Cable, Brian
Writer at Work, 110–14
Cain, Susan, “Shyness: Evolutionary Tactic?,” 120–21, 142–48
calendar time
as narrative strategy, 62, 561–63
profiles, 85
remembered event essays, 38
call numbers, 677
Campbell, W. Keith, “Isn’t Narcissism Beneficial, Especially in a Competitive World?”
“Can You Make Yourself Smarter?” (Hurley), 121–22, 134–38, 140–41
capital/capitol, H-112
capitalization, H-74–76
of abbreviations, H-79–80
beginning of sentence, H-75
incorrect use, H-76
proper names, H-74
in quotations, H-75
titles of works, H-75
Carney, Scott, “Inside the Business of Selling Human Body Parts,” 238–41
MLA style documentation, 725
as visual, 649
catalogs, library. See catalogs, online
catalogs, online, 675–77
archives and special collections, 677
functions of, 676
records, information in, 676
searching, guidelines for, 676–77
sources, types contained in, 674
subject headings, 676
causal analysis
cause-effect sentence strategies, 425–26
in essay exams, 758
logical fallacies, avoiding, 407
speculating about. See speculation about cause
transitions (words or phrases) for, 63
causes and effects
as categories, 599
in explanations of concepts, 120, 141, 158
in position arguments, 271–72
sentence strategies for, 425–26
CD-ROM, MLA style documentation, 729
CE (Common Era), H-80
Chambers, Veronica, “Secret Latina, The”
chapters, titles, quotation marks for, H-65
characters in stories
analyzing, 475
defined, 457
classification and classifying with, 597
MLA style documentation, 725
Chopin, Kate, “Story of an Hour, The,” 471, 495–97,
chronological relationship
calendar and clock time, 62, 85, 561–63
organization by, 79, 85
chronology, confusing with causality, 621
comparing and contrasting by, 601–3
and outlining, 512
of text, design element, 646–47
Web pages, creating, 661
circular reasoning, 621
cite/sight/site, H-112–13
clarity, and classification, 598–99
classification and classifying, 594–600
clarity and coherence, methods for, 598–99
cueing strategies for, 598
defined, 594
in explanations of concepts, 120, 140, 157
for field research observations, 683
illustrating, 596–98
organizing, 594–95
in proposals for solutions, 321
sentence strategies, 599–600
tree diagram for, 595
two- and three-level scheme, 595
visuals for, 597
clauses. See also dependent (subordinate) clauses; independent clauses
constructing from phrases, H-36
defined, H-96
introductory, comma after, H-51
nonrestrictive, H-14, H-108
restrictive, H-14–16, H-108
and sentence structure, H-96
avoiding, H-48
quotation marks, avoiding, H-65
in dramatic arc, 12, 37
clip art, 651
clock time, as narrative strategy, 561–63
closed questions, 685
closure, in explanations of concepts, 146–47
clustering, 509
cohesive devices, 552–55
classification as, 598–99
collocation, 554–55
in explanations of concepts, 140
pronoun reference, 140, 552–53
purpose of, 140, 552
sentence structure repetition, 554
synonyms, 140, 553–54
word repetition, 553
Coleman, Molly, “Missing the Fun”
collaborative activities, 777–80
common ground essays, 174, 203
explanations of concepts, 118, 153, 155
ground rules, 780
guidelines for, 778
joint writing projects, factors in, 779–80
position arguments, 244, 277
remembered event essays, 10, 37
service organization, writing for, 784–85
speculation about cause, 404, 437
stories, analysis of, 458, 494–95
collective nouns
pronoun agreement, H-13
as singular, H-23, H-99
subject-verb agreement, H-23
college courses
common ground essays in, 172
and document design, 641–42
evaluations in, 350, 385
explanations of concepts, 116, 152
profiles in, 58, 106–7
remembered event essays in, 8
speculation about cause in, 402, 436
stories, analysis of, 473
colons, H-59–61
appositives, emphasis with, H-59
incorrect use, H-61
independent clauses, introducing with, H-60–61
after introductory phrase to direct quotation, H-64
lists, introducing with, H-60
questions, introducing with, H-60–61
statements, introducing with, H-60–61
colors, in document design, 645–46
comic strips
MLA style documentation, 725
titles, italics for, H-78
commands, H-98, H-107
commas, H-51–57
with adjective clauses, 168
adverb clauses, setting off, H-109
appositives, setting off with, 159, H-59
with conjunctive adverbs, 291
between coordinate adjectives, H-54
before coordinating conjunctions, 290–91, H-51, H-59
between cumulative adjectives, H-56
with dates, numbers, addresses, H-54
dialogue, setting off with, H-53–54
with direct address, H-53–54
fused sentences, correcting, H-7
between independent clauses, 290–91, H-51, H-59
with interrupting phrases, 212
to introduce quotations, 706
after introductory elements, H-51
after introductory phrase to direct quotation, H-64
after introductory words, phrases, clauses, H-51
in items in series, H-52–53
with nonrestrictive word group, H-51–52
numbered list, separating items with, H-68
before questions added to end of sentence, H-54
before trailing nonrestrictive participial phrase, H-53
with transitional, parenthetical, contrasting expressions, H-52
unnecessary, H-55–57
common ground, writers and readers, testing for, 543
common ground essays, 172–217
design elements
document formatting, 211
drafting, 198–207
annotate essays, 200–01, 213–15
audience, identifying, 201–2
drafting essay, 207
historical context, presenting, 202
ideas into words, Ways In, 199–201
introducing issue, 202
issue, presenting, 207
neutral language, 204
opening sentences, 206–7
opposing positions, analysis of, 199–201, 202–3, 213–15
outline, 205–6
purpose, defining, 204
rhetorical questions, 202
testing essay with others, 203
thesis statement, working, 203–4
tone, considering, 204
topic (opposing argument), choosing, 198–99
evaluating draft, Critical Thinking Guide, 207–8
basic features, 175–78
media alternatives for, 196
practicing with group, 174
reflecting on, 216–17
Guide to Reading
audience and purpose, 175
“Disposable Heroes” (Weisman), 229–31
“Do Sports Helmets Help or Hurt?” (Wallace), 231–33
“Financial Incentives for Organ Donation” (National Kidney Foundation), 236–37
“For Some, Helicopter Parenting Delivers Benefits” (Aucoin), 225–27
“Inside the Business of Selling Human Body Parts” (Carney), 238–41
“Laying Claim to a Higher Morality” (Mae), 189–95
“Lost Innocence” (Bernard), 176–81
“NFL’s Head Cases, The” (Jackson), 227–28
“Yuan a Kidney?” (Satel), 234–36
Guide to Writing, 197–98
learning, reflecting on, 216
databases for, 195, 202
Internet research, 196, 202
sources, types of, 195–96, 202
revising draft, 209–13
editing and proofreading, 212–13
interrupting phrases, commas with, 212
pronoun reference, vague, correcting, 212–13
Troubleshooting Guide, 209–10
Thinking Critically about, 216–17
Writer at Work (Betsy Samson), 213–15
writing situation for
about service experience, 783
college courses, 172
community, 173
workplace, 173
writing strategies
background information, 188
comparing and contrasting, 178
forecasting statement, 178
moral arguments, exploring, 194
quotations, summaries, paraphrasing, 176–77
common knowledge, 698
common nouns, H-99
community and writing
explanations of concepts, 117, 152
position arguments, 243, 277
remembered event essays, 9
service experience, writing about, 781–85
service material for information gathering, 782
stories, analysis of, 474
comparative form, H-26
comparing and contrasting, 601–7
analogy for, 605–6
categories, establishing with, 599
by chunking, 601–3
common ground essays, 178
defined, 601
in essay exams, 757
in evaluations, 355–56, 373–74
in explanations of concepts, 120, 147, 157
in proposals for solutions, 321
sentence strategies, 606–7
sequenced comparisons, 602–3
comparisons, 577–78
adjectives and adverbs, H-26, H-101
allusions as, 30
dominant impression, creating, 583
functions of, 577
incomplete, correcting, 397–98
parallelism in, H-41
and pronoun case, H-17
in speculation about cause, 424–25
symbolism, 536
transitional words and phrases for, 178
words and sentence clarity for, H-29–30
complement/compliment, H-113
complements. See also object complements; subject complements
defined, H-97
in gerund phrases, H-110
subject, H-16
and comparisons, 398
and logic of argument, 541
complex sentences, H-98
composition, and analysis of visuals, 628, 632
compound adjectives, hyphen in, H-72
compound-complex sentences, H-98
compound nouns, hyphen in, H-73
compound objects
commas, unnecessary, H-55
and pronoun case, H-17
compound predicates, commas, unnecessary, H-55
compound structures, words and sentence clarity for, H-30
compound subjects
commas, unnecessary, H-55
defined, H-96–97
and pronoun case, H-17
subject-verb agreement, H-23–24
compound words, hyphen in, H-72–73
applying, in essay exams, 756
explaining. See explanations of concepts
forms of, 116
concessions (accepts objections), 618–19
proposals for solutions, 302–3, 339–40
with putting aside, 407
sentence strategies for, 302, 340, 624–25
speculation about cause, 407–8, 444
concise sentences, wordiness, eliminating, 49–50, H-44–46
conclusions, transitions (words or phrases) for, 63
conditional clauses
and base form (infinitive), H-89
shifts in mood with, H-32
conference proceedings, MLA style documentation, 720
conflict, and remembered event essays, 42
functions in sentence, H-107–8
missing in sentences, H-27–28
conjunctive adverbs
commas with, 291
common connectives, H-102
fused sentences, correcting, H-8
multilingual writers, troublespots, 292
connecting to issues
to explanations of concepts, 131–32, 139, 145
to profiles, 78, 84
connectives. See transitions (words or phrases)
connotations, analysis in stories, 461
consistency, testing for, 541
context. See also historical context
cultural context, 534–35
and document design, 642
rhetorical context, 629
defined, 534
example, “‘Letter from Birmingham Jail,’ An Annotated Sample from” (King), 535
as reading strategy, 521, 534–35
contractions, apostrophe in, H-67
contradiction, transitions (words or phrases) for, 63
contrast. See also comparing and contrasting
defined, 601
in evaluations, 380
in position arguments, 270
in profiles, 80
contrasting expressions, commas to set off, H-52
conversations. See dialogue
coordinate adjectives, commas between, H-54
coordinating conjunctions
comma before, 290–91, H-51, H-59
commas before, H-59
comma splices, correcting, H-5
defined, H-107
fused sentences, correcting, H-7
independent clauses, joining with, 290–91
coordination in sentences, H-41–42
corporate authors
could of/should of/would of, H-113
council/counsel, H-113
counterarguments. See concessions; refutation
counterexamples, in speculation about cause, 420–21
cover letters, 659
Cox, Michele, “Truth about Lying, The”
Crane, Sally, “Gazing into the Darkness”
credibility of writer
assessing, as reading strategy, 521, 542–43
evidence and sources. See authority or expert information
“Crisis of Credit Visualized, The” (Jarvis), 433,
critical comments, reviewing. See revising
Critical Reading Guide
common ground essays, 207–8
evaluations, 392–94
explanations of concepts, 161–63
position arguments, 286–87
profiles, 102–3
proposals for solutions, 341–43
remembered event essays, 44–45
speculation about cause, 446–48
stories, analysis of, 484–86
critical thinking
about common ground essays, 216–17
about evaluations, 400–401
about explanations of concepts, 170–71
about personal writing, 5–6
about position arguments, 294–95
about profiles, 114–15
about proposals for solutions, 341–43
about remembered event essays, 56–57
about speculation about cause, 455–56
about stories, analysis of, 484–86
learning and St. Martin’s Guide, 5
stories, analysis of, 494–95
criticism, in essay exams, 758
crowd-sourced evaluations, 382
invention and inquiry strategy, 514–15
proposals for solutions, 333
cueing strategies, 546–60
cohesive devices, 552–55
forecasting statements as, 356–57
in oral presentations, 773–74
orienting statements, 546–47
paragraphing, 548–52
in speculation about cause, 408–9, 432
in stories, analysis of, 460
cultural context, contextualizing, 534–35
cumulative adjectives, commas unnecessary, H-54, H-56