Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.
Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.
B box, 413
B cells, 1081, 1082, 1083f, 1104
activation of, 1128
antibody production and, 1128, 1129f
class switching, 1102–1103, 1103f
development of, 1095, 1099, 1100–1101, 1121f
Ig production in adaptive response, 1101–1102
Ig production types, 1102–1103
Bacille Calmette-
Bacillus subtilis, 357
Bacteria, 10. See also specific bacteria
ATP synthesis in, 552–553
cyanobacteria, 10
G proteins and toxins from, 692
gene expression control in, 356–362
genes in, 8
innate and adaptive immune responses to, 1087, 1087f
K+ channels in, 498
mycobacteria, 1130
Page I-4
Na+/amino acid symporters in, 504, 505f
operons, expression of, 361–362, 362f
release factors, 195
replication of, 1081
ribosomes, 189f
RNA polymerase classes, 368, 368f
Bacterial insertion sequences, 314, 314f, 315f
Bacteriochlorophyll, 567
Bacteriophages, 212
temperate, 216
bag of marbles gene (bam gene), 990
bam gene. See bag of marbles gene
BARK. See β-adrenergic receptor kinase
Barth’s syndrome, 547
Basal lamina, 24, 134, 931, 931f, 945–950, 946f
Basal layer, 863
Base excision repair, 205, 205f
Base pairs, 171
RNA splicing and, 424, 425f, 426
Basement membrane, 947
damaged, 205
of nucleic acids, 46f
Basic helix-
Basic local alignment search tool (BLAST), 324–325, 324f
Basic zipper (bZIP), 386, 387–388
Basolateral surfaces, 24, 508, 657, 658f, 931
signal transduction from, 1119f
BCG. See Bacille Calmette-
BCR. See B-
Beta strands, 71
β islet cells, 480, 767, 767f, 986, 987f
β-adrenergic receptor kinase (BARK), 707, 757
β-adrenergic receptors, 687, 688f
β-galactosidase, 992
β-globins, 307
β-like globins, 306
bHLH. See Basic helix-
Bile acids, 278
Bim, 1019f
Binding specificity, 676
Biochemical energetics, 57–64
Bioinformatics, 324
Biological fluids, pH values of, 54–55
common functional groups and linkages, 35t
evolution and, 1
Biomarkers, 122
bilayer structure of, 273f, 274
cell types and, 276f
cholesterol and sphingolipid clustering in microdomains of, 282–283
fluid mosaic model of, 272, 272f
lipid and protein mobility in, 278–279, 280f
lipid classes in, 276, 277, 278
physical properties and lipid composition of, 279–281, 281f, 281t
protein removal from, 290–292, 291f, 292f
proteins in, 284–292
Biomolecules, bonding properties of common atoms in, 34t
Biosynthetic pathways, ordering of, 230–231, 231f
BiP chaperones, 591–592
Bitter taste, 1065–1066
Bivalents, 912
BLAST. See Basic local alignment search tool
Blastopore, 26
Blastula, 879
formation of, 728f, 994–995, 995f
white, 1082
Blood glucose, 479, 766–767, 767f
diabetes mellitus and, 769
Blood transfusions, 1104
BMP. See Bone morphogenic protein
BMP4. See Bone morphogenic protein 4
BNDF. See Brain-
Bone marrow
as stem-
Bone morphogenic protein (BMP), 722, 1011f
Bone morphogenic protein 4 (BMP4), 982
Bordatella pertussis, 692
Botulinum toxin, 1055
Botulism, 1055
Boundary membrane, 522
Boveri, Theodor, 1137
Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies Initiative (BRAIN Initiative), 1025
Branch migration, 209
BRCA2 gene, 1168
BRE. See TFIIB recognition element
Budding yeast, 877–878, 877f, 890f
Bundle sheath cells, 577
Burkitt’s lymphoma, 1161, 1161f, 1164
Buspirone, 687t
bZIP. See Basic zipper