Index - E

Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.

Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.

E. coli. See Escherichia coli

E2F transcription factor complex, 885

E2F transcription factors (E2Fs), 889

E3 ligases, 100

Early mammalian development, 977, 979

Early response genes, 745–746, 889

Ebola, 1130

EBS. See Epidermolysis bullosa simplex

E-cadherin, 924f, 934, 934f, 935f, 937f, 990

ECM. See Extracellular matrix

Ectoderm, 981f

Edman degradation, 118

EDMD. See Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy

EF hand, 75

EF hand family, 679

Effector proteins, 689f, 814, 904

Effector specificity, 676

Efferent neurons, 1029

EFs. See Elongation factors

EGF. See Epidermal growth factor

EGF receptors, 736–737, 737f

Eggs, 977, 978f, 979

EGL-1, 1013–1015, 1014, 1014f

eIF2 complex, 191, 192f

eIF2 kinases, 454–455

eIF4 complex, 191, 192f

eIF4E-binding proteins (4E-BPs), 453

eIFs. See Eukaryotic translation initiation factors

80S initiation complex, 191, 192f

Elastase, 607

Elastic fibers, 959–960, 959f

Elastin, 951, 960

Electric energy, 57

Electric potential, 58, 495

across plasma membrane, 497, 498f

Electrical signals, 1026

Electrical synapses, 1060

Electrochemical gradient, 475

Electrogenic pumps, 490

Electron density map, 119

Electron microscopy, 130, 156–161, 157f, 161, 161f

metal shadowing for, 157–158, 158f

negative staining for, 157–158, 157f

sample preparation for, 158–159, 159f

Electron shuttles, 536, 536f

Electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF), 544

Electron transfer flavoprotein:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF:QO), 544

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Electronegativity, 34

Electron-transport chain, 514, 515, 516, 539–550, 547f

Electrophoresis, 107–109

Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), 380, 382f

Electrospray (ES), 116, 117f

Electrostatic interactions, 36, 37f

Elongation, 353

Elongation factors (EFs), 193, 377, 428

Embryo, cleavage of, 979

Embryogenesis, recessive lethal mutations and, 228

Embryoid bodies, 981, 981f

Embryonic development, master transcription factors and, 25–27

Embryonic stem cell (ES cells), 131, 261, 977, 980–983, 986

β islet cells from, 987f

control of pluripotency of, 981–983, 982f

culturing, 981f

DHS pattern of, 398, 399f

differentiated cells from, 986, 987f

ICM as source of, 980–981

Emerson, Robert, 567

Emerson effect, 568

Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD), 866

Emphysema, 607, 683

EMS. See Ethylmethane sulfonate

EMSA. See Electrophoretic mobility shift assay

EMT. See Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition

en passant synapses, 1048

ENaC channels, 1066

Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE), 411

End-binding proteins, 832–833

Endergonic reactions, 58, 59f

Endocrine signaling, 675f, 676

Endocycle, 880

Endocytic pathway, 632, 633f

iron in, 663–664, 664f

LDL internalization, 662, 662f

Endocytic vessels, 778

Endocytosis, 632, 812

AMPA receptor removal by, 1073

fluid-phase, 790–791

microfilament function in, 790–791, 791f

receptor-mediated, 659–664, 660f, 738, 790

sorting signals for targeting, 660–661

Endoderm, 981f

Endoglycosidase D, 635, 636f

Endonuclease-mediated mRNA decay, 446f

Endonucleolytic pathway, 446, 446f

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 13f, 14, 16, 195, 486. See also Rough endoplasmic reticulum; Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Ca2+ release from, 712, 712f

calcium concentrations in, 709

cholesterol synthesis and, 295–296

improper protein folding in, 606–607

membrane protein insertion into, 593–600

membrane protein topology, 598f

mitochondria influenced by, 529, 531f, 532

PEK and, 455

phospholipid synthesis in, 279, 294, 294f

protein modification, folding, and quality control in, 601–608

protein targeting to, 583–585, 585–592

pulse-chase experiments with membrane of, 586

secretory pathway and, 645–648

secretory protein targeting to, 586–588, 587f

sphingolipid synthesis and, 295

Endosomes, 16, 17f, 632

budding from membrane of, 665

multivesicular, 665–666, 667f

pH of, 662–663

receptor-ligand complex dissociation in, 662–663

Endosymbiont hypothesis, 18, 275, 524f, 552

Endosymbionts, 523

Endothelial cells, 931

Endothelin, 808

Endothelium, 24

Endothermic reactions, 59

End-product inhibition, 100


cells transforming, 58

forms of, 57–58

reaction rate and, 60–61

Energy charge, 517

Energy coupling, 62

Enhanceosome, 388, 389f

Enhancers, 303, 359–360, 367, 731

distant, 379

multiprotein complex formation on, 388–389

Entactin. See Nidogen

Entamoeba histolytica, 22

Enthalpy, 59

Entropy, 59

Envelope, 213

Enveloped viruses, 1083–1084

Enzyme catalysis, 89–96

Enzyme inhibitors, 95

Enzymes, 7, 68

active sites, 91–92, 91f

as catalysts, 90–91, 90f, 91f, 93f

in common pathways, 96

debranching, 432

pH dependence of activity, 95, 95f

proofreading activity, 188

serine proteases and active site, 92–96, 94f

torsional stress relieved by, 174, 174f

Epidermal growth factor (EGF), 76, 76f, 676, 683, 734–735, 736f, 761, 763, 813, 1142f

receptor activation, 736–737, 737f

Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS), 864–865, 865f

Epigenetic code, 333

Epigenetic marks, 404, 406

Epigenetic memory, 333–334


lncRNAs in, 409–411

Polycomb and Trithorax complexes, 406–407, 409

transcription regulation, 404–411

tumorigenesis and, 1155

X chromosome inactivation and, 334–335

Epilepsies, 1037

Epimerases, 47

Epinephrine, 676, 679, 683, 683f, 687, 691, 699–700, 1052f

glycogenolysis induced by, 703

Epithelia, 133, 922

barrier function of, 1081

keratin filaments in, 863

transport proteins in, 508–509, 508f

types of, 931f

Epithelial cells, 775–776

cytoskeleton of, 776f

polarity in, 1007–1008, 1007f

Epithelial tissue, 921

Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), 936, 937f, 1142

Epithelium, 24, 133

Epitope, 135

Epitope tagging, 112, 145, 253

Epo. See Erythropoietin

EpoR. See Erythropoietin receptor

Equilibrium constant, 52

Equilibrium density-gradient centrifugation, 106

ER. See Endoplasmic reticulum; Estrogen receptor

ER signal sequences, 586–588

ER targeting sequence, 586–588

ERAD complex, 608

ER-Cre recombinase chimera, 992, 993f

ERE. See Estrogen receptor response element

Ergosterol, 277f

ERM. See Ezrin-radixin-moesin

ERMES complex, 529, 532

ER-to-Golgi intermediate compartment, 646–647

Erythrocytes, 4f, 1082

actin filaments and, 793–795

anion antiporter in, 506–507

aquaporins in, 483

CO2 transport, 506–507

GLUT-mediated glucose uptake, 478f, 479, 480

Erythropoietin (Epo), 682, 684, 685f, 727, 728, 728f, 729f, 994, 996, 1157

Erythropoietin receptor (EpoR), 728

ES. See Electrospray

ES cells. See Embryonic stem cell

Escherichia coli, 11–12

DNA polymerases of, 203

expression systems, 249–251, 250f

lac operon transcription, 357–358, 358f

plasmid cloning vectors and, 236–237, 236f, 237f

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promoters, 359

ribosome components, 189t

sigma factors, 357, 359, 359t

transcription initiation in, 357

trp operon, 361–362, 362f, 363f

ESCRT proteins, 666, 667

Essential amino acids, 44

Essential light chain, 797

EST. See Expressed sequence tag

Esterification, 46

Estrogen receptor (ER), 992, 993f

Estrogen receptor response element (ERE), 400, 401f

ETF. See Electron transfer flavoprotein

ETF:QO. See Electron transfer flavoprotein:ubiquinone oxidoreductase

Ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS), 225, 1143

Eubacteria, 4f, 10

Euchromatin, 332, 333f, 390

epigenetic memory and, 333–334

Euglena gracilis, 523

Eukaryotes, 9f

alternative RNA splicing, 181–182

cell cycle, 18–19, 19f, 904f

cell structure and function, 12–19

cellular membranes, 271, 272f

chain elongation, 193–195, 193f

chromodomain, 333

cilia and flagella in, 844

defining, 12

DNA transposons in, 314–315

facultative anaerobes, 518

gene density, 307f, 309

gene expression control in, 363–370

gene organization, 179, 180f

gene structure, 303–309

genes in, 8

internal membrane structures, 14, 16–18

model organisms, 20f

morphology and functional elements of chromosomes, 341–349

mRNA processing in, 420f

obligate aerobes, 518

parasitic, 1082

precursor mRNAs, 180–181, 181f

pre-mRNA processing, 419–433

regulation of division, 18–19, 19f

regulatory elements, 364, 365f, 366–367

release factors, 195

ribosome recycling in, 195

RNA polymerase classes, 367–370, 367f, 367t, 368f

scaffold proteins separating MAP kinase pathways in, 746–748, 747f

specific gene inactivation in, 259–268

structural organization of chromosomes, 327–340

subcellular organization of, 13f

transcription units, 303–305, 305f

transcription-control elements in, 379–380, 379f

translation initiation, 191, 192f, 193

translation termination in, 194f

unicellular model organisms, 19–24

Eukaryotic translation initiation factors (eIFs), 191

European Bioinformatics Institute, 323

European Molecular Biology Laboratory, 323

Evanescent wave, 151


of adhesion molecules, 928–929

biology and, 1

chromosome painting and, 342–343

convergent, 997

of diverse animal tissues, 928–929

DNA sequencing and, 342–343

lineages of, 2f

mobile DNA elements influencing, 321–323

of organisms, 2

signaling pathway repurposing in, 911

timeline for, 3t

Evolutionary tree, 26f

Excision-repair systems, 204–205

base excision, 205, 205f

mismatch excision, 205–206, 206f

nucleotide excision, 206–207, 207f

Excitable cells

neurons, 1027

non-neuron, 1028

Excitatory receptors, 1059

Excitatory synapses, 1026, 1048

Exergonic reactions, 58, 59f

Exocytosis, 632

of synaptic vesicles, 1056

Exon definition, 428–429, 429f

Exon recognition, 429f

Exon shuffling, 321f, 322, 322f

Exonic splicing enhancers, 428, 429f, 436

mRNP exporter and, 441

Exonic splicing silencers, 437

Exon-junction complex, 427

Exons, 179, 181f, 303, 1016

alternative splicing and, 435

gene duplication and, 303, 304f

noncoding DNA and, 309

RNA splicing and, 423–424, 425f

SR proteins and definition of, 428–429, 429f

Exonucleases, 432

Exoplasmic face, 275

Exoplasmic space, membrane protein N-terminus in, 597–598

Exosome, 432, 433f

Exothermic reactions, 59

Experimental systems, 28

Experimentally regulated promoters, 260–261

Exportin 5, 448

Expressed sequence tag (EST), 326

Extensin, 969

Extracellular fluids, 55–56

Extracellular matrix (ECM), 24, 922f, 923, 925–928, 926f, 928f, 930f

basal lamina, 945–950

connective tissue, 951–960

functions of, 927t

integrins mediating adhesion in, 961–962

metastasis and, 1142f

proteins in, 926t

remodeling and degrading of, 960

TGF-β proteins in, 722

Extracellular signaling, 719

amplification of, 679

cell cycle entry and, 889–890

germ cell formation and, 912

types of, 675f

Extravasation, 966f, 1124

Extrinsic apoptosis pathway, 1021f

Ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM), 796

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