Index - N

Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.

Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.

N6 methylation, 447

Na+, 485

action potential magnitude and, 1034–1035

Na+ channels, 1034–1035, 1035f

ion flux through, 501, 501f

Na+/amino acid symporters, 504, 505f

N-acetylglucosamine, 637f

N-acetylglucosamine phosphotransferase, 655

NaCl. See Sodium chloride

NAD+. See Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

NADH, 63, 64f, 516, 518, 519f, 532, 533

cytosol and matrix concentrations of, 535–536, 536f

electron transfer from, 539–540, 540f

oxidation of, 539

NADH dehydrogenase-like complex-dependent pathway, 571

NADH-CoQ reductase, 542–543

NADP+. See Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

Na+/H+ antiporter, 505

Na+HCO3/Cl antiporter, 505

Naive lymphocytes, 1091–1093

Na+K+ ATPase, 489, 489f, 490f

Na+K+ pump, 476, 476f, 486

Na+-linked Ca2+ antiporters, 504–505

Na+-linked symporters, 502–504, 503f

NALP. See Neuronal inhibitors of apoptosis

Na+/lysine symporter channel, 476f

Nascent cell plate, 860

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), 323, 411

National Human Genome Research Institute, 411

National Institutes of Health, 323

Natural killer cells (NK cells), 1082, 1086, 1086f, 1123

Natural selection, 1

Natural Tregs, 1124

N-cadherins, 934, 944

NCAM. See Neural cell adhesion molecule

Ndc80, 899

NE. See Neuroepithelium

Near-maximal cellular response, 682, 682f

Nebulin, 805

Necroptosis, 1011, 1022

Necrosis, 1011

NECs. See Neuroepithelial cells

Negative feedback mechanisms, 876

Negative staining, 157–158, 157f

NELF, 377

NEM. See N-ethylmaleimide

Neoblasts, 988

Nernst equation, 497, 1034

Nerve growth factor (NGF), 734, 1016, 1017f

Nervous system, 1025–1026

central, 1026, 1044

feedback circuits in, 1028

peripheral, 1026, 1044, 1045f

signaling circuits, 1028–1029

NES. See Nuclear-export signal

Nesprins, 865

N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), 644

NEU oncoprotein, 1159, 1159f

Neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), 965, 1072

Neural circuits, 1029, 1030f

Neural growth cones, 868, 868f

Neural stem cells (NSCs), 1031–1033, 1032f

Neural tissue, 921

Neural tube, 1031, 1032f

Neuraminidase, 596

Neurites, 1016

Neuroblasts, 1010f, 1027

Neurodegeneration, 1022

Neuroepithelial cells (NECs), 1031

Neuroepithelium (NE), 1032f

Neurofascin155, 1046

Neurofascin186, 1046


Neurofibromas, 1160

Neurofibromatosis 1, 324–325

Neurofilaments, 863, 864, 864t

Neurogenesis, 1033f

Neuroglia. See Glial cells

Neurological disorders, alternative RNA splicing abnormalities and, 438, 438t–439t

Neuromodulatory inputs, 1026

Neuromuscular junction (NMJ), 1050, 1050f, 1058f

Neuronal inhibitors of apoptosis (NALP), 1126

Neurons, 1025, 1026–1033

afferent, 1028

alternatively spliced mRNAs and, 438

apoptosis and, 1015–1017

axonal transport on, 833–834, 834f

dendritic spines in, 1071f

efferent, 1029

formation of, 1031–1033, 1032f

gap junctions connecting, 942, 1060

glial cells supporting, 1029–1031

GLUT3 in, 480

information flow between, 1028

information flow through, 1027

interneurons, 1026, 1029, 1030f

key features, 1027

memory formation and, 1070–1071

mitral, 1067

morphology of, 1027f

motor, 1016, 1016f, 1026, 1029

nociceptive, 1017

olfactory receptor, 1067, 1067f, 1068–1069, 1068f

presynaptic, 1048, 1049–1050

projection, 1067

proprioceptive, 1017, 1017f

Purkinje, 4f, 1071f

receptor, 1028

sensory, 1016, 1017f, 1026, 1028, 1071

signaling circuits composed of, 1028–1029

Neurotransmitter receptors, 693

Neurotransmitters, 693, 1028, 1029f

cycling of, 1053f

degradation and reuptake of, 1057

duration of signal, 1048

release of, 1054–1055

structures of, 1052f

transport into synaptic vesicles, 1052–1054

Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), 1015, 1017f

Neurotrophins, 1015–1017

Neutrophils, 1082, 1087, 1157

cancer defenses, 1131

Nexin, 844

NF1 gene, 324–325, 1160

NFAT, 388, 1120

NF-κB pathway, 752, 757–758, 759f, 760

NF-κB transcription factor, 757–758, 760, 770

NGF. See Nerve growth factor

NHEJ. See Nonhomologous end joining

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), 63, 64f, 95, 516, 518, 519f, 532, 533

cytosol and matrix concentrations of, 535–536, 536f

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+), 563

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, 1057, 1058–1059, 1059f

Nidogen, 945

Nitella, 810, 810f

Nitric oxide (NO), 714–716, 715f

Nitrogen mustards, 1143

Nitroglycerine, 714

NK cells. See Natural killer cells

N-linked oligosaccharides, 605, 635, 637, 954

in Golgi cisternae, 648f

rough ER and, 601–602, 602f, 603f

NLSs. See Nuclear-localization signals

NMD. See Nonsense-mediated decay

NMJ. See Neuromuscular junction

NMR. See Nuclear magnetic resonance

NMR spectroscopy, 121

NO. See Nitric oxide

Nobel, Alfred, 714

Nociceptive neurons, 1017

Nociceptors, 1062

Nocodazole, 830, 881

Node of Ranvier, 1043, 1045

Nomarsky interference microscopy. See Differential-interference-contrast microscopy

Noncoding DNA, 301–302, 309

Noncovalent binding

allosteric regulation and, 100–101

of calcium and GTP, 101–102, 101f

Noncovalent interactions, 33–40

defining, 33

hydrogen bonds, 37–38

ionic, 36–37, 37f

molecular complementarity due to, 40, 40f

of phospholipids, 48–50

relative energies, 36, 36f

strength of, 36

van der Waals interactions, 38–39, 39f

Nondisjunction, 909, 916

Nonfunctional DNA, 309–310

Nongated channels, 476, 495–501, 497

Nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), 208–209, 208f, 267f, 907

Non-ionic detergents, 291–292, 292f

Non-LTR retrotransposons, 318–321

Nonpermissive temperature, 21, 228, 229f

Nonpolar bonds, 34

Nonprotein-coding genes, 308–309, 308t

Nonsense mutations, 196–197, 204, 225

Nonsense suppression, 196–197

Nonsense-mediated decay (NMD), 456, 457f

Non-TLR nucleic acid sensors, 1084–1085

Non-viral retrotransposons, 318–321

Noonan syndrome, 102

Norepinephrine, 687, 808, 1026, 1052f, 1057

Northern blotting, 247

Notch receptor, 761, 762f

Notch signaling pathway, 607

Notch/Delta pathway, 761–763, 762f

Notum, 754

Novrad, 34

Noxa, 1020–1021

NPCs. See Nuclear pore complexes

NPF. See Nucleation promoting factor

NPXY sorting signal, 661

NrCAM, 1046

NRG1, 763

NRG2, 763

NSCs. See Neural stem cells

NSF, 644


NT-3. See Neurotrophin-3

N-terminal acyl anchors, 289

N-terminal stromal-import sequence, 617

N-terminal targeting sequences, 609–610, 616

Nuclear basket, 441

Nuclear bodies, 468–469, 468f

Nuclear cap-binding complex (CBC), 432

Nuclear envelope, 13f, 623f

breakdown of, 897

lamins in, 865

mitotic CDKs and, 897

mRNA transport across, 440–445

reassembly in telophase, 903, 903f

Nuclear eukaryotic DNA, major classes of, 306t

Nuclear exoribonucleases, 432

Nuclear export, 441, 441f

of mRNA, 627

nuclear transport receptors in, 625–627, 626f

Nuclear export factor 1 (NXF1), 441, 627

Nuclear export transporter 1 (NXT1), 441, 627

Nuclear lamina, 14, 865, 866f, 897, 897f

Nuclear lysine acetyl transferases (KATs), 332

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 121

Nuclear membrane, 14

Nuclear mRNPs, 419

Nuclear paraspeckles, 469

Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), 14, 440, 442–443, 443f, 464, 622, 623f

mRNP export directionality across, 441–442, 442f

Nuclear pores, 622

Nuclear receptors, 386

domain structure, 400

heterodimeric, 401f, 402

hormones regulating, 400, 400f, 402, 403f

regulation of, 400, 400f

response elements, 400, 401f, 402

Nuclear speckles, 468f, 469

Nuclear SREBP (nSREBP), 766

Nuclear transcription factors, 1160–1161

Nuclear transport receptors

in nuclear export, 625–627, 626f

in nuclear import, 624–625, 625f

Nuclear-export signal (NES), 626–627, 626f

Nuclear-localization signals (NLSs), 622, 624–625, 624f, 724, 731

Nuclear-receptor superfamily, 400, 401f


Nucleation promoting factor (NPF), 787–788, 791f, 815

Nucleic acids, 7–9, 41

bases of, 46f

nucleotides in, 45–46, 46t

strands, 170, 170f

structure of, 169–175

Nucleocapsid, 213

Nucleolar organizers, 336, 461–462, 462f

Nucleolus, 13f

pre-rRNA and organization of, 461–462, 462f

Nucleoplasm, 14

Nucleoporins, 622, 623f

Nucleosides, 46, 46t

Nucleosomes, structure of, 328, 329f

Nucleotides, 8, 169, 194

excision of, 206–207, 207f

in nucleic acids, 45–46, 45f, 46t

Nucleus, 12, 13f, 14

pre-tRNA modification in, 466–468

spindle position checkpoint pathway and division of, 909–911, 909f

structure of, 15f

transport into and out of, 622–627

NudE, 841

Nurse, Paul, 22, 873

Nüsslein-Volhard, Christiane, 228

NXF1. See Nuclear export factor 1

NXT1. See Nuclear export transporter 1