Index - H

Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.

Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.

H-2 complex, 1104, 1104f

H3K9 demethylases, 984

H3K9 HMT, 333

HA. See Hemagglutinin

Hair cells, 437–438

Half-channels, 556

Half-life, 114

Halichondria panicea, 927f

Halophiles, 10

Haploid cells, yeast, 21, 21f, 1003

Haploid organisms, 224

Haploinsufficient, 225, 1152

Haplotype, 256

Hartwell, Lee, 228, 873, 878, 905

HATS. See Histone acetyl transferases

HB-EGF, 763

HCAs. See Heterocyclic amines

HCl. See Hydrochloric acid

HDACs. See Histone deacetylases

HDL. See High-density lipoprotein

HDR. See Homology-directed repair

Hearing, 437–438, 437f

Heart, 804–805

Heart attacks, 807

Heart disease, ADAM proteases and, 763

Heart malformations, 944

Heart muscle. See Cardiac muscle

Heat-shock genes, 402

Heat-shock transcription factor (HSTF), 402

Heavy meromyosin (HMM), 798

Hedgehog protein (Hh), 278, 751, 990, 1161–1162

signaling pathway, 754–757, 756f, 758f

HeLa cell line, 132, 881f

nuclear bodies in, 468f

Helicase, 191, 192f, 199, 202f

general transcription factors and, 375

MCM, 892–893

Helicobacter pylori, 1141

Helix-loop-helix, 75

Helix-turn-helix, 75, 384

Helper T cells, 1104, 1124, 1128

Hemagglutinin (HA), 604

folding and assembly, 605f, 606

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), 994–995, 995f, 996f, 997f

Heme, 540–541, 541f

Heme-regulated inhibitor (HRI), 455

Hemicellulose, 969

Hemidesmosomes, 5f, 933, 938

Hemoglobin, 79, 79f, 101, 306

Hemophilia, 319, 321

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, 55

Henry VIII (King), 830

Heparin, 954

Hepatitis B virus, 1141

Hepatitis C virus, 942, 1141

Hepatocellular carcinoma, 1141

Hepatocytes, 655

Hepatoma, 725

Her family, 735–736, 737f

HER1, 735–736, 736f

HER2, 683, 736, 1157, 1159, 1159f

Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, 1167

Hereditary spherocytic anemias, 795

Heredity, 8

Herpes simplex type I virus (HSV-I), 378

Heterochromatin, 14, 332, 333f, 392f

centromeric, 311

epigenetic memory and, 333–334

formation of, 333, 334f

gene expression silencing, 390–391, 393

histone H3 lysine 9 methylation in, 405, 406f, 407f

Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1), 333

Heterocyclic amines (HCAs), 1145

Heterodimeric nuclear receptors, 401f, 402

Heterogeneous nuclear RNAs (hnRNA), 420t, 421, 443f

functions of, 422, 422f

Heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein particles (hnRNPs), 421, 423f, 438

Heterologous desensitization, 706

Heterophilic binding, 924

Heteroplasmy, 528

Heterotrimeric G proteins, 678, 689–691

Heterotypic adhesion, 924

Heterozygotes, 228

Heterozygous, 225

Hexokinase, 516

Hexon, 423

Hexoses, 46, 47f, 560

HGH. See Human growth hormone

HGH receptor, 600, 600f

Hh. See Hedgehog protein

Hh precursor protein, 755, 755f

HIF-1. See Hypoxia-inducible factor 1

High-density lipoprotein (HDL), 40

High-mobility group proteins (HMG proteins), 339

High-throughput LC-MS/MS, 123

Hippo pathway, 910–911, 910f

Hippocampus, 1071–1072, 1073f

Histamine, 808, 1052f

Histidine, 44, 1052f

Histidine kinase sensor, 361, 361f

Histone acetyl transferases (HATs), 332

Histone acetylase, 394

Histone code, 331, 333, 405

Histone deacetylases (HDACs), 332, 391

Histone H3 lysine 9 methylation, 405, 406f, 407f

Histone locus bodies, 469

Histone lysine demethylases, 405

Histone methyl transferase (HMT), 333

Histone tails, 330–335, 390

hypoacetylation of, 393

Histone-modifying enzymes, 1155

Histones, 327, 329, 390, 392f

acetylation, 331–332, 394–395, 394f

deacetylation, 393–394, 394f

methylation of specific lysines, 405

modification of tails, 330–335

post-translational modification of, 405, 406t

HIV-1. See Human immunodeficiency virus

H+/K+ ATPase, 509

H+-linked antiport proteins, 1052–1054, 1053f

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HMG proteins. See High-mobility group proteins

HMG-CoA reductase, 296, 764

HMM. See Heavy meromyosin

HMT. See Histone methyl transferase

hnRNA. See Heterogeneous nuclear RNAs

hnRNPs. See Heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein particles

Holliday, Robin, 210

Holliday structures, 210, 211

Holoenzyme, 397

Homeodomain proteins, 385

Homeostasis, 53

Homeostatic chemokines, 1124

Homogeneously staining region (HSR), 1151, 1151f

Homologous chromosomes, 912

Homologous desensitization, 707

Homologous DNA recombination, 209–211

Homologous recombination, 260, 260f, 907, 911, 912

Homologous sequences, 325

Homologs, 80


among proteins, 80

sequence, 600

Homology-directed repair (HDR), 267f

Homophilic binding, 924

Homotypic adhesion, 923–924

Homozygous, 225

Homozygous knockout mutants, 263

Hooke, Robert, 129

Hormone analogs, 683

Hormones. See also specific hormones

balance of systems, 681

inflammatory, 770

nuclear receptor regulation by, 400, 400f, 402, 403f

receptor binding specificity and, 676

Horvitz, Robert, 1013

Host defense collagens, 951

Host defenses, 1081–1089

layers of, 1079–1080, 1080f

Host range, 212–213

HOTAIR. See Hox Antisense Intergenic RNA

HOTTIP, 410–411

Hox Antisense Intergenic RNA (HOTAIR), 410, 411

Hox genes, 407

HOXC locus, 410

HOXD locus, 410

HOXD13 gene, 354

HP1. See Heterochromatin protein 1

HPV vaccine, 1130

HPVs. See Human papillomaviruses

HRI. See Heme-regulated inhibitor

HSCs. See Hematopoietic stem cells

Hsp70, 83, 84f, 85, 402, 610–611, 611f, 613

Hsp90, 84f, 85, 402, 610, 611f

HSR. See Homogeneously staining region

HSTF. See Heat-shock transcription factor

HSV-I. See Herpes simplex type I virus

HTLV. See Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus

Human growth hormone (HGH), 595

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1), 218, 272f, 967, 1083, 1128, 1130–1131, 1152

budding, 666–667, 668f

mRNA transport, 444–445, 444f

transcription of, 377, 377f

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs), 218, 1130, 1152, 1164, 1166

Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus (HTLV), 218, 1152


disease genes in, locating and identifying, 254–259

GLUT proteins in genome of, 480

GPCRs of pharmaceutical importance, 687t

inherited diseases, common, 254t

Mediator complex, 396f

mitosis in cells of, 881, 881f

mutation linkage mapping, 255–256

Na+/glucose symporters, 504

ribosome components, 189t

ribosome structure, 190f

Hunt, Tim, 873

Huntington’s disease, 255f, 311

Hutchison-Gilford progeria, 866

HXMS. See Hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry

Hyaluronan, 954, 956

Hybridization, 174, 246–247

Hybridomas, 135–136, 136f

Hydration shell, 36

Hydrocarbons, 39

Hydrochloric acid (HCl), 509–510

Hydrogen bonds, 37–38, 38f

Hydrogen ions, 55

Hydrogen peroxide, 549

Hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HXMS), 121

Hydrolysis, 41

of ATP, 61–62, 61f

of GTP, 193–194, 193f, 653f

of RNA, 172, 173f

serine protease-mediated, 94, 94f

Hydropathic index, 599

Hydropathy profile, 599–600, 600f

Hydrophilic, 32, 273

Hydrophilic signals, 674f

Hydrophobic, 32, 273

Hydrophobic core, 586–588

Hydrophobic effect, 39–40, 39f

Hydrophobic signals, 674f

Hydrophobicity, 475

Hydroxyurea, 881

Hyperacetylated chromatin, 331

Hyperchromicity, 172

Hyperglycemia, 769

Hyperpolarized state, 693

Hypertonic solution, 481

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathies, 805

Hypervariable regions, 1092–1093, 1093f

Hypoacetylated chromatin, 331

Hypoacetylation, 393

Hypotonic solution, 481, 482f

Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1), 1141

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