Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.
Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.
T cells, 1081, 1082, 1083f, 1095, 1104. See also Cytotoxic T cells
antibody production and, 1128, 1129f
cancer defenses and, 1131
CD4 or CD8 lineage commitment, 1121–1122
cytokine production by, 1123–1124
helper, 1124
MHC molecules interacting with, 1107–1109
T loop, 883
TAFs. See TBP-
Tandemly repeated arrays, 307–308
Target of rapamycin (TOR), 452
Targeting sequences, 585, 609–610, 609t
on cargo proteins, 641
coat proteins and, 641
TARPs. See Transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory proteins
TATA box-
Tau proteins, 830–831
Taxol, 830
TAZ, 911
TBP. See TATA box-
TCA cycle. See Tricarboxylic acid cycle
signal transduction from, 1119f
structure of, 1115–1116, 1116f
variable residues of, 1118
TCF. See Ternary complex factor
TCRs. See T-
TdT. See Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase
TE. See Trophectoderm
Telomerase, 347–349, 348f, 1140
Telomere terminal transferase. See Telomerase
Telomeres, 345, 347–349, 391, 392f
nuclear envelope reassembly in, 903, 903f
TEM. See Transmission electron microscope
Tem1, 910
Temperate phages, 216
Template DNA strands
duplex DNA unwound for, 199
transcription of, 176–179
Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT), 1116–1117
Termination, 353
Ternary complex, 646f
Ternary complex factor (TCF), 745
Tertiary structure, 72
Tetrahymena, 345, 347, 348f, 394, 526
Tetrahymena thermophila, 466
Tetramers, 861
TFIIA, 374
TFIIB recognition element (BRE), 376
TFIIE, 374
TFIIF, 374
TfR. See Transferrin receptor
Smad transcription factors and, 724
Thalassemia, 444
Thermal energy, 57
Thermoacidophiles, 10
Thermogenesis, 559
Thermogenin, 559
Thermosynechococcus elongatus, 570
Thermus thermophilus, ribosome of, 189f, 190f
Thick filaments, 804
Thin filaments, 804
Thiol groups, 603
Thioredoxin, 574
3′ cleavage and polyadenylation, 419, 430–432, 431f
3′ poly(A) tail, 430
Threonine, 44
Threshold potential, 1059, 1060f
Thrombopoietin, 727
Thrombospondin (TSP), 1049
Thylakoids, 18, 560, 617, 618f
Thymocytes, 1111
Tight junctions, 508, 932, 932f, 939–942, 939f, 940f, 941f
Tim proteins, 611
TIRF microscopy. See Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy
Tissue, classical cadherins and differentiation of, 936
Tissue culture cells, 880
Tissue grafts, 1104–1105
Tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), 77–78
Tissues, 921
allogenic transplantation of, 1120
basal lamina and, 945–947, 946f
cancer cells escaping, 1140
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evolution of, 928–929
organization into organs, 24, 25f
plant, 968–972
Titration curves, 56f
TLRs. See Toll-
TM. See Tropomyosin
TN. See Troponin
TNFα. See Tumor necrosis factor alpha
Tobacco smoke, 1144, 1144f, 1157
Tolerance, 1080
activation of, 1126f
diversity of, 1126
engagement of, 1127–1128
signaling cascade, 1127
structure of, 1125–1126
Tom proteins, 610
TOP mRNAs, 453
Topoisomerase II, 174
Topological domains, 78
within chromosome territories, 336–339
deduction of, 599–600
of membrane proteins, 593–594, 594f
TOR. See Target of rapamycin
TOR pathway, 452–454
Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF microscopy), 150–151, 151f
Totipotent cells, 976
TPA. See Tissue plasminogen activator
TRADD, 1021–1022
Trans fats, 50
Transcellular pathway, 941, 941f
Transcellular transport, 508–510
alternative splicing and, 435
divergent, 372–373
DNA methylation repressing, 404–405
epigenetic regulation of, 404–411
eukaryote regulatory elements and, 364, 365f, 366–367
MAP kinase regulating, 745–746, 745f
molecular mechanisms of repression and activation, 390–397
pervasive, 432–433
of protein-
of template DNA strands, 176–179
termination of, 402
Transcription bubble, 177
Transcription elongation factors, 369
Transcription factors, 9, 9f, 168, 333, 339. See also specific transcription factors
cancer and, 1160–1161
ES cell pluripotency and, 982, 982f
in eukaryotes, 364
gene induction by, 721f
general, 373–376
HOXD13 encoding, 354
interactions, 387–388, 388f, 389f
iPC cells and, 983
master, 25–27, 27f, 721, 721f, 725f
master transcriptional regulators, 770
mutations in genes encoding, 355f
oncogenes and, 1160–1161
Pol II, 373–376
regulation of activity of, 398–403
Smad, 724
Wnt signaling releasing, 752–753, 753f
Transcription initiation complex, 78–79, 78f
Transcription unit, 303–305, 305f
microsatellites in, 310
Transcriptional control, eukaryotic, 356f
Transcriptional elongation, regulation of, 361–362, 362f
Transcriptional machine, 78–79, 78f
Transcriptional profiling, 122
Transcytosis, 658, 1008, 1090, 1091, 1092f
Transesterification reactions, 423, 425f, 466
stable, 252
transient, 251–252
Transfer RNA (tRNA), 168, 169f
amino acid activation, 188
folded structure and decoding functions of, 185–186, 186f
mRNA decoding, 183–188
nonsense mutations and, 196–197
processing of, 461–469
protein synthesis role, 183, 183f
structure of, 187f
tandemly repeated genes for, 308
Transferrin receptor (TfR), 456, 456f
Transferrin receptor complex, 663–664, 664f
Transformation, 236
oncogenic, 1140
Transformed cells, 132
Transformer gene, 436
Transforming growth factor α (TGF-
Transforming growth factor β (TGF-
binding and signal transduction, 722–724, 723f
gene expression and, 1162, 1162f
loss of signaling, 1162
negative feedback loops regulating, 725–726, 726f
synthesis and protein storage, 722
Transgenes, 263
M6P receptors and, 653–654
protein aggregation in, 655
protein sorting and, 657–658, 658f
proteolytic processing and, 656–657
Transient amplifying cells, 988
Transient transfection, 251–252
Transition state, 60
Translation, 8, 81, 168, 169f, 176
error rates, 188
GTPase superfamily role in, 195–196
initiation in eukaryotes, 191, 192f, 193
miRNA repression of, 447–450
mRNA structure and efficiency of, 195, 196f
polysomes and, 195
ribosome recycling and, 195
chromosomal, 1151
cotranslational, 588–589, 589f
proton, 556
termination of, 194f
Translocation channel, 585
mitochondrial protein import and, 610–612, 611f
Transmembrane ADAMs, 761
Transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs), 1074
Transmembrane channels, 556
Transmembrane collagens, 951
Transmembrane electric gradient, 495–497, 496f
Transmembrane proteins, 285–287, 285f, 286f, 289–290
Transmembrane transport, 474–477
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, 87
Transmission electron microscope (TEM), 157, 157f, 167f
Transport proteins
membrane, 68, 271, 474–477, 475f, 476f, 487
in plant vacuoles, 507
study approaches, 480
Transport vesicles, 632
budding, 665
in Golgi complex, 649f
lysosomes and, 665
retrograde, 632
sorting signals and, 642t
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Transposable (mobile) DNA elements, 312–323
exon shuffling by, 322f
Transverse tubules, 805
Treadmilling, actin, 783f, 784–785
Treg cells, 1131
Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle), 533, 1137–1138. See also Citric acid cycle
Tricellulin, 940
Trichomonas vaginalis, 22
Tricyclic antidepressants, 1057
Triglycerides, 49, 50, 536–537
Trimeric G protein, 454
Triplet codes, 183
Triskelions, 651
Trisomies, 916
Trithorax proteins, 406–407, 408f, 409
Trks, 1016
tRNA. See Transfer RNA
Trophic factors, 1011, 1015, 1016, 1018–1019, 1019f
Tropoelastin, 960
Tropomyosin (TM), 806, 806f, 807
Troponin (TN), 806–807
Trypsin, 607
Tryptophan, 43, 44, 179, 180f, 184, 1052f
TSP. See Thrombospondin
tTA, 1148
Tuberculosis, 1130
Tubulin proteins, 325, 325f, 822
dimers of, in microtubule walls, 822–824, 824f
drugs affecting, 829–830
microtubule modifications and classes of, 842–844, 843f
polymerization of, 829–830
Tumor microenvironment, 1141
Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), 681, 758, 763, 770, 1011, 1021–1022
Tumorigenesis, 1136
Tumors. See also specific cancers and tumors
angiogenesis in, 1141
blood supply, 1137
cell differences, 1136–1143, 1136f
epigenetic changes and, 1155
as heterogeneous organs, 1140–1141
malignant, 1141
miRNA and, 1155–1156
protein composition, 1137–1139
apoptosis regulation genes as, 1163
inherited mutations in, 1153–1155, 1154f
mutations in, 1162
Tunicamycin, 602
Tunneling nanotubes, 970–971, 971f
Turnover number, 92
Ty transposition, 318f
Type 1 diabetes mellitus, 769, 986
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, 504, 769, 770, 986
Type I collagen, 952–953
Type I transmembrane proteins, 594–595, 595f
Type II collagen, 952–953
Type II transmembrane proteins, 595–597, 596f
Type III transmembrane proteins, 595–597, 596f
Type IV collagen, 945, 948–950, 949f
Type IV transmembrane proteins, 597–598