Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures.
Page numbers followed by “t” indicate tables.
C3 pathway, 573
Cα. See Alpha carbon atom
in apoptosis, 1022
cytosol concentrations of, 489, 713, 713f
GPCRs and, 708–709
IP3/DAG pathway and cytosolic, 710, 711f, 712
MAMs and, 532
movement of, 712f
neurotransmitter release and, 1054–1055
responses to hormone-
as second messenger, 679
skeletal muscle contraction and, 805–807, 806f
transport to mitochondrial matrix, 712–713
Ca2+ ATPases, 486–489, 487f, 488f, 489f
Ca2+ pump, 486–489
Ca2+-activated K+ channels, 437, 437f
Ca2+-calmodulin complex, 713–714
Ca2+/NO/cGMP pathway, 714–716, 715f
extracellular domains of, 936
tissue differentiation and, 936
Caenorhabditis elegans, 20f, 24–25, 921, 976
Page I-5
apoptotic pathway in, 1013–1015, 1013f
cell lineage in, 1005f
Par proteins and, 1003–1006
tubulins in, 823
Calcium. See also Ca2+
GPCRs and levels of, 708–716
noncovalent binding of, 101–102, 101f
synaptic plasticity and, 1072–1073
Calcium indicators, 1054–1055, 1055f
Calcium ions, 679
Calcium signaling, 532
Callilepis laureola, 558
Calmodulin, 101, 101f, 489, 679, 713–714, 715, 1072
Calnexin, 605
Calories, 58
Calreticulin, 605
Calvin cycle, 573, 574, 575f, 617
CamKIIα, 1072–1073
cAMP. See Adenosine monophosphate
cAMP receptor protein (CRP), 357
CAMs. See Cell-
Cancer. See also Tumors; specific cancers
cell cycle and maintenance pathway deregulation in, 1163–1168
cells, mutations in, 1137
cellular housekeeping in cells of, 1137–1139
diagnosis and treatment, 1157–1158
epigenetic changes in development of, 1155
escaping tissue boundaries, 1140
genes in onset of, 1150t
genetic basis of, 1149–1158
genome sequencing, 1157
Hh signaling and, 757
immune system defenses, 1131
metabolic pathways, 1137–1139, 1138f
misregulation in, 1159–1163
mTORC1 pathway in, 454
mutations and development of, 1135–1136, 1150f
origins and development of, 1143–1148
p53 gene and, 908
PTEN gene and, 751
Ras proteins and, 739, 1146, 1148, 1155, 1160
signaling pathway aberrations and, 1161–1163
skin, 744
studying development of, 1146–1148, 1148f
telomerase and, 348–349
transcription factors and, 1160–1161
uncontrolled proliferation in, 1139–1140
viruses causing, 1152
Wnt signaling and, 753
Cancer stem cells, 1140–1141
CAP. See Catabolite activator protein
CAP site, 357
Capacitors, 496
Capsaicin, 1062
Capsids, 213
CAR. See Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor
Carbon dioxide transport, 505–506, 506f
Carbon fixation, 63, 561, 576f
Carbonic acid, 505
Carbonic anhydrase, 505
Carcinogens, 1136, 1143, 1144–1145, 1144f
Carcinomas, 1136
hepatocellular, 1141
CARD, 1020f
Cardiac muscle, 504–505, 807, 986
Cardiolipin, 547
Cardiomyocytes, 986
targeting sequences on, 641
Carotenoids, 564
Carriers, 476
Catabolite activator protein (CAP), 357. See also cAMP receptor protein
enzymes as, 90–91, 90f, 91f, 93f
Catalytic RNA, 466
Catalytic site, 91
Cataracts, 944
Catecholamines, 1052f
Cation antiporter, 504
CBC. See Cap-
CBP. See CREB binding protein
CBP/P300, 705
CD4, 1121–1122
CD8, 1121–1123
CD44, 956
cdc mutants, 228, 229f, 878, 881
Cdc14 phosphatase, 910
inhibition of, 906
Cdc42, 813–816, 816f, 867–868, 868f, 1007
cell asymmetry and, 1006
cell polarity and, 1003, 1004f
intrinsic polarity program and, 1000–1002, 1001f
CDK inhibitors (CKIs), 886–887, 904
CDK2, 884f
CDKs. See Cyclin-
cDNAs. See Complementary DNAs
CDRs. See Complementarity-
Celexa, 34
Cell asymmetry, 1006
Cell attachments, breaking, 812
Cell body, 1027
Cell cortex, 778
Cell cultures
primary, 131–132
tissue, 880
Cell cycle
commitment to, 887–895
deregulation in cancer of, 1163–1168
DNA damage response system halting, 806f, 905–908
DNA replication initiation in, 890–891, 891f, 892–893, 893f
eukaryotic cells, 18–19, 19f, 873–874, 874f, 904f
extracellular signals and entry to, 889–890
key principles of, 876
mammal regulation of, 880
model organisms and methods of study of, 877–881
proteins in, 21–22
surveillance mechanisms in regulation of, 904–911
Cell death
programmed, 906, 977, 1011, 1011f, 1012–1013, 1012f
regulated, 1011–1022
Cell division
asymmetric, 27, 903, 975, 976f, 1002f
cell polarization before, 1002–1003, 1002f
eukaryotic cell regulation of, 18–19, 19f
Cell exterior, targeting to, 585
Cell fates, 977
cell location and, 980f
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Cell lineage, 975, 976f, 1005f
Cell lines, 132
Cell locomotion, 811–812, 812f, 813f
Cell membrane, 5f
Cell migration, 811–817, 867–868
Cell polarity, 776, 776f, 1000–1010
cell division and, 1002–1003, 1002f
Cell signaling, 674f
Cell strains, 131
Cell walls
in bacteria, 10
of eukaryotic cells, 13f
plant cell mitosis and, 860
rigid, 968
evolution of, 928–929
families of, 924f
mechanotransduction and, 929
ABC proteins exporting toxins from, 491–493
ancestral, 2f
biomembranes and types of, 276f
blood, 4f
chemical building blocks of, 41–51, 42f
chemical reactions in, 52–53
cytokines influencing development of, 727
endothelial, 931
energy transformation in, 58
excitable, 1027
lipid uptake by, 659–660
mast, 1087
memory, 1123
mesenchymal, 936
migrating, 776f
organelle release from, 162
pancreas, 18f
postmitotic, 876
splitting duplicated, 859–860
variety of, 4f
affinity for ligands, 681–682, 682f
binding assays for detecting, 681–682
master transcription factors and, 721
purification with affinity chromatography, 683–684
signal sensitivity and, 683
studying, 681–686
types of, 720f
Cellular communication, 673
Cellular differentiation
DNase I hypersensitive sites and, 398, 399f, 400
gene activation during, 395–396
Cellular membranes, 9, 9f, 473
water permeability of, 481–483
Cellular oxidative stress, 548
Cellular respiration, 63
Cellulose, 968–969
Cellulose synthase, 969
Centimorgan, 233
Central dogma, 168
Central nervous system, 1026, 1044
Centralspindlin, 859
organelle separation, 162, 163f
of S. pombe, 346–347
of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 346–347, 346f
sequences length and complexity, 345–347
Centromeric heterochromatin, 311
Centrosome disjunction, 850, 898
CFI. See Cleavage factor I
CFII. See Cleavage factor II
CFTR. See Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein
cGAS, 1085
cGMP. See Cyclic guanosine monophosphate
cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE), 695, 699f, 705, 706f
Chain elongation, 193–195, 193f, 428, 428f
Chance, Britton, 546
Channels, 475f, 476. See also Ion channels; specific channels
half, 556
BiP, 591–592
mitochondrial protein import and, 610
protein folding mediated by, 83–85, 84f, 604–606, 605f
protein folding promoted by, 82–86
Chara, 810
Checkpoint pathways, 874, 876, 904, 905, 1149
growth, 905
spindle assembly, 856–857, 908–909, 908f
spindle position, 909–911, 909f
Chemical adducts, 206–207
Chemical bond energy, 32f
Chemical building blocks, 32f
Chemical defenses, 1083–1084
Chemical equilibrium, 32f, 51–57, 52, 53f
Chemical libraries, 137–138
Chemical potential energy, 57
Chemical reactions, 51–57
in cells, 52–53
in equilibrium, 52
time dependence, 52f
Chemical synapses, 1060
Chemiluminescence, 112
Chemiosmotic coupling, 514
Chemiosmotic hypothesis, 551, 553
Chemotactic signals, 1086, 1124
Chemotherapy, 1157
nondisjunction and, 916
Chimeric proteins, 130, 612–613, 612f
Chiral carbon atoms, 34
Chirality, 34
Chk1, 906
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, 20f, 22, 570, 572, 845, 846f, 847, 1046, 1046f
Chloramphenicol, 527
Chloroplasts, 13f, 18, 514, 524f, 569f
ATP synthesis in, 552–553
photosystems in, 567–568
protein targeting to, 608–617
structure of, 561f
thylakoid membranes in, 560
Cholesterol, 39–40, 50, 277f, 278, 280
biosynthetic pathway, 295–296, 295f
clustering with proteins, 282–283
regulation of levels of, 763–766
SCAP binding, 765
SREBP activation and, 765, 765f
synthesis and intracellular movement, 293–297
transport mechanisms, 296–297, 296f
Cholesterol esters, 50
Chromatids, 341
crossing over, 912
middle prophase, 339
sister, 15f, 851, 875, 893, 894f, 895, 899, 913
condensed, 356f, 391, 393, 395f
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conservation of structure, 329
decondensation of, 364, 394, 395, 395f
DHS patterns in, 398
eukaryotic transcription regulation and, 364
histone tail modification and, 330–335
nucleosome structure and, 328
Chromatin immunoprecipitation, 373, 374f, 376
Chromium release assay, 1106f
Chromodomain, 333
Chromogenic enzyme reactions, 111
Chromogranin A, 655
Chromogranin B, 655
Chromonema fiber, 339
Chromoshadow domain, 333
Chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), 855–857, 858f, 859, 899
Chromosomal translocations, 1151
Chromosome painting, 341–342, 342f
evolution revealed by, 342–343, 343f
Chromosomes, 14, 15f, 169. See also Metaphase chromosomes; X chromosome
aligning duplicate, 854–855, 855f
capture and orientation, 853–854, 855f
conformation capture, 336–337, 338f
elements for replication and stable inheritance, 345, 346f
evolution of primate, 342–343, 344f
gene organization in, 309–312
homologous, 912
interphase, 335, 335f, 343–345, 345f
interphase territories, 336, 337f
mitotic spindle attachment, 898, 898f
morphology and functional elements of eukaryotic, 341–349
movement to poles, 857–858, 857f
polytene, 343–345
in prometaphase, 853–854
reassortment, 911
segregation, 874, 899–900, 901
structural organization of eukaryotic, 327–340
structure of, 302f
telomeres preventing shortening of, 347–349
topological domains within territories, 336–339
Chromothripsis, 1137
Chronic bronchitis, 683
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), 1155, 1158
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), 1156–1157
Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia, 528
Cigarette smoking, 1144, 1144f
structure of, 845f
Ciliated epithelium, 14f
Cimetidine, 687t
Circulating tumor cells, 1142
Circulatory system, 1082f
Circumferential belt, 807
cis-Golgi, 649
cis-Golgi cisterna, 632, 633f, 635
cis-Golgi network, 646–647, 647f
Cisternal maturation, 648–650, 650f
Cistrons, 303
Citalopram, 34
Citric acid cycle, 516, 532–536
CKIs. See CDK inhibitors
Clamp loader, 201
CLASPs, 831
Class C rhinoviruses (RV-
Class I MHC molecules, 1105–1107, 1107f
antigen processing and presentation pathway, 1110–1112, 1110f
polypeptide antigen binding, 1108–1109
Class II MHC molecules, 1105–1107, 1107f
antigen processing and presentation pathway, 1112–1115, 1112f
polypeptide antigen binding, 1109
Class switching, 1102–1103, 1103f
Classical cadherins, 933, 934–937, 935f
Classical genetics, 223
Classical pathway, 1085, 1085f
coat structure, 652
Claudin, 940
claudin14 gene, 941
autoproteolytic, 1014
of mammalian embryo, 979
Cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF), 430, 452
Cleavage factor I (CFI), 430
Cleavage factor II (CFII), 430
Cleavage stimulatory factor (CStF), 430
Cleavage/polyadenylation complex, 431
Cl−/HCO3− antiporter, 506, 506f
CLL. See Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Clonal selection theory, 1091, 1092f
Cloned DNA molecules
disease genes in, 257
sequencing, 243–244, 244f, 245f
studying gene expression with, 246–253
Clones, 129
genes, protein production from, 250–251, 250f
viral, 213
Cloning, 236–237
animal, 983
differentiation reversal and, 983
DNA, 234–244
plasmid vectors, 236–237
Clotting factor IX, 321
Clozapine, 687t
Cluster analysis, 248–249, 250f
CMC. See Critical micelle concentration
CML. See Chronic myelogenous leukemia
erythrocyte transport of, 506–507
metabolism in photosynthesis, 573–578, 575f
CoA. See Coenzyme A
Coated pit, 16
Coated vesicles, 638, 639–641, 639t
Coatomers, 647
CoATs. See Cohesin acetyltransferases
Cocaine, 1057
Cochlear K+ channel, 438
Cockayne syndrome, 376
anticodon, 183, 186, 187f, 188
in nonstandard base pairing, 186, 187f, 188
start (initiation), 184, 190–191
Coenzyme A (CoA), 293, 533, 534f
Coenzyme Q (CoQ), 541, 541f, 542f
Cofactor, 95
Cognate proteins, 380
Cohesin acetyltransferases (CoATs), 894f
Cohesins, 849, 893, 894f, 895, 913, 915f
dissociation of, 900
in mitosis, 915f
nondisjunction and, 916
Coincidence detection, 788
Collagenases, 1084
Collagens, 925, 945, 946f, 959f
type I, 952–953
type II, 952–953
types of, 948t
Collapsed replication fork, 209–210, 210f
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Colon cancer, 205–206, 725, 753, 1146, 1167
Colorectal cancer, 1147f
Combinatorial diversity, 938
Combinatorial transcription regulation, 387–388, 388f
Commensal bacteria, 1081, 1083
Common cold, 936
Compacted morula, 979
Compaction, 979
Complement system, 1085–1086, 1085f
Complementary, 171
Complementary DNAs (cDNAs), 239
cloned gene protein production with, 250–251, 250f
Complementary matching, 8
Complementation tests, 229–230, 230f
Concentration gradient, 58
glucose and amino acid import against, 503–504
Conditional mutations, 227–228, 878
Confocal microscopy, 147–149, 148f, 149f
Conformations, 67
Congestive heart failure, 505
Connective tissue, 921, 951–960, 959f
Constant regions, 1092, 1094–1095
Constitutive expression, 383
Constitutive secretion, 632
Constitutive transport element (CTE), 444
Contact sites, 613
Contractile bundles, 807
Contractile ring, 778, 859, 903
Contractile vacuoles, 481
Control regions, 364, 365f, 366–367
Convergent evolution, 997
Convergent neural circuits, 1029, 1030f
Coomassie blue, 112
Cooperative DNA binding, 388, 389f
Coordinate expression, 179
Coordinately regulated genes, 357
COPII vesicles, 638, 640, 640f, 645–647
CoQ. See Coenzyme Q
CoQH2-cytochrome c reductase, 542, 544
Cortical granules, 979
Cotranslational translocation, 588–589, 589f
Cotransport, 502–507
cytosolic pH regulation by, 505–506
Covalent bonds, 33–40
equal or unequal sharing in, 34–36
strength of, 36
Covalently attached lipids, 288–289
coxII gene, 526
Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR), 940
CPC. See Chromosomal passenger complex
CPE. See Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element
CpG island promoters, 372–373
CpG islands, 372
CPSF. See Cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor
Crambin, 38f
CRE. See cAMP-
CREB binding protein (CBP), 386, 387f, 395
Crista junction, 522
Critical concentration, 782
Critical micelle concentration (CMC), 291
Crohn’s disease, 1141
CRP. See cAMP receptor protein
Crumbs complex, 1007
Cryoelectron microscopy, 119, 120f, 121, 160–161
Cryoelectron tomography, 160, 160f
CStF. See Cleavage stimulatory factor
CTD. See Carboxy-
CTE. See Constitutive transport element
CTLA4, 1131
CTLs. See Cytotoxic T cells
Culturing, 129
biological processes studied with, 136
ES cells, 981f
media and surfaces for, 130–131
in vivo environment mimicked by, 133–135
Cyanide, 546
Cyanobacteria, 10
Cyclic electron flow, 568f, 570–571, 571f
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), 695–696, 696f
Cyclic photophosphorylation, 570–571
Cyclin D, 1164
activity regulation, 882–887, 882f
cell cycle control by, 876, 883f
cyclins and activity of, 884–885
fluctuation of, 876
genetically engineered, 887
regulators of activity of, 885–886, 885t
roles of, 883t
CDK activity and, 884–885
regulators of activity of, 885–886, 885t
Cycloheximide, 527
Cyclosome, 886
Cyclosporine, 1120
Cysteine, 44
Cystic fibrosis, 255, 255f, 261, 494, 494f, 646
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein (CFTR), 485, 494, 494f, 646
Cytochalasin D, 791–792
Cytochrome c, 1018
Cytochrome c oxidase, 542, 545–546, 549, 549f
Cytochrome P-
Cytokeratins, 863
Cytokine receptors, 726–733, 727f
binding to receptors, 728–730, 729f
HSC regulation by, 994
inflammatory, 758
T cells production of, 1123–1124
Cytokinesis, 778, 807f, 859–860, 876
daughter cells created by, 903
Cytoplasm, 8
mRNA degradation in, 445–447, 446g
Cytoplasmic dense bodies, 864
Cytoplasmic dynein, 838
Cytoplasmic inheritance, 524, 525f
Cytoplasmic mRNPs, 419
Cytoplasmic poly(A)-binding protein (PABPC/PABPC1), 195, 451
Cytoplasmic polyadenylation, 451–452, 452f
Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE), 451
Cytoplasmic sorting signals, 642t
Cytoplasmic streaming, 810, 810f
Cytoskeletal fibers, 13f
Cytoskeletal filaments, 14f
Cytoskeletal proteins, 7
Cytoskeleton, 271, 777, 777f, 778f
actin, 815f
coordination and cooperation between elements of, 867–868
Page I-9
of epithelial cells, 776f
functions of, 12
Ca2+ concentrations, 489, 713, 713f
calcium concentrations in, 709
cholesterol synthesis in, 295–296
membrane protein N-
misfolded protein degradation in, 607–608
muscle relaxation and, 486
NAD+ and NADH concentrations, 535–536, 536f
plasmodesmata connecting, 969–970, 970f
unassembled protein subunits degradation in, 607–608
Cytosolic face, 275
Cytosolic leaflets, 281–282
Cytosolic proteins, 99–100
autophagic pathway transporting, 667–669
lysosomes receiving, 667–669
nuclear transport and, 624f
Cytotoxic T cells (CTLs), 1104, 1105, 1106f
CD8 co-
cell killing by, 1123f