File | Title | Manuscript Id |
Chapter Introduction | lodish8e_ch18_1.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_1_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
18.1 Microtubule Structure and Organization
| lodish8e_ch18_2.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_2_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Microtubule Walls Are Polarized Structures Built from αβ-Tubulin Dimers
| lodish8e_ch18_3.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_3_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Microtubules Are Assembled from MTOCs to Generate Diverse Configurations
| lodish8e_ch18_4.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_4_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Key Concepts of Section 18.1 | lodish8e_ch18_5.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_5_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
18.2 Microtubule Dynamics
| lodish8e_ch18_6.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_6_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Individual Microtubules Exhibit Dynamic Instability
| lodish8e_ch18_7.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_7_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Localized Assembly and “Search and Capture†Help Organize Microtubules
| lodish8e_ch18_8.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_8_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Drugs Affecting Tubulin Polymerization Are Useful Experimentally and in Treatment of Diseases
| lodish8e_ch18_9.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_9_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Key Concepts of Section 18.2 | lodish8e_ch18_10.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_10_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
18.3 Regulation of Microtubule Structure and Dynamics
| lodish8e_ch18_11.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_11_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Microtubules Are Stabilized by Side-Binding Proteins
| lodish8e_ch18_12.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_12_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
+TIPs Regulate the Properties and Functions of the Microtubule (+) End
| lodish8e_ch18_13.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_13_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Other End-Binding Proteins Regulate Microtubule Disassembly
| lodish8e_ch18_14.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_14_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Key Concepts of Section 18.3 | lodish8e_ch18_15.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_15_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
18.4 Kinesins and Dyneins: Microtubule-Based Motor Proteins
| lodish8e_ch18_16.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_16_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Organelles in Axons Are Transported Along Microtubules in Both Directions
| lodish8e_ch18_17.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_17_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Kinesin-1 Powers Anterograde Transport of Vesicles Down Axons Toward the (+) Ends of Microtubules
| lodish8e_ch18_18.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_18_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
The Kinesins Form a Large Protein Superfamily with Diverse Functions
| lodish8e_ch18_19.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_19_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Kinesin-1 Is a Highly Processive Motor
| lodish8e_ch18_20.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_20_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Dynein Motors Transport Organelles Toward the (−) Ends of Microtubules
| lodish8e_ch18_21.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_21_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Kinesins and Dyneins Cooperate in the Transport of Organelles Throughout the Cell
| lodish8e_ch18_22.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_22_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Tubulin Modifications Distinguish Different Classes of Microtubules and Their Accessibility to Motors
| lodish8e_ch18_23.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_23_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Key Concepts of Section 18.4 | lodish8e_ch18_24.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_24_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
18.5 Cilia and Flagella: Microtubule-Based Surface Structures
| lodish8e_ch18_25.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_25_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Eukaryotic Cilia and Flagella Contain Long Doublet Microtubules Bridged by Dynein Motors
| lodish8e_ch18_26.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_26_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Ciliary and Flagellar Beating Are Produced by Controlled Sliding of Outer Doublet Microtubules
| lodish8e_ch18_27.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_27_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Intraflagellar Transport Moves Material Up and Down Cilia and Flagella
| lodish8e_ch18_28.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_28_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Primary Cilia Are Sensory Organelles on Interphase Cells
| lodish8e_ch18_29.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_29_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Defects in Primary Cilia Underlie Many Diseases
| lodish8e_ch18_30.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_30_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Key Concepts of Section 18.5 | lodish8e_ch18_31.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_31_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
18.6 Mitosis
| lodish8e_ch18_32.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_32_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Centrosomes Duplicate Early in the Cell Cycle in Preparation for Mitosis
| lodish8e_ch18_33.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_33_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Mitosis Can Be Divided into Six Stages
| lodish8e_ch18_34.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_34_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
The Mitotic Spindle Contains Three Classes of Microtubules
| lodish8e_ch18_35.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_35_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Microtubule Dynamics Increase Dramatically in Mitosis
| lodish8e_ch18_36.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_36_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Mitotic Asters Are Pushed Apart by Kinesin-5 and Oriented by Dynein
| lodish8e_ch18_37.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_37_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Chromosomes Are Captured and Oriented During Prometaphase
| lodish8e_ch18_38.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_38_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Duplicated Chromosomes Are Aligned by Motors and Microtubule Dynamics
| lodish8e_ch18_39.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_39_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
The Chromosomal Passenger Complex Regulates Microtubule Attachment at Kinetochores
| lodish8e_ch18_40.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_40_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Anaphase A Moves Chromosomes to Poles by Microtubule Shortening
| lodish8e_ch18_41.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_41_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Anaphase B Separates Poles by the Combined Action of Kinesins and Dynein
| lodish8e_ch18_42.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_42_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Additional Mechanisms Contribute to Spindle Formation
| lodish8e_ch18_43.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_43_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Cytokinesis Splits the Duplicated Cell in Two
| lodish8e_ch18_44.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_44_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Plant Cells Reorganize Their Microtubules and Build a New Cell Wall in Mitosis
| lodish8e_ch18_45.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_45_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Key Concepts of Section 18.6 | lodish8e_ch18_46.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_46_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
18.7 Intermediate Filaments
| lodish8e_ch18_47.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_47_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Intermediate Filaments Are Assembled from Subunit Dimers
| lodish8e_ch18_48.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_48_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Intermediate Filaments Are Dynamic
| lodish8e_ch18_49.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_49_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Cytoplasmic Intermediate Filament Proteins Are Expressed in a Tissue-Specific Manner
| lodish8e_ch18_50.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_50_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Lamins Line the Inner Nuclear Envelope To Provide Organization and Rigidity to the Nucleus
| lodish8e_ch18_51.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_51_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Lamins Are Reversibly Disassembled by Phosphorylation During Mitosis
| lodish8e_ch18_52.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_52_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Key Concepts of Section 18.7 | lodish8e_ch18_53.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_53_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
18.8 Coordination and Cooperation Between Cytoskeletal Elements
| lodish8e_ch18_54.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_54_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Intermediate Filament–Associated Proteins Contribute to Cellular Organization
| lodish8e_ch18_55.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_55_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Microfilaments and Microtubules Cooperate to Transport Melanosomes
| lodish8e_ch18_56.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_56_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Cdc42 Coordinates Microtubules and Microfilaments During Cell Migration
| lodish8e_ch18_57.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_57_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Advancement of Neural Growth Cones Is Coordinated by Microfilaments and Microtubules
| lodish8e_ch18_58.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_58_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Key Concepts of Section 18.8 | lodish8e_ch18_59.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_59_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Key Terms
| lodish8e_ch18_60.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_60_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Review the Concepts
| lodish8e_ch18_61.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_61_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Extended References
| lodish8e_ch18_62.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_62_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
Perspectives for the Future
| lodish8e_ch18_63.html | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |
DLAP questions | lodish8e_ch18_63_dlap.xml | 572b8dc6757a2e1932000001 |