Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.
Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.
m6A, 447
M6P. See Mannose 6-phosphate
M6P receptors. See Mannose 6-phosphate receptors
Macronucleus, 345
in obesity, 770
polarization, 1003
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 1081, 1104–1115, 1104f
antigen presentation and, 1109–1115
classes of molecules, 1105–1107, 1107f
CTL activity restricted by, 1105
graft rejection/acceptance and, 1104–1105
peptide antigens bound by, 1107–1109, 1108f
T cell development and, 1120
T cells guided by, 1105–1107
TCR variable residues and, 1118
Malaria, 22, 23f, 24, 1082, 1130
MALDI. See Matrix-
Malignant tumors, 1141
Mammalian embryo, cleavage of, 979
Mammalian MEK kinase (MEKK), 746
Mammalian TOR (mTOR), 452
MAMs. See Mitochondria-
Mannose, 479
Mannose 6-phosphate (M6P), 653–
Mannose 6-phosphate receptors (M6P receptors), 653
Map distance, 232
MAP kinase family, 739, 742, 744
GPCRs and, 746
phosphorylation of, 744–745, 744f
scaffold proteins separating, 746–748, 747f
transcription factor regulation by, 745–746, 745f
MAPs. See Microtubule-
Marfan syndrome, 960
Mass spectrometry, 116, 116f, 117f, 118
HXMS, 121
in proteomics, 123–124, 123f, 124f
Mast cells, 1087
Master transcription factors, 25–27, 27f, 721, 721f, 725f
Master transcriptional regulator, 770
Maternal mRNA, 979
Mating pathway, yeast, 746, 747f
Matriglycan, 965
Matrisome, 945
mitochondrial, 523
NAD+ and NADH concentrations in, 535–536, 536f
Matrix metalloprotease (MMP), 761, 960
signaling protein cleavage and, 763
Maturases, 430
Maximal velocity (Vmax), 91
MBP. See Myelin basic protein
MCC. See Mitotic checkpoint complex
McClintock, Barbara, 313, 314, 315
MCM helicase, 892–893
MCU. See Mitochondrial calcium uniporter
MDA5, 1085
MDCK. See Madin-
Mdm2, 907
MDM2, 1166
MDR. See Multidrug resistance
MDR1. See Multidrug-
Measles virus, 217f
Mechanical defenses, 1083–1084
Mechanical energy, 57
Mechanoreceptors, 1061–1062
Mechanosensors, 929, 930f, 1061–1062
Mechanotransducers, 1063–1064, 1064f
Mechanotransduction, 929
medial-Golgi, 649
medial-Golgi cisterna, 632, 635
Mediator, 390
Mediator complex, 396–397, 396f, 397f
Medulloblastoma, 757
DNA replication inhibited between divisions, 917
errors in, 916
key features of, 912–913, 913f, 914f, 915
recombination during, 233
trisomies and, 916
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error rates, 916
sister kinetochore co-
Meiosis II, 912
MEKK. See Mammalian MEK kinase
Melanoma, 744, 1131, 1137, 1144
Melanosomes, 841
transport of, 867
Melting, 172
Melting temperature, 172, 173f
Membrane attack complex, 1085, 1085f
Membrane depolarization, 1039–1040, 1042
Membrane extension, 811
Membrane fusion
SNARE complex dissociation, 644
SNARE protein mediating, 642–644, 643f
Membrane glycoproteins, 636f
Membrane nucleoporins, 622, 623f
Membrane potential, 475, 1027, 1028f
Membrane proteins
hydropathy profiles of, 599–600, 600f
insertion into ER, 593–600
lysosomes receiving, 665–667
sequence and deduction of topology of, 599–600
topological classes, 593–594, 594f, 598f
Membrane synthesis, 9
Membrane transport proteins, 68, 271, 474, 476f
ion binding to, 487
epigenetic, 333–334
gene expression and, 1074–1075
in immune system, 1080
long term, 1074–1075
storage of, 1072f
Memory cells, 1123
Mental retardation, 1075
Meristems, 996–999, 998f, 999f
Meromyosin, 798
Merotelic attachment, 898, 899f
Merozoites, 23f
Meselson, Matthew, 197
Mesenchymal cell, 936
Mesenchymal stem cell, 770
Mesenchyme, 979
Mesoderm, 981f
Mesophyll cells, 577
Messenger ribonuclear protein complex (mRNP), 627
cytoplasmic, 419
directionality in export of, 441–442, 442f
nuclear, 419
Messenger RNA (mRNA), 8, 9f, 14, 81, 168, 169f, 240f, 420t
alternatively spliced, 417, 438
bacterial, 10
cytoplasm degradation of, 445–447, 446f
decoding by tRNAs, 183–188
eukaryotic genes and, 303
gene regulation and, 419
IRES in, 191
maternal, 979
Mediator complex and expression of, 396f
miRNAs inducing degradation of, 447–450
nuclear export of, 627
point mutations and, 257
processing in eukaryotes, 420f
protein synthesis role, 183, 183f
quality control in, 441
reading frames in sequence of, 185f
RNAi and, 450–451
synthesis of, 353
TOP, 453
translation efficiency and, 195, 196f
transport across nuclear envelope, 440–445
transport in HIV, 444–445, 444f
vertebrate neurons, 438
Metabolic cooperation, 942
Metabolic coupling, 78, 96, 942
Metabolic intermediates, 516
Metabolic pathways, allosteric regulation of, 100
Metabolites, 507
Metal shadowing, 157–158, 158f
Metalloproteases, 960
Metaphase chromosomes, 327, 335, 900f
banding patterns, 341–342
chromosome painting, 341–342, 342f
number, size, and shape, 341
Metaphase plate, 854
ADAM activity and, 763
Metastasis, 1136, 1141–1143, 1142f, 1147f
Metazoans, 4–5
cell function, 24–25
DNA replication initiation in, 892
evolution of, 24–25
genes in, 8
lncRNAs and epigenetic repression in, 409–411
RNA polymerase II regulation in, 402
RNA processing in, 432–433
structure, differentiation, and model organisms, 24–29
Methane, 33f
Methionine, 43, 44, 184, 190–191
of histone lysines, 405, 406f, 407f
N6, 447
transcription repressed by, 404–405
Mevalonate, 296
MG123, 99
MHC. See Major histocompatibility complex
MHC restriction, 1105
Mice, 20f
Micelles, 273
Michaelis constant, 92, 478, 681
MICOS complex, 522
Microciona prolifera, 927f
Microfibrils, 951
Microfilaments, 12, 14f, 777, 777f, 778–781, 779f, 822f
attachment to membranes, 795f
cell migration and, 867–868
endocytosis and function of, 790–791, 791f
melanosome transport and, 867
neural growth cones and, 868, 868f
alternative polyadenylation and, 450
gene regulation and, 419
limb development and, 449, 449f
mRNA degradation induced by, 447–450
translation repression by, 447–450
tumorigenesis and, 1155–1156
Microsatellite repeats, 438
Microsatellites, 256, 310–311, 310f
Microscopy, 130
fixed samples for, 143
organelle isolation, 161–164
subcellular detail imaging, 142–143, 143f
video, 139
Microsomes, 586, 587–588, 587f
Microtubular protein, 827
Microtubules, 12, 14f, 347f, 777, 777f, 821, 822f, 823f
in axonal transport, 833–834, 834f
cell migration and, 867–868
ciliar and flagellar beating produced by, 844–845, 846f
configurations of, 824–826, 825f, 826f
disassembly, 832–833
doublet, 844–845
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dynamic instability in, 827–829, 828f, 829f
dynamics, 827–830
dynamics in mitosis, 852–853, 853f
dynein transporting along, 838–841, 839f, 840f
growth of, 827f
kinetochores attaching to, 854, 855–857, 856f, 898, 898f
melanosome transport and, 867
in mitotic spindle, 851–852
motor proteins based on, 833–844
neural growth cones and, 868, 868f
organelle transport by, 842f
organization of, 829
regulation of structure and dynamics, 830–833
spindle assembly checkpoint pathway and, 908–909, 908f
structure and organization, 822–826
tubulin dimers in walls of, 822–824, 824f
tubulin modifications and classes of, 842–844, 843f
Middle prophase chromatids, 339
Migrating cells, 776f
Miller syndrome, 523
Minisatellites, 311
Miranda protein, 1010
miRNA. See Micro-
Mismatch excision repair, 205–206, 206f
Mitochondria, 13f, 18, 18f, 514
apoptosis regulation and, 1017, 1018
ATP synthesis in, 552–553
in brown-
Ca2+ transport to, 712–713
calcium concentrations in, 709
cryoelectron microscopy of, 120f
diseases from defective, 523
electron transport in, 539–540, 540f, 542f
endosymbiont hypothesis and, 523, 524f
energy inputs for protein import, 613
ER influencing, 529, 531f, 532
evolutionary roots of, 527
fatty acid oxidation in, 536–537, 538f
genomes of, 525–526
interaction of, 528–529
internal structure, 521f
oxidation rate in, 558
protein import, 610–613, 611f, 612f
protein targeting to, 608–617
ribosomes, 526–527
structure and functions of, 520–532
subcompartment protein targeting, 613–616, 614f
Mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU), 712
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 18, 523–526, 524f, 525f, 526f
differences from standard nuclear code, 527–528, 527t
mutations in, 528
Mitophagy, 529
cohesins in, 915f
completion of, 901–903
entry into, 895–900
initiation of, 896–897
key features of, 913f
microtubule dynamics in, 852–853, 853f
mitotic CDK activation and exit from, 902–903
stages of, 850–851, 850f, 851f, 875, 875f
Mitotic asters, 853
exit from mitosis and, 902–903
nuclear envelope breakdown and, 897
precipitous activation of, 896–897
Mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), 909
Mitotic cyclins, 884–885, 890f
Mitotic exit network, 902
Mitotic spindle, 850, 851–852, 858–859, 875
chromosome attachment to, 898, 898f
mitotic CDKs promoting formation of, 897–899
Mitral neurons, 1067
MLC kinase. See Myosin light-
MLKL, 1022
MMP. See Matrix metalloprotease
Mobile DNA elements, 312–323
Model organism, 12
cancer study in, 1146–1148, 1148f
eukaryotic, 20f
metazoans, 24–29
unicellular eukaryotic, 19–24
Moderately repeated DNA, 312
Molecular chaperones, 83–85, 84f, 591
Molecular complementarity, 32f, 40, 40f, 89, 676
centrifugation separating, 106, 107f
electrophoresis separating, 107–109
evolution and, 1
of life, 5–9
Monastrol, 138
Monoclonal antibodies, 135–136, 136f, 144, 163, 1080, 1094
for phosphorylated peptides, 684
Monocytes, 1082
Monogenic diseases, 254–255
inheritance patterns, 255f
Monomeric G protein, 454, 678, 678f
Monopolin complex, 917
Monosaccharides, 46–48
Monotelic attachment, 899, 899f
Monoubiquitinylation, 103
Montelukast, 687t
Morphogens, 753
Morula, 979
Mosaic development strategy, 976
Motor neurons, 1016, 1016f, 1026, 1029
Motor proteins, 68
myosins, 796–810
of Ca2+, 712f
of chromosomes, to poles, 857–858, 857f
intracellular, 293–297, 294f, 789–790, 790f
of mobile DNA elements, 313–314, 313f
MPF. See Maturation-
mRNA. See Messenger RNA
mRNA surveillance, 456–457, 458f
mRNP. See Messenger ribonuclear protein complex
mRNP exporter, 440–441, 442f, 627
MS. See Multiple sclerosis (MS)
mtDNA. See Mitochondrial DNA
MTOCs. See Microtubule-
mTOR. See Mammalian TOR
mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1), 452–454, 453f
mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2), 452–454
mTORC1. See mTOR complex 1
mTORC2. See mTOR complex 2
Muller, Hermann Joseph, 228
Multicellular organisms, 2
niches in, 987–999
stem cells in, 987–999
Multidrug resistance (MDR), 491
Multienzyme complexes, 96f
Multimeric membrane proteins, 287, 287f, 601
assembly of, 601
Multimeric proteins, 78
Multipass membrane proteins, 593, 597–598
Multipass transmembrane proteins, 286, 286f
Multiple defect diseases, 257–259
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2, 1159
Multiple expression experiments, cluster analysis for co-
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Multiple myeloma, 99
Multiple sclerosis (MS), 1045
Multipotent somatic stem cells, 988
Multipotent stem cells, 977, 987
Multiprotein complexes, 388–389
Multiubiquitinylation, 103
Multivesicular endosomes, 665–666, 667f
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, 693–694, 694f
Muscle cells, 804f. See also Cardiac muscle; Skeletal muscle; Smooth muscle
contraction, 803–804
heart, 804–805
Muscle contraction, 800, 808, 1057–1058
Muscle relaxation, 486
Muscular dystrophies, 796
Muscular tissue, 921
Mutagens, 21, 224, 375, 1143, 1144
autosomal recessive, 621
in cancer cells, 1137
in cancer development, 1135–1136, 1150f
cdc mutants, 228, 229f, 878, 881
from chemical and radiation damage, 203–204
complementation tests of, 229–230, 230f
in DMD, 426
double mutants, 230–231
frameshift, 225
gene tagging by inserting, 242–243, 243f
in genes encoding transcription factors, 355f
genetic analysis of, 224–233
homozygous knockout, 263
linkage mapping, 255–256, 257f
mtDNA, 528
oncogenic, 1146
peroxisome defects from, 621
point, 204, 204f, 225, 257, 1151
recessive, 229–230
recessive lethal, 228
segregation of, in breeding experiments, 225, 227, 227f, 228f
shiverer, 1045
Smad proteins and, 725
somatic hypermutation, 1099–1100
SR proteins and, 428–429
synthetic lethal, 231–232, 232f, 1158
transcription factor encodings, 355f
in tumor-
unregulated G1-S phase passage, 1164–1165, 1165f
in yeast, 21–22
Mutually antagonistic complexes, 1000
Myc, 905
MYC proto-
Mycobacteria, 1130
Mycobacterium leprae, 965
Myelin basic protein (MBP), 1044, 1045, 1045f
Myelin sheath, 1027, 1029–1031
impulse conduction speed and, 1043
production of, 1044–1046, 1044f, 1045f
Myeloma cells, 135
Myocardial infarction, 807
Myosin II, 796, 799–800, 799f, 802, 807f
in contractile bundles, 807
Myosin light-
Myosin regulatory light chain (LC), 808, 808f
Myosin V, 799–800, 799f, 802–803, 803f, 810f
Myosin VI, 800
Myosins, 796–803
classes of, 799f
movements powered by, 803–810
steps along actin filaments, 802–803