part 6 Revising & Editing
35 Revising Your Own Work
Revise to see the big picture
Edit to make the paper flow
Edit to get the details right
VISUAL TUTORIAL: How to Revise Your Work
36 Peer Editing
Peer edit the same way you revise your own work
Be specific in identifying problems or opportunities
Offer suggestions for improvement
Praise what is genuinely good in the paper
Use proofreading symbols
Keep comments tactful
VISUAL TUTORIAL:How to Insert a Comment in a Word Document
Part 7 Research & Sources
37 Beginning Your Research
Know your assignment
Come up with a plan
Find a manageable topic
Ask for help
Distinguish between primary and secondary sources
Record every source you examine
Prepare a topic proposal
38 Finding Print and Online Sources
Search libraries strategically
Explore library reference tools
Use professional databases
Explore the Internet
39 Doing Field Research
Interview people with unique knowledge of your subject
Make careful and verifiable observations
Learn more about fieldwork
40 Evaluating Sources
Preview source materials for their key features and strategies
Check who published or produced the source
Check who wrote a work
Consider the audience for a source
Establish how current a source is
Check the source’s documentation
41 Annotating Sources
Annotate sources to understand them
Read sources to identify claims
Read sources to understand assumptions
Read sources to find evidence
Record your personal reactions to source material
42 Summarizing Sources
Prepare a summary for every item you examine in a project
Use a summary to recap what a writer has said
Be sure your summary is accurate and complete
Use a summary to record your take on a source
Use summaries to prepare an annotated bibliography
43 Paraphrasing Sources
Identify the major claims and structure of the source
Track the source faithfully
Record key pieces of evidence
Be certain your notes are entirely in your own words
Avoid misleading or inaccurate paraphrasing
Use your paraphrases to synthesize sources
44 Incorporating Sources into Your Work
Cue the reader in some way whenever you introduce borrowed material
Select an appropriate “verb of attribution” to frame borrowed material
Use ellipsis marks [ . . . ] to shorten a lengthy quotation
Use brackets [ ] to insert explanatory material into a quotation
Use ellipsis marks, brackets, and other devices to make quoted materials fit the grammar of your sentences
Use [sic] to signal an obvious error in quoted material
45 Documenting Sources
Understand the point of documentation
Understand what you accomplish through documentation
46 MLA Documentation and Format
Document sources according to convention
MLA in-text citation
MLA works cited entries
VISUAL TUTORIAL:How to Cite from a Book (MLA)
VISUAL TUTORIAL:How to Cite from a Magazine (MLA)
VISUAL TUTORIAL:How to Cite from a Web Site (MLA)
VISUAL TUTORIAL:How to Cite from a Database (MLA)
Sample MLA pages
47 APA Documentation and Format
Document sources according to convention
APA in-text citation
APA reference entries
VISUAL TUTORIAL:How to Cite from a Web Site (APA)
VISUAL TUTORIAL: How to Cite from a Database (APA)
Sample APA pages
Part 8 Media & Design
48 Understanding Digital Media
Choose a media format based on what you hope to accomplish
Use social networks and blogs to create communities
Create Web sites to share information
Use wikis to collaborate with others
Make videos and podcasts to share information
Use maps to position ideas
Use appropriate digital formats
Edit and save digital elements
Respect copyrights
49 Tables, Graphs, and Infographics
Use tables to present statistical data
Use line graphs to display changes or trends
Use bar and column graphs to plot relationships within sets of data
Use pie charts to display proportions
Explore the possibilities of infographics
50 Designing Print and Online Documents
Understand the power of images
VISUAL TUTORIAL: How to Insert an Image into a Word Document
Keep page designs simple and uncluttered
Keep the design logical and consistent
Keep the design balanced
Use templates sensibly
Coordinate your colors
Use headings if needed
Choose appropriate fonts
Part 9 Common Errors
51 Capitalization
Capitalize the names of ethnic, religious, and political groups
Capitalize modifiers formed from proper nouns
Capitalize all words in titles except prepositions, articles, or conjunctions
Take care with compass points, directions, and specific geographical areas
Understand academic conventions
Capitalize months, days, holidays, and historical periods
52 Apostrophes
Use apostrophes to form the possessive
Use apostrophes in contractions
Don’t use apostrophes with possessive pronouns
53 Commas
Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction to join two independent clauses
Use a comma after an introductory word group
Use commas with common connective words and phrases
Put commas around nonrestrictive (that is, nonessential) elements
Use commas to separate items in a series
Do not use commas to separate compound verbs
Do not use a comma between subject and verb
Do not use commas to set off restrictive elements
54 Comma Splices, Run-Ons, and Fragments
Identify comma splices and run-ons
Fix comma splices and run-ons
Identify sentence fragments
Fix sentence fragments in your work
Watch for fragments in the following situations
Use deliberate fragments only in appropriate situations
55 Subject/
Be sure the verb agrees with its real subject
In most cases, treat multiple subjects joined by and as plural
When compound subjects are linked by either . . . or or neither . . . nor, make the verb agree with the nearer part of the subject
Confirm whether an indefinite pronoun is singular, plural, or variable
Be consistent with collective nouns
56 Irregular Verbs
57 Pronoun/
Check the number of indefinite pronouns
Correct sexist pronoun usage
Treat collective nouns consistently
58 Pronoun Reference
Clarify confusing pronoun antecedents
Make sure a pronoun has a plausible antecedent
Be certain that the antecedent of this, that, or which isn’t vague
59 Pronoun Case
Use the subjective case for pronouns that are subjects
Use the objective case for pronouns that are objects
Use whom when appropriate
Finish comparisons to determine the right case
Don’t be misled by an appositive
60 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
Position modifiers close to the words they modify
Place adverbs such as only, almost, especially, and even carefully
Don’t allow a modifier to dangle
61 Parallelism
When possible, make compound items parallel
Keep items in a series parallel
Keep headings and lists parallel
Part 10 Readings
62 Narratives: Readings
Genre Moves: Amy Tan, From Mother Tongue [LITERACY NARRATIVE]
NARRATIVE:Patton Oswalt, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland
GRAPHIC NARRATIVE (EXCERPT): Lynda Barry,Lost and Found
REFLECTION:Naomi Shihab Nye, Mint Snowball
MEMOIR: Ira Sukrungruang, Chop Suey
LITERACY NARRATIVE: Jonathan Franzen, The Comfort Zone
63 Reports: Readings
Genre Moves: N. Scott Momaday, From The Way to Rainy Mountain [DESCRIPTIVE REPORT]
INFORMATIONAL REPORT:Kamakshi Ayyar, Cosmic Postcards: The Adventures of an Armchair Astronaut
DEFINITIONAL REPORT: Steve Silberman, Neurodiversity Rewires Conventional Thinking about Brains
INFORMATIONAL REPORT: Ross Perlin, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
LEGAL REPORT: Philip Deloria, The Cherokee Nation Decision
GRAPHIC REPORT:Mark Graham and Stefano De Sabbata, Age of Internet Empires
64 Arguments: Readings
Genre Moves: Sojourner Truth, From Ain’t I a Woman? [ARGUMENTATIVE SPEECH]
EDITORIAL: Maureen Dowd, Don’t Send in the Clones
ARGUMENTATIVE REPORT: Jeff Wise, The Sad Science of Hipsterism: The Psychology of Indie Bands, PBR, and Weird Facial Hair
ARGUMENT FOR CHANGE: Emily Bazelon, Hitting Bottom: Why America Should Outlaw Spanking
ANALYSIS OF CULTURAL VALUES: Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel, The Young, the Rich, and the Famous: Individualism as an American Cultural Value
POLICY ARGUMENT: Daniel Engber, Glutton Intolerance
65 Evaluations: Readings
Genre Moves: Naomi Klein, From No Logo [EVALUATION]
TELEVISION REVIEW: Emily Nussbaum, To Stir, with Love
SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION: Michio Kaku, Force Fields
MUSIC REVIEW:Sasha Frere-Jones, The Next Day
TELEVISION REVIEW: Nelle Engoron, Why Mad Men Is Bad for Women
MEDIA EVALUATION:Leigh Alexander, Domino’s, the Pizza That Never Sleeps
66 Causal Analyses: Readings
Genre Moves: James Baldwin, From If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is? [CAUSAL ANALYSIS]
CAUSAL ANALYSIS: Rita J. King, How Twitter Is Reshaping the Future of Storytelling
CULTURAL ANALYSIS:Natalie Angier, Almost Before We Spoke, We Swore
CAUSAL ANALYSIS: Robert W. Gehl, A History of Like
EXPLORATORY ESSAY: Tricia Rose, Hip Hop Causes Violence
67 Proposals: Readings
Genre Moves: Rachel Carson, From The Obligation to Endure [PROPOSAL]
PROPOSAL FOR CHANGE: Michael Todd, Is That Plastic in Your Trash a Hazard?
PROPOSAL FOR CHANGE: Jane McGonigal, Video Games: An Hour a Day Is Key to Success in Life
PROPOSAL:Neil deGrasse Tyson, The Cosmic Perspective
SATIRICAL PROPOSAL: Kembrew McLeod, A Modest Free Market Proposal for Education Reform
PROPOSAL FOR CHANGE: Peter Singer, “One Person, One Share” of the Atmosphere
68 Literary Analyses: Readings
Genre Moves: Gloria Naylor, From The Meanings of a Word [LITERARY ANALYSIS]
FORMAL ANALYSIS:Adam Bradley, Rap Poetry
TEXTUAL ANALYSIS:Zadie Smith, Their Eyes Were Watching God: What Does Soulful Mean?
Joni Mitchell, “Woodstock” (SONG LYRICS)
Camille Paglia, “Woodstock”
HISTORICAL ANALYSIS:Sara Buttsworth, CinderBella: Twilight, Fairy Tales, and the Twenty-First-Century American Dream
CULTURAL ANALYSIS: Gish Jen, Holden Raises Hell
69 Rhetorical Analyses: Readings
Genre Moves: Susan Sontag, From Notes on “Camp” [RHETORICAL ANALYSIS]
DISCOURSE ANALYSIS: Deborah Tannen, Oh, Mom. Oh, Honey.: Why Do You Have to Say That?
CULTURAL ANALYSIS: Laurie Fendrich, The Beauty of the Platitude
FILM ANALYSIS:Daniel D’Addario, Johnny Depp’s Tonto Misstep: Race and The Lone Ranger
ANALYSIS OF AN ADVERTISEMENT: Caroline Leader, Dudes Come Clean: Negotiating a Space for Men in Household Cleaner Commercials
Index I-1