Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.
Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.
S. cerevisiae. See Saccharomyces cerevisiae
S. mediterranea. See Schmidtea mediterranea
CDK and entry into, 888
loss of regulation of, 1164–1165
S phase CDK inhibitor, 890–891, 891f
S. pombe. See Schizosaccharomyces pombe
SA sequence. See Signal-
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 19, 20f, 21, 21f, 22, 124, 224, 877, 877f
cell cycle commitment, 888
DNA replication initiation in, 890
mRNA localization in, 457, 459, 459f, 460f
myosin V cargo movement in, 809f
ribosome components, 189t
ribosome structure, 190f
segregation in breeding, 227, 228f
S-adenosylmethionine, 421
SAGA complex, 394
Salmeterol, 687t
Saltatory conduction, 1043
Salty taste, 1066
SAM complex, 616
Sar1 protein, 639, 640, 640f, 646f
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), 486, 487f, 805, 806f
Satellite DNA, 310–311
Saturated fatty acids, 48, 50, 293
SC. See Synaptonemal complex
SCA. See Stigma/stylar cysteine-
Scaffold proteins, 67, 746–748, 747f, 805
Scanning electron microscope (SEM), 157, 157f, 161, 161f
SCAP. See SREBP cleavage-
Scatter factor, 816
Scavenger receptors, 1084
SCF. See Stem cell factor
Schizosaccharomyces pombe, 877, 878f
centromeres of, 346–347
growth cycle of, 905
mitotic CDKs in, 896
Schleiden, Matthias, 129
Schmidtea mediterranea, 20f, 27–28, 753, 754f
Schwann, Theodore, 129
Schwann cells, 1030, 1044, 1044f, 1045–1046, 1045f
SCID. See Severe combined immunodeficiency
SCNT. See Somatic-
Scurvy, 952
SDS. See Sodium dodecylsulfate
sec mutants. See Secretion mutants
Sec63 complex, 591
Seckel syndrome, 906
Second messengers, 678–679, 942
glycogenolysis regulation with, 714
Secondary active transport, 476
Secondary cell walls, 969
Secondary lymphoid organs, 1082
Secondary structure
Secretion mutants (sec mutants), 636, 637f
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Secretogranin II, 655
Secretory pathway, 584–585, 631, 633f
assaying protein transport through, 634–635, 635f
early stages of, 645–650
ER and, 645–648
later stages of, 650–658
rough endoplasmic reticulum in, 632
study techniques for, 634–638
Secretory proteins, 585
ER targeting by, 586–588, 587f
synthesis of, 587, 588–589, 589f
Secretory vesicles, 13f
Sediment, 106
Segmental duplication, 307
Segregation of mutations, 225, 227, 227f, 228f
Selectins, 966
Selection medium, 135
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 1057
Selectivity filter, 497–500, 499f
introns, 429–430, 430f, 466, 466f
protein, 105
RNA, 175
SEM. See Scanning electron microscope
Senses, 1061
Sensory neurons, 1016, 1017f, 1026, 1028, 1071
Separase, 901f
APC/C activating, 901–902
cohesin cleavage and, 901, 901f
Septation initiation network, 910
Sequence drift, 306
Sequence homology, 600
Sequence motif, 76
Sertraline, 1057
Serum response element (SRE), 745
Serum response factor (SRF), 745
Serum starvation, 881
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), 728
shaker mutation, 1039, 1042, 1042f
Shh. See Sonic Hedgehog
Shigella species, 790
shiverer mutation, 1045
Shoot apical meristem, 997, 998–999, 998f, 999f
Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), 419, 420t, 445
Short interspersed elements (SINEs), 318–319, 320–321
Short tandem repeats (STRs), 256
shRNA. See Small hairpin RNA
Sialyl Lewis-
Side chains
oligosaccharide, 602–603
Sigma factors. See σ (sigma) factors
σ54-RNA polymerase, alternative, 359–360
alternative, 359
Signal amplification
in cAMP-
in rhodopsin signal transduction pathway, 696–697
Signal peptidase, 591
Signal peptides, 585
Signal recognition particle (SRP), 195, 367, 588–589, 588f, 589f
Signal sequences, 585
Signal transduction, 674, 675–680
Signal transduction pathways, 674, 680f
adipocyte differentiation and, 770, 771f
amplification by, 679–680
Signal transduction proteins, 685f
studying, 681–686
Signaling cascade, 904
Signaling molecules, 674, 675–676
Signaling pathways
in apoptosis regulation, 1019f
cancer and aberrations in, 1161–1163
growth factor, 905
insulin and, 766–770, 768f, 771f
integration of responses to multiple, 766–770, 768f, 771f
integrin adhesion receptors and, 929f
JAK/STAT, 726–733
kinases in, 676–677
mitochondrial membrane permeability and, 1019f
Notch, 607
phosphatases in, 676–677
phosphoinositide, 748–751
protein cleavage-
repurposing in evolution, 911
ubiquitinylation controlling, 751–760
Signaling proteins, 68, 674, 674f
SILAC. See Stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture
Silencer sequences, 391
Silver staining, 112
SIM. See Structured illumination microscopy
Simple diffusion, 474–475, 477t
SINEs. See Short interspersed elements
siRNA knockdown, 451
siRNAs. See Short interfering RNAs; Small inhibitory RNAs; Small interfering RNAs
sis oncogene, 1159
Sister chromatids, 15f, 851, 875, 893, 894f, 895
resolution of, 899
Sister kinetochores, co-
60S subunit, 192f
Skeletal muscle, 804f
accessory proteins, 805
regulation of contraction of, 805–807, 806f
Skin, structural integrity of, 864–865
Skin cancer, 744
SKL sequence, 619–621
SLE. See Systemic lupus erythematosus
Sleeping sickness, 1082
Sliding clamp, 200
SM. See Sphingomyelins
SM proteins, synaptic vesicle fusion and, 1055
SMAC/DIABLO family, 1018
Smad3/Smad4 complex, 724–725, 725f
Smads, 722–726
loss of TGF-
negative feedback loops regulating, 725–726, 726f
transcription factors, 724
Small hairpin RNA (shRNA), 266, 1158
Small inhibitory RNAs (siRNAs), 264–265
Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), 367, 368, 448f
Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs), 424
in spliceosome, 426–427
splicing, 426
Small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), 308, 321, 367, 420t
Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), 308, 420t
Small rRNA, 190
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Small subunit processome, 464
SMC. See Structural maintenance of chromosome proteins
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, 13f, 16
Smooth muscle
contraction regulation in, 808
SNARE proteins, 643f. See also t-
dissociation of, 644
synaptic vesicle fusion and, 1055
vesicle fusion and, 642–644, 643f
SnoN, 725–726
snoRNAs. See Small nucleolar RNAs
SNPs. See Single-
snRNAs. See Small nuclear RNAs
snRNPs. See Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles
SOD. See Superoxide dismutase
Sodium chloride (NaCl), 36, 37f
Sodium deoxycholate, 291, 291f
Sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS), 108, 291, 291f
Solitary genes, 303
Somatic cell recombination, 261–262
Somatic cells, 977
iPS cells from, 983–986
Somatic gene rearrangement, 1095, 1096f
Somatic hypermutation, 1099–1100
Somatic mutations, 1153, 1153f
Somatic recombination, 1095
Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), 755, 1162
Sorting signals, 641
cytoplasmic, 642t
endocytosis targeting, 660–661
KDEL, 647
KKXX, 647
NPXY, 661
transport vesicles and, 642t
YXXΦ, 651
Sos protein, 741–742, 741f, 743f
Sound, perception of, 437–438, 437f
Sour taste, 1066
Southern, Edwin Mellor, 246
Southern blotting, 246–247
Specific activity, 114
Specificity, 89, 681–682, 1080, 1088
Sphingolipids, 277f
clustering with proteins, 282–283
synthesis and intracellular movement, 293–297
Sphingomyelins (SM), 277f, 278, 279, 295
Sphingosine, 295
Spinal muscular atrophy, 428
Spindle assembly checkpoint pathway, 856–857, 908–909, 908f
Spindle midzone, 903
Spindle pole bodies, 897
Spindle position checkpoint, 860
Spindle position checkpoint pathway, 909–911, 909f
Spinning disk confocal microscope, 147, 148–149, 149f
Spliceosomes, 426–428, 426f, 427f, 443, 466f
Splicing activation, 436f
Splicing activators, 437–439
Splicing repressors, 437–439
Sporogenous tissue, 968
Sporozoites, 23f
Spot desmosomes, 933
SR. See Sarcoplasmic reticulum
mRNP export directionality and, 441–442, 442f
mRNP exporter and, 441
Src gene, 730
SRE. See Serum response element
SREBP cleavage-
SREs. See Sterol regulatory elements
SRF. See Serum response factor
SRP. See Signal recognition particle
SSRIs. See Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
STA sequence. See Stop-
Stabilizing proteins, 805
Stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC), 118
Stable transfection, 252
Stahl, Franklin William, 197
structure of, 560f
START, 888–889
Start (initiation) codons, 184, 190–191
STAT pathway, 1124
STAT proteins, activation of, 731, 732f
STAT transcription factors, 731
Statins, 296
STED microscopy. See Stimulated emission depletion microscopy
Stem cell, mesenchymal, 770
Stem cell factor (SCF), 886, 996, 997f
Stem cells, 27, 976. See also Embryonic stem cell; Induced pluripotent stem cells
cancer, 1140–1141
hematopoietic, 994–995, 995f, 996f, 997f
intestinal, 991–992, 991f, 992f, 993f, 994
meristems and, 996–999, 998f, 999f
multicellular organism niches and, 987–999
multipotent somatic, 988
Par proteins and, 1008, 1010, 1010f
pluripotent, 988
Steroid receptor superfamily, 386
Sterol regulatory elements (SREs), 764, 766
Stigma/stylar cysteine-
STIM proteins, 713
Stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED microscopy), 153, 154f
Stimulatory G protein, 692
STING protein, 1085
Stomach, acidification of contents, 509–510, 509f
Stop (termination) codons, 184, 195
Stored sequences, 324–325, 324f
Strand invasion, 209
Streptomyces coelicolor, 359
Stress fibers, 778
Stromal cells, 963, 996, 997f, 1123, 1131
Stromal proteins, 617
Strong promoters, 358
STRs. See Short tandem repeats
Structural domain, 77
Structural maintenance of chromosome proteins (SMC), 336, 336f
Structural motifs, 75–76, 76f, 325
Structural nucleoporins, 622, 623f
Structural proteins, 67
Structured illumination microscopy (SIM), 153, 154f
Subcellular details, imaging, 142–143, 143f
Submitochondrial compartments, protein targeting to, 613–616, 614f
Substrates, 90
Subventricular zone (SVZ), 1032, 1032f
Succinate dehydrogenase, 534
Superoxide dismutase (SOD), 548f, 549
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Suppressor mutations, 231, 232f
SURF complex, 458f
Surveillance mechanisms
in cell cycle regulation, 904–911
checkpoint pathways, 856–857, 874, 876, 904, 905, 908–911, 908f, 909f, 1149
SV40 DNA virus, 199, 200f, 201f, 431
NLS discovery and, 624
SV40 large T-
SVZ. See Subventricular zone
Sweet taste, 1066
SWI/SNF chromatin-
Switch proteins, 101
GTPase, 639–641
Symmetric cell division, 975, 976f
Symplekin, 430
astrocytes and, 1049f
chemical, 1060
communication at, 1048–1060
electrical, 1060
elimination of, 1051–1052
formation of, 1048–1052
glial cells and formation of, 1049
information flows in, 1028
inhibitory, 1026
memory formation and, 1070–1071
mRNA localization in, 459–460, 460f
neuromodulatory inputs, 1026
neurotransmitter transport to, 1052–1054
Synapsis, 226f
Synaptic plasticity, 1070, 1072–1074, 1072f, 1073f
Synaptic vesicles, 1028, 1049f
cycling of, 1053f
neurotransmitter transport into, 1052–1054
in presynaptic terminal, 1054
recycling, 1056–1057
regulation of fusion on, 1055–1056
Synaptonemal complex (SC), 912
Syncytial divisions, 880
Syntelic attachment, 898, 899f
Synthetic lethal mutations, 231–232, 232f, 1158
Synthetic lethality, 231–232
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 425f