Index - R

Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.

Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.

R group, 42, 43f

R7 photoreceptors, 740–741, 740f

Rab effector proteins, 644

Rab GTPases, 641–642

Rab proteins, 289, 641, 644

Rab-GDP, 641, 643f

Rabies virus, 1083

Rac, 813–816, 816f

Radial glial cells (RGCs), 1032f

Radiant energy, 57


DNA damage from, 203–204

double-strand breaks from, 209

p53 and exposure to, 1165

thymine-thymine dimers from, 206, 206f

Radioisotopes, 114–116, 114f

Radiolabeling, 684

Raf, 742, 744

RAG1 recombinase, 1098, 1098f, 1118

RAG2 recombinase, 1098, 1098f, 1118

“Ragged-red” muscle fibers, 528

Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 1070, 1071f

Ran protein, 624–625, 854

Random coil, 70

Ran-GAP, 625, 627

Ran-GEF, 625, 903

Ran-GTP, 626f, 627, 903

Ran-independent nuclear export, 627

Ranitidine, 687t

RAP1 protein, 391, 393

RAR. See Retinoic acid receptor

RARE. See Retinoic acid response element

Ras, 289, 325, 739, 743f

cancer development and, 739, 1146, 1148, 1155, 1160

RTKs and, 741–742, 741f

signals passing from, 742, 744

Ras/MAP kinase pathway, 739–748, 743f

Rate constant, 52

Rate-zonal centrifugation, 106, 107f

RB gene, 1153

Rb (retinoblastoma) protein, 889

RBD. See Rho-binding domain

Reaction center, 563


aerobic, 63

chemical, 51–57

chromogenic enzyme, 111

dehydration, 41

endergonic, 58, 59f

endothermic, 59

exergonic, 58, 59f

exothermic, 59

peptidyltransferase, 194

rate of, 60–61

redox, 63

transesterification, 423, 425f, 466

Reactive oxygen species (ROS), 547–549, 548f

protection in photoelectron transport from, 570

Reading frame, 184, 185f

Rec8, 916

Receptor hetero-oligomerization, 728

Receptor homodimerization, 728

Receptor neurons, 1028

Receptor proteins, 271

activation of, 682

affinity for ligands, 681–682, 682f

binding specificity of, 676

purification with affinity chromatography, 683–684

response to signaling molecules and activation of, 682

Receptor serine kinases, 722–726

Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), 726, 727f, 734–738, 1159

dimerization of, 734–735


down-regulation of signaling from, 737–738

general structure and activation of, 734–735, 734f

intrinsic tyrosine kinase activation, 734–735

lysosomal degradation of, 738

Ras and, 741–742, 741f

Receptor-ligand complexes

adenylyl cyclase stimulating and inhibiting, 699–701, 700f

binding assays and, 681–682

dissociation constant of, 681

endosome pH and dissociation of, 662–663

stability of, 681

Receptor-mediated endocytosis, 659–664, 660f, 738, 790

Receptors. See also Cell-surface receptors; G protein-coupled receptors

cytokine, 726–733, 727f, 729f, 733f

nuclear, 386, 400–402, 400f, 401f, 403f

Recessive alleles, 224–225

monogenic diseases and, 255

Recessive lethal mutations, 228

Recessive mutant alleles, 225, 225f

Recessive mutations

autosomal, 621

complementation tests of, 229–230

lethal, 621

Reclinomonas americana, 527

Recognition helix, 384

Recombinant DNA, 234

techniques, 28

Recombinant types, 232

Recombination, 209, 232

DNA, 203–212, 211f

exon shuffling by, 321f

homologous, 260, 260f, 907, 911, 912

during meiosis, 233

somatic, 1095

somatic cell, 261–262

Recombination signal sequences (RSS), 1098, 1098f, 1099

Red blood cells, formation of, 728f

Redox reactions, 63

Reduction, 63

Reduction potential, 64, 546

Redundant proteins, 231–232, 232f

REF. See RNA export factor

Reflex arc, 1029

Reflexes, 1029, 1030f

Refractive index, 141

Refractory period, 1036, 1038

Regulated cell death, 1011–1022

Regulated intramembrane proteolysis, 607, 764

Regulated secretion, 632

Regulators of G protein signaling (RGSs), 678, 690

Regulatory light chain, 797

Regulatory proteins, 68

Regulatory sequences, 378–389

Regulatory signals

extrinsic, 989

intrinsic, 988

stem cells and, 988–989

Rehydration therapy, 509

Release factors (RFs), 195

Remodeling, 510

chromatin-remodeling complexes, 395

ECM, 960

mRNP, 441, 441f

Renaturation, 173–174

Reoviruses, 967

Repetitious DNA, 301, 310


of bacteria, 1081

chromosome, 345, 346f

regulation of, 339

of viruses, 1081

Replication factor C (RFC), 200–201

Replication fork, 199

collapsed, repair of, 209–210, 210f

Replication origins, 199, 345

Replication protein A (RPA), 201

Replicative helicase, 199

Replicative senescence, 880

Repolarization, 1028

Reporter gene, 364

Repression domain, 384, 386–387

Repressor proteins, 354, 364

histone deacetylation directed by, 393–394

Repressors, 383–384, 384f

splicing, 437–439

Residues, 42

Resonance hybrids, 36

Resonance transfer, 566

Respiration, 62–63, 515

aerobic, 513, 515

anaerobic, 515

cellular, 63

photorespiration, 576–578, 576f

Respiratory chain, 539

Respiratory control, 558

Response elements, 400, 401f, 402

Response regulator, 361, 361f

Resting K+ channel, 497, 498f

Resting membrane potential, 495–501, 1034

K+ channels and, 495

Resting potential, 1027

Restriction elements, 1105

Restriction enzymes, 234–236, 235f, 235t

Restriction fragments, 235, 236, 236f

Restriction point, 875, 888–889, 1164, 1164f

Retinitis pigmentosa, 258

Retinoblastoma, 725, 1153, 1153f, 1164

Retinoblastoma protein. See Rb (retinoblastoma) protein

Retinoic acid receptor (RAR), 912

Retinoic acid response element (RARE), 401f, 402

Retrograde transport vesicles, 632

Retroposed RNAs, 321

Retrotransposons, 313, 313f, 322

LTR, 316, 316f, 317f, 318

non-LTR, 318–321

Retroviral DNA, 316, 316f

Retroviral expression systems, 252, 252f

Retroviral genomic RNA, 316, 316f

Retroviruses, 216–218, 217f, 445

budding, 666–667, 668f

oncogenic, 217

slow-acting, 1152

Retrovirus-like elements, 316

Rev protein, 444–445, 444f

Reverse transcriptase, 217, 313, 316, 317f

Reverse transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR), 242

Rev-response element (RRE), 444, 444f

RFC. See Replication factor C

RFs. See Release factors

RGCs. See Radial glial cells

RGD motif, 938

RGG box, 422

RGSs. See Regulators of G protein signaling

Rhabdomyosarcoma, 757

Rheb GTPase, 453f

Rheb-GAP, 453f, 454

Rheumatoid arthritis, 681

Rhinoviruses (RV), 936–937

Rho, 813–816, 816f

Rho kinase, 808

Rho-binding domain (RBD), 787f

Rhodopsin, 694f, 695f

activation of, 695–696, 696f

arrestin binding and, 697–698

phosphorylation of, 697–698

signal amplification in transduction pathway, 696–697

Rhodopsin kinase, 697, 697f

Rhodopsin signal transduction pathway

amplification in, 696–697

termination of, 697–698, 697f

Rho-GEF, 1006, 1006f

Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 8–9, 45, 168, 420t

alternative splicing, 181–182, 182f

conformations and functions of, 174–175

5′ capping, 420–421, 421f

hydrolysis of, 172, 173f

noncoding, 14

nuclear exoribonucleases degrading, 432

retroposed, 321

roles in protein synthesis, 183, 183f

secondary and tertiary structures, 175, 175f

self-splicing, 175

synthesis of, 177f

as transposition intermediate, 318, 318f

Ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNP complexes), 419

Ribonucleoside triphosphate (rNTP), 177f

Ribonucleoside triphosphate monomers (rNTPs), 169f

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 14, 167f, 168, 169f, 183

processing of, 461–469

protein synthesis role, 183, 183f

tandemly repeated genes for, 307–308

Ribosomes, 8

antibiotics and, 190

bacterial, 189f

common components, 189t

common core structure, 190f

mitochondrial, 526–527


protein synthesis on, 188–197

recycling, 195

subunit assembly, 464–465, 465f

Riboswitches, 362, 363f

Ribozymes, 8, 90, 175

Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, 573

Rickettsiaceae group, 527

RIG-I, 1085

Rigid cell walls, 968

RIM, 1056

RIM-BP, 1056

RIP1, 1022

RIP3, 1022

RISC. See RNA-induced silencing complex

Risperidone, 687t

RNA. See Ribonucleic acid

RNA editing, 439–440, 440f

RNA export factor (REF), 427, 441

RNA helicase, 191, 192f

RNA interference (RNAi), 95, 264–266, 265f, 419, 450–451, 1158

RNA knockdown, 419

RNA polymerase B (RPB), 368f, 369, 369f

RNA polymerase I (Pol I), 367, 367f, 461

transcription initiation by, 412–413, 412f

RNA polymerase II (Pol II), 367–370, 367f, 391

chain elongation by, 428, 428f

distant enhancers and transcription of, 379

5′ capping and, 420–421

general transcription factors, 373–376

Mediator complex and, 396–397

metazoan regulation of, 402

polyadenylation signal and, 431–432

preinitiation complex, 374, 375f

promoters, 371–373

transcription initiation, 371

RNA polymerase III (Pol III), 367, 367f, 391, 461

transcription initiation by, 413–414, 413f

RNA polymerases, 8, 9f

bacterial classes of, 368, 368f

eukaryote classes of, 367–370, 367f, 367t, 368f

mRNA synthesis initiation, 353

precursor mRNAs and, 180

structure of, 178–179, 179f

in transcription, 176–179, 177f

transcription initiation by, 357

RNA processing, 169f, 180, 181f, 418f, 419

metazoans and, 432–433

RNA recognition motif (RRM), 422, 423f

RNA splicing, 181, 419, 423–424, 424f, 426f

alternative, 181–182, 182f, 417, 438, 438t–439t

base pairing during, 424, 425f, 426

pre-mRNA processing regulation and, 435–436

snRNAs in, 424, 425f, 426

spliceosome carrying out, 426–428, 427f

RNA viruses, 212, 967

RNA world hypothesis, 8

RNA-binding domains, 421–422

RNA-binding motifs, 422

RNA-binding proteins, 455–456

RNAi. See RNA interference

RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), 448–449, 451

RNA-processing factors, 428

RNase P, 467

RNP complexes. See Ribonucleoprotein complexes

rNTP. See Ribonucleoside triphosphate

Rod cells, 694–695, 694f, 1061

visual adaptation and, 698

Root apical meristem, 997, 998f, 999

ROS. See Reactive oxygen species

Rough endoplasmic reticulum, 13f, 16, 16f

N-linked oligosaccharide synthesis and, 601–602, 602f, 603f

in secretory pathway, 632

secretory proteins and, 587f

structure of, 586, 586f

Roundworm. See Caenorhabditis elegans

Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), 1152

RPA. See Replication protein A

RPB. See RNA polymerase B

RPB1, 369, 369f

RPB2, 369

RRE. See Rev-response element

RRM. See RNA recognition motif

rRNA. See Ribosomal RNA

R-Smads, 724

RSS. See Recombination signal sequences

RSV. See Rous sarcoma virus

RTK/RAS/MAP kinase pathway, 1160

RTKs. See Receptor tyrosine kinases

RT-PCR. See Reverse transcriptase-PCR

rtTA, 1148

Rubisco, 573, 574f

Rubisco activase, 574, 576

RV. See Rhinoviruses

RV-C. See Class C rhinoviruses

RXR-VDR, 401f