Preface |
v |
1 |
CHAPTER 1 Biochemistry: An Evolving Science |
1 |
1 |
4 |
DNA is constructed from four building blocks |
4 |
Two single strands of DNA combine to form a double helix |
5 |
DNA structure explains heredity and the storage of information |
5 |
6 |
The formation of the DNA double helix as a key example |
6 |
The double helix can form from its component strands |
6 |
Covalent and noncovalent bonds are important for the structure and stability of biological molecules |
6 |
The double helix is an expression of the rules of chemistry |
9 |
The laws of thermodynamics govern the behavior of biochemical systems |
10 |
Heat is released in the formation of the double helix |
12 |
Acid– |
13 |
Acid– |
14 |
Buffers regulate pH in organisms and in the laboratory |
15 |
17 |
Genome sequencing has transformed biochemistry and other fields |
17 |
Environmental factors influence human biochemistry |
20 |
Genome sequences encode proteins and patterns of expression |
21 |
APPENDIX: Visualizing Molecular Structures I: Small Molecules |
22 |
CHAPTER 2 Protein Composition and Structure |
27 |
29 |
35 |
Proteins have unique amino acid sequences specified by genes |
37 |
Polypeptide chains are flexible yet conformationally restricted |
38 |
40 |
The alpha helix is a coiled structure stabilized by intrachain hydrogen bonds |
40 |
Beta sheets are stabilized by hydrogen bonding between polypeptide strands |
42 |
Polypeptide chains can change direction by making reverse turns and loops |
44 |
Fibrous proteins provide structural support for cells and tissues |
44 |
46 |
48 |
49 |
Amino acids have different propensities for forming α helices, β sheets, and turns |
51 |
Protein folding is a highly cooperative process |
52 |
Proteins fold by progressive stabilization of intermediates rather than by random search |
53 |
Prediction of three- |
54 |
Some proteins are inherently unstructured and can exist in multiple conformations |
55 |
Protein misfolding and aggregation are associated with some neurological diseases |
56 |
Protein modification and cleavage confer new capabilities |
57 |
APPENDIX: Visualizing Molecular Structures II: Proteins |
61 |
CHAPTER 3 Exploring Proteins and Proteomes |
65 |
The proteome is the functional representation of the genome |
66 |
66 |
The assay: How do we recognize the protein that we are looking for? |
67 |
Proteins must be released from the cell to be purified |
67 |
Proteins can be purified according to solubility, size, charge, and binding affinity |
68 |
Proteins can be separated by gel electrophoresis and displayed |
71 |
A protein purification scheme can be quantitatively evaluated |
75 |
Ultracentrifugation is valuable for separating biomolecules and determining their masses |
76 |
Protein purification can be made easier with the use of recombinant DNA technology |
78 |
79 |
Antibodies to specific proteins can be generated |
79 |
Monoclonal antibodies with virtually any desired specificity can be readily prepared |
80 |
Proteins can be detected and quantified by using an enzyme- |
82 |
Western blotting permits the detection of proteins separated by gel electrophoresis |
83 |
Fluorescent markers make the visualization of proteins in the cell possible |
84 |
85 |
Peptides can be sequenced by mass spectrometry |
87 |
Proteins can be specifically cleaved into small peptides to facilitate analysis |
88 |
Genomic and proteomic methods are complementary |
89 |
The amino acid sequence of a protein provides valuable information |
90 |
Individual proteins can be identified by mass spectrometry |
91 |
92 |
95 |
X- |
95 |
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy can reveal the structures of proteins in solution |
97 |
CHAPTER 4 DNA, RNA, and the Flow of Genetic Information |
105 |
106 |
RNA and DNA differ in the sugar component and one of the bases |
106 |
Nucleotides are the monomeric units of nucleic acids |
107 |
DNA molecules are very long and have directionality |
108 |
109 |
The double helix is stabilized by hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions |
109 |
DNA can assume a variety of structural forms |
111 |
Z- |
112 |
Some DNA molecules are circular and supercoiled |
113 |
Single- |
113 |
114 |
Differences in DNA density established the validity of the semiconservative replication hypothesis |
115 |
The double helix can be reversibly melted |
116 |
117 |
DNA polymerase catalyzes phosphodiester bridge formation |
117 |
The genes of some viruses are made of RNA |
118 |
119 |
Several kinds of RNA play key roles in gene expression |
119 |
All cellular RNA is synthesized by RNA polymerases |
120 |
RNA polymerases take instructions from DNA templates |
121 |
Transcription begins near promoter sites and ends at terminator sites |
122 |
Transfer RNAs are the adaptor molecules in protein synthesis |
123 |
124 |
Major features of the genetic code |
125 |
Messenger RNA contains start and stop signals for protein synthesis |
126 |
The genetic code is nearly universal |
126 |
127 |
RNA processing generates mature RNA |
127 |
Many exons encode protein domains |
128 |
CHAPTER 5 Exploring Genes and Genomes |
135 |
136 |
Restriction enzymes split DNA into specific fragments |
137 |
Restriction fragments can be separated by gel electrophoresis and visualized |
137 |
DNA can be sequenced by controlled termination of replication |
138 |
DNA probes and genes can be synthesized by automated solid- |
139 |
Selected DNA sequences can be greatly amplified by the polymerase chain reaction |
141 |
PCR is a powerful technique in medical diagnostics, forensics, and studies of molecular evolution |
142 |
The tools for recombinant DNA technology have been used to identify disease- |
143 |
143 |
Restriction enzymes and DNA ligase are key tools in forming recombinant DNA molecules |
143 |
Plasmids and λ phage are choice vectors for DNA cloning in bacteria |
144 |
Bacterial and yeast artificial chromosomes |
147 |
Specific genes can be cloned from digests of genomic DNA |
147 |
Complementary DNA prepared from mRNA can be expressed in host cells |
149 |
Proteins with new functions can be created through directed changes in DNA |
150 |
Recombinant methods enable the exploration of the functional effects of disease- |
152 |
152 |
The genomes of organisms ranging from bacteria to multicellular eukaryotes have been sequenced |
153 |
The sequence of the human genome has been completed |
154 |
Next- |
155 |
Comparative genomics has become a powerful research tool |
156 |
157 |
Gene- |
157 |
New genes inserted into eukaryotic cells can be efficiently expressed |
159 |
Transgenic animals harbor and express genes introduced into their germ lines |
160 |
Gene disruption and genome editing provide clues to gene function and opportunities for new therapies |
160 |
RNA interference provides an additional tool for disrupting gene expression |
162 |
Tumor- |
163 |
Human gene therapy holds great promise for medicine |
164 |
CHAPTER 6 Exploring Evolution and Bioinformatics |
169 |
170 |
171 |
The statistical significance of alignments can be estimated by shuffling |
173 |
Distant evolutionary relationships can be detected through the use of substitution matrices |
174 |
Databases can be searched to identify homologous sequences |
177 |
177 |
Tertiary structure is more conserved than primary structure |
178 |
Knowledge of three- |
179 |
Repeated motifs can be detected by aligning sequences with themselves |
180 |
Convergent evolution illustrates common solutions to biochemical challenges |
181 |
Comparison of RNA sequences can be a source of insight into RNA secondary structures |
182 |
183 |
Horizontal gene transfer events may explain unexpected branches of the evolutionary tree |
184 |
185 |
Ancient DNA can sometimes be amplified and sequenced |
185 |
Molecular evolution can be examined experimentally |
185 |
CHAPTER 7 Hemoglobin: Portrait of a Protein in Action |
191 |
192 |
Changes in heme electronic structure upon oxygen binding are the basis for functional imaging studies |
193 |
The structure of myoglobin prevents the release of reactive oxygen species |
194 |
Human hemoglobin is an assembly of four myoglobin like subunits |
195 |
195 |
Oxygen binding markedly changes the quaternary structure of hemoglobin |
197 |
Hemoglobin cooperativity can be potentially explained by several models |
198 |
Structural changes at the heme groups are transmitted to the α1β1–α2β2 interface |
200 |
2,3- |
200 |
Carbon monoxide can disrupt oxygen transport by hemoglobin |
201 |
202 |
204 |
Sickle- |
205 |
Thalassemia is caused by an imbalanced production of hemoglobin chains |
207 |
The accumulation of free alpha- |
207 |
Additional globins are encoded in the human genome |
208 |
APPENDIX: Binding Models Can Be Formulated in Quantitative Terms: The Hill Plot and the Concerted Model |
210 |
CHAPTER 8 Enzymes: Basic Concepts and Kinetics |
215 |
216 |
Many enzymes require cofactors for activity |
217 |
Enzymes can transform energy from one form into another |
217 |
218 |
The free- |
218 |
The standard free- |
219 |
Enzymes alter only the reaction rate and not the reaction equilibrium |
220 |
221 |
The formation of an enzyme– |
222 |
The active sites of enzymes have some common features |
223 |
The binding energy between enzyme and substrate is important for catalysis |
225 |
225 |
Kinetics is the study of reaction rates |
225 |
The steady- |
226 |
Variations in KM can have physiological consequences |
228 |
KM and Vmax values can be determined by several means |
228 |
KM and Vmax values are important enzyme characteristics |
229 |
kcat/KM is a measure of catalytic efficiency |
230 |
Most biochemical reactions include multiple substrates |
231 |
Allosteric enzymes do not obey Michaelis– |
233 |
234 |
The different types of reversible inhibitors are kinetically distinguishable |
235 |
Irreversible inhibitors can be used to map the active site |
237 |
Penicillin irreversibly inactivates a key enzyme in bacterial cell- |
239 |
Transition- |
240 |
Catalytic antibodies demonstrate the importance of selective binding of the transition state to enzymatic activity |
241 |
242 |
APPENDIX: Enzymes are Classified on the Basis of the Types of Reactions That They Catalyze |
245 |
CHAPTER 9 Catalytic Strategies |
251 |
A few basic catalytic principles are used by many enzymes |
252 |
253 |
Chymotrypsin possesses a highly reactive serine residue |
253 |
Chymotrypsin action proceeds in two steps linked by a covalently bound intermediate |
254 |
Serine is part of a catalytic triad that also includes histidine and aspartate |
255 |
Catalytic triads are found in other hydrolytic enzymes |
258 |
The catalytic triad has been dissected by site- |
260 |
Cysteine, aspartyl, and metalloproteases are other major classes of peptide- |
260 |
Protease inhibitors are important drugs |
263 |
264 |
Carbonic anhydrase contains a bound zinc ion essential for catalytic activity |
265 |
Catalysis entails zinc activation of a water molecule |
265 |
A proton shuttle facilitates rapid regeneration of the active form of the enzyme |
267 |
269 |
Cleavage is by in- |
269 |
Restriction enzymes require magnesium for catalytic activity |
271 |
The complete catalytic apparatus is assembled only within complexes of cognate DNA molecules, ensuring specificity |
272 |
Host- |
274 |
Type II restriction enzymes have a catalytic core in common and are probably related by horizontal gene transfer |
275 |
275 |
ATP hydrolysis proceeds by the attack of water on the gamma- |
276 |
Formation of the transition state for ATP hydrolysis is associated with a substantial conformational change |
277 |
The altered conformation of myosin persists for a substantial period of time |
278 |
Scientists can watch single molecules of myosin move |
279 |
Myosins are a family of enzymes containing P- |
280 |
CHAPTER 10 Regulatory Strategies |
285 |
286 |
Allosterically regulated enzymes do not follow Michaelis– |
287 |
ATCase consists of separable catalytic and regulatory subunits |
287 |
Allosteric interactions in ATCase are mediated by large changes in quaternary structure |
288 |
Allosteric regulators modulate the T- |
291 |
292 |
293 |
Kinases and phosphatases control the extent of protein phosphorylation |
294 |
Phosphorylation is a highly effective means of regulating the activities of target proteins |
296 |
Cyclic AMP activates protein kinase A by altering the quaternary structure |
297 |
ATP and the target protein bind to a deep cleft in the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A |
298 |
299 |
Chymotrypsinogen is activated by specific cleavage of a single peptide bond |
299 |
Proteolytic activation of chymotrypsinogen leads to the formation of a substrate- |
300 |
The generation of trypsin from trypsinogen leads to the activation of other zymogens |
301 |
Some proteolytic enzymes have specific inhibitors |
302 |
Blood clotting is accomplished by a cascade of zymogen activations |
303 |
Prothrombin requires a vitamin K- |
304 |
Fibrinogen is converted by thrombin into a fibrin clot |
304 |
Vitamin K is required for the formation of γ-carboxyglutamate |
306 |
The clotting process must be precisely regulated |
307 |
Hemophilia revealed an early step in clotting |
308 |
CHAPTER 11 Carbohydrates |
315 |
316 |
Many common sugars exist in cyclic forms |
318 |
Pyranose and furanose rings can assume different conformations |
320 |
Glucose is a reducing sugar |
321 |
Monosaccharides are joined to alcohols and amines through glycosidic bonds |
322 |
Phosphorylated sugars are key intermediates in energy generation and biosyntheses |
322 |
323 |
Sucrose, lactose, and maltose are the common disaccharides |
323 |
Glycogen and starch are storage forms of glucose |
324 |
Cellulose, a structural component of plants, is made of chains of glucose |
324 |
325 |
Carbohydrates can be linked to proteins through asparagine (N-linked) or through serine or threonine (O-linked) residues |
326 |
The glycoprotein erythropoietin is a vital hormone |
327 |
Glycosylation functions in nutrient sensing |
327 |
Proteoglycans, composed of polysaccharides and protein, have important structural roles |
327 |
Proteoglycans are important components of cartilage |
328 |
Mucins are glycoprotein components of mucus |
329 |
Protein glycosylation takes place in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and in the Golgi complex |
330 |
Specific enzymes are responsible for oligosaccharide assembly |
331 |
Blood groups are based on protein glycosylation patterns |
331 |
Errors in glycosylation can result in pathological conditions |
332 |
Oligosaccharides can be “sequenced” |
332 |
333 |
Lectins promote interactions between cells |
334 |
Lectins are organized into different classes |
334 |
Influenza virus binds to sialic acid residues |
335 |
CHAPTER 12 Lipids and Cell Membranes |
341 |
Many common features underlie the diversity of biological membranes |
342 |
342 |
Fatty acid names are based on their parent hydrocarbons |
342 |
Fatty acids vary in chain length and degree of unsaturation |
343 |
344 |
Phospholipids are the major class of membrane lipids |
344 |
Membrane lipids can include carbohydrate moieties |
345 |
Cholesterol is a lipid based on a steroid nucleus |
346 |
Archaeal membranes are built from ether lipids with branched chains |
346 |
A membrane lipid is an amphipathic molecule containing a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic moiety |
347 |
348 |
Lipid vesicles can be formed from phospholipids |
348 |
Lipid bilayers are highly impermeable to ions and most polar molecules |
349 |
350 |
Proteins associate with the lipid bilayer in a variety of ways |
351 |
Proteins interact with membranes in a variety of ways |
351 |
Some proteins associate with membranes through covalently attached hydrophobic groups |
354 |
Transmembrane helices can be accurately predicted from amino acid sequences |
354 |
356 |
The fluid mosaic model allows lateral movement but not rotation through the membrane |
357 |
Membrane fluidity is controlled by fatty acid composition and cholesterol content |
357 |
Lipid rafts are highly dynamic complexes formed between cholesterol and specific lipids |
358 |
All biological membranes are asymmetric |
358 |
359 |
CHAPTER 13 Membrane Channels and Pumps |
367 |
The expression of transporters largely defines the metabolic activities of a given cell type |
368 |
368 |
Many molecules require protein transporters to cross membranes |
368 |
Free energy stored in concentration gradients can be quantified |
369 |
370 |
P- |
370 |
Digitalis specifically inhibits the Na+–K+ pump by blocking its dephosphorylation |
373 |
P- |
374 |
Multidrug resistance highlights a family of membrane pumps with ATP- |
374 |
376 |
378 |
Action potentials are mediated by transient changes in Na+ and K+ permeability |
378 |
Patch- |
379 |
The structure of a potassium ion channel is an archetype for many ion- |
379 |
The structure of the potassium ion channel reveals the basis of ion specificity |
380 |
The structure of the potassium ion channel explains its rapid rate of transport |
383 |
Voltage gating requires substantial conformational changes in specific ion- |
383 |
A channel can be inactivated by occlusion of the pore: the ball- |
384 |
The acetylcholine receptor is an archetype for ligand- |
385 |
Action potentials integrate the activities of several ion channels working in concert |
387 |
Disruption of ion channels by mutations or chemicals can be potentially life- |
388 |
389 |
390 |
CHAPTER 14 Signal- |
397 |
Signal transduction depends on molecular circuits |
398 |
399 |
Ligand binding to 7TM receptors leads to the activation of heterotrimeric G proteins |
400 |
Activated G proteins transmit signals by binding to other proteins |
402 |
Cyclic AMP stimulates the phosphorylation of many target proteins by activating protein kinase A |
403 |
G proteins spontaneously reset themselves through GTP hydrolysis |
403 |
Some 7TM receptors activate the phosphoinositide cascade |
404 |
Calcium ion is a widely used second messenger |
405 |
Calcium ion often activates the regulatory protein calmodulin |
407 |
407 |
The insulin receptor is a dimer that closes around a bound insulin molecule |
408 |
Insulin binding results in the cross- |
408 |
The activated insulin- |
409 |
Insulin signaling is terminated by the action of phosphatases |
411 |
411 |
EGF binding results in the dimerization of the EGF receptor |
411 |
The EGF receptor undergoes phosphorylation of its carboxyl- |
413 |
EGF signaling leads to the activation of Ras, a small G protein |
413 |
Activated Ras initiates a protein kinase cascade |
414 |
EGF signaling is terminated by protein phosphatases and the intrinsic GTPase activity of Ras |
414 |
415 |
416 |
Monoclonal antibodies can be used to inhibit signal- |
416 |
Protein kinase inhibitors can be effective anticancer drugs |
417 |
Cholera and whooping cough are the result of altered G- |
417 |
CHAPTER 15 Metabolism: Basic Concepts and Design |
423 |
424 |
Metabolism consists of energy- |
424 |
A thermodynamically unfavorable reaction can be driven by a favorable reaction |
425 |
426 |
ATP hydrolysis is exergonic |
426 |
ATP hydrolysis drives metabolism by shifting the equilibrium of coupled reactions |
427 |
The high phosphoryl potential of ATP results from structural differences between ATP and its hydrolysis products |
429 |
Phosphoryl- |
430 |
432 |
Compounds with high phosphoryl- |
432 |
Ion gradients across membranes provide an important form of cellular energy that can be coupled to ATP synthesis |
433 |
Phosphates play a prominent role in biochemical processes |
434 |
Energy from foodstuffs is extracted in three stages |
434 |
435 |
Activated carriers exemplify the modular design and economy of metabolism |
435 |
Many activated carriers are derived from vitamins |
438 |
Key reactions are reiterated throughout metabolism |
440 |
Metabolic processes are regulated in three principal ways |
442 |
Aspects of metabolism may have evolved from an RNA world |
444 |
CHAPTER 16 Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis |
449 |
Glucose is generated from dietary carbohydrates |
450 |
Glucose is an important fuel for most organisms |
451 |
451 |
Hexokinase traps glucose in the cell and begins glycolysis |
451 |
Fructose 1,6- |
453 |
The six- |
454 |
Mechanism: Triose phosphate isomerase salvages a three- |
455 |
The oxidation of an aldehyde to an acid powers the formation of a compound with high phosphoryl- |
457 |
Mechanism: Phosphorylation is coupled to the oxidation of glyceraldehyde 3- |
458 |
ATP is formed by phosphoryl transfer from 1,3- |
459 |
Additional ATP is generated with the formation of pyruvate |
460 |
Two ATP molecules are formed in the conversion of glucose into pyruvate |
461 |
NAD+ is regenerated from the metabolism of pyruvate |
462 |
Fermentations provide usable energy in the absence of oxygen |
464 |
The binding site for NAD+ is similar in many dehydrogenases |
465 |
Fructose is converted into glycolytic intermediates by fructokinase |
465 |
Excessive fructose consumption can lead to pathological conditions |
466 |
Galactose is converted into glucose 6- |
466 |
Many adults are intolerant of milk because they are deficient in lactase |
467 |
Galactose is highly toxic if the transferase is missing |
468 |
469 |
Glycolysis in muscle is regulated to meet the need for ATP |
469 |
The regulation of glycolysis in the liver illustrates the biochemical versatility of the liver |
472 |
A family of transporters enables glucose to enter and leave animal cells |
473 |
Aerobic glycolysis is a property of rapidly growing cells |
474 |
Cancer and endurance training affect glycolysis in a similar fashion |
476 |
476 |
Gluconeogenesis is not a reversal of glycolysis |
478 |
The conversion of pyruvate into phosphoenolpyruvate begins with the formation of oxaloacetate |
478 |
Oxaloacetate is shuttled into the cytoplasm and converted into phosphoenolpyruvate |
480 |
The conversion of fructose 1,6- |
480 |
The generation of free glucose is an important control point |
481 |
Six high- |
481 |
482 |
Energy charge determines whether glycolysis or gluconeogenesis will be most active |
482 |
The balance between glycolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver is sensitive to blood- |
483 |
Substrate cycles amplify metabolic signals and produce heat |
485 |
Lactate and alanine formed by contracting muscle are used by other organs |
485 |
Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are evolutionarily intertwined |
487 |
CHAPTER 17 The Citric Acid Cycle |
495 |
The citric acid cycle harvests high- |
496 |
497 |
Mechanism: The synthesis of acetyl coenzyme A from pyruvate requires three enzymes and five coenzymes |
498 |
Flexible linkages allow lipoamide to move between different active sites |
500 |
501 |
Citrate synthase forms citrate from oxaloacetate and acetyl coenzyme A |
502 |
Mechanism: The mechanism of citrate synthase prevents undesirable reactions |
502 |
Citrate is isomerized into isocitrate |
504 |
Isocitrate is oxidized and decarboxylated to alpha- |
504 |
Succinyl coenzyme A is formed by the oxidative decarboxylation of alpha- |
505 |
A compound with high phosphoryl- |
505 |
Mechanism: Succinyl coenzyme A synthetase transforms types of biochemical energy |
506 |
Oxaloacetate is regenerated by the oxidation of succinate |
507 |
The citric acid cycle produces high- |
508 |
510 |
The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is regulated allosterically and by reversible phosphorylation |
511 |
The citric acid cycle is controlled at several points |
512 |
Defects in the citric acid cycle contribute to the development of cancer |
513 |
514 |
The citric acid cycle must be capable of being rapidly replenished |
514 |
The disruption of pyruvate metabolism is the cause of beriberi and poisoning by mercury and arsenic |
515 |
The citric acid cycle may have evolved from preexisting pathways |
516 |
516 |
CHAPTER 18 Oxidative Phosphorylation |
523 |
524 |
Mitochondria are bounded by a double membrane |
524 |
Mitochondria are the result of an endosymbiotic event |
525 |
526 |
The electron- |
526 |
A 1.14- |
528 |
529 |
Iron– |
531 |
The high- |
532 |
Ubiquinol is the entry point for electrons from FADH2 of flavoproteins |
533 |
Electrons flow from ubiquinol to cytochrome c through Q- |
533 |
The Q cycle funnels electrons from a two- |
535 |
Cytochrome c oxidase catalyzes the reduction of molecular oxygen to water |
535 |
Toxic derivatives of molecular oxygen such as superoxide radicals are scavenged by protective enzymes |
538 |
Electrons can be transferred between groups that are not in contact |
540 |
The conformation of cytochrome c has remained essentially constant for more than a billion years |
541 |
541 |
ATP synthase is composed of a proton- |
543 |
Proton flow through ATP synthase leads to the release of tightly bound ATP: The binding- |
544 |
Rotational catalysis is the world’s smallest molecular motor |
546 |
Proton flow around the c ring powers ATP synthesis |
546 |
ATP synthase and G proteins have several common features |
548 |
549 |
Electrons from cytoplasmic NADH enter mitochondria by shuttles |
549 |
The entry of ADP into mitochondria is coupled to the exit of ATP by ATP- |
550 |
Mitochondrial transporters for metabolites have a common tripartite structure |
551 |
552 |
The complete oxidation of glucose yields about 30 molecules of ATP |
552 |
The rate of oxidative phosphorylation is determined by the need for ATP |
553 |
ATP synthase can be regulated |
554 |
Regulated uncoupling leads to the generation of heat |
554 |
Oxidative phosphorylation can be inhibited at many stages |
556 |
Mitochondrial diseases are being discovered |
557 |
Mitochondria play a key role in apoptosis |
557 |
Power transmission by proton gradients is a central motif of bioenergetics |
558 |
CHAPTER 19 The Light Reactions of Photosynthesis |
565 |
Photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical energy |
566 |
567 |
The primary events of photosynthesis take place in thylakoid membranes |
567 |
Chloroplasts arose from an endosymbiotic event |
568 |
568 |
A special pair of chlorophylls initiate charge separation |
569 |
Cyclic electron flow reduces the cytochrome of the reaction center |
572 |
572 |
Photosystem II transfers electrons from water to plastoquinone and generates a proton gradient |
572 |
Cytochrome bf links photosystem II to photosystem I |
575 |
Photosystem I uses light energy to generate reduced ferredoxin, a powerful reductant |
575 |
Ferredoxin– |
576 |
578 |
The ATP synthase of chloroplasts closely resembles those of mitochondria and prokaryotes |
578 |
The activity of chloroplast ATP synthase is regulated |
579 |
Cyclic electron flow through photosystem I leads to the production of ATP instead of NADPH |
580 |
The absorption of eight photons yields one O2, two NADPH, and three ATP molecules |
581 |
581 |
Resonance energy transfer allows energy to move from the site of initial absorbance to the reaction center |
582 |
The components of photosynthesis are highly organized |
583 |
Many herbicides inhibit the light reactions of photosynthesis |
584 |
584 |
Artificial photosynthetic systems may provide clean, renewable energy |
585 |
CHAPTER 20 The Calvin Cycle and the Pentose Phosphate Pathway |
589 |
590 |
Carbon dioxide reacts with ribulose 1,5- |
591 |
Rubisco activity depends on magnesium and carbamate |
592 |
Rubisco activase is essential for rubisco activity |
593 |
Rubisco also catalyzes a wasteful oxygenase reaction: Catalytic imperfection |
593 |
Hexose phosphates are made from phosphoglycerate, and ribulose 1,5- |
594 |
Three ATP and two NADPH molecules are used to bring carbon dioxide to the level of a hexose |
597 |
Starch and sucrose are the major carbohydrate stores in plants |
597 |
598 |
Rubisco is activated by light- |
598 |
Thioredoxin plays a key role in regulating the Calvin cycle |
599 |
The C4 pathway of tropical plants accelerates photosynthesis by concentrating carbon dioxide |
599 |
Crassulacean acid metabolism permits growth in arid ecosystems |
601 |
601 |
Two molecules of NADPH are generated in the conversion of glucose 6- |
602 |
The pentose phosphate pathway and glycolysis are linked by transketolase and transaldolase |
602 |
Mechanism: Transketolase and transaldolase stabilize carbanionic intermediates by different mechanisms |
605 |
607 |
The rate of the pentose phosphate pathway is controlled by the level of NADP+ |
607 |
The flow of glucose 6- |
608 |
The pentose phosphate pathway is required for rapid cell growth |
610 |
Through the looking- |
610 |
610 |
Glucose 6- |
610 |
A deficiency of glucose 6- |
612 |
CHAPTER 21 Glycogen Metabolism |
617 |
Glycogen metabolism is the regulated release and storage of glucose |
618 |
619 |
Phosphorylase catalyzes the phosphorolytic cleavage of glycogen to release glucose 1- |
619 |
Mechanism: Pyridoxal phosphate participates in the phosphorolytic cleavage of glycogen |
620 |
A debranching enzyme also is needed for the breakdown of glycogen |
621 |
Phosphoglucomutase converts glucose 1- |
622 |
The liver contains glucose 6- |
622 |
623 |
Liver phosphorylase produces glucose for use by other tissues |
623 |
Muscle phosphorylase is regulated by the intracellular energy charge |
625 |
Biochemical characteristics of muscle fiber types differ |
625 |
Phosphorylation promotes the conversion of phosphorylase b to phosphorylase a |
626 |
Phosphorylase kinase is activated by phosphorylation and calcium ions |
626 |
627 |
G proteins transmit the signal for the initiation of glycogen breakdown |
627 |
Glycogen breakdown must be rapidly turned off when necessary |
629 |
The regulation of glycogen phosphorylase became more sophisticated as the enzyme evolved |
629 |
630 |
UDP- |
630 |
Glycogen synthase catalyzes the transfer of glucose from UDP- |
630 |
A branching enzyme forms α-1,6 linkages |
631 |
Glycogen synthase is the key regulatory enzyme in glycogen synthesis |
632 |
Glycogen is an efficient storage form of glucose |
632 |
632 |
Protein phosphatase 1 reverses the regulatory effects of kinases on glycogen metabolism |
633 |
Insulin stimulates glycogen synthesis by inactivating glycogen synthase kinase |
635 |
Glycogen metabolism in the liver regulates the blood- |
635 |
A biochemical understanding of glycogen- |
637 |
CHAPTER 22 Fatty Acid Metabolism |
643 |
Fatty acid degradation and synthesis mirror each other in their chemical reactions |
644 |
645 |
Dietary lipids are digested by pancreatic lipases |
645 |
Dietary lipids are transported in chylomicrons |
646 |
647 |
Triacylglycerols are hydrolyzed by hormone- |
647 |
Free fatty acids and glycerol are released into the blood |
648 |
Fatty acids are linked to coenzyme A before they are oxidized |
648 |
Carnitine carries long- |
649 |
Acetyl CoA, NADH, and FADH2 are generated in each round of fatty acid oxidation |
650 |
The complete oxidation of palmitate yields 106 molecules of ATP |
652 |
652 |
An isomerase and a reductase are required for the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids |
652 |
Odd- |
654 |
Vitamin B12 contains a corrin ring and a cobalt atom |
654 |
Mechanism: Methylmalonyl CoA mutase catalyzes a rearrangement to form succinyl CoA |
655 |
Fatty acids are also oxidized in peroxisomes |
656 |
Ketone bodies are formed from acetyl CoA when fat breakdown predominates |
657 |
Ketone bodies are a major fuel in some tissues |
658 |
Animals cannot convert fatty acids into glucose |
660 |
Some fatty acids may contribute to the development of pathological conditions |
661 |
An isomerase and a reductase are required for the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids |
652 |
661 |
Fatty acids are synthesized and degraded by different pathways |
661 |
The formation of malonyl CoA is the committed step in fatty acid synthesis |
662 |
Intermediates in fatty acid synthesis are attached to an acyl carrier protein |
662 |
Fatty acid synthesis consists of a series of condensation, reduction, dehydration, and reduction reactions |
662 |
Fatty acids are synthesized by a multifunctional enzyme complex in animals |
664 |
The synthesis of palmitate requires 8 molecules of acetyl CoA, 14 molecules of NADPH, and 7 molecules of ATP |
666 |
Citrate carries acetyl groups from mitochondria to the cytoplasm for fatty acid synthesis |
666 |
Several sources supply NADPH for fatty acid synthesis |
667 |
Fatty acid metabolism is altered in tumor cells |
667 |
668 |
Membrane- |
668 |
Eicosanoid hormones are derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids |
669 |
Variations on a theme: Polyketide and nonribosomal peptide synthetases resemble fatty acid synthase |
670 |
670 |
Acetyl CoA carboxylase is regulated by conditions in the cell |
671 |
Acetyl CoA carboxylase is regulated by a variety of hormones |
671 |
CHAPTER 23 Protein Turnover and Amino Acid Catabolism |
681 |
682 |
The digestion of dietary proteins begins in the stomach and is completed in the intestine |
682 |
Cellular proteins are degraded at different rates |
682 |
683 |
Ubiquitin tags proteins for destruction |
683 |
The proteasome digests the ubiquitin- |
685 |
The ubiquitin pathway and the proteasome have prokaryotic counterparts |
686 |
Protein degradation can be used to regulate biological function |
687 |
687 |
Alpha- |
687 |
Mechanism: Pyridoxal phosphate forms Schiff- |
689 |
Aspartate aminotransferase is an archetypal pyridoxal- |
690 |
Blood levels of aminotransferases serve a diagnostic function |
691 |
Pyridoxal phosphate enzymes catalyze a wide array of reactions |
691 |
Serine and threonine can be directly deaminated |
692 |
Peripheral tissues transport nitrogen to the liver |
692 |
693 |
The urea cycle begins with the formation of carbamoyl phosphate |
693 |
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase is the key regulatory enzyme for urea synthesis |
694 |
Carbamoyl phosphate reacts with ornithine to begin the urea cycle |
694 |
The urea cycle is linked to gluconeogenesis |
696 |
Urea- |
696 |
Inherited defects of the urea cycle cause hyperammonemia and can lead to brain damage |
697 |
Urea is not the only means of disposing of excess nitrogen |
698 |
698 |
Pyruvate is an entry point into metabolism for a number of amino acids |
699 |
Oxaloacetate is an entry point into metabolism for aspartate and asparagine |
700 |
Alpha- |
700 |
Succinyl coenzyme A is a point of entry for several nonpolar amino acids |
701 |
Methionine degradation requires the formation of a key methyl donor, S-adenosylmethionine |
701 |
The branched- |
701 |
Oxygenases are required for the degradation of aromatic amino acids |
703 |
705 |
Phenylketonuria is one of the most common metabolic disorders |
706 |
Determining the basis of the neurological symptoms of phenylketonuria is an active area of research |
706 |
CHAPTER 24 The Biosynthesis of Amino Acids |
713 |
Amino acid synthesis requires solutions to three key biochemical problems |
714 |
714 |
The iron– |
715 |
Ammonium ion is assimilated into an amino acid through glutamate and glutamine |
717 |
719 |
Human beings can synthesize some amino acids but must obtain others from their diet |
719 |
Aspartate, alanine, and glutamate are formed by the addition of an amino group to an alpha- |
720 |
A common step determines the chirality of all amino acids |
721 |
The formation of asparagine from aspartate requires an adenylated intermediate |
721 |
Glutamate is the precursor of glutamine, proline, and arginine |
722 |
3- |
722 |
Tetrahydrofolate carries activated one- |
723 |
S-Adenosylmethionine is the major donor of methyl groups |
724 |
Cysteine is synthesized from serine and homocysteine |
726 |
High homocysteine levels correlate with vascular disease |
726 |
Shikimate and chorismate are intermediates in the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids |
727 |
Tryptophan synthase illustrates substrate channeling in enzymatic catalysis |
729 |
730 |
Branched pathways require sophisticated regulation |
731 |
The sensitivity of glutamine synthetase to allosteric regulation is altered by covalent modification |
732 |
734 |
Glutathione, a gamma- |
734 |
Nitric oxide, a short- |
735 |
Porphyrins are synthesized from glycine and succinyl coenzyme A |
736 |
Porphyrins accumulate in some inherited disorders of porphyrin metabolism |
737 |
CHAPTER 25 Nucleotide Biosynthesis |
743 |
Nucleotides can be synthesized by de novo or salvage pathways |
744 |
744 |
Bicarbonate and other oxygenated carbon compounds are activated by phosphorylation |
745 |
The side chain of glutamine can be hydrolyzed to generate ammonia |
745 |
Intermediates can move between active sites by channeling |
745 |
Orotate acquires a ribose ring from PRPP to form a pyrimidine nucleotide and is converted into uridylate |
746 |
Nucleotide mono- |
747 |
CTP is formed by amination of UTP |
747 |
Salvage pathways recycle pyrimidine bases |
748 |
748 |
The purine ring system is assembled on ribose phosphate |
749 |
The purine ring is assembled by successive steps of activation by phosphorylation followed by displacement |
749 |
AMP and GMP are formed from IMP |
751 |
Enzymes of the purine synthesis pathway associate with one another in vivo |
752 |
Salvage pathways economize intracellular energy expenditure |
752 |
753 |
Mechanism: A tyrosyl radical is critical to the action of ribonucleotide reductase |
753 |
Stable radicals other than tyrosyl radical are employed by other ribonucleotide reductases |
755 |
Thymidylate is formed by the methylation of deoxyuridylate |
755 |
Dihydrofolate reductase catalyzes the regeneration of tetrahydrofolate, a one- |
756 |
Several valuable anticancer drugs block the synthesis of thymidylate |
757 |
758 |
Pyrimidine biosynthesis is regulated by aspartate transcarbamoylase |
758 |
The synthesis of purine nucleotides is controlled by feedback inhibition at several sites |
758 |
The synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides is controlled by the regulation of ribonucleotide reductase |
759 |
760 |
The loss of adenosine deaminase activity results in severe combined immunodeficiency |
760 |
Gout is induced by high serum levels of urate |
761 |
Lesch– |
761 |
Folic acid deficiency promotes birth defects such as spina bifida |
762 |
CHAPTER 26 The Biosynthesis of Membrane Lipids and Steroids |
767 |
768 |
The synthesis of phospholipids requires an activated intermediate |
769 |
Some phospholipids are synthesized from an activated alcohol |
770 |
Phosphatidylcholine is an abundant phospholipid |
770 |
Excess choline is implicated in the development of heart disease |
771 |
Base- |
771 |
Sphingolipids are synthesized from ceramide |
772 |
Gangliosides are carbohydrate- |
772 |
Sphingolipids confer diversity on lipid structure and function |
773 |
Respiratory distress syndrome and Tay– |
774 |
Ceramide metabolism stimulates tumor growth |
774 |
Phosphatidic acid phosphatase is a key regulatory enzyme in lipid metabolism |
775 |
776 |
The synthesis of mevalonate, which is activated as isopentenyl pyrophosphate, initiates the synthesis of cholesterol |
776 |
Squalene (C30) is synthesized from six molecules of isopentenyl pyrophosphate (C5) |
777 |
Squalene cyclizes to form cholesterol |
778 |
779 |
Lipoproteins transport cholesterol and triacylglycerols throughout the organism |
782 |
Low- |
784 |
The absence of the LDL receptor leads to hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis |
784 |
Mutations in the LDL receptor prevent LDL release and result in receptor destruction |
785 |
Cycling of the LDL receptor is regulated |
787 |
HDL appears to protect against atherosclerosis |
787 |
The clinical management of cholesterol levels can be understood at a biochemical level |
788 |
788 |
Letters identify the steroid rings and numbers identify the carbon atoms |
790 |
Steroids are hydroxylated by cytochrome P450 monooxygenases that use NADPH and O2 |
790 |
The cytochrome P450 system is widespread and performs a protective function |
791 |
Pregnenolone, a precursor of many other steroids, is formed from cholesterol by cleavage of its side chain |
792 |
Progesterone and corticosteroids are synthesized from pregnenolone |
792 |
Androgens and estrogens are synthesized from pregnenolone |
792 |
Vitamin D is derived from cholesterol by the ring- |
794 |
CHAPTER 27 The Integration of Metabolism |
801 |
802 |
804 |
Signals from the gastrointestinal tract induce feelings of satiety |
804 |
Leptin and insulin regulate long- |
805 |
Leptin is one of several hormones secreted by adipose tissue |
806 |
Leptin resistance may be a contributing factor to obesity |
806 |
Dieting is used to combat obesity |
807 |
807 |
Insulin initiates a complex signal- |
808 |
Metabolic syndrome often precedes type 2 diabetes |
809 |
Excess fatty acids in muscle modify metabolism |
810 |
Insulin resistance in muscle facilitates pancreatic failure |
810 |
Metabolic derangements in type 1 diabetes result from insulin insufficiency and glucagon excess |
812 |
813 |
Mitochondrial biogenesis is stimulated by muscular activity |
813 |
Fuel choice during exercise is determined by the intensity and duration of activity |
813 |
816 |
The starved– |
816 |
Metabolic adaptations in prolonged starvation minimize protein degradation |
818 |
819 |
Ethanol metabolism leads to an excess of NADH |
820 |
Excess ethanol consumption disrupts vitamin metabolism |
821 |
CHAPTER 28 DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination |
827 |
828 |
DNA polymerases require a template and a primer |
829 |
All DNA polymerases have structural features in common |
829 |
Two bound metal ions participate in the polymerase reaction |
829 |
The specificity of replication is dictated by complementarity of shape between bases |
830 |
An RNA primer synthesized by primase enables DNA synthesis to begin |
831 |
One strand of DNA is made continuously, whereas the other strand is synthesized in fragments |
831 |
DNA ligase joins ends of DNA in duplex regions |
832 |
The separation of DNA strands requires specific helicases and ATP hydrolysis |
832 |
833 |
The linking number of DNA, a topological property, determines the degree of supercoiling |
835 |
Topoisomerases prepare the double helix for unwinding |
836 |
Type I topoisomerases relax supercoiled structures |
836 |
Type II topoisomerases can introduce negative supercoils through coupling to ATP hydrolysis |
837 |
839 |
DNA replication requires highly processive polymerases |
839 |
The leading and lagging strands are synthesized in a coordinated fashion |
840 |
DNA replication in Escherichia coli begins at a unique site |
842 |
DNA synthesis in eukaryotes is initiated at multiple sites |
843 |
Telomeres are unique structures at the ends of linear chromosomes |
844 |
Telomeres are replicated by telomerase, a specialized polymerase that carries its own RNA template |
845 |
845 |
Errors can arise in DNA replication |
846 |
Bases can be damaged by oxidizing agents, alkylating agents, and light |
846 |
DNA damage can be detected and repaired by a variety of systems |
847 |
The presence of thymine instead of uracil in DNA permits the repair of deaminated cytosine |
849 |
Some genetic diseases are caused by the expansion of repeats of three nucleotides |
850 |
Many cancers are caused by the defective repair of DNA |
850 |
Many potential carcinogens can be detected by their mutagenic action on bacteria |
852 |
852 |
RecA can initiate recombination by promoting strand invasion |
853 |
Some recombination reactions proceed through Holliday- |
854 |
CHAPTER 29 RNA Synthesis and Processing |
859 |
RNA synthesis comprises three stages: Initiation, elongation, and termination |
860 |
861 |
RNA chains are formed de novo and grow in the 5′-to- |
862 |
RNA polymerases backtrack and correct errors |
863 |
RNA polymerase binds to promoter sites on the DNA template to initiate transcription |
864 |
Sigma subunits of RNA polymerase recognize promoter sites |
865 |
RNA polymerases must unwind the template double helix for transcription to take place |
865 |
Elongation takes place at transcription bubbles that move along the DNA template |
866 |
Sequences within the newly transcribed RNA signal termination |
866 |
Some messenger RNAs directly sense metabolite concentrations |
867 |
The rho protein helps to terminate the transcription of some genes |
868 |
Some antibiotics inhibit transcription |
869 |
Precursors of transfer and ribosomal RNA are cleaved and chemically modified after transcription in prokaryotes |
870 |
871 |
Three types of RNA polymerase synthesize RNA in eukaryotic cells |
872 |
Three common elements can be found in the RNA polymerase II promoter region |
874 |
The TFIID protein complex initiates the assembly of the active transcription complex |
874 |
Multiple transcription factors interact with eukaryotic promoters |
875 |
Enhancer sequences can stimulate transcription at start sites thousands of bases away |
876 |
876 |
RNA polymerase I produces three ribosomal RNAs |
877 |
RNA polymerase III produces transfer RNA |
877 |
The product of RNA polymerase II, the pre- |
878 |
Small regulatory RNAs are cleaved from larger precursors |
879 |
RNA editing changes the proteins encoded by mRNA |
879 |
Sequences at the ends of introns specify splice sites in mRNA precursors |
880 |
Splicing consists of two sequential transesterification reactions |
881 |
Small nuclear RNAs in spliceosomes catalyze the splicing of mRNA precursors |
882 |
Transcription and processing of mRNA are coupled |
883 |
Mutations that affect pre- |
884 |
Most human pre- |
885 |
886 |
CHAPTER 30 Protein Synthesis |
893 |
894 |
The synthesis of long proteins requires a low error frequency |
894 |
Transfer RNA molecules have a common design |
895 |
Some transfer RNA molecules recognize more than one codon because of wobble in base- |
897 |
898 |
Amino acids are first activated by adenylation |
898 |
Aminoacyl- |
899 |
Proofreading by aminoacyl- |
900 |
Synthetases recognize various features of transfer RNA molecules |
901 |
Aminoacyl- |
901 |
902 |
Ribosomal RNAs (5S, 16S, and 23S rRNA) play a central role in protein synthesis |
903 |
Ribosomes have three tRNA- |
905 |
The start signal is usually AUG preceded by several bases that pair with 16S rRNA |
905 |
Bacterial protein synthesis is initiated by formylmethionyl transfer RNA |
906 |
Formylmethionyl- |
907 |
Elongation factors deliver aminoacyl- |
907 |
Peptidyl transferase catalyzes peptide- |
908 |
The formation of a peptide bond is followed by the GTP- |
909 |
Protein synthesis is terminated by release factors that read stop codons |
910 |
911 |
Mutations in initiation factor 2 cause a curious pathological condition |
913 |
913 |
Some antibiotics inhibit protein synthesis |
914 |
Diphtheria toxin blocks protein synthesis in eukaryotes by inhibiting translocation |
914 |
Ricin fatally modifies 28S ribosomal RNA |
915 |
915 |
Protein synthesis begins on ribosomes that are free in the cytoplasm |
916 |
Signal sequences mark proteins for translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane |
916 |
Transport vesicles carry cargo proteins to their final destination |
918 |
CHAPTER 31 The Control of Gene Expression in Prokaryotes |
925 |
926 |
The helix- |
927 |
927 |
An operon consists of regulatory elements and protein- |
928 |
The lac repressor protein in the absence of lactose binds to the operator and blocks transcription |
929 |
Ligand binding can induce structural changes in regulatory proteins |
930 |
The operon is a common regulatory unit in prokaryotes |
930 |
Transcription can be stimulated by proteins that contact RNA polymerase |
931 |
932 |
The λ repressor regulates its own expression |
932 |
A circuit based on the λ repressor and Cro forms a genetic switch |
933 |
Many prokaryotic cells release chemical signals that regulate gene expression in other cells |
933 |
Biofilms are complex communities of prokaryotes |
934 |
935 |
Attenuation is a prokaryotic mechanism for regulating transcription through the modulation of nascent RNA secondary structure |
935 |
CHAPTER 32 The Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes |
941 |
943 |
Nucleosomes are complexes of DNA and histones |
943 |
DNA wraps around histone octamers to form nucleosomes |
943 |
945 |
A range of DNA- |
945 |
Activation domains interact with other proteins |
946 |
Multiple transcription factors interact with eukaryotic regulatory regions |
946 |
Enhancers can stimulate transcription in specific cell types |
946 |
Induced pluripotent stem cells can be generated by introducing four transcription factors into differentiated cells |
947 |
948 |
The methylation of DNA can alter patterns of gene expression |
949 |
Steroids and related hydrophobic molecules pass through membranes and bind to DNA- |
949 |
Nuclear hormone receptors regulate transcription by recruiting coactivators to the transcription complex |
950 |
Steroid- |
951 |
Chromatin structure is modulated through covalent modifications of histone tails |
952 |
Histone deacetylases contribute to transcriptional repression |
953 |
954 |
Genes associated with iron metabolism are translationally regulated in animals |
954 |
Small RNAs regulate the expression of many eukaryotic genes |
956 |
CHAPTER 33 Sensory Systems |
961 |
962 |
Olfaction is mediated by an enormous family of seven- |
962 |
Odorants are decoded by a combinatorial mechanism |
964 |
966 |
Sequencing of the human genome led to the discovery of a large family of 7TM bitter receptors |
967 |
A heterodimeric 7TM receptor responds to sweet compounds |
968 |
Umami, the taste of glutamate and aspartate, is mediated by a heterodimeric receptor related to the sweet receptor |
969 |
Salty tastes are detected primarily by the passage of sodium ions through channels |
969 |
Sour tastes arise from the effects of hydrogen ions (acids) on channels |
969 |
970 |
Rhodopsin, a specialized 7TM receptor, absorbs visible light |
970 |
Light absorption induces a specific isomerization of bound 11- |
971 |
Light- |
972 |
Color vision is mediated by three cone receptors that are homologs of rhodopsin |
973 |
Rearrangements in the genes for the green and red pigments lead to “color blindness” |
974 |
975 |
Hair cells use a connected bundle of stereocilia to detect tiny motions |
975 |
Mechanosensory channels have been identified in Drosophila and vertebrates |
976 |
977 |
Studies of capsaicin reveal a receptor for sensing high temperatures and other painful stimuli |
977 |
CHAPTER 34 The Immune System |
981 |
Innate immunity is an evolutionarily ancient defense system |
982 |
The adaptive immune system responds by using the principles of evolution |
984 |
985 |
988 |
The immunoglobulin fold consists of a beta- |
988 |
X- |
989 |
Large antigens bind antibodies with numerous interactions |
990 |
991 |
J (joining) genes and D (diversity) genes increase antibody diversity |
991 |
More than 108 antibodies can be formed by combinatorial association and somatic mutation |
992 |
The oligomerization of antibodies expressed on the surfaces of immature B cells triggers antibody secretion |
993 |
Different classes of antibodies are formed by the hopping of VH genes |
994 |
995 |
Peptides presented by MHC proteins occupy a deep groove flanked by alpha helices |
996 |
T- |
998 |
CD8 on cytotoxic T cells acts in concert with T- |
998 |
Helper T cells stimulate cells that display foreign peptides bound to class II MHC proteins |
1000 |
Helper T cells rely on the T- |
1000 |
MHC proteins are highly diverse |
1002 |
Human immunodeficiency viruses subvert the immune system by destroying helper T cells |
1003 |
1004 |
T cells are subjected to positive and negative selection in the thymus |
1004 |
Autoimmune diseases result from the generation of immune responses against self- |
1005 |
The immune system plays a role in cancer prevention |
1005 |
Vaccines are a powerful means to prevent and eradicate disease |
1006 |
CHAPTER 35 Molecular Motors |
1011 |
1012 |
Molecular motors are generally oligomeric proteins with an ATPase core and an extended structure |
1012 |
ATP binding and hydrolysis induce changes in the conformation and binding affinity of motor proteins |
1014 |
1016 |
Actin is a polar, self- |
1016 |
Myosin head domains bind to actin filaments |
1018 |
Motions of single motor proteins can be directly observed |
1018 |
Phosphate release triggers the myosin power stroke |
1019 |
Muscle is a complex of myosin and actin |
1019 |
The length of the lever arm determines motor velocity |
1022 |
1022 |
Microtubules are hollow cylindrical polymers |
1022 |
Kinesin motion is highly processive |
1024 |
1026 |
Bacteria swim by rotating their flagella |
1026 |
Proton flow drives bacterial flagellar rotation |
1026 |
Bacterial chemotaxis depends on reversal of the direction of flagellar rotation |
1028 |
CHAPTER 36 Drug Development |
1033 |
1034 |
Drug candidates must be potent and selective modulators of their targets |
1035 |
Drugs must have suitable properties to reach their targets |
1036 |
Toxicity can limit drug effectiveness |
1040 |
1041 |
Serendipitous observations can drive drug development |
1041 |
Natural products are a valuable source of drugs and drug leads |
1043 |
Screening libraries of synthetic compounds expands the opportunity for identification of drug leads |
1044 |
Drugs can be designed on the basis of three- |
1046 |
1048 |
Potential targets can be identified in the human proteome |
1048 |
Animal models can be developed to test the validity of potential drug targets |
1049 |
Potential targets can be identified in the genomes of pathogens |
1050 |
Genetic differences influence individual responses to drugs |
1050 |
1051 |
Clinical trials are time consuming and expensive |
1052 |
The evolution of drug resistance can limit the utility of drugs for infectious agents and cancer |
1053 |
A1 |
B1 |
C1 |