Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.
Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.
G protein–
adenylyl cyclase activation or inhibition by, 699–707
calcium levels and, 708–716
CREB transcription factor and, 705f
effector protein activation and, 689f
G protein activation and, 690
general structure, 686–687, 687f
ion channel regulation by, 693–698
ligand binding to, 688f
MAP kinase and, 746
as neurotransmitter receptors, 1048
olfactory, 1067f
orphan, 692
pharmaceutically important human, 687t
signal suppression, 706–707, 707f
structure and mechanism of, 686–693
as taste receptors, 1064–1066
G proteins
activation of and regulation by, 691–693
classes of mammalian, 692t
trimeric, 454
G1 cyclins, 884
loss of regulation of, 1164–1165
G1/S phase CDKs, 882, 883, 890
G1/S phase transition, 888, 888f, 889
GABA. See Gamma-
GAGs. See Glycosaminoglycans
Gain of function, 225, 1149, 1151
Gametes, 976
in fertilization, 977, 978f, 979
γ-secretase, 762–763
γ-tubulin ring complex (γ-TuRC), 825, 826f
Ganglion mother cell (GMC), 1010f
Gangliosides, 278
GAP. See GTPase-
Gap junctions, 932, 932f, 942, 943f, 944, 1031, 1060
Gastric cancer, 725
Gated channels, 476, 497. See also Voltage-
Gaucher’s disease, 561
GBS. See Guillain-
GCN2 eIF2 kinase, 455
GDI. See Guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor
GDNF. See Glia-
GEF. See Guanine nucleotide exchange factor
Gel electrophoresis, 246
Gel filtration chromatography, 110f, 111
Gelsolin, 785
Geminin, 892
GenBank, 324
Gene complementation, 304
Gene control, 355
Gene expression, 168
cloned DNA molecules in studying, 246–253
cohesins and, 895
control in bacteria, 356–362
eukaryotic control, 363–370
heterochromatin silenced by, 390–391, 393
regulation of, 353
Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), 411
Gene family, 306
Gene knockout, 261, 262f, 263f
General import pore, 611
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General transcription factors, 373–376
Genes, 8. See also specific genes
activation during cellular differentiation, 395–396
in cancer onset, 1150t
chromosomal organization of, 309–312
conditional mutations in studying, 227–228
coordinately regulated, 357
density in eukaryotes, 307f, 309
exons and duplication of, 303, 304f
experimentally regulated promoters controlling, 260–261
histone acetylation directed at, 394–395
histone deacetylation directed at, 393–394
human disease, 254–259
identifying within sequences, 326
immunoglobulin, 1116–1118
inactivating function of specific, 259–268
inactivating with somatic cell recombination, 261–262
insertion mutation tagging, 242–243, 243f
knockout of, 261
organization differences in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, 179, 180f
recombination in mapping, 233
replacing with homologous recombination, 260, 260f
sequencing, 243–244, 244f, 245f
solitary, 305
structure in eukaryotes, 303–309
structure of, 302f
studying by analyzing mutations, 224–233
tandemly repeated, 307–308
TCR, 1116–1118
Genetic code, 8, 183–185, 184t, 185f, 185t
Genetic diseases, 28–29. See also specific diseases and disorders
mtDNA mutations and, 528
Genetic linkage, 232
Genetic map unit, 233
Genetic mapping studies, 232–233
Genetic markers, 233
Genetic recombination, 203, 232
Genetic screens, 227–228
Genetic suppression, 231–232, 232f
Genome editing, 266, 267f, 268, 1158
Genome maintenance genes, 1135, 1150t, 1167
Genome maintenance pathways, deregulation in cancer, 1163–1168
completely sequenced, 11t
intergenic DNA in, 312
mitochondrial, 525–526
nonfunctional DNA in, 309–310
number of protein-
Genomic DNA
gene identification within sequences, 326
isolation of segments of, 241–242, 242f
retroposed RNAs in, 321
Genomic libraries, 237–238, 238f
Genotype, 224
GEO. See Gene Expression Omnibus
Germ cells, regulation of formation, 912
Germ line, 990
Germarium, 990
Get3, 597
GFAP. See Glial fibrillary acidic protein
GFP. See Green fluorescent protein
GH. See Growth hormone
Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 58
Gibbs free energy, 58
GINS complex, 892
Gleevec, 1158
Glia. See Glial cells
Glial cells, 985, 986, 1026–1033, 1029–1031
formation of, 1031–1033
gap junctions connecting, 1060
synapse formation and, 1049
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), 864, 864t, 1032–1033
Gliomedin, 1046
Globin proteins, 79, 79f, 306, 307, 444
Globular proteins, 72–73
Glomeruli, 1067
Glucagon, 687, 688f, 699–700, 766–767
Glucocorticoid receptor (GR), 402, 403f
Glucocorticoid receptor response element (GRE), 400, 401f
Gluconeogenesis, 704
Glucopyranose, 47
aerobic metabolism of, 519f
allosteric regulation of metabolism of, 518f
anaerobic metabolism of, 519f
blood, 479, 766–767, 767f, 769
diabetes mellitus and, 769
facilitated transport of, 477–483
import against high concentration gradients, 503–504
insulin and, 769
oxidation of, 514f, 515–516, 533–535, 534f
transport across epithelia, 508–509, 508f
GLUT1, 478–479, 479f, 480, 600, 600f
GLUT3 glucose transporter, 479, 480
GLUT4, 480
GLUT4 storage vesicle (GSV), 768f, 769
GLUT5, 480
Glutamate, 44, 488f, 1048, 1052f, 1058–1059
Glutamic acid, 43
Glutamine, 44
insulin and, 769
regulation of metabolism of, 702–703, 703f
synthesis and degradation of, 699, 700f
Glycogen phosphorylase (GP), 702–703
Glycogen phosphorylase kinase (GPK), 703, 714
Glycogen synthase (GS), 703
second messengers regulating, 714
rate of, 516–518
stage I, 516
Glycolytic pathway, 516, 517f, 535t
Glycophorin A, 285f
Glycophorin C, 794
membrane, 636f
in plant cell walls, 968–969
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), 48, 723, 951, 953–956
chain modifications, 954–955
disaccharides of, 954f
Glycosidic bonds, 41
Glycosphingolipids, 295
Glycosylases, 205
Glycosylation, 601
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI), 289, 289f, 598–599, 940
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchor, 658
Glyoxisomes, 17
GMC. See Ganglion mother cell
Golgi, Camillo, 1070
anterograde transport through, 648–650
cisternal maturation and, 648–650, 650f
N-linked oligosaccharide chains in, 648f
retrograde transport through, 647–648
in secretory pathway, 632, 633f
secretory pathway and, 645–647
sphingolipid synthesis in, 279, 295
targeting to, 585
transport vesicles in, 649f
Goodpasture’s syndrome, 950
Gout, 830
GP. See Glycogen phosphorylase
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GPCRs. See G protein–
GPI. See Glycosylphosphatidylinositol
GPI anchors, 289
GPK. See Glycogen phosphorylase kinase
GR. See Glucocorticoid receptor
Grafts, 1104–1105
Gram staining, 10
Granulocyte colony-
GRE. See Glucocorticoid receptor response element
Green fluorescent protein (GFP), 112, 146, 252–253, 253f, 364, 634
Ground tissue, 968
Group I introns, 429, 466, 466f
Group II introns, 429–430, 430f, 466, 466f
Growth checkpoint pathway, 905
Growth factor signaling pathways, 905
Growth hormone (GH), 727, 729f
GS. See Glycogen synthase
GSCs. See Germ-
GSV. See GLUT4 storage vesicle
hydrolysis of, by dynamin, 653f
hydrolysis of, in chain elongation, 193–194, 193f
noncovalent binding of, 101–102
GTPase, 102, 102f, 263–264, 265f
GTPase superfamily, 195–196, 910
anchor proteins, 289
mitochondrial fusion and fission and, 529
in signal transduction pathways, 677–678, 677f, 678f
switch proteins, 639–641
vesicle formation and, 641
effector proteins as, 690
actin organization and, 813–815
Guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI), 641, 678, 689, 814, 903
Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), 455, 625, 640, 739, 742
Guanine nucleotide-
Guanylate cyclase-
GWAS. See Genome-