Index - I

Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.

Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.

ICAMs. See Intercellular CAMs

I-cell disease, 655

ICM. See Inner cell mass

IDH. See Isocitrate dehydrogenase

I-domain, 938

IEF. See Isoelectric focusing

IFN-γ. See Interferon γ

IFs. See Intermediate filaments

IFT. See Intraflagellar transport

IgA, 1090

IgCAM. See Immunoglobulin cell-adhesion molecule

IgG, 1090–1091

IgM, 1090

Igs. See Immunoglobulins

I-κB kinase, 760

I-κBα, 760

IL-1. See Interleukin-1

IL-1 receptors, 760

IL-2. See Interleukin-2

IL-4. See Interleukin-4

IL-6. See Interleukin-6

IL-7. See Interleukin-7

IL-15. See Interleukin-15

Imatiniv, 1158

Immune system, 1079. See also Adaptive immune system

cancer defenses, 1131

innate, 1079, 1080f, 1084–1086, 1087f

Immunity, 1079

vaccines and, 1130–1131

Immunization, 1089

Immunoaffinity chromatography, 111

Immunoblotting, 112, 113f, 1081

Immunoelectron microscopy, 159, 159f

Immunofluorescence microscopy, 130, 144–146, 145f, 1081

Immunogenic molecules, 1128

Immunoglobulin cell-adhesion molecule (IgCAM), 924f, 965, 1046

Immunoglobulin fold, 1093–1094, 1093f

Immunoglobulins (Igs), 1081, 1088

classes of, 1089

constant regions, 1092, 1094–1095

D gene segments, 1099

genes, 1116–1118

heavy-chain locus rearrangement, 1099

hypervariable regions, 1092–1093, 1093f

isotypes, 1090–1091, 1091f

V and J gene segments, 1096, 1099

junctional imprecision, 1098–1099

membrane-bound, 1101–1102, 1102f

RSSs, 1098, 1099

secreted, 1101–1102, 1102f

structure of, 1089–1090, 1090f, 1093–1094, 1094f

variable regions, 1092

Immunoprecipitation (IP), 112, 113f, 114

chromatin, 373, 374f, 376

of kinases, 684

signal transduction proteins studied with, 684, 685f, 686

Immunoproteasome, 1111

Page I-17

Immunosuppressants, 1120

Import receptor, 610

Importin, 625

Impulse conduction, 1043

In situ hybridization, 247, 248f

In vitro, 82

In vitro liposome fusion assay, 644

In vivo transfection assays, 382, 382f

Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, 145, 145f

Indirect-acting carcinogens, 1143

Induced fit, 91

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), 977, 980f, 983–986

ALS studied with, 984–986

β islet cells from, 987f

differentiated cells from, 986, 987f

medical applications of, 985f

somatic cells generating, 983–986

Induced regulatory T cells, 1124

Induced Tregs, 1124

Inflammasomes, 1084–1085, 1126–1127, 1127f

Inflammation, 681, 1086–1087

colchicine and, 830

in necroptosis, 1022

Inflammatory chemokines, 1124

Inflammatory cytokines, 758

Inflammatory hormones, 770

Inflammatory T cells, 1124

Influenza virus, 596, 1083

Inherited diseases

human, 254t

mtDNA mutations and, 528

multiple-defect, 257–259

Inhibitory receptors, 1059

Inhibitory synapses, 1026, 1048

Initiation, 353

Initiation factors, eukaryotic, 191

Initiator, 372

Initiator sequences, 372

INK4s, 886, 1165

Innate immune system, 1079, 1080f, 1084–1086, 1087f

Inner cell mass (ICM), 979, 980f

culturing ES cells from, 981f

ES cells from, 980–981

Inner mitochondrial membrane, 18

pathways to, 615

Inner nuclear membrane, 14

Inner-membrane proteins, 613–615

Innexins, 944

Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), 710, 712

Insertion sequences, 314, 314f, 315f

Inside-out patch clamping, 500f

Insig-1(2)/SCAP/SREBP pathway, 766

Insula, 1064

Insulin, 480, 986

blood glucose level stabilization and, 766–767

concentration of, 682

diabetes mellitus and, 769

GLUT4 and, 767, 768f, 769

secretion of, 767, 767f

signaling pathways and, 766–770, 768f, 771f

Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), 676

Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2), 676

Integral membrane proteins, 72–73, 284, 292

Integrin adhesion receptors, signaling pathways mediated by, 929f

Integrins, 722, 812, 929f, 930f, 938–939, 938t, 958f, 959f

activation, 963f

adhesion mediated by, 961–962, 962f

binding, 962–964

diseases and, 967

expression of, 964

Interacting proteins, 231–232, 232f

Intercellular CAMs (ICAMs), 965, 967

Interferon γ (IFN-γ), 1086, 1086f

Interferons, 1086

Intergenic DNA, 312

Interleukin-1 (IL-1), 758, 770, 1087

Interleukin-2 (IL-2), 388, 728

Interleukin-4 (IL-4), 1123–1124

Interleukin-6 (IL-6), 1087

Interleukin-7 (IL-7), 1123–1124

Interleukin-15 (IL-15), 1123–1124

Interleukins, 727, 1087, 1123–1124

Intermediate filament-associated proteins (IFAPs), 867

Intermediate filaments (IFs), 12, 14f, 777, 777f, 821, 822f, 861–866

classes of, 864t

dynamism of, 861–862

structure and assembly of, 861, 862f

subunit dimers, 861

tissue-specific expressions of, 862–865

Intermediate progenitor cells (IPCs), 1032f

Intermediate-repeat DNA, 312

Intermembrane space, 18

mitochondria, 523

mitochondrial proteins, 615–616

Internal antennas, 566

Internal ribosome entry site (IRES), 191

Interneurons, 1026, 1029, 1030f

Interphase, 875

Interphase chromosomes, 335, 335f

polytene, 343–345, 345f

Interspersed repeats, 310

Inter-ubiquitin isopeptide bonds, 104f

Intestinal stem cells, 991–992, 991f, 992f, 993f, 994

Intracellular fluids, 55–56

Intracellular movements, 293–297, 294f, 789–790, 790f

Intraflagellar transport (IFT), 757, 845, 847, 847f

defects in, 848

Intrinsic polarity program, 1000–1002, 1001f

Intrinsically disordered proteins, 72–73, 74f

Intronic splicing enhancers, 437

Intronic splicing silencer, 436

Introns, 179, 181f, 303

group I, 429, 466, 466f

group II, 429–430, 430f, 466, 466f

noncoding DNA and, 309

RNA splicing and, 423–424, 424f, 427

self-splicing, 429–430, 430f, 466, 466f

Invadopodium, 1142

Inversional joining, 1098

Inverted repeat, 314

Ion channels. See also K+ channel; Na+ channels

characterizing, 501, 501f

current flow through, 500–501, 500f, 501f

GPCRs regulating, 693–698

ligand-gated, 1048, 1057

light-activated, 1046–1047

selectivity of, 497–500, 499f

Ion concentrations, 143–144

ATP-powered ion pumps maintaining, 485–486, 485f

transmembrane electric potential and, 495–497, 496f

Ion-exchange chromatography, 110f, 111

Ionic detergents, 291

Ionic gradients, 485–486, 485f, 495

Ionic interactions, 36–37, 37f

Ionophores, 550

IP. See Immunoprecipitation

IP3. See Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate

IP3/DAG pathway, 710, 711f, 712, 713, 749

IP3-gated Ca2+ channels, 712, 712f

IPCs. See Intermediate progenitor cells

IPP. See Isopentenyl pyrophosphate

iPS. See Induced pluripotent stem cells

IRAK, 1127

IRE-BP. See Iron-response element-binding protein

IREs. See Iron response elements

IRES. See Internal ribosome entry site


control of intracellular concentrations, 455–456, 456f

in endocytic pathway, 663–664, 664f

Iron response elements (IREs), 455–456, 456f

Iron-response element-binding protein (IRE-BP), 455–456, 456f

Iron-sulfur clusters, 541, 541f, 542f

IS elements, 314, 314f

I-Smads, 724

Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), 1139, 1139f

Isoelectric focusing (IEF), 109

Isoforms, 182, 439, 439f, 928

Isoleucine, 43

Isomerizations, 606

Isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), 296

Isoproterenol, 683, 683f

Isotonic medium, 481, 482f

Isotypes, 1090–1091, 1091f

ITAM, 1100, 1118

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