Index - V

Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.

Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.

Vaccines, 1079, 1089, 1130–1131

Vacuoles, 13f

acidity regulation in, 489–491

plant, 17–18, 17f

transport proteins, 507

Valine, 43

Valinomycin, 550

VAMP, 643, 643f, 644, 1053f

van der Waals interactions, 38–39, 39f, 171

van Leeuwenhoek, Antoni, 129

Variable regions, 1092

Vascular CAM-1, 964

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), 1141

Vascular plants, 481

Vascular smooth muscle, 714–716, 715f

Vascular tissue, 968

Vasopressin, 483

VASP, 789–790, 790f

V-class pumps, 484f, 485, 489–491, 491f, 510, 510f

VDACs. See Voltage-dependent anion channels

VDRE. See Vitamin D3 response element

Vector plasmid, 252, 252f

VEGF. See Vascular endothelial growth factor

Ventricular zone (VZ), 1031–1032, 1032f

Vertebrate hair cells, 437–438

Vesicle buds, 639, 640f

Vesicle-mediated protein transport

COPI vesicles, 647–648

COPII vesicles, 645–647

from trans-Golgi network, 651–652, 651f

Vesicles, 296, 296f. See also Synaptic vesicles; Transport vesicles; specific vesicles

AP coats, 651–652

autophagic, 667

axonal transport of, 835

budding and fusion mechanisms, 638–644, 639f

clathrin coats, 651–652, 652f

coated types, 638, 639t

GTPase switch proteins and coats of, 639–641

myosin V-bound, 808–810, 809f

protein coats, 638–639

secretory, 13f

SNARE proteins and fusion of, 642–644, 643f

Vesicular GABA transporters (VGATs), 1054

Vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs), 1054

Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), 634, 637

Vesicular transport

cell-free assays for studying, 637–638, 637f

yeast mutants defining, 635–636, 637f

Page I-36

Vestibule, 498

VGATs. See Vesicular GABA transporters

VGLUTs. See Vesicular glutamate transporters

Vibrio cholerae, 692, 942

Video microscopy, 139

Villi, 991f, 992, 994f

Vimentin, 864, 864t

Virions, 212

progeny, 217f

structures, 214f

Viruses, 212–218

cancer-causing, 1152

capsids, 213

cloning and counting, 213, 215f

host ranges, 212–213

lytic growth cycles, 213–216, 215f

replication of, 1081

Visual adaptation, 698

Visual cortex, 694, 1061

Vitamin C, 951–952

Vitamin D, 278

Vitamin D3 response element (VDRE), 401f, 402

Vitamins, coenzymes and, 95

Vmax. See Maximal velocity

Voltage gradients, 495

Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs), 523, 712

Voltage-dependent Na+ channels, 1054

Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, 1054, 1058f

Voltage-gated channels, 1034–1047

common structures, 1039, 1040f

Voltage-gated K+ channels, 1035–1037, 1037f, 1042, 1042f

Voltage-gated Na+ channels, 1035–1037, 1036f, 1038f, 1042

Voltage-sensing α helices, 1035, 1039–1040, 1041f, 1042

von Behring, Emil, 1088, 1088f

von Hansemann, David, 1137

v-SNAREs, 638, 639f, 642–644, 643f, 645, 647, 1053f

VSV. See Vesicular stomatitis virus

VSV G protein, 634, 635, 636f

VSVG-GFP, 634, 635

VZ. See Ventricular zone

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